The psychology of Pluto square Sun

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i have natal sun~pluto quincunx and moon~pluto square. i grew up in a household where a mentality of "eat or be eaten / kill or be killed" was present.
Father was sexual abuser to my older sister and then to me. Mother was paranoid and trusted no one. If people crossed her, she made them dead to her. I learned to do the same.
The quincunx of sun-pluto has helped me to reinvent myself throughout life, physically and emotional. I believe it has made me an overcomer in many respects, though not without terrifying and trecherous experiences. I am prone to panic and anxiety attacks that are momentarily crippling. I always say, "my heart is not big, but it is deep."
When I latch onto someone who "gets me" ~ it takes the jaws of life for me to extracate myself from them. I have let them into and onto me and they most certainly understand my intensity, passion and vindictive ways. If they abandon me, they are dead to me. Mars in Cancer in 11th and Pluto/NN conj. in 2nd helps to keep that truck rolling. I collect loyal friends and lovers.
Sun in 7th to Pluto in 2nd ~ always trying to adjust and balance giving too much or taking too much from loved ones.
Also, I've never desired great wealth or luxuries. A bit of an Ascete, though I've often found myself in relationships and friendships with wealthy and generous people.who have provided for me. The lone wolf who can run with the pack anytime she chooses.
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The sun sign tells us the best way to be truly ourselves. So for me, being Cancer - this involves developing caring/nourishing attributes. Being in the 11th house, this also involves giving/receiving nourishment from the group. My Sun is linked to Pluto via a sextile - I once heard this aspect described as “a phone conversation between friends” - I understand that to mean, lots of agreement & mutual affirmation…ie not confrontative. However because the planet involved IS Pluto, which is the part within us that is hungry for the experiences that change us (whether we are consciously seeking change or not), I think the Pluto here would be constantly challenging the Sun to be more definitive about who she cares for, what does she care about…not just loosely attaching to any old thing (ie to not take up that typical Cancer shield of mothering/nourishing as a defence). As far as I can see, whatever planet Pluto is attached to - it seems to demand that part of ourselves to be more real. “how does this change your life, your perceptions?“.
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With cautious trepidation do I acknowledge the significance of Pluto square Sun in a natal chart. The obvious 'blasting away' of outdated ideas, notions,a attachments and preferential methods of doing things will be experienced while alive. the delving into and exposing the unsuspecting motivations will also prove to be of beneficial value, but not without psychological cost to the 'stubborn' one who refuses to grow...MODE of Cosmic Therapy
After reading the op of this thread and this one, i think this thread is best suited for my post. Here it goes:

Courageous story! *applause*

I couldn't care less about that. All i want is a roof, a bed, a toilet, food and all of those basic things so i can function as a decent human being. All i want right now is to get my career degree and to get a stable job so i can be an independent person.

I just saw your chart, life's simple ways yes, but do pay a heed to the stelium in the 7th house. It would help your growth. Trust me I got one there & I've been running from marriage since years. I literally don't stop booting men out of my life from fear of being proposed but I know that I need it & though people see me as an introvert, I'm socially admirable & am happier between them.

That's the best thing bout this community-learning thru experiences how these traits manifest! :smile:

i have natal sun~pluto quincunx and moon~pluto square. i grew up in a household where a mentality of *"eat or be eaten / kill or be killed" was present.Father was sexual abuser to my older sister and then to me. *Mother was paranoid and trusted no one. If people crossed her, she made them dead to her. I learned to do the same.The quincunx of sun-pluto has helped me to reinvent myself throughout life, physically and emotional. I believe it has made me an overcomer in many respects, though not without terrifying and trecherous experiences. I am prone to panic and anxiety attacks that are momentarily crippling. I always say, "my heart is not big, but it is deep."When I latch onto someone who "gets me" ~ it takes the jaws of life for me to extracate myself from them. I have let them into and onto me and they most certainly understand my intensity, passion and vindictive ways. If they abandon me, they are dead to me. Mars in Cancer in 11th and Pluto/NN conj. in 2nd helps to keep that truck rolling. I collect loyal friends and lovers.Sun in 7th to Pluto in 2nd ~ always trying to adjust and balance giving too much or taking too much from loved ones.Also, I've never desired great wealth or luxuries. A bit of an Ascete, though I've often found myself in relationships and friendships with wealthy and generous people.who have provided for me. The lone wolf who can run with the pack anytime she chooses.

@MaeMae: I really admire you!
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Myst1calz, MaeMae, Luna7, Paula, and Blackempress, thank you for sharing your deeply moving experiences. You have beautiful poetic styles of writing that shed light on Pluto and the Sun. It shows how much they both are a part of you. Truly, I love reading everyone's experiences here. You are all beyond amazing, astrologically cognizant to the deepest degree.

Pluto and the Sun do have great effects on psychology. It seems like Pluto is the Id part of our personality. The part that takes us back to birth, recreates us as many of you have said, so we come to know our basic instincts and needs. The Sun is our Ego, the part we create that deals with our everyday world and our customary associations with others. But for us to come to know our value, we need to break down, Pluto's effects, what we created, Sun's effects, and rebuild ourselves as we were meant to be and as we meant for ourselves to be.

With the Gemini lunar eclipse coming soon, Pluto and the Sun are no different than those proverbial 'Twins' we hear about. They're on the same level, working in the psyche, making us see the complacency holding us back and restoration taking us forward. It's only when we come to find that they work together, that we see the necessity of both, bringing us back to the comfort of home inside ourselves.
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A gracious 'thank you' of acknowledgement to all of your wonderful insightful participants on this thread. My first 24 hours, here, have proven to be enlightening, inspiring and fun! Oh, yes, No doubt when we combine Pluto and the Sun in any fashion we're sure to come out blasting with incalculable probing fireworks. With Pluto being a dwarf planet,composed of rock and ice, compared to the rest, most specifically the Sun, who embodies 99.9 percent of the mass in the Solar System, must maintain a walloping punch to get his punctuated point across. Because the light from the sun is so incredibly bright, the shadows cast, in person's life, are enormous as well. Pluto's job is to emerge from beneath the shadows, bringing the darkened artistic impetus to full unadulterated view...MODE of Cosmic Therapy
Very much so, Paula. Everyone here has such deeply moving, soulful experiences. I relate to all of you. Yes, the sun has been elevated above other planets in traditional thought and even today, I had a personally jarring discussion about this idea on another thread before, because its fire and light are most visible compared to the darkness around. But what is overlooked is the subtlety of the darkness, which is found in the core of who we are. Pluto transits to the sun bring out this subtlety in our awareness of our own metacognition and introspection. We find out the parts inside of us that are genuine from those that are contrived. It's when we unite both the visible and invisible lessons from the Sun-Pluto transit that we become one. May the Gemini lunar eclipse be positive for you.
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Hello Myst1calz,

If it is in your will and astrology, your heart will lead you to freedom and home. I think "home" is different for each person. Some people find home in one place, preferring that fixed Earth sign quality of home. There are others who find home in many places and travel from one to the other like mutable Fire signs. But it depends on you. You find that the heart can not truly function without love and light and for you, this may come from the love and light that you received as a child from your family. You experienced this love, and so you are able to give it to others. This love and light are much like feelings of acceptance and reciprocity, and so just as you are able to understand yourself, you can reciprocate this understanding onto others and know how they come to understand themselves.
Sun square Pluto may be tough, but it is there for a reason, that you may come to accept and love yourself and others.
In order to receive love, we have to give unconditional love. Love is not external to oneself. We cannot tell other people what their love should look like. We have to create our own center of loving, regardless of the nature of or lack of our relationships. If you come from a place of love independently of what other people are doing around you, most of them will begin to mirror it back.

Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8.

Pluto at its best symbolizes profound transformation. A metaphor for Pluto is the seed, buried underground, that miraculously begins to send down roots, deep under the earth. The plant needs its roots before it can send up its new shoots and leaves.
Yes, giving love is crucial. But, it is difficult for a person to give love if she or he has not experienced it. Starting from the time we are born, our love is tied externally, to our mothers and the love and nursing they gave to us. That's how we learn to love, from the bonding with our mothers. If that is not there, then pain and anxiety are the feelings we hold instead of love. But as you said, we need to create a center of loving, and that we are able to do when we know what love is and the kind of love we want to give out.
As for Pluto, it's beginning to resemble a newborn to me now.

Happy New Year All!
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She has made it pretty clear she wants me to succeed, to make lotza money, to marry a good woman, have a big family and the like. I couldn't care less about that. All i want is a roof, a bed, a toilet, food and all of those basic things so i can function as a decent human being. All i want right now is to get my career degree and to get a stable job so i can be an independent person.

Me too. I guess it's Saturnian Plutonian thing, but I don't really want to make a family. That would complicate my life too much.
All I want is to become financially independent, and alone...

We ask for simple staff,we want simple staff :rolleyes: I fear that Murphey's prosecutors gonna hear this and give me the opposite life of the one I wish. :unsure:
I forgot to add something. I know it's Plutonian energy too, I used to see many people who behaved bitchy at one point, as my enemies.I just realized that the amount of ppl I consider my enemies is quite big,some of them probably don't know that.

It's not my fault,I have generally negative experience with "so called humans" , they weren't harassing me (I tend to turn into alfa female when opposed) but I still resent them :biggrin:
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pluto trsnsits only ask you to be true to yourself whatever that means at the time nothing else

god knows when your trying and god knows when your lying
from experience they are an education though tough
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Yes, Choe, I can understand the frustration with humans, but sometimes it helps to take a break from communication and just listen and watch them. When I mentally and emotionally put myself in others' places, I understand the difficulties that they too have in their lives. We learn so much from other humans, whether our families, neighbors, friends, teachers, co-workers, that to some extent, we owe part of our knowledge and skill to them.

I have been thinking about what you said, "Staying true" to oneself, Emma, and I see it now more and more as aligning yourself with your life purpose. When Pluto squares your Sun, it influences you to break through the web of illusion that you have created so you can see yourself purely as your spirit. It is like all the personalities of a person with multiple personality syndrome, being eliminated and condensed into the one personality and self that he or she is in full consciousness. This person is able to find his or her life purpose because the self becomes fully secure in intention and expression. Not only does God know when you are trying or lying, but you do too. Pluto square Sun will help you be honest with your deepest self and selves of others.
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Pluto square Sun teaches me to listen to my conscience. Despite the times of sheer pain, challenging me beyond my limits, there are times like today, when I find that keeping a receptive mind to Pluto's revelations, has brought clarity and evidence as to what is going on in myself. A receptive psychology, by opening one's Sun up to meet Pluto's confessions, will help one to familiarize oneself with one's underlying motivations, and to figure out whether they submerge fully with conscience.
Hi to all!

What a great posts! It was very interesting to read about you and I could understand a lot also about myself.

Thanks to Lightreader for showing me this thread (as I opened a new one...I didnt know there was just one opened before mine).

I will try to share some things about me, but I have to puntualize that my motherlanguage is not patient! :innocent:

First of all, I tried to figure out the theme of control in my life. Control and beeing controlled...the theme of power towards the others and the power of the others.
When I was younger I had a best girl-friend and now I realize a lot about our relationship. She was born in a rich family, I was poorer. It all started with this; we were connected very deeply, needed each other and could't be ones without the other. As she was richer, I always thought she was ''powerful'' than me and she always wanted to tell me what to do. On the other hand, I never saw just her money, I respected her as a good friend and she knew that. But I was not happy because of this control she wanted to have towards me, it uncounciously frustated me. Btw, she was Scorpio rising, with Mars, Venus and Uranus in this sign. On the other hand, I am a ''kind'' Cancer, but with Pluto in first house square Sun in tenth house. And Moon conjunct Mars. It was a deep relation but fulfild with the power themes. Years later this became a problem; I started to oppose towards her, wanted to do what I few wards, our friendship broke in pieces. We could,t talk normally to each other and argoued a lot. It was a bed time for me, I was crying a lot but couldn't save the situation...and also she like changed a lot in my eyes.
Now, I see her sporadically, but we don't argue anymore. The situation is much more calm now. Both respect ''the place'' of each other, but the fear of beeing controlled is still radicated in me deeply.

This is a story I wanted to point out to figure how much importance has for me the individuality. I am so afraid of beeing controlled, that I am almost paranoid about the others. A lot of my friend have children, family and husband, but I just reject it uncounciously. For example I am terrifically afraid of beeing controlled by a man or anybody else. I want to dominate, but not to be domminated. I don't trust nobody, actually and it is just an issue of power I have to is stronger than me.
Actually, I have always an impression (probably it is not normal thinking but very Sun square Pluto) that the others wants to take advantage of me, to abuse me in some way and I am ''too proud'' to allow this. I know it can sounds like a sick thinking, but it is very important for me. I don't want ''enemies'' on my road of carieer...nor childre, friends, husbands, etc...I always think (maybe sickly) than I am better then the others and that the others wants to block me in some way.

I am sorry if I could sound like a monster, but maybe I really am. :sick:
...just another interesting point.

For years, to hide my truly chart (dates) to the others, I calculated it for another country, but I didn't know that the chart can change a lot.

One day, where there was a Saturn transition in conjuction to my Pluto in first house, coincidencly, I calculated my chart for my place of birth and found out that Pluto is in my first house (and not second) and the Sun is in tenth house (and not eleventh). The conjunction of Saturn to my Pluto and square to my Sun just make me realize the importance of the Pluto square Sun in my chart. I really found out a lot about myself that I could not understand before. Transiting Saturn in first house like opened a new life to me for better undertanding and growing. Before this I accepted with difficulty the square between Pluto and Sun in my chart, I didn't spoke a lot about it. Actually, it scared me, because I thought it was just I know that it is a good possibility to grow and to understand about myself. The squares are very stimulating aspects...they intrinsecly bring changes. While the oppositions are much more karmic and connected with mare destiny, don't allowing a lot of our persona to change things by ourselves.
From personal experience as a transit, though i have sun in a minor aspect in the birth chart fro pluto, its real testing and hard and all to do with power and who holds it, result was you have power in your own hands to do whatever you want, nothing stops you except yourself

its pretty liberating in a way
to realise that
the father issue is more a blessing than a curse

i think this aspect is about being afraid of your own power and not owning it and not using it
and blaming others for notbeing able to do so
this transformation lark, its nothing to do with others, if one wants to change they will
and never before, and of course the sixty million dollar question is why should anyone change if they are ok
just my two friggincents

eta pluto if anything teaches you it doesnt matter, pluto could be buddha
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@ Emma
I don't know how to explain. It is so frustrating. I have always a feeling that someone would like to abuse of me. I mean it psycologically. It is a strange feeling and you don't have it (as I understood, you don't own the square in your chart). We just can't let someone to control is like an obsession, we fear it. Our individuality is so important. Better lonely than...

I actually thought, that the square can bring low self esteem as a bed side of Pluto planet and this brings a person to fight it's own ghosts. Probably we reflect outside, towards the others, our inner world. As you said, we are our own enemies, not the others, but we feel it with distorction. Pluto means underworld: besty instincts, hate, obsessions, power, deep crises. But also insoddisfaction and a need to change, to destroy ourselves to rebild from 0. Nothing is certain with Pluto. The Sun is so ful of itself and so certain, where Pluto always put a lot of question-marks, doubts about averything.
This is a story I wanted to point out to figure how much importance has for me the individuality. I am so afraid of beeing controlled, that I am almost paranoid about the others. A lot of my friend have children, family and husband, but I just reject it uncounciously. For example I am terrifically afraid of beeing controlled by a man or anybody else. I want to dominate, but not to be domminated. I don't trust nobody, actually and it is just an issue of power I have to is stronger than me.
Actually, I have always an impression (probably it is not normal thinking but very Sun square Pluto) that the others wants to take advantage of me, to abuse me in some way and I am ''too proud'' to allow this. I know it can sounds like a sick thinking, but it is very important for me. I don't want ''enemies'' on my road of career...nor children, friends, husbands, etc...I always think (maybe sickly) than I am better then the others and that the others wants to block me in some way.

I am sorry if I could sound like a monster, but maybe I really am. :sick:

There is nothing wrong with you so you are neither Sick Nor a monster. Pluto in the 1st house is a person who was controlled in some way as a child & decided not to happen to them later. They become very insightful & project a very strong & usually over-bearing personality. They are usually very demanding of themselves & even others to the point that people find them very difficult to be with. They do not know why people react to them negatively but it is their stubborn attitudes that make them lose out.
In positive situations they are the ones who can deal with crisis & they have a magical presence so people turn to them for help. They naturally try taking positions that others will not question- The guru for example. There are underlying issues of dependency & self-esteem but it is the defence that creates such strong individuals.
For you, it's true the underlying power issues of self-vs-Non-self control will always stand in the way & relationships will be difficult. It is eventually how you 'Handle' the situation that will give results as we are not pawns on a board but are here to learn our weaknesses to become more balanced persons.

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I been watching the Aries people closely since Uranus came into Aries & can notice them going over a difficult period, one friend in particular. It is traumatic to confront the issues & the effects of it are clearly visible. Pluto insists on being truthful & learning the self & others honestly. During the transit I think it would be helpful to resort to the natal position of Pluto & walk the road backwards for healing, self-confrontation & a new level of consciousness.
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