The importance of Moon in relationships

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Jan 1, 2010
Hello. We all know that the Moon is very important when it comes to relationships. And I wish to talk about a few aspects that existed between me and a few people that I know. These aspects are: Moon square Moon, Moon opposite Moon, and Moon square Saturn.

First up, Moon square Moon between me and my ex-manager. This aspect between our charts was a very close one, I think under 2 degrees. I used to say that a good composite could overcome bad synastry, however that was before my ex-manager. In our composite, there were quite a few positive aspects and placements, like Sun trine Moon, and a stellium in the 4th. But, none of these over-rode our horrible Moon square Moon. I think we talked for less a month and things just deteriorated very rapidly. And a lot of the times, he would say things that I literally did not understand. These were not in the, "you are so intriguing!" way. But rather, they were in the, "dude I have no idea what you just said" way. Like I seriously did not know where he was coming from and what he was trying to say. It was like there was this huge emotional disconnect between us. Which isn't surprising, because Moon signifies our emotions. When the Moons aren't harmonious, we are going to feel it very keenly.

The second one up is Moon opposite Moon. I had this with the previous guy. I did not know his exact time of birth, but I know that his Moon either opposited my Moon by degree, or by sign. And even though it also did not work out with him, at least I think we connected, and that I was able to make sense of his emotional nature. We talked for 2 months before things unraveled. But my attraction for him was incredibly strong and it took me a really long time to get over him. I think Moon opposite Moon is not super bad. It is certainly a lot easier to handle than Moon square Moon.

This one is Moon square Saturn, and it existed between me and this moderator from a forum that I used to visit. This aspect is a huge red flag, and for a very good reason. I mean we weren't rude to each other or anything, but a lot of the times, the things that he would say, they just really rubbed me the wrong way. I just could not stand him, and I am sure he felt similarly about me. At the end, I was banned, and he was the one that got me banned. I am not surprised.

The last one is another Moon square Moon, and it existed between me and this woman in real life. We used to go to the same high school, and our parents know each other and are sort of like friends. But me and her weren't friends in a real sense. And let me just say that she was the most off-putting person I have ever met. Like I just could not stand her, and I am pretty sure the feeling was mutual. She literally said to my face that I was irresponsible, and something else, which I could not bother to remember. I thought she was judgmental, and pretentious. This one time I was heart-broken by the guy I was talking about earlier, and I told her about it, hoping to be comforted. I said to her that even though my head said no, my heart said yes, which was precisely how I felt, but she said that that was a classic excuse. I was so sad that I did not have the energy to counter that, but I clearly remember that she not only did not comfort me, she made me feel even worse. And she would read a few books on relationships and apparently thought that she was now some sort of sex goddess that could wrap any man around her finger. I remember talking to her online this one time, and she said something so absolutely, insanely off-putting, that I had to close the chat window and exit the chat without saying good-bye, because I was afraid if I stayed, I would say something incredibly rude to her. Like what she said was just so bad, I was nonplussed and floored. I did not know how to respond without losing my civility. And she wasn't a bad person or anything, I didn't hate her, she has never done anything to me, but she just aroused such strong feelings of aversion in me. And our Moons squared. Her Sun also squared my Sun, so that could explain why we just clashed so badly.

Anyway, that was my mini-rant for the day. Do you have any experiences with unfavorable Moon placements with someone?
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I had an off-putting relationship with a woman whose Moon quincunxes my Moon, and whose Sun quincunxes my Sun.

We were kind of thrown together by fate. She married my husband's best friend and so we were together a lot, during holidays and even on a vacation or two.

It was so awkward. :unsure:

We could barely hold any kind of conversation. Nothing in common, other than our husbands.

But we just clashed if we tried to discuss anything of substance. We were on a trip together for a friend's wedding and she and I could not agree on anything in terms of how to pass the time, or how to celebrate the event.

We just got on each other's nerves, and it never felt comfortable. I felt that she was very judgmental and egotistical and she felt I was controlling and too serious...:innocent:

Over the years our relationships have changed. My husband and his long time friend usually hang out together without both the wives...:tongue:

And it seems to be fine with all of us. Why force a relationship that isn't working.

I am a Scorpio, she is a Gemini. I have a Cap Moon , she has Leo Moon conjunct Pluto. :bandit:
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Have you drawn up a composite chart between you and her? Depending on the degree of the planets, you could have Sun square Moon in the composite and that would definitely contribute to the feeling of offputting-ness.