The Real Horoscope of Donald J. Trump PART 1 (INTRO)

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Oct 8, 2009
North Carolina
For those who are interested in studying and testing for themselves, I verified the Incarnation Time and horoscope of Donald Trump.

Before going into the details of Trump's chart, an explanation might be necessary for anyone who isn't familiar with what an 'Incarnation Time' is.

An Incarnation Time captures the precise moment 'spirit' enters the endocrine glands of the soon-to-be born infant. (You can equate 'spirit' with astrological influences or the 'cosmic code' of an individual.) This moment takes place in an instant of time (16 microseconds) in relation to the angular pathway a soul takes along the ecliptic plane, the specific birth coordinates, and the Midheaven of the local horizon where physical birth entry is to take place.

The program, called INCARN (developed by John Willner and improved by Fred Bickum), uses an algorithm based on quantum mechanics to calculate Moment of Incarnation times for any person who reincarnates on earth. Of those calculated, the correct Incarnation Time and horoscope must still be selected via a series of verification steps. Those steps include identification of the correct ASC (based on the physicality—especially the head shape—and behavior of an individual), Midheaven, placement of planets, house cusps, and testing significant life events with relevant astrological indicators that match the exact nature and timing of those events. Those astrological indicators ALWAYS involve aspects to or from the Sun, Moon, ASC/DSC or MC/IC angles.

Such aspects must not only be relevant and involve the Sun, Moon, ASC/DSC and MC/IC angles but also must be within an objective orb of 15 minutes of arc or less (00°15′). A majority of the time, those aspects occur within 0 to 9 minutes (00°00' 00°09′). The 15-minute maximum orb appears to be based on start-and-end quarter sectors of time (15-30-45 and 60 minutes), where every 15 minute or quarter of time starts, ends, and begins a new and distinct cycle (or sector) of activity. When looking at the hands of an analog clock and connecting these cardinal points in time, they form the shape of a cross that coincides with the cardinal sectors of a horoscope.

Lastly, it is very, very, very important to include the often overlooked parallels of declination. These are planets parallel North or South of the equator up to 23.5°—the gap difference between the equatorial plane (the earth’s tilt on its axis 23.5° away from the ecliptic) and the ecliptic plane (the earth and other planets in this Solar System revolution around the Sun). Planets that form declination aspects beyond that 23.5° gap/separation are said to be out-of-orb (Oob). A planet becomes its strongest and exerts its greatest power when its declination is out-of-orb. Declinations are fundamental to astrological aspects. Not only are they stronger and last longer, but they show up in 60% of progressed aspects compared to only 40% of aspects in longitude.

Getting back to the Incarnation Time: What's interesting is that this 'time' was mentioned in many of the Edgar Cayce Readings. He (or the Source) often referred to it as the "spiritual birth time". Incarnation (spiritual birth) Times take place from just a few minutes prior to as far back as 5-hours before physical birth entry. This often, but not always, changes the ASC, MC, signs on house cusps, position of planets in houses (including to and from the major angles), and forecast of important life cycles. For instance, in answer to a birth time question in Reading 488-6, Edgar Cayce answered the following:

(Q) Give exact minute of physical birth, Feb. 11, 1911, to enable entity to ask for explanation of astrological laws governing entity.

(A) This, as we find, as the record has been made of same, is near right – to the second; and while at the entrance of the entity into the earth’s plane and the spiritual and physical birth varied little, there was the PHYSICAL under one sign and the SPIRITUAL under another! Hence the doubts that often arise, from an astrological view.

The information provided in this 6-PART SERIES will include:

  • Donald Trump's Incarnation Time and horoscope
  • An analysis of his chart
  • Matching progressions of major events in his life, including the past 3 elections

Incarnation Time and horoscope of Donald Trump:

All Incarnation Times calculated are based on actual Standard Time Zones and not for Daylight Savings Time (DST). If a person was born during a time DST was in effect, the equivalent standard time will be an hour less. So, for example, if a person was born at 11:55am EDT, 10:55am EST will be used. (Geocentric corrections to latitude have also be applied.)






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