The perfect astrology natal chart

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Dec 9, 2013
If you could make up the perfect natal chart, how would it look? You don't need to write a whole chart of course.
Do you have any favorite placements?


My choices
Ascendant: Leo
Sun: Scorpio, in house 5
Moon: Pisces, 4th house
Mercury: Aquarius or scorpio in 9th housse
Venus: Taurus, house 7
Mars: Leo in 5th house

I'd like pluto conjuct ascendant also
I have to say that while you could do this, to do it, IMO, fails to understand what the astrology chart represents.

It represents the blueprint of anyone who is still on the wheel of birth/death/reincarnation cycles and for whom perfection of the Personality aspect is still a goal. Once the Transfiguration initiation is taken, the personality is merged with the soul which is essentially perfect, and a chart is really no longer needed.

Each of us has a whole series of tasks to do. And we have energies that will work better for us and kinds of energies and areas that we need to use more than others.

A completely neutral chart in regards to the energies and houses and aspects would be representative of a chart where the owner literally had nothing to do in this life. Only those who have passed out of the birth/death cycle have nothing to do.

No Soul/Higher Self would actually provide such a chart for their personality.

A more productive exercise, IMO, would be to look at charts that need to develop certain kinds of skills in interacting in the world.

My opinion, of course. I'm sure some others will not agree, and some will.


P.S.: IMO, the act of wanting a better chart than the one which one has also fails to recognize that each of us has a set of goals to be accomplished in this life. Trying to have a different chart or augmenting what one doesn't want simply makes your next life harder as your soul narrows the options of action down to a tighter and tighter set. I've seen charts of fairly together people who have apparently ignored their soul's wishes for a number of life times because their options for what works and what doesn't work are exceedingly slim.
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This, of course, completely historically unreliable and arbitrary chart of Jesus Christ from Astrotheme just crossed my mind.


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Obviously, date was chosen arbitrary to make the chart look like this.

JJ Jacobs dad, Moby Jacobs, who some of the older members here know either by actuality or repution spent most of his life trying to produce such a chart. Recently his son JJ, who I did know, died also.

I don't have the Moby chart but I'm sure I could locate it. I think its kind of contrived.
'Perfection is relative to personal choice/opinion


Consider The Thema Mundi :smile:


'…....The Thema Mundi is sourced from Hellenistic astrologers
Paulus Alexandrinus, Firmicus Maternus 4th Century CE
Thrasyllus 1st Century CE, and friend of the Roman Emporor Tiberius,
and earlier mythical astrologers
Anubio, Nechepso, Petosirus.
'Mythical' however implying unknown - as opposed to unreal or fictional.
The true authors of books attributed to these names remain unknown.
Greatest of mythical astrologers was Hermes Trismegestus,
who some say was an Egyptian,
and others say was either a contemporary of the biblical Abraham,
or even Abraham himself.
Traditionally, Hermetic philosophy originates from writings of Hermes Trismegestus.
One of three major disciplines/paths of Hermetic Philosophy is the study of astrology......' Douglas Noblehorse


'…..Even though the Thema Mundi is a Hellenistic technique that is over 2000 years
old, it still has primary relevance for astrologers today.
For instance, when we think of Mars, we also think of Aries and Scorpio.
To a lesser extent we think of Capricorn.
We also think of squares. The Thema Mundi shows why we do that.
It goes deeper than that though, because the Thema Mundi shows
why we should perhaps think of the 5th, 6th, 7th and 10th houses as well.....' Douglas Noblehorse


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If you could make up the perfect natal chart, how would it look? You don't need to write a whole chart of course.
Do you have any favorite placements?

Sun: Gemini in 9th joys
Moon: Cancer in 10th angular and domiciled
Mercury: Gemini in 9th domiciled
Venus: Cancer in the 10th angular
Mars: Aries in 7th angular and domiciled
Jupiter: Cancer in the 10th angular and exalted
Saturn: Libra in the 1st angular and exalted

Basically, everything would be above the horizon and this would be a day chart.
To khlysty:

Pluto in the first? Do you want to live in hell every single day of your life?
It can make you insanely popular and influential under certain aspects but at a great price. Certainly Pluto has nothing to do with happiness, especially in the 1st. Why not a benefic: Jupiter or Venus? Good Mars or Uranus would be great, too. And what about the Sun? Sun in the 1st hits the charts :smile:
To the Ram:

Overall, you've made a reasonable choice but...

It would be preferable to have harmonious grand trines and sextile formations.
Yours is very powerful but the planets must not be afflicted (for example, Venus should be on a degree safe from oppositions to Mars and Pluto in Scorpio 8th house (it would be deadly for relationships). Your chart also makes Mars and Pluto dispositors of the Sun. Both malefics are thus placed in the house of death and rule the whole chart.
Nevertheles, overall the chart is natural which means people are meant to be fighters in life (Aries in 1st) and die in great struggle and pain (Pluto in 8th).
Pluto in the first? Do you want to live in hell every single day of your life? It can make you insanely popular and influential under certain aspects but at a great price. Certainly Pluto has nothing to do with happiness, especially in the 1st. Why not a benefic: Jupiter or Venus? Good Mars or Uranus would be great, too. And what about the Sun? Sun in the 1st hits the charts :smile:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I have Libra Pluto in the 1st house, along with Saturn and Jupiter. I don't think life is hell but there's certainly hellish elements about it, of which, is probably what makes life interesting anyways.
To may28gemini:

You definitely have that Jupiter in the first (just take a look at that CATSTER:smile:) So many social planets in the first, you must be like an overloaded gun. Btw, you're experiencing (or are going to experience) some "tasty" squares from Pluto currently transiting in Capricorn. I would prepare for it by first checking my health.

There's actually 2 other people on this forum, although they haven't made an appearance on here for over a year, they both have Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in Libra in the 1st house. One of them has Gemini Sun in the 9th house, like me. As a matter of fact, her chart is almost exactly like mine except for a few small changes. All Libra rising people born roughly from Nov 1980 to Sept 1981 will have that above combo in their 1st house.

Yes T Cap Pluto has been transiting my 4th house which squares My AC and DC. Funny you mentioned about health... I've been recovering from physical exhaustion from moving across states and made 4 trips back and forth over the course of 2 weeks period to get my stuff and tie up loose ends. I drove a total of over 5000 miles. After all that was over, I've been in complete pain, and worst off, horrible allergy attacks set in! I lost my voice and I can't breathe, congestion is horrid and headaches are rotten. But I'm pretty proud of myself... I did the move all by myself without any help. Unfortunately, I'm now paying the price.

This is like the first time I've succumbed to being incapacitated and being totally exhausted for at least 10 years. My mother drove over with my stepdad and brother and they picked me up so I could hangout with them.
To may28gemini:

5000 miles?! That's a distance if I've ever heard one. Another 3000 and we get the Earth diameter! That's not a mere physical exhaustion that you have, it's a travel exhaustion at its best (or worst). If you travelled straight to the east coast of the US then you have reached the NY and then ended up drowning somewhere in the Atlantic (just some black humor here). No surprise with the Sun in th 9th (and probably Merc with Venus there as well) and Jupiter in the first. Though the exhaustion is a Pluto thing which has a major part here.

Pluto not only squares your Asc, it also throws an opposition to your MC so you can expect some drastic changes with your status (job, authority, reputation and alike) as well as changes at home.

PS: Btw, having a stepdad or an unavailable father (at a distance) is a very common 9th house Sun thing.
To may28gemini:

5000 miles?! That's a distance if I've ever heard one. Another 3000 and we get the Earth diameter! That's not a mere physical exhaustion that you have, it's a travel exhaustion at its best (or worst). If you travelled straight to the east coast of the US then you have reached the NY and then ended up drowning somewhere in the Atlantic (just some black humor here). No surprise with the Sun in th 9th (and probably Merc with Venus there as well) and Jupiter in the first. Though the exhaustion is a Pluto thing which has a major part here.

Pluto not only squares your Asc, it also throws an opposition to your MC so you can expect some drastic changes with your status (job, authority, reputation and alike) as well as changes at home.

PS: Btw, having a stepdad or an unavailable father (at a distance) is a very common 9th house Sun thing.

LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol: 5000 total because LA to Phoenix/Phoenix to LA is 400 miles and I took that trip 12 times which is 4800 but I drove a lot in-between all those trips so I know it's over 5000. I thought if I did drive from LA as the starting point 5000 and kept going, I'd pass NYC and probably drive off the Brooklyn Bridge :lol:

Yes, I have Gemini Sun, Venus, Mercury in the 9th and Libra Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in the 1st house. Nothing in my 4th house, although IC is there and T Pluto has been making things a little goofy for me and i'll admit, I've been quite irate about it. Pluto caused my apartment to flood before I I guess that's something :lol::lol:

Yes, change in residence due to my desire to be closer to my mother, whom I fear could die soon. I don't mean soon as in a few months or a year, but she doesn't have many years left due to her disease and we didn't get along when I was younger so I guess it's trying to forging a better relationship now because we have some time. I just don't want it to be too late, that's all.

Sun joys in the 9th, but it's true that my real father has been at a sort of Airy distance (Grand Air Kite) and my stepfather isn't really a dad figure, just a decent dude my mom married and I rather like his company and conversational skills...also Airy as he's a Gemini.
Well... You're quite geminied (or rather "geminified" :smile:)! Like a talking machine gun! I wish I had it. My Merc is under Saturn so I usually don't go too far in talking beyond what is strictly necessary, business-style, you know. I only can hope for good transits and take a fleeting advantage of them.

I was a great talker as a kid but my parents were divorced and very busy working and my social circle was a bit narrow 'cause I lived in a remoted place... Probably for those reasons I became accustomed to stay aloof and mostly keep things to myself. Btw, somehow I always end up living at the brink edge, beyond town limits, so remoted places that many people don't even believe that someone can live there. The places also have something technological about them (a former tech-plant facility, to name one). Probably, it's because I'm loaded with Aquarius as much as you with Gemini :smile:

Sorry for your mother. My mother is on the same way now. It's good that you've decided to be closer to her because time is insanely fast.
To khlysty:

Pluto in the first? Do you want to live in hell every single day of your life?
It can make you insanely popular and influential under certain aspects but at a great price. Certainly Pluto has nothing to do with happiness, especially in the 1st. Why not a benefic: Jupiter or Venus? Good Mars or Uranus would be great, too. And what about the Sun? Sun in the 1st hits the charts :smile:
Well,thank you for that!

I have Pluto in the first house and it's my dominant planet.

It's great to hear/read such great,reassuring things.
The ascendant has the strongest affinity with Aries as the 1st is Aries house. So naturally an Aries ascendant would be best as then the other houses would have a nice symmetry with their corresponding signs as well. Ie Gemini on the 3rd, Scorps on the 8th, etc. Plus solar ascendants do bless the person with good health generally.

Aries Rising
Capricorn MC
Aries Sun (1st house, conjunct the ascendant)
Cancer Moon (4th house, conjunct IC ESPECIALLY in a womans chart)
Aries Mercury (1st house)
Taurus Venus (2nd house)
Scorpio Mars (8th house)
Cancer Jupiter (4th house conjunct the moon and IC, again Im thinking more for a womans chart)
Aquarius Saturn (11th house)
Aquarius Uranus (11th house)
Pisces Neptune (12th house)
Scorpio Pluto (8th house)

Well, it seems, I have considerable part of a perfect natal chart :wink: - Aries rising, Capricorn MC, Aries Sun in the 1st house, Cancer Moon in the 4th house conjunt IC, Mercury in the 1st house, Taurus Venus. And there were times I considered my life living hell (without Pluto in the 1st house). I really wonder how I missed this part :crying: Just little joke :innocent:
I'm pretty happy with the chart I was born with.

Somehow it seems to suit me.

But then if I had a different chart I would be somebody else, wouldn't I?

Judging from the alternatives I've observed over 72 years of meeting people and looking at their minds and lives....I can't see who I would rather be than me. Pick someone famous (so we can all share the choice). Who would you be?

One thing I've noticed about life is that the grass always looks greener...

Funny thing about life -- Everything has a price. There ain't no free lunch.

Like old Earl Maynard (he's my age) said -- "I wouldn't go back." I am not unhappy with who I am, with what I have become, with how it all turned out. The stuff between my childhood and (ahem) maturity, tough and ugly as some of it may have been at the time, is what created who I am today.

Whining does not get the job done. Wandering off into a world of fantasy does not get the job done. Get real, get tough and get the job done. Use the resources at hand and create yourself in your own image.

And my chart ain't no picnic. Not a single planet unafflicted. Four in detriment. Seven powerful squares and a horrible opposition. Retrogradation prominent. The Eighth House is the featured house in my chart. Etc. And I wouldn't change it.
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I do not know about perfection, but i once found a chart, posted by someone on yahoo answers, of her/his grandfather who had all his planets bar 2 involved only in trines and conjunctions ; ))or had a huge amount of trines, something like that. I haven't been able to find it again though, but i think it's still there

Here is an interesting program: where you can find the date when planets were in a specific position. I tried to find a date with all planets in domicile, but the maximum i found were 7 planets (well, the original 7 planets): Sun in Leo, Moon in Cancer, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Pisces and Saturn in Aquarius; which occured on 1903-08-19. This chart seems to be pretty challenging if we start taking into consideration the aspects betwen planets though...

I have an interesting friend who practically also has 7 planets in domicile, with the outers aligned this time.
She has
Moon in Cancer
Mercury in Gemini
Mars in Leo
Saturn in Pisces in mutual reception also through a sextile with Neptune in Capricorn
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Uranus in Aquarius
Pluto in Scorpio
Sun is in Taurus and Venus in Aries, but knowing that Sun is exalted in Aries and Venus in domicile in Taurus, could this also be some kind of a mutual reception? This would be crazy

What could be next considered "perfect" would be a chart without squares or oppositions. I wonder if any did occur until now. I guess it did, bowl/bundle type charts have an upper hand in this area. In my chart, betwen Planets/Asc/MC, there are 14 conjunctions, 9 sextiles, 4 semi-sextiles, 4 semi-squares, 1 trine, 1 quintile, and one almost 10 degrees square between Jupiter and Saturn. I do have some squares to NN and from Chiron though. No square or opposition otherwise. I am quite idealistic, but i realise there is no such thing as perfection. Everything is made of "puzzle pieces" that must fit with other ones in order to be able to produce greater things and a fully "functional organism". The Universe as a whole included... And thus perfection becomes imperfection. Your imperfections are the perfect parts about yourself actually, because they help your surroundings function and are a part of the bigger picture... ;)
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