The influence of natal Uranus on angles?

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I once had an astrologer tell me that others see me as an oddball, but an oddball who gets along with people. He hit that nail on the head. I asked him how he knew, and he said Uranus at midheaven in Libra. Uranus=oddball, Libra=gets along with people.

But my Uranus is less than degree from Scorpio, so it gets even crazier....
Well, it may have to do with a keen interest in astrology and science. It can also be disrupting, meaning a need for variety, to change just for the sake of changing and trying new things.

Do tell us how you think it affects your MC angularity? How close is it to the angle? If Saturn is also close to the angle it will ground you and lessen these change effects I guess... but the planet closest to the angles will impact your life the most. And if you move, relocate, you might see a different planet come to an angke, then that planets effects will take over to change your life.
Uranus can mean so many things, even things that no cookbooks will mention, and you really need the specific birthchart as a whole to tell what role a planet plays in your psyche and life. What aspects does Uranus have in your chart? Who is his ruler? the planets Uranus aspects, what houses they rule, what other aspects they make, and so on...

The angles in a chart also have multiple meaning. For example, Bonatti says that the quarter from the Ascendant to the MC signifies the life of the native from birth till adolescence, the quarter from the MC to the DC represents "youth" (until about 40), from the DC to the IC the middle age, and the quarter from the IC to the Ascendant represents "old age" and what happens after the death of the native (what others inherit from him, how they are remembered, etc).

This is just one facet of the angles, and I'd take it symbolically.

A child absorbs the world and is absorbed by it mostly unreflected. planets on the ascendant are kind of in an "automatic" mode.

Then, adolescence and most of young adulthood is about "me and the others", it is a "peer" or "group" stage when the person is trying to find out where they can fit in and/or how they can stand out, and I think that a planet on the MC is in the same "mode", it is about relating to a group or to society, etc.

A mature person tends to focus on one-on-one relationships with another individual, and I think that a planet on the descendant manifests according to those lines.

And a senior person usually turns their attention inwards, freeing themselves from the "bounds of the world", they are relieved from their duty to others (formal education done, kids grown up, working years over, etc), they are one foot in another world, so to say, whether that world is within, beyond or anywhere in-between, and I think that planets on the nadir behave accordingly.

Says a five-planet stellium in the fourth house (including Uranus).
I must agree with Therese, that of course it will matter what other planets aspect Uranus and which house it is placed in.

But there are astrologers that do not even look at the houses, but look at sign placement of the luminaries as very strong indicator and then rely on the angularity and partile (within 1°) aspects in a chart as most telling. And then it is just the symbolism of those planets that govern the native's life.

This link here is quite informative about this subject:
Well, the link works, maybe try another browser?

Do you still live at the place you were born?
Your home seems quite big and might be a good place to learn, you would be a logical and critical and be a great learner and communicator in the place you were born. Uranus is close to the angle, it should give you courage to change when you feel the need. But looking at your solar rwturn might give you a clue as to when that courage is a strong factor.
Hi Moor,

Here is a link to some positive thoughts bout Uranus but not about it's placement in the chart.

Uranus for Instance

Be sure to click on the links at the bottom right of each page to read all of the sub-sections.

The Mortal Storm
Uranus is a Benefic
Broken Apron Strings
The Varieties of Sameness
Turning Points in Life

The site has posts regarding all of the planets and the introduction should be read.
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Naturally it means that youre different from others in atleast one notable way... perhaps in many many ways even. Your difference(s) from the collective are quite apparent to others. Dependin on Uranus condition and aspects others can piercieve this as you being distinctive or just plain weird, but more likely a mixture of both.
I brought up Bonatti because I am reading him right now (and haven't finished yet :) )

Meyer, for example, in his Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer, says that houses 1-3 are about "subjective self-awareness" and "organic growth", houses 4-6 are about "subjective awareness of the not-self" and "personal integration", houses 7-9 are about "objective awareness of the not-self" and "social participation", and houses 10-12 are about "objective awareness of the self" and "one's spiritual-social identity".

well, "objective" and "subjective" mean something else for everyone. We are in an age when even serious science does not believe in "objectivity" (aka the observer effect in physics), so for me, "objective" and "subjective" simply mean defining ourselves from the outside (how others perceive us) or from the inside (how we experience ourselves).

The 10th house is the house of career and public standing. It is where our life goals reside; it is the position we strive to attain, to achieve. Here we become Mary, CEO; Jack, President; Joyce, Minister; John, Nobel Prize Winner; Stacey, mother of 4; Sam, teacher; Bob, mailman; you get the idea. In the 10th we get a public persona that transcends our self image.

while as public personae, we are embodiments of something other than ourselves, the more public a person is, the more they identify with their persona, the less they are allowed to experience who they are deep within (because they have to spend most of their time and energy to conform to certain standards and to a certain image). the politician and the hermit, the CEO and the mystic rarely mingle...
Uranus on angle does not necessarily mean you seem strange or weird to others. It can manifest in you as being adventurous, courageous, very independent, ever changing freedom lover.
I have Uranus angular myself and I believe it brings out all of the above in me - but people would not meet me and think I am weird :) I blend in quite well anyway... but I do believe it is responsible among other things to make me really obsessively interested in astrology.

Here is a copy from the link I provided:
Constant variation and novelty of experience are important to these strongly individualistic people. Freedom is their most valued treasure. Whether feeling the claustrophobia of closed quarters or the "call of the wind," to take to the road and be gone, they need plenty of breathing room. Inhibitions are cast aside as they seek new circumstances and a wide variety of experience. They have an inner excitability whch may result in nervous tension, but also makes them clownish, fun, and strongly original personalities. (ADD: "Seeker self." Use orienting reflex as basis for understanding Uranus neurologically.)

URANUS FOREGROUND (in preparation for revision of the above text)
Strongly individualistic and original. Charting their own course.
Clownish, fun, "real characters."
Freedom is their most valued treasure. Constant variation and novelty of experience are important to them.
"Seeker self." Cf. "orienting reflex" as basis for understanding Uranus neurologically.
Casts inhibitions aside as they seek new circumstances and a wide variety of experience.
Need plenty of breathing room, whether feeling the claustrophobia of closed quarters or the "call of the wind," to take to the road and be gone.
Inner excitability, may lead to chronic nervous tension.
(Consider & incorporate Ebertin trait lists where found accurate:) (+) Peculiarity, independence, love of freedom, independent action and ideas, enthusiasm for every thing that is new or modern, agility or motility, good powers of perception, intuition allied with objective judgement, easy excitability. A sense of rhythm. (-) An obstrinate nature, lack of adaptability, rebellion, revolutionary tendencies, an excitable nature, impulsive actions, strong emotional tensions, passion for innovation, changeability of character.
(Incorporate Bradley statistical findings as appropriate:) Moderately infrequent for murders
(Incorporate observations as appropriate:) Few teachers (Eshelman notebooks). - Uranus is not a mark of one particular ideology. (See examples of U.S. Presidents & Supreme Court justices.) What all (or nearly all) Uranus-angular Presidents have had in common is enormous courage and ingenuity. Significant military leadership was tied into generally exceptional resourcefulness, pragmatism, and charting their own way independent of ideology.
(Incorporate other listed findings below where confirmed.)

EBERTIN (compilation of useful theories)
POS: Peculiarity, independence, love of freedom, independent action and ideas, enthusiasm for every thing that is new or modern, agility or motility, good powers of perception, intuition allied with objective judgement, easy excitability. A sense of rhythm.
NEG: An obstrinate nature, lack of adaptability, rebellion, revolutionary tendencies, an excitable nature, impulsive actions, strong emotional tensions, passion for innovation, changeability of character.

STATS: Moderately infrequent for murders (Bradley).
OBSERVATIONS: Few teachers (Eshelman notebooks).

Notebook #93 observations: On MC: Overall, they are people who have a hard time "fitting in." (This is true to a lesser degree of the other angles.) On IC: I need to explore the relationship of attachment-connection to their independence etc. For example, in social and other groups, they seem more liikely to remain in the group and "act out," where the other angles are more likely to leave under similar situations.

ASC: Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan
IC: John Adams, Herbert Hoover
DSC: Dwight Eisenhower, Barack Obama
OTHER: Martin Van Buren, Theodore Roosevelt
[3 of the four with Uranus rising also had Pluto on the Midheaven. FDR was the exception.]
[Notice that Uranus is not a mark of one particular ideology. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were ideologically opposed on many key issues.
Cf. Supreme Court judges, where Scalia, Alito, Roberts, Kennedy, and O’Connor all have foreground Uranus. – What all (or nearly all) Uranus-angular Presidents have had in common is enormous courage and ingenuity. Three were generals, and both Roosevelts demonstrated other significant military leadership - in most cases, that was tied into generally exceptional resourcefulness, pragmatism, and charting their own way independent of ideology.

Aren’t there elephants in this room...?

Uran tightly-orbed 90’s and 120’s your luminaries but you’ve not addressed how distinguish their influences on your behavior/experience from the influence of Uran/MC sufficiently to discuss only the latter as if in a vacuum.
That's interesting! Do you see yourself as oddball too? Or was it a surprise for you to discover that people think that way?

Now I have to ask friends what they think of me, with Capricorn midheaven conjunct Uranus with Neptune and Saturn in 10th house :)

How about your professional life? Do you have unusual occupation?

I thought we'd discussed that in the 29th degree support group thread, but looking back, I see you only posted in that thread sometime before I did, so maybe you didn't see. It explains the career part, anyway.

Oddball who gets along with people fits me perfectly, and always has. The surprise was that someone who didn't really know me could figure it out just by looking at my chart.
Uranus on angle does not necessarily mean you seem strange or weird to others. It can manifest in you as being adventurous, courageous, very independent, ever changing freedom lover.
I have Uranus angular myself and I believe it brings out all of the above in me - but people would not meet me and think I am weird :) I blend in quite well anyway... but I do believe it is responsible among other things to make me really obsessively interested in astrology.

Which angle is your Uranus on, and which sign? My thought is that the seeming strange part may be more common when Uranus is on the AC or MC, and of course which sign Uranus is in would temper the message.

How you're perceived can be very different, too, depending on who's perceiving you. I always, always, got called weird (and worse) as a kid, especially in grade school. But I've always had it in me to get along with people, and although my memory of my early years is shaded with "nobody likes me," the reality is that some people did like me even then, probably many more than I thought... and ever since I got out of school and gained the freedom to choose my own peer group, I've associated with people who are doing unique and different, Uranian sorts of things themselves. In those kinds of social circles, I'm not strange at all.

My sister also has an angular Uranus, and she's remarked more than once that neither of us seems capable of living a conventional life, and yet she was the one who fit in when we were growing up. Her Uranus is on the IC, which is really the basis for my theory that it makes you look weird or strange if it's on one of the external angles, but not on one of the internal angles. Adventurous, courageous, ever changing freedom lover describes both of us for sure.
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That's interesting! Do you see yourself as oddball too? Or was it a surprise for you to discover that people think that way?

Now I have to ask friends what they think of me, with Capricorn midheaven conjunct Uranus with Neptune and Saturn in 10th house :)

How about your professional life? Do you have unusual occupation?

Would they see you as a hardworker perhaps and ambitious but with a career in the new age technologies, a bit offbeat. Saturn as the ruler of the MC is there as well so double whammy with that.
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I have Uranus at 29 degree and Saturn on the 11/10 cusp.
No, you don't have Uranus at 29 degrees. You have it at 9 degrees 29 minutes Capricorn. You're reading minutes as degrees. If it were at 29 degrees, it would be pushing at the cusp of Aquarius. Notice that it's right in the middle of Capricorn instead.
And I don't know how public views me, but I have been told that my life seems very hidden from friends. Maybe because of Neptune influence?
You also have your sun in the twelfth house. A twelfth house (or fourth or eight house) sun usually hides away the most crucial parts of the core personality. That's a very private part of yourself. You also have a trine between your sun and Jupiter, which is near your IC, so the other most expansive energy in your chart is also in a private, hidden area.

I have a similar hidden quality, and my sun is in the eighth house trine with a Chiron and Jupiter conjunction on the IC and a twelfth house moon. You and I also have MC Uranus in opposition to IC Jupiter and Chiron in common.
do you think Uranus on MC or ASC is more visible to the outside world thank DSC or IC? I can see that with private IC angle, I wonder is it the same with DSC?
Now that I said that, I'm not entirely sure whether my sister has Uranus on the IC or DC, or even if it's angular. I just remember she has it emphasized, and I was thinking angular, and I know it's in the lower hemisphere of her chart, and not the first house because the signs don't match.

In any case, it makes sense that Uranus influences would be visible to the world if it's on the AC or MC because those are what people see when they first meet us--or, in the case of the MC, when they first hear of us. On the DC, it would have more of an influence on how we relate one-on-one to others, and/or who we choose to relate to. On the IC, it would have more to do with the private self.
what exactly would you like to know?

The MC and the IC are also the parental axis, so these houses also tell a lot about our mother and father, how they live on within and through us. But here don't think of over-simplified "psycho"babble like "people with planets in the tenth want to be somebody to please mommy/daddy or prove mommy/daddy wrong", etc. But the parents, or one of the parents, possibly had some major impact on the native, whether through their personality, their absence, their mental illness, their artistic talent, their diplomatic skills, their addiction, their aristocratic origins, their unconditional love, their stiff upper lip or their early death - the possibilities are endless and they will be shown by the chart as a whole, through the planets and their aspects...

So, my Uranus in the fourth also says something about my personal perception of/relationship with my father, but also, my "roots", "lineage", "ancestors", "origins", things "subterranean" (in the symbolic sense) and other things the fourth house represents.

My stellium goes like Sun, Uranus, Mercury, Venus rx and Mars - all in Scorpio.

As Osamenor mentions, the fourth is one of the "dark" or "hidden" houses. They are all hidden in a different way, though. The fourth house is that of "roots", one of the interpretations could be "nourished by a hidden source". The eighth house is the house of "fear", "death", "taxes", etc, - of "giving" or "surrendering" to something "hidden" or "beyond". The twelfth house is traditionally that of "hidden enemies", "imprisonment" and "self-undoing", probably being "held" by something hidden, whether as in "embraced by" or as in "seized", or a bit of both... just musing.

By the way, I have it the other way around as you do: I have Sun in the fourth and Jupiter in the 12th.
Hi, both me and my older brother have Uranus conjunct the IC in our natal charts, from the 3rd house.
The general climate in our family was quite tense and unpredictable with frequent quarrels between our parents (we both have Neptune in our 4th house Sagittarius which reinforces that). I read that this aspect might denote the desire for personal freedom or the desire to have a very different family life from the one experienced in the childhood.
My brother has now his own family and indeed he doesn’t repeat our parents’ mistakes and the climate in his home is very different. I also read that with this placement there might be something unusual about the family or home and some people with this placement do not have family in the traditional sense. Besides, both me and my brother travelled quite a bit in the past and I think it might also be associated with this placement.
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Thank you Moor for your reply.
It is very descriptive, those in

As for myself, my Uranus angularity is shown on dsc in mundo chart and is close to Vx as well. And yes, I have had quite many relationships and one divorce behind me. I have also travelled extensively and am a courageous freedom loving person who is obsessed about astrology
I have a very tightly conjunct Uranus to Mars in the 1st :)mars: 0º :virgo: :conjunct: :uranus::virgo:), which both :conjunct :asc: 26º :leo: and :pluto::virgo:
Care to share any thoughts?


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