The most dangerous zodiac sign?

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The secret of the 18o degree (by Nikola Stojanovic, Serbian astrologer)

The Sun eclipse happens at the 18o degree at Leon and the ruler of the Leon is Sun

The man who made the atomic bomb (Openheimer 22.04.1904., 20:00, EST 73W57, 40N45) has his AC at 18o degree Scorpio, the cup of the 8o house (death) at 18o degree Twins.
The man who made the decision to use for the first time in the history of the man kind so powerful weapon (American president Harry Truman 08.05.1884., 16:17, CST, 94W16, 37N30) has his Sun (decision) at 18o degree of Taurus.
The date of the explosion was 06.08.1945. 08:16:40 AM, JST 132E27, 34N24). AC of this event was at the 18o degree Virgo and at the 18o degree Cancer were Moon and Saturn.

The ``ruler from the shadow`` David Rockefeller (12.06.1915., 00:12 AM, EST, 73W57, 40N45) has his AC at the 18o degree Pisces (shadow).

The ``Angel of death`` or ``Dr Satan`` - Dr. Mengele (16.03.1911., 11:44 AM, CET, 10E16, 48N27) has his Neptune, the ruler of his Sun, at Pisces, at 18o degree of Cancer.

Charles Manson, also called the ``murderer Satan`` (16.03.1911., 11:44 AM, CET, 10E16, 48N27) murderer of the famous actress Sharon Teit – the wife of the famous director Polanski, has the Venus – the ruler of his AC at 18o degree Scorpio and his 6o house begins at 18o degree Virgo.

Leopold the II (09.04.1835., 22:22, LMT 04E20, 50N50) the Belgian king (1869-1909) who was known as the most barbarous colonizer in Africa (Congo), was personally responsible for mass killings of the local people: he used to ``hunt`` their children, cut the parts of the body of his servants and he killed his mistresses just for not liking their hair cut. The ruler of his AC, is Mars and is at the 18. degree of Cancer.

Now, the main character from the film ``Silence of the lambs`` existed. His name was Edward Gain (borne 27.08.1906., 23:16, CST, 91W14, 43N48). His house was full of ``souvenirs`` just like in the movie, his mother was very dominant forbidding him to see a girl or to have normal personal life, after her death, he went to live at a farm where he studded anatomy books and ``collected`` everything that the character in the film above did. At the year 1954 he committed his firs crime and the second one at the 16. of November 1957. His AC was at 18. degree of Twins and Venus (love, woman) at 18 degree of Libra at his 5. house.

Those are some of examples about the aspects and planets at the 18. degree which is (by the astrologer above) a ``dangerous one`` because the Sun eclipse happens at the 18o degree at Leon and the ruler of the Leon is Sun, so, when there is no Sun, the dark comes at have its chance to perform.
I only translated the text, there are more articles about the 2. and the 5. degree (which are also important), but those are for another post (and I don’t have much time at the moment).

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This is one of those questions that can't really be answered quickly or easily. I think seeing this in someone's chart would be complex and would require looking at several things. I would check to see what is going on with Mars (aggression) Pluto, and Saturn-what aspects are happening, etc.. I would look at Mercury and maybe Neptune for possible mental health issues. There are others that I'm just not thinking of right now............ As far as sun sign generalities-I've read that Cancers are the most likely to kill people in their own family. I think the best way to learn astrology is to do case studies-so Dracs, maybe you could learn by looking at the charts of some crazy killers.
When I first took a course in astrology, my teacher said that Librans were the most likely to be serial killer psychopaths. Something along the lines of the scales tipping to much in one direction.

As per estrella's comment ... I think you'll find dangerous people born under every sign of the zodiac. Certain placements or aspects will lend themselves more readily to certain things.

If you assume dangerous is the result of deluded thinking every sign is probably capable of it ... Aries - to be the first and most important; Taurus - to protect their values (which may be twisted); Gemini - hmmm ... not sure why they would but probably a projection of their twins' feelings; Cancer - to protect themselves or family; Leo - for pride; Virgo - to rid the world of the imperfect ... etc, etc ...
Inside Out Orange said:
When I first took a course in astrology, my teacher said that Librans were the most likely to be serial killer psychopaths. Something along the lines of the scales tipping to much in one direction.

As per estrella's comment ... I think you'll find dangerous people born under every sign of the zodiac. Certain placements or aspects will lend themselves more readily to certain things.

If you assume dangerous is the result of deluded thinking every sign is probably capable of it ... Aries - to be the first and most important; Taurus - to protect their values (which may be twisted); Gemini - hmmm ... not sure why they would but probably a projection of their twins' feelings; Cancer - to protect themselves or family; Leo - for pride; Virgo - to rid the world of the imperfect ... etc, etc ...

I agree. Each sign, depending on aspects and several other factors would freak out for their own reasons in their own style. Scorpio for revenge..etc...etc...This would be such an intricate thing in the person's chart, and would involve several factors acting together. I would look into the person's 12th house to see if there is anything significant going on there subconsciously...for example; OJ Simpson has Saturn and Pluto conjunct in his 12th house, with some interesting aspects to it. Deep psychological issues can arise from the 12th-which is something to look at in the case of "dangerous people".
Lissa said:
I personally think it's more a matter of dangerous aspects than dangerous signs,but I think Aries has all the potential to become an explosive bomb.They're temperamental and impulsive enough to act on their whims!

This is a little simplistic. Aries are reactive but the explosion is quick and forgotton, they are the least likely to bear a grudge and their naivety and positive outlook makes them least likely to be a serial killer which requires the native to plan and exact out devastating actions, Aries maybe the most likely to commit crimes of passion but not serial murder.
Check this out.
Now 44 charts does not a research project make; however it seemed to be enough to get an idea if something was going to show up. Here are some of the things that I found:
Thirty-one out of forty-four had sun or moon in Sagittarius or Capricorn. That's 74%. And while Gemini sun-signs stood out, only four of the Gemini's were not included in the Sagittarius/Capricorn moon group.
I suspected that I would find "signatures" that described men who were very intense, such as an emphasis of Moon in Scorpio. To my surprise, not one of these killers had Moon in Scorpio!
From a statistical perspective I realized that it was not important to know the interpretative value of my findings, but of course I was curious and gave it considerable thought. I decided that I should look at my findings from a statistical perspective only – do up a profile and without interpreting the profile, have some data with which to prove a significant fact. If for example, I was going to work with the police department and go through a list of suspects, I could prioritize or categorize things based on the astrological profile that I was attempting to create.
None of these people had the Moon in Scorpio. Was I surprised? You bet I was! In fact, only 9% had the Moon in a fixed sign. Only two people had the Sun in Scorpio.
There was only one Aquarius Moon; no Aquarian Suns.
I also found that 32% had the ruler of the ascendant in either Sagittarius or Capricorn. Everything kept going back to those same two signs.
In 41% of the cases the Moon was either the highest, most elevated or the lowest planet in the chart. Even though the interpretation of this may not be significant from a statistical perspective, the FBI profile of serial murderers places a strong emphasis on a dysfunctional family and issues around the mother (there I go interpreting).
Saturn was the most elevated planet in 25% of the charts. The Capricorn, Saturn, Moon, emphasis seem to be a strong signature. The mean-average of Saturn rising or in the 12th house would be 16%. In 38.5% of serial murders it was here.
For the Moon phases, 77.3% had the Sun and Moon within 45 degrees of the new or full moon. That was in both directions. Basically we are dealing with incredible differences. The first quarter phase and the third quarter phase were not well represented in the charts. I have heard that there are more people born at the time of the full moon than at any other phase. I don't know if that is true or if any study has actually been made about that but it is something that should be considered before drawing any conclusions.
I did find that the Mars-Sun angle seemed to be significant. Of these people, 56.8% were born when the Sun was within 45 degrees on either side of Mars. On a mean-average it is about 25%. We are finding more than double of what we should expect to find.
55.4% had Pluto between the ascendant and the MC. That is interesting from an interpretive perspective. Pluto has to do with what we are living out in terms of where we are on the social evolutionary cycle of things, and how we, as individuals, are contributing to either the evolution or destruction of mankind. 73% had Pluto in the northern half of the chart.
I suspected to find more of the personal planets retrograde, because retrogrades ask us to look at who we are and understand how we differ from the masses. I was surprised to discover no significant emphasis of retrogrades. On the average, 19% of all people have Mercury retrograde in their charts. 22.7% of the serial murderers did. Not enough to be significant. On an average 37.5% of the people have Saturn retrograde in their charts. 50% of the serial murderers did. From my calculations 41.6% of the people had Uranus retrograde and 59% of the serial murderers had Neptune retrograde. I expected to find an emphasis of Venus and Mars retrograde. Actually they were retrograde less frequently than average. However, I did find an interesting emphasis of Mars and Venus in New and Balsamic phase, while none of these people had this planetary pair in full phase.

This article is interesting in its research data as well.
mr.hyde said:

I assume that link is related to your previous assertion ...
i have read an astrological research about killer,rapist and moon in aries- sun in aries are the most common so aries

Well ... I don't think it says that at all ...

It's part 2 of a study. In the first one they examined placement for 60 subjects, then this study adds data for another 38 giving a total of 108. The overall results are shown in Table V (down at the bottom).

Aries ranks:
- 4th among Sun Signs (Cap/Gemini - 13, Sag - 12, Aries 10).
- 6th among Moon signs (Cap -13, Sag/Pis - 12, Lib - 11, Vir - 10, Ari - 9).

Average for each of the 12 signs in a study of 108 is 9, so Aries is exceedingly average in this.

Also it's a study "of murderers, serial killers, and mass murderers" ... three of the featured group are rapists, but that's irrelevant to this study. We don't know whether they have Aries Suns or Moons.

As an aside ... the placement that seems to be very high is Mercury in Scorpio ... 19 of 108 cases ... double the expected average. There'll be a few Sun Sign Sag's with that placement!
Dear Inside Out Orange, with all respect, you are wrong (as the most of you on this Forum). In statistics - which hapened to be the subject of my studies, if we want to use it in a wrong way, we do it like this: we take 5 people (taking a certain number out of the ``whole`` is called an sample of a population), 4 of them are making 100 euros per month, and one of them 4.600 euros per month. Average result gives as as follows: statisticly, in this..... country, an average payment per month is 1.000 euros so everyone is HAPPY (5.000/5 = 1.000).

If you have a population example below 30, than you have to use the called ``student`` distribution (it is the line between the x and y in function), than you calculate (since your test sample is SMALL) the procent of your statistical error or else called the a of truth. If the sample is above 30, than you use another formula to calculate the procent you want to find (how many people of my test sample are dangeourus) AND the procent of your error. And if you have a large test sample of the population, than you use another (the third one) formula. The test sample is ALWAYS related to the number of people in a population. And the result is ALWAYS APROXIMATLY with the possible error + - 2 % or + - 5% for example. We NEVER have an exact (sory Virgos) result or could be for 100% sure since it is INPOSIBLE to test ALL the people in the world population. Now, if we are talking about Aries, it is 1/12 of the world population, aproximatly 500 000 000 000 (five hundred milion people). We need to take a HUGE test example or, in other case, our result will have a HUGE error %. So, as a solution, if we want to examine this subject corectly and their natal charts, than, we have to take the SAME number of each sign and to see how many of them are dangerous or vilent (what aspect is there in their chart) OR we could take a RANDOM SAMPLE with another % of error (and random signs selected with different % of participation for each sign).
Best regards
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natasa812 said:
Dear Inside Out Orange, with all respect, you are wrong (as the most of you on this Forum).

Hi natasa ... how specifically am I wrong? Are you perhaps suggesting the methodology of the study is wrong? It seems reasonable to me, having used control groups which allow for the random sample you're saying it needs.
Yes, you are right, I belive that the study (or the methodology of it) is wrong or the information about it is insufficient because as it was said at the end

The Claim being made for this Study:
This is a work still in progress so no claim is being made (or can be made) as to whether or not there is any validity to astrology. The claim I do make is that this method (comparing objectively observable horoscope features, such as angles between planets and midpoints, with objectively observable phenomena in the lives of people, e.g. murder) is a valid way to put astrology to the test. Further results will be reported as obtained.

The Supporting Data used for this Study. This section exhibits the astrological charts and the tables used to perform this research. (NO STATISTICAL INFORMATION AT THIS LINK - ONLY NAMES AND ASPECTS)

and there is no reference about statistical error and the sample is too small so we can generate like this.
And I am sorry, I wanted to say that your conclusions based on a study like this could be wrong if (probably) the study is wrong.
I did not have time (yet) to read it in detail. I will, and I`ll reply again later.

Sorry again
Best regards
natasa812 said:
Yes, you are right, I belive that the study (or the methodology of it) is wrong or the information about it is insufficient because as it was said at the end

The Claim being made for this Study:
This is a work still in progress so no claim is being made (or can be made) as to whether or not there is any validity to astrology. The claim I do make is that this method (comparing objectively observable horoscope features, such as angles between planets and midpoints, with objectively observable phenomena in the lives of people, e.g. murder) is a valid way to put astrology to the test. Further results will be reported as obtained.

The Supporting Data used for this Study. This section exhibits the astrological charts and the tables used to perform this research. (NO STATISTICAL INFORMATION AT THIS LINK - ONLY NAMES AND ASPECTS)

and there is no reference about statistical error and the sample is too small so we can generate like this.
And I am sorry, I wanted to say that your conclusions based on a study like this could be wrong if (probably) the study is wrong.
I did not have time (yet) to read it in detail. I will, and I`ll reply again later.

Sorry again
Best regards

Hi Natasha,
Firstly inside out orange and myself are not debating the validity of the research involved but rather were simply pointing out to mr hyde that his reference to the material was incorrect.

Secondly, you seem to have over looked the obvious and dived straight into the abstract. The study, in fact any study, is really only hypothetical because there are too many variables involved to accurately obtain any statistics from any source regarding the astrological signatures of murderers, serial killers and mass murderers.
For example, the idea that the odds of a particular planet being in any particular house or sign by random chance alone is approximately 1/12, is hugely flawed. Looking to the ascending signs alone, it is reasonable (but inaccurate) to assume that each of the 12 signs has an 8.33% chance (1 in 12) of being on the horizon at any given point of the day.
In reality latitude affects the length of time it takes for certain signs to rise so instead of a person having an 8.33% chance of say aries rising, these figures can vary from as little as 2% through to 14%. So straight away we have an anomily that will interfer with the results. The amount of time a planet travels through a sign also varies from location to location so to say that a majority of serial killers have mercury in scorpio is invalid unless we can prove that all people regardless of time and place of birth have equal opportunity to have merc in scorpio.
Then we would need to look at the number of live births to still borns of all the countries where subjects are taken from because many more babies with merc in scorp may have been born (or not) but due to poor socio-economical environments they had a higher rate of infant mortality thus perverting the natural occurance of sk's or mm's.
The variables are endless so any study is pretty much moot. Statistics are really just a numbers game and their validity in any area is highly suspect IMO.
In all honesty no one can answer as to which sign is more dangerous but it was fun to debate the issue as it actually helps us to look at all signs from a different perspective.

Rogue Red
You are right Rogue Red, I must admit that I did not read it in detail since it was enough for me just to see the luck of statistical error % and a small test sample to reject it.
But, I think it is worth trying to find a way to predict or at least to have strong indicators about those issues.
Interesting tread, keep it like this...
Best regards
rogue_red said:
For example, the idea that the odds of a particular planet being in any particular house or sign by random chance alone is approximately 1/12, is hugely flawed. Looking to the ascending signs alone, it is reasonable (but inaccurate) to assume that each of the 12 signs has an 8.33% chance (1 in 12) of being on the horizon at any given point of the day.

I must admit I instantly discounted any Ascendent / house type stuff purely because it is dependent on an accurate time of birth, and different house systems give different results.

rogue_red said:
The amount of time a planet travels through a sign also varies from location to location so to say that a majority of serial killers have mercury in scorpio is invalid unless we can prove that all people regardless of time and place of birth have equal opportunity to have merc in scorpio.

Really? I know Mercury moves quickly and goes between direct and retrogade action three(?) times each year, but over a period of years I woud have thought averages the same amount of time in each sign. It's not like Pluto which has an ellipitical orbits and therefore the number of years in each sign is different.
Inside Out Orange said:
I must admit I instantly discounted any Ascendent / house type stuff purely because it is dependent on an accurate time of birth, and different house systems give different results.

Really? I know Mercury moves quickly and goes between direct and retrogade action three(?) times each year, but over a period of years I woud have thought averages the same amount of time in each sign. It's not like Pluto which has an ellipitical orbits and therefore the number of years in each sign is different.

Hmmm i could be wrong on the planet thru signs bit but im sure i read that over here, the signs capricorn thru to cancer take longer to cross the ecliptic than in the north or something. I'll have to have a look and post back:D
Ok so what i found out is that it takes 22 days for merc to go thru aquarius, 18 days for pisces, 15 for aries, 22 for taurus and 33 for gem (due to retro). just from this alone we can see that more people will be born with merc in gem than mer in aries at a ration of 1:2, Makes things interesting.:)
rogue_red said:
Ok so what i found out is that it takes 22 days for merc to go thru aquarius,

Have you based those numbers on what's happening in 2009? Take a look at 2008 ... Mercury was in Aquarius from 9-Jan to 14-Mar ... that's over 2 months ... 60 days or so. In 2007, Mer in Aq was there for about 37 days in two periods due to retrograde back from Pisces. Like I say, over a period of years I'd expect the time spent in each sign to come to an average 1/12 of the year.

What you do have is that depending on one's latitiude, different signs spend less time on the eastern horizon. So in the Northern hemisphere, Aries is only there for 50 minutes while Libra is there for 2 hours. It's the opposite in the Southern. But obviously that doesn't specifically affect planets in a particular sign. This year, Mercury will enter into Scorpio on the 27 Oct GMT regardless of your position on the planet, just the date/time may differ due to time zones.

Edit: 2005 ... Merc in Aries ... 5th-Mar to 11-May ... 67 days ... Merc in Gemini ... 28-May to 10-Jun ... 15 days.
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Inside Out Orange said:
Have you based those numbers on what's happening in 2009? Take a look at 2008 ... Mercury was in Aquarius from 9-Jan to 14-Mar ... that's over 2 months ... 60 days or so. In 2007, Mer in Aq was there for about 37 days in two periods due to retrograde back from Pisces. Like I say, over a period of years I'd expect the time spent in each sign to come to an average 1/12 of the year.

What you do have is that depending on one's latitiude, different signs spend less time on the eastern horizon. So in the Northern hemisphere, Aries is only there for 50 minutes while Libra is there for 2 hours. It's the opposite in the Southern. But obviously that doesn't specifically affect planets in a particular sign. This year, Mercury will enter into Scorpio on the 27 Oct GMT regardless of your position on the planet, just the date/time may differ due to time zones.

Edit: 2005 ... Merc in Aries ... 5th-Mar to 11-May ... 67 days ... Merc in Gemini ... 28-May to 10-Jun ... 15 days.

Yeah i just used current merc placements, but this in itself is enough for me to not really take the research to heart. As far as latitude goes, house placement and ascendant are all pretty much moot.:)

To me, this chart definately could belong to someone who could do much harm and will have to decide between good and evil. With Mars in scorpio in 11H you are prepared to die, lead and fight and sacrifice yourself for the cause. Not saying this is wrong, Better make sure the cause is just. Neptune in 12 H in SAG could see you merge yourself and dissolve your boundaries with that cause or idea. Sun in Virgo in 9H could see you devote yourself to an idea or religion and identify with it. I know Libras with a sometimes fierce temper so Pluto, Saturn and Mercury here will need to be harnessed into seeing both sides, Law, diplomacy arbitration and harmonising.The moon in Leo a need to be seen and recognised. The planets all in the upper hemisphere so a life dealing with the public. I think a great chart, sort of a dignity to it as long as the individual choses to direct the passion for a higher purpose.
