The Difference between the 2 Parts labeled as the Part of Astrology

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Oct 12, 2007
Alta California
The are two formulae both labeled as the Part of Astrology by some sources, some label them both as the Part of Messages & Astrology.
In my comprehensive list that is in this sub-forum [an ongoing project and far from conclusive or finalized] I have the two Parts, the formulae for which are are:
Asc. + Mercury - Uranus labeled as also possibly being, as taken from what sources I was able to find, "Eccentricity"

Asc. + Uranus - Mercury as also possibly being "Originality" and possibly also "Eccentricity"

Many of you probably already know that I consider Asc. + Mercury - Uranus to be the formula that is concerned with Astrology and that I have termed the the latter as "Omens & Signs"

I've finally come to a much more studied conclusion.

Asc. + Mercury - Uranus is, yes, about Astrology but it is more than that. It is about those "signs" we can find in the stars and all things in nature that anyone with the right tools, knowledge or appropriate facility of intelligence can see, discern, and interpret.

Asc. + Uranus - Mercury is about those "signs" and, or, "omens" that are given to each one of us personally...they may even be those concerning you exclusively.

I will use the two Parts derived from my own natal chart for examples in demonstration here.

My Asc. + Mercury - Uranus, that which I have been labeling as solely a Part of Astrology, is derived to be at 29* Leo 48' 28", that is to say it is in the 30th degree of Leo and the Sabian Symbol for that degree is [from Dane Rudhyar's book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala"]


The realization by the individual that all thoughts and all messages are inevitably to be shared with all men.

Coming as it does as the end of this tenth scene and linked with the last degree of the zodiacal sign, Leo, this symbol seems at first quite puzzling; when it has been thought of as an isolated symbol, its essential meaning has not been apparent. The fact that a letter is unsealed does not imply a trust that other people will not read its contents, but rather the idea that the contents are for all men to read. The letter contains a public message in the sense that when man has reached the stage of true mental repolarization and development — which we see in the very first symbol for Leo — he has actually become a participant in the One Mind of humanity. Nothing can really be hidden, except superficially and for a brief time. What any man thinks and deeply realizes becomes the property of all men. Nothing is more senseless than possessiveness in the realm of ideas. If God speaks to a man, Man hears the word. Nothing can remain permanently 'sealed'.

As this thirtieth sequence of five symbols ends, it is made clear to us, and particularly to the inherently proud Leo type, that all that takes form within the mind of a man belongs to all men. Communication and
SHARING must always prevail over the will to glorify oneself by claiming sole possession of ideas and information.

In the eleven years I have been posting online in a number of forums throughout the internet I have run into many an astrologer that charges for their services as an astrologer and everyone of them that claims to have "discovered" a technique, that has become privy to special knowledge, has stated that they don't share it because it is proprietary and to their advantage to keep it their secret.

I, on the other hand, share everything I discover. I have even posted online just about every bit of information in the book I wrote and by doing so I knowingly, and willingly, forfeited any and all royalties due me.

What is derived from the other formula, Asc. + Uranus - Mercury, that Part I have been labeling the "Part of Omens & Signs is found to be at 04* Aquarius 32' 16", that is the 5th degree of Aquarius and the Sabian Symbol for which is [ibid.]


The Root foundation of past performances which power and sustain whatever decision is made in a crisis by an individual.

The whole past of mankind stands behind any individual effort, especially in times of critical decisions. The endeavor of the priests who built the California missions had behind it the whole past of Catholic proselytizing, i.e. the attempt to bring the 'Good News' to all people of the Earth. Every individual is far more dependent upon the strength of their ancestors' achievements — or oppressed by their failures and lack of vision — than they usually believe. This can mean a hidden foundation of individual strength, or the inertia of a tradition unable to transcend its limited origins.

This is the last symbol in the sixty-first five-fold sequence. It suggests that in many situations
RELIANCE UPON PRECEDENTS will enable the aspirant to greatness to tap the power of their deepest roots.

I have been the recipient of a number of personally given signs over the years, mostly in the last 22 years. I mentioned a number of them here in this forum over the last eleven years I have been a member.

As I am lead to, advised to, believe that I am the soul reborn, reincarnated, that Rudolph Steiner predicted would return in time for the beginning of the 21st century and also mention by author Trevor Ravenscroft in his book "The Cup of Destiny and which I no longer have any doubt that I am. I satisfy all the criteria set by Steiner...and such was confirmed by two highly reputable, yet independent of one another, clairvoyants... then I am of the bloodline of the House of David. Aside from all of that I am the only one that did show up in the time frame predicted that accomplished what was predicted. [or I probably should say prophesied?] Allegedly this bloodline I can trace back through my mothers family all the way back to the first century A.D. to the area now known as Glastonbury, England and either Joseph/Yosef of Arimathea or James/Ya'aqov, brother of Jesus/Yeshu'a, and the First Bishop of Jerusalem. The two came to Breton in 42 A.D. [C.E.. for those that prefer] and established the very first Church of Christianity, predating that of Peter's in Rome, as to which the Roman Catholic church no longer denies and each took a local woman to be a wife. Their progeny continued on and my mothers' family Richard and Margery Hough [nee Clowes] Quakers, left Cheshire, England in 1683 and came to Pennsylvania aboard Captain Cook's ship, the H.M.S. Endeavor.. Cheshire is about 180 miles North of Glastonbury.

Thus being said, you can figure out for yourselves just who my ancestors are.

Usually I resort to using that chart I produced that I am convinced of as being the true natal chart of Jesus/Yeshu'a of Nazareth. It is the reason I titled the book I wrote about it "A Template for the Time" because it is a template from which to study and understand astrology.I like to sometimes refer to it as "the Rosetta Stone" of astrology.
But the Sabian Symbols that correspond to these same two Parts that have been derived from that natal chart are too difficult for me as yet to understand as how they relate to their different precepts as concerning the Man from Nazareth. I may yet figure it out or surely someone, someday, will do so.

I do, however, see some interesting takes on the two same Parts derived from the natal chart of the USA [the "Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania] as the one derived from the formula Asc. + Mercury - Uranus is also the same degree, the 8th of Gemini, as is the Part of Destiny [M.C. + Sun - Moon] [ibid.]


The disruptive power of the ambitious mind upon the organic wholeness of human relationship.

We are dealing in this sequence of symbols with man's discovery of the new powers residing in his special contribution to the total organism of this planet Earth — his consciousness and aggressive mind. The first stage (Phase 66) dealt with oil, the typical form of energy which the modern mind has made available. (These symbols were revealed before atomic energy was even thought of as a practical possibility.) Now we see in this new symbol a pictorial indication of what the use of this intellect-generated energy inevitably leads to: industrial unrest and violence. As man manages to rape the earth in order to demonstrate his power and intensify his pleasures and his sense of proud mastery, conflicts and disruptive processes are inevitably initiated.

The arousal is presented to us here in its collective social form because we have reached the emotional-cultural level. The type of power generated by the analytical intellectual faculties is essentially disruptive; it is based on the destruction of matter, and invites egocentric hoarding and spoliation — and, in general, privileges of one kind or another. This leads to a

The Astrological Part derived from the formula Asc. + Uranus - Mercury for that same natal chart for the U.S.A. is the same degree, the 6th of Pisces, as the 12th House Cusp of the same natal chart. The 12th House cusp reveals through the Sabian Symbolism found for it's Sign and degree what that entity believes is the answer to the greatest problem confronting the world.

I find this most intriguing as to what president Trump recently requested and was done at his behest. [ibid.]


The dedication of human beings to the service of their community, and the assurance that it will be emotionally sustained by the people at large.

Here we see at work the emotion-rousing appeal of social activities which demand the surrendering by the individual of his personal way of life, his opinions and his comfort. The socializing process is pictured in all its intensity but what is implied even more is the support that the socialized person can expect from the collectivity if he is ready to act and to sacrifice himself for the nation or the group.

This is the first symbol of the sixty-eighth series. It allegorizes the power generated by a totally accepted and enforced collective discipline, and the exaltation and mass response which he who has achieved this self-surrender to a social tradition can expect in return.
The Keyword is

I do have to wonder if the president, or one of his key advisers, has caught on to what I've been demonstrating here on the internet as for the reason putting on that Mayday parade president Trump wanted surely had a very positive impact on American society as a whole as whether or not anyone consciously realized it, they would have had to subconsciously recognize it as being that "answer" symbolically and found themselves inexplicably pleased at once with the president and the state of the nation.

It's almost noon here and I've not slept yet since yesterday afternoon when I had a long nap... but a "nap'" is all it was. So, I must close now but I will return to further analyze what these Parts from the USA natal chart might indicate through their Sabian Symbols regarding the two different Astrological Parts as they concern the USA... or I should say, I'll give it my best shot.
If not later today then hopefully before the week is over. I don't spend as much time on writing for the internet as I used to do ... I've learned my limitations so as to keep myself from ''burning out". It's not how fast you run the race, that is all important, it's whether you finish it or not.

Anyone else have any examples for these two different formulae derived from their own natal chart or that of someone of historical or biographical notoriety that they can demonstrate in support of my theory, or otherwise, please feel free and most welcome by me to post here and do so.
I had forgotten that I should also mention that the 5th degree of Aquarius, that Sign and degree found for my Part of Personal Signs, Asc. + Uranus - Mercury also happened to be the Post natal Full Moon Part of Hyleg [see my thread "The King of Parts..."] and also just happened to be the Desc. of the chart of that Full Moon, the Part of Fortune for that chart as well as the Sign and degree of the North Node of that chart.

Crazy, isn't it?

Here's that post natal Full Moon Chart of mine

29-30* Leo and Cancer are lucky degrees in astrology, they may be related to both astrology, fortunes, opportunities and procreation. I can see the cusp of Cancer and Leo have to do with babies and parenting, a favorable birth date. And the "sealed letter" for cusp Leo-Virgo may have to do with lotteries, prizes, sweepstakes and winning chances. I like to figure out my 2 parts of astrology in my natal charts and I used this site to configure what is my part of astrology (only has Asc+Uranus-Mercury).

Results: 29' 36" Pisces, the cusp of Aries - Also this is Astrology Day in the solar or western calendar falls on March 19th or 20th (which is tomorrow), the date of the vernal (northern hemisphere) or autumn (southern) equinoxes and the ending and beginning dates of the astrological zodiac year, and it explains my strong fascination with astrology (esp. my sun and moon sign Aquarius).
29-30* Leo and Cancer are lucky degrees in astrology, they may be related to both astrology, fortunes, opportunities and procreation. I can see the cusp of Cancer and Leo have to do with babies and parenting, a favorable birth date. And the "sealed letter" for cusp Leo-Virgo may have to do with lotteries, prizes, sweepstakes and winning chances. I like to figure out my 2 parts of astrology in my natal charts and I used this site to configure what is my part of astrology (only has Asc+Uranus-Mercury).

Results: 29' 36" Pisces, the cusp of Aries - Also this is Astrology Day in the solar or western calendar falls on March 19th or 20th (which is tomorrow), the date of the vernal (northern hemisphere) or autumn (southern) equinoxes and the ending and beginning dates of the astrological zodiac year, and it explains my strong fascination with astrology (esp. my sun and moon sign Aquarius).

I'm not quite sure what you wrote above. Is it that you found the opposite formula, the one I have dubbed to be more properly the "Part of Omens & Signs"to be that of your own Part of Astrology?

What, pray tell, did you derive from the other formula... I am able to check for myself as I do have a copy of your natal chart in my files, but you might do me the courtesy of posting it and saving me the trouble. I'm curious as to what the Sabian Symbol is for the both of them in comparison amounts to.

..and by the way, the Sabian Symbol for the 30th degree of Leo is "A UN-SEALED LETTER" ... not a sealed letter.

As I pondered this for a few minutes more, after I thought I had written all there is for me to say at this time, just before I clicked the "submit reply" button. I again thought that my conclusion had to be the correct one as to the formula, Asc. + Mercury - Uranus, being that of the Part of Astrology for reason that I do openly share with all what I learn about astrology and that I don't openly share all of the omens and signs I have seen, been given, [or at least those I BELIEVE were given as signs, and a few that I know were definitely provided by a "Higher Power" even if they were not meant to be taken as "signs", but I believe that some folks would definitely take them to be a sign of some kind or another.

Some of those, of which I am also referring to, being the result of prayer in times of crisis ...and also of which a few of those were instantly answered and quite demonstrably so. If I were to reveal them most people would scoff at what I wrote. Maybe as much as, if not even more than, 99% of all of those that read it.

But, I have to admit that the possibility does exist that maybe that is what I am supposed to do.

Yet, there definitely has to be a difference between what the two similar, but different, formulae produce.

I didn't know until I read your reply that there exists an "Astrology Day", and now having just consulted google, as I didn't see it being the theme for their home page today, I find that google says it is either March 19 or 20, depending on the year, but upon further inquiry google offers nothing as to which day of the two it is this year.

I guess I'll have to just wait and see what tomorrows theme is for the google home page?

In the meanwhile, I have to say that perhaps you may have come to the right conclusion, Cap'n? If I may call you that, sir?

If nothing else was my accomplishment in initiating this thread, so far, I may have just demonstrated why one should never rely on results provided by ones personal experiences in that it introduces subjectively derived conclusions into the scientific process of deduction, which should always been a solely objective process.

A very sincere, thank you, Cap'n. ..and a most humble one, too.
I checked the website you provided a link to and find that is the Libra Centre.
I know of the website and their calculator but as they provide the formulae for a limited number of Parts and for the reason they declare that formulae must be reversed for those born in the "p.m." as to the formulae given for "a.m." births being two very good reasons why I never recommend using their website for such calculations, but as most every Parts calculator available online declares the same, I do advise people that wish to utilize those calculators anyways to ignore what is given for "p.m." births and always use that given for "a.m." births.

Reversing a Parts formulae produces a different Part. But a Part oriented to the same subject.

For an example, such as the formulae for the Part of Intelligence and Skill, i.e. Asc. + Mars - Mercury, as most sources do so title it, although Libra Centre has given it two titles. One title given is the "Part of Administrators", which I don't recall offhand, although I may have it listed in my "List of Astrological Parts" thread, and I have to surmise that it is likely used by those that do horary charts for that kind of purpose. The other title they give it is the "Part of Action/Reasoning" which is another way of almost saying the same thing as for it is also a bit misleading. As the title "Intelligence and Skill" is defining the Part as that which you are most able to skillfully apply your intelligence to, which is not always necessarily something that you can "put into action' in the sense that you do it physically. Nor is it just any "reasoning" that you can put into "action"... or use "skillfully either, for that matter... as the Sabian Symbol for the Sign and degree that this Part is found in will identify as to what that "Intelligence" is that you are most able to apply "Skillfully". If you read Dane Rudhyar's book on the Sabian Symbols, "An Astrological Mandala" you will find that Dane has identified three different types of Sabian Symbols that come in sets of five degrees apiece, which He has labeled as "Levels" and numbered them as "First", "Second", and "Third". He wrote that the three Levels then reoccur every fifteen degrees.

The first five degrees, [1*-5*] i.e. the "First Level", of every Sign being "Actional" in symbolism, the second set of five degrees [6*-10*] , i.e. the "Second Level", being "Emotional-Cultural" in symbolism, and the third set of five degrees [11*-15*], i.e. the "Third Level", being "Individual-Mental" in symbolism. The degrees 15*-30* then repeat the process.

Once you have read Dane's marvelous book, you will acquire a far better understanding of how each Astrological Part is to be utilized, how to activate any particular Part to your benefit.

So, getting back to the example I chose to use, when the formula is reversed to Asc. + Mercury - Mars, which Libra Centre identifies it as a "Part of Disease"...!?!?!, wow, I'm nearly speechless... Luckily I'm not speaking but rather I am writing, :lol: That is a title given to that formula that I've never heard of before, nor seen in any writings, anywhere... and very frankly speaking, I think that whoever gave it that title at the Libra Centre should walk away from the keyboard and immediately retire from any further writing unless, and until, they come to their senses. Well, you will find that... or rather I should say that, you should find... if you do any searching, that most sources give it the title of either "Disputes" or "Lawsuits", although there are one or two, I forget how many, that also, or exclusively, identify it as the "Part of Luck-Release", which is a title I don't really know as to what it implies exactly, to this day I have assumed that those sources, [or it may have been a singular source I got that from] are implying that it is about "losing ones' luck", of which if they are, then all I can say is "good luck with that"...

[Well this has certainly turned out to be one long explanation for a given example, hasn't it?]

Getting back to the formula Asc. + Mars - Mercury, i.e. identified correctly as being a "Part of Intelligence and Skill", when reversed to Asc. + Mercury - Mars, which has been identified as being either a "Part of Disputes" or a "Part of Lawsuits" ...which I have to say is pretty much the same thing, but "Disputes" predate "Lawsuits" in the long history of mankinds' existence on this Earth... is actually much more accurately titled as being the "Part of Naivete", or titled as the "Part of Innocence", as my friend and notably gifted clairvoyant, Clarisse Conner, described it as being... as for what she "sees" it to be. As it is that, of which, you have the least amount of any intelligence, about of which, you might attempt to apply, much less "skillfully", and most assuredly not "skillfully" if any you haven't any intelligence pertaining to the subject at all.

So, now getting to the Astrological Parts here in question, those two produced by the formulae, Asc. + Mercury - Uranus and the opposite formula, Asc. +Uranus - Mercury, of which of the two Libra Centre identifies the former as being the "Part of Astrology" and the latter they have chosen the title of the "Part of Eccentricity", which is a title I do recognize as one of the three I found as given for the formula, along with the "Part of Originality" and also the "Part of Messages and Astrology". The other formula, Asc. + Mercury - Uranus, I also found to be given the "Part of Eccentricity" as well as the "Part of Astrology", but I never found a source that also gives it the title of "Messages and Astrology", as like it has been given to the other formula... and, there can be only one, "Part of Astrology" and the opposite formula can only be of a nature that is the opposite.

Now, a Part doesn't necessarily have to be solely about one subject, but whatever subject one does prove it to be of, the opposite formula must solely be about that subjects' opposite in nature. It is a fundamental law of this Universe, as Issac Newton would have stated it to be, or perhaps He even did? I don't know how much Issac Newton delved into the subject, the "science" of astrology. I do know that He tried to apply the scale of musical tonality to the Zodiac and failed at it... a puzzle that I believe I have solved and to which my, aforementioned, clairvoyant friend, Clarisse, concurs that I did so indeed, as to what she "sees" about the matter...but I digress. [I did just "toot my own horn" there, now, didn't I? I try not to do that as much as is possible, but since my ability at deductive reasoning has been called into question here, I thought it to be for the best to do so, given this opportunity, not as a final say, by any means but rather only for the reason I may have been so brash as to create this thread to begin with, as I apparently may have been a bit too confident of what I had arrived at in conclusion without further evidence from the natal charts of other people that I may have found in support of it.]

Unless Libra Centre is, by the choice of title they give to the opposite formula, that title being "Eccentricity", is implying that they regard anyone that avows that the use of astrological practices provides true and accurate results for psychological and, or, predictive applications, or that one that doesn't utilize such and, or disavows the use provides the same... or that anyone that avows that there exist such things as "Messages" be they derived from astrological applications, [or as I contend, that there exist both Omens & Signs" shown to us by the Grace of God and, or by His chosen emissaries, His "Messengers" from the "throne of Grace" itself] as being someone who is undeniably of an "Eccentric" nature, i.e. that which is defined as:[from google] "a person of unconventional and slightly strange views or behavior."
Where was I going with this? :unsure::pinched:

I think that for now, I'll just stick with what conclusions I have made so far and await input from other members that may, or may not, dissuade me otherwise.

Thanks ever so much for your contribution, as it will surely be a factor in eventually determining the accurate title in question here.

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My 2 parts of Astrology (AC + Mer - Ura, AC + Ura - Mer) is respectively 5°22' Aries and 4°32 Virgo, and the 2 Sabian Symbols of these parts are:
This is really the aspect of the astrology that I'm practicing, since astrology is about the stars and their meaning, and in this Sabian Symbol, the square symbolizes materiality and light symbolizes spirit of life, the spirit that is Godly and of thr unity consciousness of the whole universe, and experience only has a meaning when it is together with your knowledge, and in the opposite, knowledge is only 2D without experience, so these 2 things can't be alone without each other. For me, experience is a key to practice astrology, since astrology is multi-dimensional, means that the techniques, planets and everything inside astrology has multiple meaning of either a negative, positive, neutral or mixed nature, and these things depends on the emotional state of the practicioner that give the meanings to their clients, and this is also a key to Evolutionary Astrology, an astrological school that focuses on the emotional state of both clients and astrologers, for a positive reading of the astrological charts
I have been in another dimensions and also practice astrology in these other dimensions also. This is a key to Galactic Astrology, an astrological school that focuses on another dimensions, incarnations on fixed stars, nebulae and even galaxies (and also galaxies clusters, or maybe another universes also) (Notes: A 5D connection exists also when you have conjuncts and/or opposites to Galactic Center and Great Attractor) and the conjunctions of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto to these things indicates that your oldest life is in this object in the universe in a 5D+ dimension. Astrology that I'm practicing is also a multi-dimensional one, since I can sense that some people are starseeds...
My 2 parts of Astrology (AC + Mer - Ura, AC + Ura - Mer) is respectively 5°22' Aries and 4°32 Virgo, and the 2 Sabian Symbols of these parts are:
This is really the aspect of the astrology that I'm practicing, since astrology is about the stars and their meaning, and in this Sabian Symbol, the square symbolizes materiality and light symbolizes spirit of life, the spirit that is Godly and of thr unity consciousness of the whole universe, and experience only has a meaning when it is together with your knowledge, and in the opposite, knowledge is only 2D without experience, so these 2 things can't be alone without each other. For me, experience is a key to practice astrology, since astrology is multi-dimensional, means that the techniques, planets and everything inside astrology has multiple meaning of either a negative, positive, neutral or mixed nature, and these things depends on the emotional state of the practicioner that give the meanings to their clients, and this is also a key to Evolutionary Astrology, an astrological school that focuses on the emotional state of both clients and astrologers, for a positive reading of the astrological charts
I have been in another dimensions and also practice astrology in these other dimensions also. This is a key to Galactic Astrology, an astrological school that focuses on another dimensions, incarnations on fixed stars, nebulae and even galaxies (and also galaxies clusters, or maybe another universes also) (Notes: A 5D connection exists also when you have conjuncts and/or opposites to Galactic Center and Great Attractor) and the conjunctions of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto to these things indicates that your oldest life is in this object in the universe in a 5D+ dimension. Astrology that I'm practicing is also a multi-dimensional one, since I can sense that some people are starseeds...
As I prefer Rudhyar's inerpretations to any other, I thought that I'd post what Dane said about Virgo 5* here. [ibid.]
The opening of new levels of consciousness.

In the first of this sequence of five symbols we saw the individual seeking to bring out of everyday contacts a consciousness of significant form and meaning. Now, as the sequence ends, a further stage of realization is shown in its initial and relatively primitive character. The consciousness is gradually reaching beyond physical characteristics and becoming aware of energy processes, i.e. of the dynamism of forces which externalize themselves as life forms.

This is the last stage of the thirty-first five-fold sequence of phases of the cyclic process of consciousness. The mind in its objectivizing and analytical character always tends to give "name and form" (nama and rupa in Sanskrit) to that which it contacts as energy process. It "images forth" energy or feeling, relating it to more or less familiar sense experience. We call this IMAGINATION. "
By the way, FYI... since I initiated this thread years ago I've gotten a DNA analysis. I have 0.2% Ashkenazi Jewish DNA and 0.2% Siberian Asian DNA [as the two are almost always found together in the DNA of Eastern European Jews. As it was my sister that had the DNA analysis done I don't know if the source is maternal or paternal. I also have 0.2% Congolese-Ugandan DNA and, although it can't be verified due to the fact that at present there are only two Native American tribes that can be identified, we do know that we have a 6xs great grandmother that we are rather positive was a Powhaten. That would amout to 1/128th and by conversion to decimal it comes to 0.78%. I'm sldo 51% Campania Italian, 44.5% English-Irish, 4.5% German-French and those figures may be off a shosh, as I don't have the results handy at the moment, but it all adds up to that I'm about 98.8% Caucasian. Yet I am a mix of Red, Black, Yellow, and White racially. [But there is also a possibility that the 6xs great grandmother of mine was half African American and half Powhaten, which was quite common over 200 years ago as so many slaves that escaped, from the Virginia area, were accepted into the scattered tribal units of the Powhaten.]
The more racially mixed you are the more spiritually advanced you are... by my reasoning based on the Edgar Cayce readings. As each race has one particular "sense" accentuated, according to Cayce. One would have to be more spiritually advanced to handle the accentuated senses.
The above is also my assumption that Ashkenazi Jews are Caucasians... which may very well not be true. Going by what Cayce said and what Sigmund Frued concluded in his book "Moses and Monotheism", the Jews ancestrally came from Atlantis. They built the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx and the, hidden and yet to be found, "Hall of Records". If these conclusions are correct then the Hebrews were originally, exclusively, of the Red race.
My point of this post is to further coroborate my belief to be the reincarnation of Parsival [Piercethevale] as per Rudolf Steiner. As my clairvoyant friend, Clarisse, said that it comes from the two that arrived in old Braeton around 42 A.D. then one might assume that the Ashkenazi Jews might be the ones most directly related to the Essenes? Not the converted Khazars as many nowadays claim them to be..... although there is probably a lot in the mix after 2000 years.
To David:
This is interesting... I think my ancestry is as diverse as yours, as I'm mainly Yellow (Vietnamese/Chinese) and White (Italian with German/Norwegian roots), with some Black, even Red roots too (Red = Native, and I think I have Selk'nam/Ona ancestry from my white side, since I have a cousin in Argentina. P/S: Native North/South Americans were Asian dozens of millenia ago). Imum Coeli on Virgo 14 Sabian Symbol, perhaps.
To David:
This is interesting... I think my ancestry is as diverse as yours, as I'm mainly Yellow (Vietnamese/Chinese) and White (Italian with German/Norwegian roots), with some Black, even Red roots too (Red = Native, and I think I have Selk'nam/Ona ancestry from my white side, since I have a cousin in Argentina. P/S: Native North/South Americans were Asian dozens of millenia ago). Imum Coeli on Virgo 14 Sabian Symbol, perhaps.
Native Americans were originally from Atlantis. The Eastern seabord of the USA was the Western extreme of Atlantis... all according to Edgar Cayce....although, Yes, some Asians came here to this newer continent too. The Navajo claim to be other than of the Red race, the Hopi and the Zuni, agree with that declaration, and they are the Navajo two most closest neighbors. I would be willing to wager that he North American tribes, and the more so the further North one goes, have some Asian DNA... especially the Inuit. Whom ever erected those stone heads [not a doper joke] on Easter Island were likely Pacific Islanders and Pacific Islanders are parially of the Brown race...whic may be exinct... although, last i heard, the Aborigine of Australia and Tazmania/New Zealand may be the last pure blooded Browns? They're accentuated sense is the sense of smell... meaning that they have the greatest memory abilities.

I have Part of Service in the 14th of Virgo... [see what I wrote above about this alleged blood relationship I have with the House of David] as Dane Rudhyar gave the Sabian Symbol for the 14th degree of Virgo as [ibid.]

: A deep reliance upon the ancestral roots of individual character.

Stressed here is the fact that the power available to any man in time of crisis and decision has very deep roots in the past, whether the past of physical ancestry or the past outlined by a series of previous embodiments conditioned by some dominant purpose and by the many-phased development of a particular type of complex character. True spontaneity and creativity are always based on a structured sequence of antecedents if they are at all genuinely spiritual, i.e. if they are able to meet a collective need. Only the actions that are necessary — even if only in the long run — for meeting such a need can actually be called 'spiritual'.

This fourth stage symbol, strange as it may seem to many people — especially young people of our day — suggests a technique which, at critical times, must be used. It characterizes the means for true 'success". One returns to the roots in order to produce the flowering of personality, if this flower is to bring forth a living seed.
ROOT POWER is essential to seed-achievement."
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