The most dangerous zodiac sign?

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Jan 7, 2009
What do you think is the most dangerous zodiac sign? In aspects such as emotionally, physically and mentally.

Some people say Virgos, i am a virgo i feel bad but is it true
I think it takes more than just a sun sign to a dangerous person make.

What is it that makes Virgo a dangerous sign, Dracula?

I have some ideas of my own, but I would hear yours first.
firstly it begs the questions as to why you would be asking such a question, have you been abused? beaten? I would be most helpful if you were to post your chart for others to comment on as we are rather visual here.:rolleyes:
Hi-I actually think it's *dangerous* to assign any sun sign with the power to *do* anything. It comes down to combinations of aspects.
I know beautiful and inspirational people of every sun sign. I know toxic and damaged people of every sun sign. So obviously its got a lot to do with the interplanetary patterns.A person with say sun in pisces might not behave in the *stereotypical piscean *way if they have a stellium in aries!
Whilst I believe no sun sign is *all good* or *all bad*, I do believe that Saturn operates very much as a malefic planet, in both natal and horary.As Mars controls how we act/respond etc, Mars aspects will certainly play a part.
Can you name any famous Virgos that were considered public enemy by many?

I'm giving it to a fixed sign. See Napoleon and Hitler.
Considering a preponderence of serial killers have capricorn sun or moon you might be forgiven for thinking that cappy is the bad guy of the zodiac but i did so research into the research of astrological signatures. Common astrological themes that can be attributed to certain personality types. For serial killers i think it was something like leo sun or mars being prominent capricorn or pisces moon and mercury in scorpio was a biggie but scorpio sun or moon almost never showed up. Saturn in 1st house in over 35% and pluto in the northern half of chart with afflicted mars.
Now this is interesting but what i found even more interesting is that many, and i mean many famous people have these things and were extremely creative and sucessful.
So im going with the idea that certain signs in certain positions and signs denote a native with extreme power potential. As to whether its used for good or evil depends on whether the native was nurtured and taught to handle their power responsibly and whether the native chooses the transformative or destructive influence of such power.

Oh and i have a cappy moon with saturn in the first:0:
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rogue_red said:
Considering a preponderence of serial killers have capricorn sun or moon you might be forgiven for thinking that cappy is the bad guy of the zodiac but i did so research into the research of astrological signatures. Common astrological themes that can be attributed to certain personality types. For serial killers i think it was something like leo sun or mars being prominent capricorn or pisces moon and mercury in scorpio was a biggie but scorpio sun or moon almost never showed up. Saturn in 1st house in over 35% and pluto in the northern half of chart with afflicted mars.
Now this is interesting but what i found even more interesting is that many, and i mean many famous people have these things and were extremely creative and sucessful.
So im going with the idea that certain signs in certain positions and signs denote a native with extreme power potential. As to whether its used for good or evil depends on whether the native was nurtured and taught to handle their power responsibly and whether the native chooses the transformative or destructive influence of such power.

Oh and i have a cappy moon with saturn in the first:0:
I thought Gemini Suns win the serial killer award?:confused:
I can think of at least two serial killers who actually had very stronlgí Jupiterian charts, with Jupiter on the Ascendant, in the 12th. Moon/Saturn aspects tend to come up, too, though Mars/Saturn can also 'help.'
Anyway, there can be many ways in which you can be 'dangerous.' Socially, certain kinds of gossips can be very 'dangerous.'

A drunk driver is also dangerous. For example.
Nexus7 said:
I think it takes more than just a sun sign to a dangerous person make.

What is it that makes Virgo a dangerous sign, Dracula?

I have some ideas of my own, but I would hear yours first.

virgo's cuz you never know what the hell their thinking,
Dracula said:
thisi is my natal chart, am i dangerous person ?
If you're asking whether you're dangerous or not on an Astrology forum then you aren't.
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^^ i normally do not fight, but i get angry very quickly some and you have my chart tell me
then i will tell you. :)
Dracula said:
^^ i normally do not fight, but i get angry very quickly some and you have my chart tell me
then i will tell you. :)
What makes you think you're dangerous then? Lots of people have quick tempers, and "bad thoughts". It doesn't mean anything if you don't act on it.
so in my chart i dont have such things,

saturn etc in 1st house like it, no aspects which could support such a reaction from me ?
rogue_red said:
Considering a preponderence of serial killers have capricorn sun or moon you might be forgiven for thinking that cappy is the bad guy of the zodiac but i did so research into the research of astrological signatures. Common astrological themes that can be attributed to certain personality types. For serial killers i think it was something like leo sun or mars being prominent capricorn or pisces moon and mercury in scorpio was a biggie but scorpio sun or moon almost never showed up. Saturn in 1st house in over 35% and pluto in the northern half of chart with afflicted mars.
Now this is interesting but what i found even more interesting is that many, and i mean many famous people have these things and were extremely creative and sucessful.
So im going with the idea that certain signs in certain positions and signs denote a native with extreme power potential. As to whether its used for good or evil depends on whether the native was nurtured and taught to handle their power responsibly and whether the native chooses the transformative or destructive influence of such power.

Oh and i have a cappy moon with saturn in the first:0:
It all depends on a person's intent toward life is;

If their intent is good, they can be a positive person in life like Abraham Lincoln or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Both of them have Capricorn moons.

If their intent is evil, they'll turn out to be a negative person who makes a lot of trouble in the world like Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler. Both of them had Capricorn moons.
dperez3894 said:
It all depends on a person's intent toward life is;

If their intent is good, they can be a positive person in life like Abraham Lincoln or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Both of them have Capricorn moons.

If their intent is evil, they'll turn out to be a negative person who makes a lot of trouble in the world like Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler. Both of them had Capricorn moons.

Yeah i dont think intent really counts for too much. I intended to give up smoking in 1991 *inhales deeply*...:D

I really dont believe children decide ohhh i want to murder millions etc. Their births charts dont change and i dont think the good vs evil arguement really stands. Adolph hitler probably really believed he was doing the right thing. Now im not stickin g up for the guy cos he was definately a sandwich short of a picnic! Im just saying that people are infinately complex people with a multitude of motivations for the things they do. Intentions can be deceptive, thoughts can be deceptive emotions can be deceptive. More deaths and crimes have been commited in the belief that they are doing good than has ever been commited by those proporting evil.
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