The possible influence of Exoplanets on Astrology

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Dec 7, 2020
This is my first contribution to the forum. I hope it is of some interest.
Recently I came across an interesting article written by the astronomer Dr Michael Lund of Vanderbilt University. The article concerns the possible connection between the discovery of Exoplanets and their influence on the Zodiac and astrology. The article was written in 2016.
He notes that the discovery of major celestial objects in the Zodiac constellations has traditionally resulted in new areas of research in astrology. He cites in particular the Centaurs and larger asteroids. Interestingly, he turns to quantum physics to help explain why an object never seemed to have a dramatic influence such as Chiron before its “discovery” in 1977. He writes that particles behave differently when observed (discovered) to when they are unobserved. He thinks even large celestial objects, such as Centaurs and Exoplanets, may have a different effect on the observer once we know of their presence in space.
In the first of Dr Lund’s diagrams he shows the distribution of Exoplanets throughout the Zodiac constellations in 2016.
(See attached diagram Exoplanets by Zodiac sign)
The results are:
Aries 12
Taurus 17
Gemini 12
Cancer 22
Leo 37
Virgo 43
Libra 7
Scorpio 33
Sagittarius 37
Capricorn 12
Aquarius 22
Pisces 21

He posited that the relatively small number of Exoplanets discovered in Libra as opposed to Virgo may cause an imbalance resulting in a lack of balance and peace in the world today. He further noted that by actively searching in the constallation of Libra, the resulting increase in the frequency of Exoplanets in that corner of the Zodiac could perhaps result in more peace and harmony in our world.
I decided to continue Dr Lund’s line of enquiry by comparing his 2016 distribution of Exoplanets with more recent data from 2019. In the period between 2016 and 2020, the number of Exoplanets discovered in the Milky Way has roughly doubled to almost 4500.
(See attached diagram Exoplanets in 2020)
Here are my results:
Aries 18
Taurus 44
Gemini 18
Cancer 40
Leo 68
Virgo 98
Libra 18
Scorpio 58
Sagittarius 80
Capricorn 18
Aquarius 60
Pisces 38

At first glance it looks like Libra still has a lot of catching up to do compared to Virgo. However, when we compare the percentage increase in numbers of Exoplanets in each of the Zodiac constellations, we see that Libra has increased its Exoplanets by almost 270% rivalling the growth of Aquarius.
(See attached diagram Increase in Exoplanets)
I would welcome any other opinions on the possible influence of Exoplanets.


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This is my first contribution to the forum. I would welcome any other opinions on the possible influence of Exoplanets.
Thank you for contributing! :) Your message considers the influence of exoplanets taken together as a whole, which is of course a nice unifying approach. :love: However, it's also possible to consider the influence of individual exoplanets.

Just as the planets in our own solar system make an astrology chart more detailed than only considering Sun sign, so can exoplanets orbiting other star systems modify the reading of that fixed star. For example, when an exoplanet transits over its star, it creates an eclipse effect or lens that modifies and intensifies that star's energy. Interpretations of fixed stars are currently static and generic, since they move so slowly. However, if one considers a star's planets, then it can make their interpretations more detailed, and it can also indicate time periods when the star's energy is more prominent.
"What do you think is the mechanism by which exoplanets exert influence — in addition to “observability”?"
I would imagine that it's a collective influence a bit like the opinions or actions of a crowd can affect the behaviour on an individual.
"Any reason that (as an example) Jupiter’s moons wouldn’t be more influential?"
I'm sure Jupiter's moons do affect our subconscious though on a diminished level to the power of the giant planet. That, of course, could also apply to the moons of all the planets.
"Do the exoplanets bear any known relation to our sun?"
Only in the sense that they all have host stars that have mostly the same properties as the Sun. There has been a lot of work done about the "intelligence" that all stars have. I could imagine easily that they all communicate with each other to maintain harmony and perhaps to protect the life-forms on their associated planetary systems.
Good questions. Thanks.
Thank you for contributing! :) Your message considers the influence of exoplanets taken together as a whole, which is of course a nice unifying approach. :love: However, it's also possible to consider the influence of individual exoplanets.

Just as the planets in our own solar system make an astrology chart more detailed than only considering Sun sign, so can exoplanets orbiting other star systems modify the reading of that fixed star. For example, when an exoplanet transits over its star, it creates an eclipse effect or lens that modifies and intensifies that star's energy. Interpretations of fixed stars are currently static and generic, since they move so slowly. However, if one considers a star's planets, then it can make their interpretations more detailed, and it can also indicate time periods when the star's energy is more prominent.
Thanks for your reply.
"However, it's also possible to consider the influence of individual exoplanets."
These are, of course, very early days for Exoplanets as the first one was only discovered in the early 1990s. But things are moving very fast, almost exponentially, as more accurate techniques are invented by astronomers and more technologically advanced space telescopes such as the dedicated Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) are probing our galaxy. It is clearly a high priority for NASA and other space agencies to search for possible life. Looking for life in the Milky Way is looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack. However, by searching for Exoplanets in the "Goldilocks Zone", we can fine tune our searches to focus on planets that are not too big, too small, too close or too far from the host star.
Once these potential civilizations are located then we will certainly feel their individual influences that are filtered via a Zodiac constellation.
What's in a name? In astrology there is a lot of significance found in the name of celesial objects and this includes Exoplanets.
Most of the Exoplanets discovered so far are systematically named after their host star. For example, HD 38677b where HD38677 signifies the host star and b, c, d etc being the associated Exoplanets.
However, in 2014 the IAU launched a campaign to allow every country the opportunity to name Exoplanets. The results were announced in 2019.
The following proper names were allocated to the Exoplanets located in Zodiac constellations. (See attached diagram)
Constellation Name Meaning Year
Virgo Phobetor Frightener 1992
Virgo Poltergeist Noisy ghost 1992
Virgo Draugr Barrow-wight 1994
Virgo Lete Lethe 2005
Leo Laligurans Rhododendron 2007
Cancer Drukyul Land of the Dragon King 2009
Sagittarius Toge Earring 2009
Scorpio Ditso Bribri people 2009
Leo Perwana Moth 2010
Pisces Ugarit ancient port city in Syria 2010
Sagittarius Dopere Water source in Senegal 2010
Scorpio Barajeel Windcatcher 2010
Leo Sazum Water 2011

Notice the less than friendly names allocated to Zodiac Exoplanets such as Poltergeist, the Tolkienesque Barrow-wight and the river of the dead in Hades, Lethe. We put a lot of store by the naming of Chiron and the Centaurs and perhaps in the near future we may be wondering about the dark associations attached to these Exoplanet names. Of course, many other Exoplanets have been named but still relatively few of the Zodiac ones.
The first exoplanet was discovered in a Zodiac constellation, Virgo and is orbiting a pulsar now named as Lich.
The influence of the Exoplanets is on a planet level and affects all of us.
It may be that we are finding a disproportionate number of Exoplanets in signs such as Taurus and Virgo because there is life on one or more of their planets and that this is their way of making initial contact with us.


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What do you think is the mechanism by which exoplanets exert influence — in addition to “observability”? Any reason that (as an example) Jupiter’s moons wouldn’t be more influential?
Exoplanets are similar to moons of other planets in our own solar system: They modify the effect of the body they orbit. Just as a planet in a sign or house is like a lens modifying and focusing its energy, so does an exoplanet or planetary moon act like a lens modifying the effect of the fixed star or planet. This is especially true when the planet is transiting or between us and the body it orbits, to really accentuate the lens effect.

Jupiter's Moons are indeed influential, and have established names and therefore astrological meanings, and can be displayed in astrology software:


See above for Jupiter being orbited by its four Galilean moons Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. :cool:

What's in a name? In astrology there is a lot of significance found in the name of celesial objects and this includes Exoplanets.
Yes, planet names are meaningful, and planets get named appropriately! :innocent: As Alice Bailey wrote, "The names of the planets are not the result of arbitrary choice, but the planets name themselves." Of course, I question whether this applies in ALL cases, i.e. whether all the thousands of asteroids out there have astrological meaning based entirely on their names.
That is an interesting quote from Alice Bailey:"The names of the planets are not the result of arbitrary choice, but the planets name themselves." Whereas, we can actually know the name of the person who named new celestial objects such as the Exoplanets, the same cannot be said of the unkown ancients who would have known Saturn or Mars as the planet names since time immemorial. Sometimes the names are descriptive of the object's behaviour such as the Old English Mona meaning a month. Mars was probably named after the Roman god of war due to its blood red colour. If the planets did name themselves as Bailey suggests then they must have been multilingualed as every nation tribe has their own different names for the planets. Interestingly, while the Sun is considered a male energy and the Moon female in western cultures, the polarities are reversed in some Asian countries such as Japan.
Do you use planetary moons in astrological prediction or interpretation? What is the best way of doing so? I wonder how do you calibrate subtle effects against major effects? Asteroid astrology is overwhelming to me - not only are there a huge number, but most have not been observed for very long and analyzed astrologically relative to their speed of motion.

Yes, I use planetary moons! :biggrin: The key to working with moons of planets is to understand that they don't replace a normal reading, but clarify and give it more detail. Jupiter's moons don't change the meaning of Jupiter, but they do indicate WHICH parts of Jupiter receive emphasis. For example, is Jupiter expressing in a more creative, enthusiastic, fortunate, or wise manner? Check Jupiter's four main moons to find out! This page describes more how to interpret moons, and how to display their positions in astrology software:

I find moons more important than asteroids (except the main asteroids). Moons modify planets, which is the core of astrology. Important moons tend to be much larger than asteroids too, e.g. Jupiter's Ganymede and Saturn's Titan are larger than Mercury! Most moons are round like small planets, and have unique surface features and occasionally even atmospheres, compared to the relatively dead and irregular shaped small hunks of rock that characterize all but the largest asteroids.

Here's another image of Jupiter, showing how dynamic it really is beyond just Jupiter's sign and house placement. Jupiter's four main moons orbit it in periods ranging from 2 to 17 days, and often there's even eclipses involving them. Notice the "triple eclipse" of the moon Ganymede transiting Jupiter, while Jupiter simultaneously occults Europa. Io was just a half hour too slow to start its own transit, because otherwise it would have been a quadruple eclipse! Do you ever wish you were born during an eclipse? Check the moons, because it may very well have been true! ;)

That is an interesting quote from Alice Bailey:"The names of the planets are not the result of arbitrary choice, but the planets name themselves." Whereas, we can actually know the name of the person who named new celestial objects such as the Exoplanets, the same cannot be said of the unkown ancients who would have known Saturn or Mars as the planet names since time immemorial. Sometimes the names are descriptive of the object's behaviour such as the Old English Mona meaning a month. Mars was probably named after the Roman god of war due to its blood red colour. If the planets did name themselves as Bailey suggests then they must have been multilingualed as every nation tribe has their own different names for the planets. Interestingly, while the Sun is considered a male energy and the Moon female in western cultures, the polarities are reversed in some Asian countries such as Japan.

I like the quote. I agree with it. Herschel was the first name of Uranus, that was rejected by Uranus.

I think that "The Creation of Adam" in the secret book of John, to be found in the Nag Hamadi's version written by Meyers would be of interest to you.

I believe that all entities of the universe have an affect on us. Dependent on how tight the aspect or transit is.

Venus has a masculine and feminine co-identity. I guess, I prefer to observe them in positive and negative terms. Like the battery. Energy. It takes out the petty sexist connotations.

And, welcome to the forum!
I like the quote. I agree with it. Herschel was the first name of Uranus, that was rejected by Uranus.

I think that "The Creation of Adam" in the secret book of John, to be found in the Nag Hamadi's version written by Meyers would be of interest to you.

I believe that all entities of the universe have an affect on us. Dependent on how tight the aspect or transit is.

Venus has a masculine and feminine co-identity. I guess, I prefer to observe them in positive and negative terms. Like the battery. Energy. It takes out the petty sexist connotations.

And, welcome to the forum!
The full quote from Alice Bailey is:
"Astrologers must remember also that there are several undiscovered planets which are producing pulls and shifts and focusing streams of energy upon our earth... The names of the planets are not the result of arbitrary choice, but the planets name themselves." (A Treatise on White Magic, p438-439)

Yes, it's interesting that the names of celestial bodies were changed after their discovery eg Uranus and Herschel. Another good example is the dwarf planet Eris which was initially named after the TV super hero Xena before it was actually discovered and it's influence was felt. The discoverer of Eris wanted to name the dwarf planet after his daughter. It's almost as if the planetary body won't accept the trivial nature of an astronomer's name or a comic character but looks to the ancient traditions of Greece and Rome etc.
Has much work been done on the astrology of Eris?
ps Thanks for the forum welcome. Much appreciated.
The full quote from Alice Bailey is:
"Astrologers must remember also that there are several undiscovered planets which are producing pulls and shifts and focusing streams of energy upon our earth... The names of the planets are not the result of arbitrary choice, but the planets name themselves." (A Treatise on White Magic, p438-439)

Yes, it's interesting that the names of celestial bodies were changed after their discovery eg Uranus and Herschel. Another good example is the dwarf planet Eris which was initially named after the TV super hero Xena before it was actually discovered and it's influence was felt. The discoverer of Eris wanted to name the dwarf planet after his daughter. It's almost as if the planetary body won't accept the trivial nature of an astronomer's name or a comic character but looks to the ancient traditions of Greece and Rome etc.
Has much work been done on the astrology of Eris?
ps Thanks for the forum welcome. Much appreciated.

I have something written by her. Guess I should dust it off. Thanks for inspiring.

Let me know what you think of The Secret Book of John, and the Creation of Adam.
I thought it would be interesting to give the planetary moons interpretation a try, since one of my outers is cazimi and the effects should be a little easier to discern than may be the case for others. Unfortunately Astrolog does not seem to play well with my computer. Will not allow me to save a chart and will not let me use the planetary moons ephemeris downloaded either. It seems like several people here use it without incident so there's that. I could not find, on cursory search, a site that would run the program with planetary moons turned on either.

It is interesting that Uranus' moons have non-mythic names. The success of mythic names at least pulls us into the realm of "archetypes" or at least "common denominators" since they can be seen as more authoritative.

What are their names? Now I am curious Passiflora! I will be back!
Umbriel is the "dusky melancholy sprite" in Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock, and the name suggests the Latin umbra, meaning shadow. The moon is also designated Uranus II.

One of them. It would seem they are associated with Shakespeare. They have myth.

I have read that Shakespeare is actually Robert Bacon.
I thought it would be interesting to give the planetary moons interpretation a try. Unfortunately Astrolog does not seem to play well with my computer. Will not allow me to save a chart and will not let me use the planetary moons ephemeris downloaded either. I could not find, on cursory search, a site that would run the program with planetary moons turned on either.
Hmm, I assume Astrolog is at least installed and running on your computer? The "File / Save Chart Info" menu command should save your chart date and time, and the other File menu commands should save the actual chart display. The program must be configured to make use of the planetary moon ephemeris files, and the easiest way to do this is by opening the Astrolog script "" which is described more at:

Ohhh - so that’s what Pullen/Astrolog refers to in options. Thank you, fascinating. Will return with questions.
Yes, the "Pullen/Astrolog" tab in the "Extended Chart Selection" of is an Web interface to Astrolog, or rather a subset of its features. :cool: Planetary moons are implemented starting in Astrolog 7.10, so any Web site that runs Astrolog needs to be using at least that version. is running Astrolog 6.50, so that site at least can't do Astrolog planetary moons yet.
Umbriel is the "dusky melancholy sprite" in Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock, and the name suggests the Latin umbra, meaning shadow. The moon is also designated Uranus II.
I suppose, in theory, we could give our own personal naming system to celestial objects depending on what they mean to us as individuals. To digress from Astrology a little, Tarot cards are a good example of how modern taroists change the traditional names of the ancient Major Arcana cards and artists change the traditional symbolism to suit the concerns and emotions of modern times times. Up till the beginning of the 20th century there were only a handful of Tarot packs now there are hundreds of professionally designed packs and probably thousands of personally drawn and named packs.
It's an interesting exercise to come up with a name that means something to you. A good place to start is with our oldest celestial neighbours the Sun and Moon. What do they mean to you? In the Book of Genesis, the Sun and Moon are called a light for the day and a light for the night. The exercise gets harder the further we go sometimes due to modern and commercial hijacking of the planets such as Mars (bar) or Pluto (the Disney dog).
The purpose of planets in astrology is to magnify or decrease the power of each zodiac constellation. Moons have the same effect of adjusting or fine-tuning the energies of their host planets.
Likewise, the transits of Exoplanets similarly modify the effects of their host stars.
The fixed stars move so slowly relative to Earth observers that we cannot, at least not at this stage of our development, assess their influence on our individual lives or on the destiny of our planet.
But now that motions of the Exoplanets are becoming more predictable, we can slowly but surely piece together the influence of these vast and distant stars on our mundane and personal lives.
It will certainly be some time before we can have sufficient data about these Exoplanets motions that will allow us to use them in astrological software. However, we can make a head start by studying the official names that the scientific communities have already assigned to them.
We can, of course, continue down the rabbit hole, by postulating that most of these vast Exoplanets will have their own moon systems that may themselves open up new and interesting insights into astrology.
And what about the influence of galaxies? It is now believed that there is an infinity of galaxies in this particular universe. It is not inconceivable that these enormous entities will also be exerting their influence on us via the Zodiac constellations.
In 1964, the Russian mathematician and astronomer Nikolai Kardashev theorized that a civilizations potential for development is based on the amount of energy it can effectively utilize.
Type 1: Can use and store the energy of its own planet. (This is a bit like we’re trying to do but making a bit of a mess of it sadly!)
Type 2: The stellar civilization controls and harvest the energy of its host star. (We’ve taken the first baby steps with this with solar panels).
Type 3: The galactic civilization harnesses the power of its entire galaxy of stars. (It’s possible that only this type could gather together enough energy needed to warp travel in space.
I mention the Kardashev scale because it could be that astrology explains how we can filter the energies of all local solar system. By attempting to understand and incorporate Exoplanets into modern astrology, we may be on the first steps to becoming a stellar type of civilization.
Of course, natural extensions to these types would be type 4: controlling multiple galaxies and even type 5: using the energy of multiple universes! And so it goes on. There seems to be no limit to the quantity and quality of information that we can learn about ourselves from the universe(s) around us.
Carl Sagan calculated that we use about 1016 bits of information in contrast to a whopping 1045 which is the maximum number of bits that any civilization could possibly acquire.

Yaldabaoth said to the authorities with him, Come, let us create a human being after the image of god and with a likeness to ourselves, so that this human image may give us light.
They created through their respective powers, according to the features that were given to them. Each of the authorities contributed a psychical feature corresponding to the figure of the image they had seen. They created a being like the perfect first human and said, Let us call it Adam, that its name may give us power of light.
The powers began to create:
The first one, goodness, created a soul of bone.
The second, forethought, created a soul of sinew.
The third, divinity, created a soul of flesh.
The fourth, lordship, created a soul of marrow.
The fifth, kingdom, created a soul of blood.
The sixth, jealousy, created a soul of skin.
The seventh, understanding, created a soul of hair.
The throng of angels stood by and received these seven psychical substances from the authorities in order to create a network of limbs and trunk, with all the parts properly arranged.
The first one, who is Raphao, began by creating the head,
Abron created the skull,
Meniggesstroeth created the brain,
Asterechme the right eye,
Thaspomocha the left eye,
Yeronumos the right ear,
Bissoum the left ear,
Akioreim the nose,
Banen-Ephroum the lips,
Amen the teeth,
Ibikan the molars,
Basiliademe the tonsils,
Achcha the uvula,
Adaban the neck,
Chaaman the vertebrae,
Dearcho the throat,
Tebar the right shoulder,
N——the left shoulder,
Mniarchon the right elbow,
——e the left elbow,
Abitrion the right underarm,
Euanthen the left underarm,
Krus the right hand,
Beluai the left hand,
Treneu the fingers of the right hand,
Balbel the fingers of the left hand,
Krima the fingernails,
Astrops the right breast,
Barroph the left breast,
Baoum the right shoulder joint,
Ararim the left shoulder joint,
Areche the belly,
Phthaue the navel,
Senaphim the abdomen,
Arachethopi the right ribs,
Zabedo the left ribs,
Barias the right hip,
Phnouth the left hip,
Abenlenarchei the marrow,
Chnoumeninorin the bones,
Gesole the stomach,
Agromauma the heart,
Bano the lungs,
Sostrapal the liver,
Anesimalar the spleen,
Thopithro the intestines,
Biblo the kidneys,
Roeror the sinews,
Taphreo the backbone,
Ipouspoboba the veins,
Bineborin the arteries,
Aatoimenpsephei the breaths in all the limbs,
Entholleia all the flesh,
Bedouk the right buttock,
Arabeei the left buttock,
. . . the penis,
Eilo the testicles,
Sorma the genitals,
Gormakaiochlabar the right thigh,
Nebrith the left thigh,
Pserem the muscles of the right leg,
Asaklas the muscle of the left,
Ormaoth the right leg,
Emenun the left leg,
Knux the right shin,
Tupelon the left shin,
Achiel the right ankle,
Phneme the left ankle,
Phiouthrom the right foot,
Boabel its toes,
Trachoun the left foot,
Phikna its toes,
Miamai the toenails,
Labernioum. . . .
Those who are appointed over all these are seven in number:
Those who activate the limbs are, part by part:
the head, Diolimodraza,
the neck, Yammeax,
the right shoulder, Yakouib,
the left shoulder, Ouerton,
the right hand, Oudidi,
the left one, Arbao,
the fingers of the right hand, Lampno,
the fingers of the left hand, Leekaphar,
the right breast, Barbar,
the left breast, Imae,
the chest, Pisandraptes,
the right shoulder joint, Koade,
the left shoulder joint, Odeor,
the right ribs, Asphixix,
the left ribs, Sunogchouta,
the abdomen, Arouph,
the womb, Sabalo,
the right thigh, Charcharb,
the left thigh, Chthaon,
all the genitals, Bathinoth,
the right leg, Choux,
the left leg, Charcha,
the right shin, Aroer,
the left shin, Toechtha,
the right ankle, Aol,
the left ankle, Charaner,
the right foot, Bastan,
its toes, Archentechtha,
the left foot, Marephnounth,
its toes, Abrana.
Seven have been empowered over all these:
Those who are over the senses are Archendekta,
the one who is over perception is Deitharbathas,
the one who is over imagination is Oummaa,
the one who is over arrangement is Aachiaram,
the one who is over all impulse to action is Riaramnacho.
The source of the demons that are in the entire body is divided into four:
The mother of them all is matter.
The one who is lord over heat is Phloxopha,
the one who is lord over cold is Oroorrothos,
the one who is lord over what is dry is Erimacho,
the one who is lord over wetness is Athuro.
The mother of all these, Onorthochras, stands in the midst of them, for she is unlimited and mingles with them all. She is matter, and by her they are nourished.
The four principal demons are:
Ephememphi, the demon of pleasure,
Yoko, the demon of desire,
Nenentophni, the demon of grief,
Blaomen, the demon of fear.
The mother of them all is Esthesis-Ouch-Epi-Ptoe.
From the four demons have come passions:
From grief come jealousy, envy, pain, trouble, distress, hardheartedness, anxiety, sorrow, and others.
From pleasure comes an abundance of evil, vain conceit, and the like.
From desire come anger, wrath, bitterness, intense lust, greed, and the like.
From fear come terror, servility, anguish, and shame.
All these are like virtues and vices. The insight into their true nature is Anaro, who is head of the material soul, and it dwells with Esthesis-Z-Ouch-Epi-Ptoe.
This is the number of angels. In all they number 365. They all worked together until, limb by limb, the psychical and material body was completed. Now, there are others over the remaining passions, and I have not told you about them. If you want to know about them, the information is recorded in the Book of Zoroaster."

I recommend that you read all before and after this, from the link. That each entity, had a part in adding to us. Working together, in agreement to make us, in their image. Not one great, but the greatness of them all.

365. A number that we know, for the days of the year. All that is in this link, is of the stars.

They are each a part of us.

Some of them, I know their names, and others, I do not know their names, nor can I find anything on them, on the www world.

This gave me goosebumps, when I first read it, and it still does.

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I know their names, and others, I do not know their names, nor can I find anything on them, on the www world.

This gave me goosebumps, when I first read it, and it still does.

They seem to be unique to this ancient text. At first sight they reminded me of Enochian Magick names as receieved by Dr John Dee. What they call barbarous names. A mixture of angels and demons.
I’ll give it another go next time I’m at the computer, to see if I can get the moons to work. The program frequently requests permission to modify the computer and then says admin rights are needed to save a chart (and the workflow stops there, while a browser or similar program might bring up the admin login if say I was asking to look at stored passwords). Then, it closes too easily when trying to close a single window, and the chart info has to be re-entered. It sounds like other people don’t have these problems :)
If you can get used to the Astrolog program itself and its standard features, then getting it to display planetary moons should be easier. :) The program is more of a SDI (single document interface) which means there aren't separate windows, so if you close the window you close the entire program. I recommend entering your chart info once, and then save it to a file, so you can reload it without having to enter it each time.

Astrolog shouldn't ever require admin rights, although your system settings may be set so that the Astrolog process doesn't have permission to write to wherever you're trying to save a file. If that's the case, then I expect the same would be true of other programs trying to save files to that folder. There are advice articles for how to avoid this, such as: