I do not know about perfection, but i once found a chart, posted by someone on yahoo answers, of her/his grandfather who had all his planets bar 2 involved only in trines and conjunctions ; ))or had a huge amount of trines, something like that. I haven't been able to find it again though, but i think it's still there
Here is an interesting program:
http://www.configurationhunter.com/astrology-tools/planet_positions where you can find the date when planets were in a specific position. I tried to find a date with all planets in domicile, but the maximum i found were 7 planets (well, the original 7 planets): Sun in Leo, Moon in Cancer, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Pisces and Saturn in Aquarius; which occured on 1903-08-19. This chart seems to be pretty challenging if we start taking into consideration the aspects betwen planets though...
I have an interesting friend who practically also has 7 planets in domicile, with the outers aligned this time.
She has
Moon in Cancer
Mercury in Gemini
Mars in Leo
Saturn in Pisces in mutual reception also through a sextile with Neptune in Capricorn
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Uranus in Aquarius
Pluto in Scorpio
Sun is in Taurus and Venus in Aries, but knowing that Sun is exalted in Aries and Venus in domicile in Taurus, could this also be some kind of a mutual reception? This would be crazy
What could be next considered "perfect" would be a chart without squares or oppositions. I wonder if any did occur until now. I guess it did, bowl/bundle type charts have an upper hand in this area. In my chart, betwen Planets/Asc/MC, there are 14 conjunctions, 9 sextiles, 4 semi-sextiles, 4 semi-squares, 1 trine, 1 quintile, and one almost 10 degrees square between Jupiter and Saturn. I do have some squares to NN and from Chiron though. No square or opposition otherwise. I am quite idealistic, but i realise there is no such thing as perfection. Everything is made of "puzzle pieces" that must fit with other ones in order to be able to produce greater things and a fully "functional organism". The Universe as a whole included... And thus perfection becomes imperfection. Your imperfections are the perfect parts about yourself actually, because they help your surroundings function and are a part of the bigger picture...