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i have natal sun~pluto quincunx and moon~pluto square. i grew up in a household where a mentality of "eat or be eaten / kill or be killed" was present.
Father was sexual abuser to my older sister and then to me. Mother was paranoid and trusted no one. If people crossed her, she made them dead to her. I learned to do the same.
The quincunx of sun-pluto has helped me to reinvent myself throughout life, physically and emotional. I believe it has made me an overcomer in many respects, though not without terrifying and trecherous experiences. I am prone to panic and anxiety attacks that are momentarily crippling. I always say, "my heart is not big, but it is deep."
When I latch onto someone who "gets me" ~ it takes the jaws of life for me to extracate myself from them. I have let them into and onto me and they most certainly understand my intensity, passion and vindictive ways. If they abandon me, they are dead to me. Mars in Cancer in 11th and Pluto/NN conj. in 2nd helps to keep that truck rolling. I collect loyal friends and lovers.
Sun in 7th to Pluto in 2nd ~ always trying to adjust and balance giving too much or taking too much from loved ones.
Also, I've never desired great wealth or luxuries. A bit of an Ascete, though I've often found myself in relationships and friendships with wealthy and generous people.who have provided for me. The lone wolf who can run with the pack anytime she chooses.
Father was sexual abuser to my older sister and then to me. Mother was paranoid and trusted no one. If people crossed her, she made them dead to her. I learned to do the same.
The quincunx of sun-pluto has helped me to reinvent myself throughout life, physically and emotional. I believe it has made me an overcomer in many respects, though not without terrifying and trecherous experiences. I am prone to panic and anxiety attacks that are momentarily crippling. I always say, "my heart is not big, but it is deep."
When I latch onto someone who "gets me" ~ it takes the jaws of life for me to extracate myself from them. I have let them into and onto me and they most certainly understand my intensity, passion and vindictive ways. If they abandon me, they are dead to me. Mars in Cancer in 11th and Pluto/NN conj. in 2nd helps to keep that truck rolling. I collect loyal friends and lovers.
Sun in 7th to Pluto in 2nd ~ always trying to adjust and balance giving too much or taking too much from loved ones.
Also, I've never desired great wealth or luxuries. A bit of an Ascete, though I've often found myself in relationships and friendships with wealthy and generous people.who have provided for me. The lone wolf who can run with the pack anytime she chooses.
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