The Illuminatti...a Creation of the Priory of Sion

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Oct 5, 2006
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Priory of sion
The illuminati as well the the Rosicrucian’s, masons ,la fronde and other less known”secrets “societies are all the product of a shadowy of kabbalistic society called the priory of sion which was established in Jerusalem in 1099 by Godfrey of Bouillon, the conqueror and ruler of Jerusalem . the priory of sion was given the ruins of a 600bc byzantine church on mount sion which had monastic order, the Abbey of Our Lady of Mount Zion, built on it ,just south of city walls of Jerusalem.

The purpose , as insinuated in visigothic documents discovered in pillars of the ancient church in Rennes-le-Château in southern france in1892, was to put the Merovingian blood line back on the throne of france from which the Merovingian dynasty had loss after the assassination of the last significant Merovingian king,dagobert11 in 715 ad.

The Merovingian’s claimed lineage to the tribe of Benjamin and the blood line of jesus which flowed threw them.

Though this may seem utterly preposterous ,but consider a historical facts about Jesus blood immediate family and blood line .
According to Eusebius’s,gospel history, Jesus immediate family including james,jude and Thomas (the twin) were known as the Desposyni which means “ the masters people”.

In 318 and the 8 Desposyni leaders met with Bishop Sylvester of Rome,(the term Pope was not used exclusively for the Pope in rome until the 11th century ad).
The demanded that the bisphorics of jerusalem,Antioch,Ephesus and Alexandria be turned over to them as they were the descendants of yeshua(the name jesus was not used until 400 years ago with the translation of the king james bible.)

318 ad was before the council at nicea during which Constantine the great ordered the bishops of christdom to vote to proclaim jesus as a god.

So why should jesus blood line have any political power?

The synoptic(meaning” of the same eye”) gospels,matthew,mark and luke
are supposed to describe the same things. But biblical researcher agree that there are only a few lines that are identical in these gospels. These gospels are not the same, even when describing the same episode.

But one description is common to all the gospels, on the cross the romans affixed a tablet proclaiming jesus was “king of the jews.”
This is pretty much passed over as unimportant, but one must remember that by roman law,no one could be crucified unless the offense they were crucified for was posted along with their body.

So apparently. Yeshua/jesus was in fact of royal lineage and was the rightful king of the jews and jerusalem.

In Holy blood holy grail , Geoffrey de bouillon,above paragraph , was of Merovingian descent and hence was of the blood of jesus. Geoffrey de bouillon

was the leaders of the first crusade which captured jerusalem. mock crusaders planned to liberate Jerusalem and then return to france,but goddfrey liquidated all his landholding as he had no plans to return to france once jersualem was captured because he was in essence regaining his heritage as ruler of Jerusalem because his blood line connected him to o jesus, king of the jews.
Goddfrey did not take the title of king of Jerusalem. He only considered himself a vassal of Daimbert, patriarch of Jerusalem.after his death, his brother was not so shy and took the title of king baldwin1,kingof Jerusalem .

The priory of sion worked for1000 years to but back a Merovingian ruler in France and Europe.
The priority of sion reated the the knights Templar, the rosecrucian and the masonic order to undermine political stability throughout the last 1500 years so as to create an environment to reinstate the throne of the Merovingian’s.

Ironically, if marie antionette and her young son the dauphin of france had of survived the French revolution, the Merovingian blood line would have seen reinstated in france because Marie Antoinette was of Merovingian descent .

The hidden importance of the Merovingian blood line to legitimize a royal family was not lost on napoleon. When he proclaimed himself emperor, he had his genealogist research all the pedigrees of the eligible woman in paris. He married Josephine because she was of Merovingian descent. Napolean adopted josephines daughter and her niece ,princess stephania.
This explains a statement that befuddled historians for years because napoleon said that his adopted daughter and niece were “of royal blood”. Historians have wondered for years. What royal blood?

Pierre plantard who died on 3 February 2000 (aged 79) claimed to be of the Merovingian bloodline and the hidden history of the priory of sion was first made public by him in 1956.
He was sued in the1990s and forced to recant,but authors Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln had by then found historical reference to the priory of sion dating back to the11th century which corroborated some of plantards “hidden history”.

The reason this topic has been suppressed by Wikipedia and many others is because even up to the 20 century the priory of sion has worked to install an jewish religious monarchy in france and in Europe .

Author biagent even commented that throughout the years of research for this book,it seemed that someone was trying to guide him to certain conclusions . but in 1982 the idea of a reinstatement of a religious monarch seemed asurd.

But today this is not so far fetched because netanyahu has proclaimed Israel as a Jewish state with no mention of addition Netanyahu has turned the rabbinate into a kabbalistic rabbinate instead of the tradition or torahic rabbinate that existed since the modern establishment of Israel.

And Netanyahu’s likud party is currently dedicated to establishing a religious monarchy under the mold of king david in isreal…….. and the world, if one looks at the militarist actions and world out look of Netanyahu .

And today the modern arm of the priory of sion is the illuminati.
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questions always arise as how could there be hidden jewish blood running in the veins of French/European aristocracy. one instance, that had escape history for hundreds of years until the 1970's ,was the kingdom of septimania located in southern France, which stretch from the pyrennes to the languedoc area of southern france, with it's capital at the city of narboone

this area of France had always had a large jewish population dating back probably to 130bc or so as the Israelite had a close connection with the Phoenicians who were a maritime civilization.

the moslems conquered the Iberian peninsula beginning in 711 and pushed over the pyrennes capturing septicemia and truning it into a caliphate.the mosl;ems had always had good relations with their jewish residents and so the Jewish population of septimania received the Moslem overlord.
charles martel began pushing the moslems out in
charles martel attempted to push the Moslems out of France and in 732, but narbonne could not ne taken. his heir pepin111 laid siege to narbonne,the last moslem bastion around 752. but the city would not fall. so pepin offered the jews of narbonne akingdom of their own if the would open the gates of thenarboone, which is what they did 759. the jew open the gates at night and pepins army destroyed the moslem defenders. as a rewar they were given a kingdom which was recognized by the pope and by the jewish exliarchs of babylon who were the center of world jewry in that age. a king was sent from babylon named is Natronai ben Zabinai, a Persian name.he was most likely a sephardic jew.
this kingdom existed for about 140 years.

the history of this period is very complicated and somewhat obscure.
you might read the threads below to get a idea of how differently different authors describe this time period.

the fullest understanding of this period is found in holy blood holy grail.
after the kingdom fell the last king theoric's blood line continued in the kingdom of anjou and lorraine and hence into modern times.
william the conquerer defeated the saxons in inengland in 1066,but he was not of royal blood and hence could not become king. so he married a princess of anjou,who had Merovingian blood,and began the plantagenet dynasty in england, which lasted did the death of richard plantagenet the last plantagenet king, who died at the battle of bosworth field in august 22 1485

the priory of sion was not created until 1099, but the cultural dynamics that lead to Geoffrey de bouillon conquering jerusalem stem from this "hidden" epoch .

the story of the Merovingian is much more mystical, and their jewish lineage has been obscured throughout history.
but the assassination of dagobert and the end of the Merovingian includes the betrayal of the Merovingians by the pope. so deep was this treachery, that the name of dagobert11 was erased from the annals of french kings until the 16th century.

so the hidden history of the priory of sion's attempt yo put the Merovingian back on the throne is convoluted and has been obscured by historians every since his death
he is a site to down load holy blood holy grail

this is an import book as it shows the hidden dynamics of history that have influenced European history for over a 1000 years.

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Merovingain document
holy blood holy grail by baigent,Leigh and Lincoln beginning with the discovery of parchments dating ot the Visigoths.
The priory of sion was came out of centuries of mystery in 1956 when several books about the priory of sion were published. But the most important documents were in the bibliotheque nationale In paris. But the mystery here was that any book written in France had to be registered at the bibliotheque nationale. Names and place of the publisher had to be included. But the what became called the “secret dossiers” had vague address and anonymous publishers. So how how didn these documents, which were added to over the years be registered with the French government. It turned out aman named pierrie plantard was involved in these papers. He was not a anonymous person and had been a hero during ww2. In addition he was president of France for one day when the government was transferred over to Charles de gaulle the end of the ww2. The name pantard went back to the descendants of the Merovingian kings. And he claimed descent from the Merovingian and like all descendant of the Merovingian’s to have the blood of Jesus.

Plantard was source of much of the information of the priority of sion. The statement of the priority of sion was to reestablish the reign of the Merovingian in France and ultimately in the world.
But what could be the purpose of reinstating an ancient bloodline in the 20th century? the parchments were written in ciphers. some easy to interpret and other more difficult but addition both parchment seemed to accentuated points that seemed to be map vectors . these points when joined together formed geometric shapes but were a bit confused.
"But if some of the ciphers are daunting in their complexity, others are patently, even flagrantly obvious. In the second parchment, for instance, the raised letters, taken in sequence, spell out a coherent message."
the society of sions purpose as revealed when the society surfaced after more than a 1000 years, was to place the Merovingian blood line back on the throne of france.
dagobert 11 was the last true Merovingian king and had been assassinated by the complicity of the bishop(pope) of rome
So one must start with examining what was so important about the Merovingian.
The Merovingian’s were sacred kings of the franks but there is a latent misconception here.
the Goths were the only tribes with a religious/kingship history . the most ancient families were powerful in part because the descended the closest to their god Gaut.the Goths gave rise to the Salic laws which is called Teutonic law Salic law held equal status with roman law for 100’s of years. But the point being made is that no other tribal people had a religious/kingship descend. The franks were “freeman” meaning they were individuals with no sacred ties per se. the germens, allemande ,were “all men”, again status not gained through family decedent.
So the real question is how did the Merovingian’s become magical priest kings , who were born as sacred kings. Not anointment, no crown prince, a status unparalleled then or since then ,involved in addition ,their name is associated with astrology and Magic , as well as their insatiable sexual lust by some king and quenns some situation.

Where did this power come from.??

Little factual evidence exist for the origins of the Merovingian’s. they claimed descendent from Noah who they held in higher regard than Moses.They claimed direct descent from ancient troy , which could be the origin of Trojan names in France such as Paris and Troye. Modern writers including the author of the secret dossier, claim they descended from ancient Greece specially from the area called some uncertain date the Merovingian’s migrate up the Rhine to western Germany/.
The Merovingian’s emerged out of the sicambrian franks and settled in Ardennes region when the Huns caused the migration of sicambrian people and the goths. But the Merovingian’s were not at this point distinct. Even though the Merovingian’s were 4th in lineage among the invading peoples … the amal goths had a heritage that went back 11 generations… but the Merovingian only went back for four generations, yet they outranked all other royal blood. The Merovingian’s had a mystical beginning
The founder of the dyanasty was merovee(merovecg or meroveus). He was to be born to two fathers, king Claudio, and a unidentified sea creature when the kings wife was swimming in the merovee that two bloods, a frankish ruler and a mysterious aquatic creature. The dual blood endowed merovee with super human powers , the dynastry became associated with sorcery ,magic and the supernatural .Merovingian monarchs were reputed to be occult adepts, initiates in arcane sciences, practitioners of esoteric arts., called sorcerer kings or “thaumaturge” is said the tassel of their robes had miraculous properties and could heal by laying hands. They were clairvoyant and telepathic and could communicate with beasts.
the kings had a distinctive birth mark in the form of a red cross over their hearts or shoulder blades.there power resided in their hair and they were referred to as the “long haired kings”
Deuterononmy 33 contains a a blessing by moses.”the beloved of the lord shall dwell in safety by him and the lord shall cover him all day and he shall dwell between his shoulder”… is this remanence of the mark on Merovingian kings. they were regarded as priest kings . they did not serve by God’s grace but they were the embodiment of the Divine, incarnations of God… such as Jesus.
As posted above merovius was already a mythic figure descended from a queen king and sea creature.hi grandchild clovis was the first roman catholic king. childric, merovius’s son’s tomb was found a couple of hundred years ago, so he is a historical figure whose affluence was shown in his tomb. A number of golden bees were found ,symbols of the Merovingian. So sacred has this line remained that napoleon had the golden bees sewn in his coronation gown.
Clovis was the most important Merovingian as he converted to roman catholic ,from being a Arian Christians, in 496. He was name the king of the catholic church but he was already a king. The church did not make him a king, rather Catholicism was in dire straits because 80% of the Christians in that time were Arian Christians which meant that they did not believe Jesus was a god.
The Catholic Church pledged eternal sovereignty to the Merovingian’s. so when the catholic church okayed the assassination of dagobert 11 in679, the church betrayed a holy vow.
But what made the merovingians so special.? Unlike any other royal lineage, the kings were not anointed. When a future king reach 12 , he was excepted as a king with no special ceremony. The Merovingian’s were considered magicians.Their lineage was mythological. They were allowed to practice polygamy which was outlawed by the church for other kings. But something was so special about their blood ,that the kings could have harems and still retain their magical power. It was like their blood was strong that it could not be diluted by the infusion of any inferior blood line .
According to the secret dossiers, the Merovingian’s were older than troy. These documents referred to one of the 12 Hebrewtribes… the tribe of Benjaminand hence the Merovingian pedigree could be traced to the old testament.

Joshua 18 the tribe of Benjamin is given the land which included Jerusalem. The first king of the Hebrews, Saul the first king of the Hebrews, was of the Benjamin tribe. It might be the tribe of Benjamin were the kings .

But the tribe of Benjamin disappears at some point.
in the bible it is said that Levite, travelling through Benjamite territory,was assaulted, and his concubine ravished, by men of the tibe of Benjamin Calling representatives of the twelve tribes to witness, the Levite demanded vengeance for the atrocity; and at a council, the Benjamites are instructed to deliver the malefactors to justice. One might expect the Benjamites to comply readily. For some reason, however, they do not, and undertake, by force of arms . The result is a bitter and bloody war between the Benjamites and the remaining eleven tribes.
if not most, Benjamites went into exile.
Immanuel velikovsky wrote that older jewish books wrote what really happened was that the tribe of Benjamin would not give up their priestess. Which was the cause of the war waged by the Levites and the other tribes. So the tribe of Benjamin.. the tribe of the ancient kings of the Hebrew were follower of the triple goddess..asherah/ Belial
The Tribe of Benjamin took up arms on behalf of the followers of Belial a form of the Mother Goddess often associated with images of a bull or calf.

and even the original “Yahweh” worshiped asherah.
Excavations in 1976 found pottery shard at Kuntillet `Ajrud with allusions to Yahweh and asherah.

By either this account' most Benjamites did go into exile. Their exile supposedly took them to Greece, to the central Peloponnese to Arcadia, in short, where they supposedly became aligned with the Arcadian royal line. Towards the advent of the Christian era, they are then said to have migrated up the Danube and the Rhine, intermarrying with certain Teutonic tribes and eventually engendering the Sicambrian Franks the immediate forebears of the Merovingians.
According to the "Prieure documents', then, the Merovingians were descended, via Arcadia, from the Tribe of Benjamin. In other words the Merovingians, as well as their subsequent descendants the bloodlines of Plantard and Lorraine.
If there was actually an exodus of Benjamites from Palestine, one might hope to find some vestigial record of it. In Greek myth one does. There is the legend of King Belus's son, one Danaus, who arrives in Greece, with his daughters, by ship. His daughters are said to have introduced the cult of the Mother Goddess, which became the established cult of the Arcadians. According to Robert Graves, the Danaus myth records the arrival in the Peloponnesus of "colonists from Palestine'." Graves states that King Belus is in fact Baal, or Bel or perhaps Belial from the Old Testament. It is also worthy of note that one of the clans of the Tribe of Benjamin was the clan of Bela.
In Arcadia the cult of the Mother Goddess not only prospered but survived longer than in any other part of Greece. It became associated with worship of Demeter, then of Diana or Artemis. Known regionally as Arduina, Artemis became tutelary deity of the Ardennes; and it was from the Ardennes that the Sicambrian Franks first issued into what is now France. The totem of Artemis was the she-bear Kallisto, whose son was Arkas, the bear-child and patron of Arcadia. And Kallisto, transported to the heavens by Artemis, became the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear. There might thus be something more than coincidence in the appellation "Ursus', applied repeatedly to the Merovingian bloodline.
In any case there is other evidence, apart from mythology, suggesting a Judaic migration to Arcadia. In classical times the region known as Arcadia was ruled by the powerful, militaristic state of Sparta. The Spartans absorbed much of the older Arcadian culture; and indeed, the legendary Arcadian Lycaeus may in fact be identified with Lycurgus, who codified Spartan Law. On reaching manhood, the Spartans, like the Merovingians, ascribed a special, magical significance to their hair which, like Merovingians, they wore long. According to one authority, "the length of hair denoted their physical vigour and became a sacred symbol. '
What is more, both books of Maccabees in the Apocrypha stress the link between Spartans and Jews. Maccabees 2 speaks of certain Jews "having embarked to go to the Lacedaemonians(Arcadia), in hope of finding protection there because of their kinship. " And Maccabees 1 states explicitly, "It has been found in writing concerning the Spartans and the Jews that they are brethren and are of the family of Abraham. "
it is also interesting that the Greeks states held there women in secondary roles. Except for the Sparta as would be expected if their exile from Palestine was because they refused to forsake the triple goddess.
And history shows that among the early Greek states the spartas did hold there women in the greatest esteem. Only in Sparta did the women have the same rights as men.
I addition the women had their own special festivals. In these the women danced naked and indulged in orgiastic rituals., without men allowed.
But the Spartan men were ion no way effeminate as during the Spartan male rite of passage, they had to go among the helots/slaves at night, as sparta was a slave culture, and cut the throat of a the Spartans were outnumbered by the slaves ,they murdered any slave that was threatening or showed signs of leadership or extraordinary abilities.
As for Semitic influence on Frankish culture, there was solid archaeological evidence. Phoenician or Semitic trade routes traversed the whole of southern France, from Bordeaux to Marseilles and Narbonne. They also extended up the Rhone. As early as 700-600 B.C." there were Phoenician settlements not only along the French coast but inland as well, at such sites as Carcassonne and Toulouse. Among the artefacts found at these sites were many of Semitic origin. This is hardly surprising. In the ninth century B.C. the Phoenician kings of Tyre had intermarried with the kings of Israel and Judah, thus establishing a dynastic alliance that would have engendered a close contact between their respective peoples. The sack of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, and the destruction of the Temple , prompted a massive exodus of Jews from the Holy Land.
. And if Jerusalem was indeed the hereditary birthright of the Benjamites, Godfroi de Bouillon,said to be descended from the Merovingian s,and lead who the first crusade that captured jerusalem), would in fact have been reclaiming his ancient and rightful heritage.
Again it is significant that Godfroi, alone among the august Western princes who embarked on the First Crusade, disposed of all his property before his departure -implying thereby that he did not intend to return to Europe.
Needless to say, we had no way of ascertaining whether the Merovingians were of Benjamite origin or not. The information in the "Prieure documents', such as it was,
related to too remote; too obscure a past, for which no confirmation, no records of any sort could be obtained.
On the countrary they had been around, in the form of vague rumours and nebulous traditions, for a long time. To cite but one Proust draws upon them in his opus; and more recently, the novelist jean d'Ormesson suggests a Judaic origin for certain noble French families. And in 1965 Roger Peyrefitte, who seems to like scandal ising his countrymen, did so with resounding éclat in a novel affirming all French and most European nobility to be ultimately Judaic.
In fact the argument, although unprovable, is not altogether implausible, nor are the exile and migration ascribed to the Tribe of
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