The Duke of Westminster marries... was it a Karmic connection?

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Jul 24, 2010
Yesterday in the UK the society wedding of the year took place, between one of the most eligible bachelors, a billionaire of a historic English noble family, and his commoner (not royal) fiancé.

There are many articles about the couple and the wedding, here is the link to just one for those who haven't followed the event and would like to see some background.
So, astrologically, the wedding and the vows set the theme for a marriage and a couple's life together.
The wedding was scheduled for noon in the church of Chester, UK.
The chart I've posted is for 12:30, approximately the moment the vows were actually taken.
At 1pm they were out of the church, so a mid-way time should not be too far off.

The birth chart of the bride is not available, the Duke was born Jan. 29,1991 in Westminster, but no TOB is available.
So we can't do a synastry chart, but his transits on the day are what we might expect for someone being married, one of the most important events of a person's life:
Jupiter transiting is exactly conjunct natal mars.
Pluto transiting exactly conjunct natal NN/saturn.
Neptune transiting exactly trine NN.
Mercury transiting sextile natal Jupiter and trine natal sun. Happy positive thoughts!
Marriage is love.
His venus is at 0 Pisces, making no current aspects except for a semi-sextile with transiting Pluto.
His progressed chart has Venus at 11 Aires almost exactly square progressed Uranus.
This progressed venus is almost exactly conjunct the wedding NN, shades of Karma working out.

The chart has virgo rising, ruled by mercury.
A mutable sign on the ascendent is generally not a good idea for what should be a permanent situation.
Juno the asteroid of marriage and commitment is near conjunct the ascendant, and squares mercury.
Mercury is in the 10th house, in fact this was a very high profile wedding.
The 7th house is Pisces, whose ruler is Jupiter in the 10th.
The ascendent and the 7th represent the two parties in the marriage, and their coming together in union.
They are conjunct at the MH in gemini. More mutable signs involved here!
However, the conjunction is separating.
Asteroid Karma is exactly at the midpoint of Mercury and Jupiter!
So we expect this is a marriage that absolutely was written in destiny!
Asteroid Priapus H22, symbolising a compulsive desire to merge physically and totally, is exactly conjunct NN.
Again, destiny playing out.
Depending on the exact moment of the vows, the NN/SN positions could change, but they should probably remain in the 2nd/8th houses, a very important placement given that he is the wealthiest under-40s man in the UK, even wealthier than King Charles!!

Back to the 7th house, saturn is sitting there! Why?
This couple is not old, and they have known each other for only 3 years.
His natal Sun is in Aquarius, ruled by Saturn, is this the link?
Saturn in the wedding chart rules the 5th (love, romance and importantly children... heirs) and the 6th (work, health, and the wealth of the children). Saturn is duty, as well as commitment and also coldness and separation.
Interesting placement.
Asteroid Agapenor, unconditional love, is exactly trine Saturn, which is a saving grace in this chart.
Love and marriage.
Sun and Venus are conjunct in the 10th house.
However this conjunction is also separating, and both Sun and Venus are approaching a square to the 7th house Saturn!
Again, the Sun/Venus conjunction involves gemini, a very mutable sign, and both ruled by the Mercury ascendent ruler.
So we know who will be wearing the pants in this family! He rules everything! But probably not with a very heavy hand, given that gemini tends to be a butterfly rather than a bull!
And, not least of importance, the Moon!
It too is in gemini, and makes only one aspect... a square to Neptune! Moon represents the female in the couple.
Neptune is co-ruler of the 7th, it is in the 7th, although possibly in the 8th, depending on a real adjusted timing of the chart.
Venus and Mars are also important planets to consider in a marriage.
Here we have Venus in flighty gemini, and Mars in aggressive Aires.
Mars is in the 8th, this could change depending on the exact timing, but it is near the end of the sign.
So mars will soon change energy, entering Venus's realm of Taurus.
However at that point Mars will square Pluto, in the 5th house of children.
Asteroid Child is in the 5th house conjunct Pluto, and inconjunct the Moon. Strife?
A Mars/Pluto square is one of the most difficult energies to handle, and this will certainly put stress on the relationship.
To conclude, there are a couple more interesting asteroid connections in the chart. The chart would be too cluttered if they are all entered, so here is a short list:
Asteroid Groom is at 19 Taurus.
Asteroid Olivias (the bride's name) is at 22 taurus, so we see Bride and Groom together.
Asteroid Amor is conjunct these two asteroids.
Asteroid Fidelio at 21 virgo is trine Olivias and Groom and Uranus.
Which bodes very well.
Asteroid Bried, is at 27 Leo in the 12 house, almost exactly trine mars in the 8th. And of course, the bride made an enormous jump in wealth with this marriage.
Lastly, Asteroid Union at 21 Leo in the 12th house squares Uranus at 24 Leo in the 9th house.
So, how would you evaluate this wedding?
It seems like a love match, a karmic relationship, but with quite challenging times ahead of them.
All that glitters is not gold?

One side comment, a lot was written about the shoes that both the flower girls and the bride wore.
Black or very dark blue, and chunky!
Wouldn't that be Saturn (sturdy and dark) in the house of the bride?

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Here is the noon natal chart of the Duke of Westminster, TOB unknown.

Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 11.28.20.png
Such a fascinating event chart, ElenaJ! Here are a few Thoughts on the Sabian Symbols for the 12:30 PM chart of the Duke's wedding. In short, it's all here: a dynasty, royalty, the divine right (of kings), family tree, a royal wedding.

Sun and Venus @ 17GE = Gemini 18 (Two Chinese men speaking Chinese.)

I know this seems odd but understand something about American cultural history.
We all know that America was settled in the East by Europeans. On the West Coast, Chinese arrived perhaps as early as the late 1700s.

Chinese immigrants began coming to America in significant numbers during the mid-19th century, particularly with the California Gold Rush which started in 1848. Many Chinese laborers, known as "coolies," were initially attracted by the prospect of gold but later found work in various industries, most notably in the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad in the 1860s. However, smaller numbers of Chinese had arrived even earlier, with records showing Chinese presence in the United States as early as the late 18th century.​

One thing few know is that in addition to the name "coolie" used for laborers, people from China were also referred to as "Celestials." That term "celestial" then has two distinct but related meanings:

noun: An inhabitant of heaven. Of or relating to heaven; divine: celestial beings.
noun: (obsolete, sometimes capitalized) A native of China.
noun: (obsolete, slang) by extension, an East Asian person.
noun: (historical) a person from the Celestial Empire (usually associated with the Qing Dynasty)

Why this matters will be obvious when we consider the position of Mars...

Mars @ 28AR = Aries 29 (A celestial choir)

These three planets taken together give us a pair of "Chinese" "men" where the former means heavenly or divine (think divine right of kings) and the latter means "people" not two males. And then a choir of celestials where here it means a heavenly or divine grouping.

Jupiter and the Ascendant point to royalty and family and thus royal family

Jupiter @ 2GE = Gemini 3 (The garden of the Tuileries)

Created by Catherine de' Medici as the garden of the Tuileries Palace in 1564, it was opened to the public in 1667 and became a public park after the French Revolution. ...​
The Tuileries Palace was a royal and imperial palace in Paris which stood on the right bank of the Seine, directly in the west-front of the Louvre Palace. It was the Parisian residence of most French monarchs, from Henry IV to Napoleon III, until it was burned by the Paris Commune in 1871.​

Ascendant = 13V = Virgo 14 (A family tree)

Juno here represents the bride joining the family:

Juno @ 11VI = Virgo 12 (A bride with her veil snatched away)

I was intrigued by this wedding, not only because the groom was the most eligible bachelor in the UK!
The moon square neptune is a very intriguing aspect to find in a wedding chart.

Here is a progressed chart of the wedding event, with transits, which can give us a bit of an update at to how things are proceeding.
Note transiting mars opposing the wedding Pluto in 5th house.
The 5th of course can be children, so hopefully this does not bring on a miscarriage.

Transiting North node has recently been conjunct the wedding neptune, square wedding moon.
It is now proceeding towards the 8th house, finances, intimate sexual matters.

Transiting jupiter should help to sooth much of this by conjunction with the wedding venus/sun.

Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 21.05.24.png
Thanks for this progressed chart, ElenaJ! I will have a look at it tomorrow.

Your mention of children/family reminded me of a symbol i didn't mention before: the one associated with Chiron which is in the 8th house.

Chiron @ 22AR = Aries 23 (A woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load)

Nadir @ 8SG is the (4th house cusp of home and family, ancestry and heritage, maternal figures) Sagittarius 9 (A mother with her children on stairs).

These are in addition to the Ascendant @ 13VI (A family tree) as shown above

I was intrigued by this wedding, not only because the groom was the most eligible bachelor in the UK!
The moon square neptune is a very intriguing aspect to find in a wedding chart.

Here is a progressed chart of the wedding event, with transits, which can give us a bit of an update at to how things are proceeding.
Note transiting mars opposing the wedding Pluto in 5th house.
The 5th of course can be children, so hopefully this does not bring on a miscarriage.

Transiting North node has recently been conjunct the wedding neptune, square wedding moon.
It is now proceeding towards the 8th house, finances, intimate sexual matters.

Transiting jupiter should help to sooth much of this by conjunction with the wedding venus/sun.

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Chiron @ 22AR = Aries 23 (A woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load)

Nadir @ 8SG is the (4th house cusp of home and family, ancestry and heritage, maternal figures) Sagittarius 9 (A mother with her children on stairs).
"..Little is known about how married life has been for the couple, who have said that they plan to make Chester their home. On a tour of local charities before their big day, Olivia revealed that she and Hugh would be ‘slowly transitioning to move up from London and be much more permanent here and really putting roots down,’ in the area."