The nature of pisces descendant

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Oh my goodness, he is shockingly good. Just the most intelligent, artistic, witty, loving person...just quirky, which I find sexy indeed.

And he has satrun in taurus in the 6th, mars conjunct pluto in virgo in the 10th...trine.

That is lovely, you sound truly smitten. As if you've found your "one" :love:
Hey, i have wanted to post a new thread and i guess i can't figure out how to do it....not to side track everyone. Sorry... Guess i usually answer instead of post. Just picked a thread that everyone was answering to.

Hey, i have wanted to post a new thread and i guess i can't figure out how to do it....not to side track everyone. Sorry... Guess i usually answer instead of post. Just picked a thread that everyone was answering to.


Hi Tootsie - go to "astrologers' community" link and choose a specific forum in which to post - then just click the "new thread" link in what you believe to be the relevant forum.
Well, it isn't giving me forums...must be a mercury rx....guess i wasn't meant to post my chart. I'll have to figure it out myself. Thanks for your help.
Tootsie - Hiya, try clicking the "astrologers' community" link followed by the "read my chart" link. That should get you onto a page where you will see a "new thread" icon. :smile:

Good luck. I know it can be frustrating when you're trying to navigate something and missing an essential component!
Thanks ....i'll try that. Gads...guess it has been over a yr. Since i tried to post something.....i'm outta the loop.
I am lucky, my bf is soooo hard working and accomplished, never wavers in his dedication, just an amazing man. But for instance, we were just in Canada and there WAS a bear on the sidewalk one night coming home from dinner and he freaked out. I was enchanted (from a safe distance) but he wanted to immediately call a cab.

Actually, I think both your instincts are good, provided it was a black bear (or cinnamon bear-- a brown variety) and not a grizzly or polar bear, which will attack people even when unprovoked. I live in the Canadian Rockies, where bear encounters are frequent. Sadly, a lot of the black bears have to be destroyed when they wind up on the sidewalk like that. They mean no harm to people, but are still dangerous if approached at close range, notably when they get into people's yards, farms, and even homes looking for food.

I will say, also, if you ever have babies with one of these guys, you can bet who is going to change the diapers and deal with the spit-ups! However, Sensitive Guys do love them.
As an entre, consider Mars has, is, or soon will be, in it's own hood ~ 1st house.
His hawkish Virgo eye is seeing what's in his way ~ others.
7th house Pisces.
Right now it's time for you folks to move out of your own way. No ifs and buts.
I just told that to my friend Saralinda who is a business manager for a mental health service. She is Virgo rising.
My Venus sits on her descendant and we've been best friends since we met 20 years ago. I know her well.
At one time, in early 90's when she was unemployed for a year, she took pottery and welding classes (she's a Taurus). She made amazing, functional things. I still have the sturdy gifts she gave me.
It was the happiest I'd ever seen her.
I remnd her of that through the years. She is at a boiling simmer right now. Says something's gonna change.
Her user boyfriend of 3 years, a mother~hating Cancer who conjuncts my friend's Venus, has become the focal point.
She says she see's how she's been used and disrespected and she's really not even angry ~ she's just moving out of it and away from it.
Job, Boyfriend, Mate, Child ~
sometimes the same thing for Virgo Rising
Earthy duty, fixin' others, compassionately self reducing.
Not much of a better example of 1st/7th for pinpointing the imbalance between serving and putting others and things before yourself.
Mars is activating these imbalances while it barges thru your 1st house for quite a while. Step-aside detachment from obligatory relations/agreements getting you nowhere is required.
Mars always asserts our Sun, goes after, in its manner, what makes us glow. And won't give a second to anything that doesn't.
Actually, I think both your instincts are good, provided it was a black bear (or cinnamon bear-- a brown variety) and not a grizzly or polar bear, which will attack people even when unprovoked. I live in the Canadian Rockies, where bear encounters are frequent. Sadly, a lot of the black bears have to be destroyed when they wind up on the sidewalk like that. They mean no harm to people, but are still dangerous if approached at close range, notably when they get into people's yards, farms, and even homes looking for food.

I will say, also, if you ever have babies with one of these guys, you can bet who is going to change the diapers and deal with the spit-ups! However, Sensitive Guys do love them.

Yes, it was a black bear. Really beautiful, and I'm sure you are right that he was in danger perhaps more than we were as he may have now been destroyed for that foray into town. I certianly would not have approached him and I was dismayed to see that other people who noticed him seemed to be following him out of curiosity.
I have a Pisces Descendant as well. I think im attracted to people who are artistic or have a lot of warmth (I hope that made sense)
Pisces ascendent requires of one to release any idea of remaining fixed in one position for very long. The nature of the beast is to overcome the tendency to project oneself into the future or get stuck (immobilized) by revisiting the past. the ancient script" being in the world but not of it" certainly applies to anyone who has Pisces rising. Literally, a LETTING GO is continually called for but without regret or remorse. almost impossible, I know...MODE of Cosmic Therapy
Anyone have any stories/insight into this placement and/or Neptune/Venus aspects? I have Pisces descendant and Venus square Neptune and I just went on a date that personified all the potential bad things about these aspects. I haven't even fully digested this date but let me tell you.......His pupils were huge lol.

Is there any hope with these aspects? I don't think there isn't but I think I am attracted to bad situations and reject normal good relationships. I guess there's a lesson here I haven't gotten over. Lin gave me great insight in another thread about my chart, I would post it but I'm on mobile.

I just watched a video on Moon Pluto conjunct by Jewel Mayberry on YouTube also (I have this) and she said people with this aspect can be attracted to pain. I know I have a lot of serious indicators of familial drama and I know outside of astrology what all of these things entail and what that can do for my adult relationships but I don't get what I'm supposed to do to reject these situations and to not be attracted to these types of people anymore. Other than just to tell myself to Not. Lol. I also don't see the logic in sitting at home all day and avoiding life because astrology and life dealt me a bad hand.

I have Virgo ASC/Pisces DSC, Neptune conjunct Moon and Saturn in Capricorn. Regarding to one-to-one partnerships, half of them have been dreamy fishes but some have also almost had water voids. The two people I've even tried dating have been Pisces Suns, but in both cases my interest in them dropped in few months and the few other months the relationships still lasted I was considering how to tell this to the partners so that I wouldn't hurt them (and get into an emotional storm). I still tried being friends with them for years, but they weren't happy in the friendzone...

Juno11 said:
I am notoriously attracted to escapists, dreamers and artists and I must admit a lot of them have a relaxed relationship to drugs, so to speak. I'm kinda embarrassed to admit that if a guy is not destructive in some way I lose interest.
My world is also turned upside down by artistic, poetic and compassionate people or those who want to make the world a better place...

Juno11 said:
I don't consider it destructive though, even if that's what the rest of the world would call it and I totally understand that from an objective point of view - but to me it is to find comfort in the hidden, the unknown, away from everything mundane.
...But as everything that comes with an upside also has a downside and it's very humane, the shadow side of Pisces can still get me walking off and become hypochondriac. I admit looking down on dishonesty and drug-abuse, but then I prefer not judging too harshly either because everyone chooses what they do with their lives.

Juno11 said:
What do you do to avoid not getting too involved in something that is only bad for you?

Simple; set boundaries and try keeping them firm but also keep an open mind. I also prefer keeping things casual unless the other person can prove they can be trusted in long-term and even more than that, stay focused on everything that matters. Sometimes I still get involved though out of being bored to have to act like "pure, responsible and virtuous person" while others are having fun, fooling around and even being badass about it
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Anyone have any stories/insight into this placement and/or Neptune/Venus aspects? I have Pisces descendant and Venus square Neptune and I just went on a date that personified all the potential bad things about these aspects. I haven't even fully digested this date but let me tell you.......His pupils were huge lol.

Is there any hope with these aspects? I don't think there isn't but I think I am attracted to bad situations and reject normal good relationships. I guess there's a lesson here I haven't gotten over. Lin gave me great insight in another thread about my chart, I would post it but I'm on mobile.

I just watched a video on Moon Pluto conjunct by Jewel Mayberry on YouTube also (I have this) and she said people with this aspect can be attracted to pain. I know I have a lot of serious indicators of familial drama and I know outside of astrology what all of these things entail and what that can do for my adult relationships but I don't get what I'm supposed to do to reject these situations and to not be attracted to these types of people anymore. Other than just to tell myself to Not. Lol. I also don't see the logic in sitting at home all day and avoiding life because astrology and life dealt me a bad hand.


I have Virgo rising with Pisces on the descendant. How are you incorporating empowering interpretations of Pisces energy into your life? Otherwise, we tend to attract to ourselves people who seemingly embody its negative traits. The houses and signs of Neptune (modern ruler) and Jupiter (traditional ruler) will be of some help as to how to proceed.
I have Virgo rising with Pisces on the descendant. How are you incorporating empowering interpretations of Pisces energy into your life? Otherwise, we tend to attract to ourselves people who seemingly embody its negative traits. The houses and signs of Neptune (modern ruler) and Jupiter (traditional ruler) will be of some help as to how to proceed.

Thank you Waybread, that makes sense. I suppose I don't have an answer. My Neptune is in Cap in 4th and Jupiter in Virgo in 12th. I think I'll need to reflect on this more.
I have Pisces DC and in the past it has attracted me to... Um... Those who need emotional help and they were also attracted to me...most to the point of obsession...or maybe i feel that way because when I fell "out of love" with them I wanted nothing to do with them.

The attraction always started with me being attracted to how emotional understanding they were but then I learned that I was a bit desperate then because I felt isolated in my family and home (i have sun in the 4th house and I feel my life evolves around my family life against my will)
But they were attracted to me too because their lives weren't all that good but eventually (like a week or so) a bad feeling would come to me, especially when they would try to get me alone with them as much as possible and then I come to realize that that kind of isolation isn't what I want either. I also didn't feel comfortable with don't know the right word but they would not honestly say what they wanted from me they would give hints instead and I really didnt like that So eventually I just stopped giving into their hints and just left them.

I always felt extremely repulsed and disgusted afte the "break up"

The stories of my relationships is a little more detailed than what I have but I tried summarizing it.

Anyways, my neptune is in my 5th house and conjuncts my that I think of it, none of the relationships were particularly 'fun' and I didnt feel like they were "helping me" like I was helping them.
I have Pisces DC and in the past it has attracted me to... Um... Those who need emotional help and they were also attracted to me...most to the point of obsession...or maybe i feel that way because when I fell "out of love" with them I wanted nothing to do with them.

The attraction always started with me being attracted to how emotional understanding they were but then I learned that I was a bit desperate then because I felt isolated in my family and home (i have sun in the 4th house and I feel my life evolves around my family life against my will)
But they were attracted to me too because their lives weren't all that good but eventually (like a week or so) a bad feeling would come to me, especially when they would try to get me alone with them as much as possible and then I come to realize that that kind of isolation isn't what I want either. I also didn't feel comfortable with don't know the right word but they would not honestly say what they wanted from me they would give hints instead and I really didnt like that So eventually I just stopped giving into their hints and just left them.

I always felt extremely repulsed and disgusted afte the "break up"

The stories of my relationships is a little more detailed than what I have but I tried summarizing it.

Anyways, my neptune is in my 5th house and conjuncts my that I think of it, none of the relationships were particularly 'fun' and I didnt feel like they were "helping me" like I was helping them.

I feel you on this. This guy at my work was pretty into me and we went out a few times before I turned him down, albeit I turned him down too gently and he was still into me for about a year, maybe even still today I'm not sure. Anyway, I found out after the fact his mom was pretty sick and in general I think had some family problems. Plus he's pretty shy and isn't too confident. It's funny because while my descendant is Pisces I tend to be attracted to more confident people. Idk, I want to say it's my Venus in Aries but that's supposed to be MY style, right? Maybe I just really didn't like HIM lol. Because I've been fine with other needy guys. I just felt like this guy who was like 9-10 years older than me too, was gonna end up having me mothering him and wasn't offering much in return. I think my Venus square Uranus and Aries Venus just tends to want to flee after the initial fun is over also.

Anyway. These days I think I'm ok with admitting to myself I won't have a decent healthy relationship until I resolve my family relationship troubles. Until then I think I'm just gonna run into the same dynamics until I do some conscious work on them and actively seek something different and normal. And I think I need to move out of my parents house and away from my fam until that can realisticly happen.

I have some funny dating stories tho so that's something lol.