The Real Horoscope of Donald J. Trump PART 3 (ANALYSIS CONTINUED)

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Oct 8, 2009
North Carolina

Pluto in the first house shows an immensely energetic and resourcefulness individual. One who is involved in multiple ventures and whose capabilities are beyond average, in the sense that this person can be involved in and juggle multiple projects at a time with efficiency. It rules his Scorpio fifth house of fun, creativity, and youthfulness and co-rules his Aries MC—the house of power, social influence & presence, and leadership. Aries has a strong ego as does Pluto. Pluto in the sign Leo intensifies that tendency. He wants, if not demands, personal recognition for what he does and wants the outer world to see and know it, too. Uranus conjunct the Sun also takes the ego to the extreme.

The second house of existing talents and capabilities shows the means by which one can generate income. Mars is located therein and it closely aspects his ASC/DSC angles, Venus, Saturn, the Sun, and 6th/12th house cusps. Mars seeks excitement and drive. Activities related to personal creativity and entertainment (Scorpio 5th house cusp, co-ruled by Mars) and leadership (Aries MC) play a role in how he generates money, as does the construction field. Leo on the cusp of the second house with Mars therein assumes leadership and does better being in charge than in working for someone else. The ruler of his second house cusp is in the 11th house, so activities related to selling/sales, social entertainment, bringing fun and hope to others, spectator activities, reality TV, coordinated schemes, etc., contribute to his personal wealth. The Sun not only pulls upon Mars but also Pluto (both in Leo), so the capabilities do to such things are beyond average. Add to the fact that the Sun conjoins Uranus (in both longitude and declination) takes those capabilities through the stratosphere.

The 3rd house shows the means by which he processes daily experiences and gets his information (induction). On the one hand: he’s critically aware of things, asks lots of questions, and sees the details (by Virgo on the cusps of his 3rd house). On the hand: he tends to be moved by intuition and what his gut tells him (Neptune in the third, Mercury in Cancer). With Neptune square Mercury, he’ll have to guard against delusions. Perceptive Pluto and Sagittarian influences (from his Moon in that sign) can help counteract against such influences.

Six out of the 10 planets in his horoscope are strong by their exceptionally strong aspects (conjunction, opposition, parallel, contraparallel) to the Sun, Moon, ASC/DSC and MC/IC angles.

It’s amazing how Incarnation Times (and an INCARN horoscope) work in unison with quantum mechanics and the Universal Mind in the synchronicity it brings to all areas of your life—including the nature (and astrological signatures) of all the people that come into our lives and with whom he have relationships. Parents, family, siblings, children, mates, friendships, bosses, etc., will have corresponding Suns, Moons, ASCs or MCs to the signs (and ruling planets) in specific areas of one’s horoscope.

As an example, parents are shown the by 4th and 10th houses. Libra is on the IC and Aries on the MC. Jupiter is in the fourth house. Libra rules Venus. His father had a Libra Sun and mother had a Taurus Sun, both ruled by Venus.

In regards to his siblings, their natures and astrological signatures will be indicated by the 3rd house. Virgo is on the cusp of his 3rd house, with Neptune therein in the sign Libra. Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is in Cancer and it closely aspects Pluto (in Leo), Neptune (in Libra), Aries MC and Libra IC, and 3rd/9th house cusps Virgo and Pisces. It parallels Pluto and Sun in declination within 2-degrees. His sister Mary had an Aries Sun (co-ruled by Pluto). His brother Fred had a Libra Sun and Gemini Moon. His sister Elizabeth has an Aries Sun. His youngest brother, Robert, had a Virgo Sun and Gemini Moon sign.

In regards to his children, he has Scorpio on 5th house cusp, with Moon therein (in Sagittarius). Pluto closely aspects Mercury and Neptune in longitude. In declination, Pluto parallels the Sun, Moon, Uranus, Venus, and Saturn. Mars closely aspects Venus, Saturn, and the Sun in longitude. The Moon, in his fifth house aspects all of the same planets as Pluto, plus Jupiter. Donald Trump Jr. Has a Capricorn Sun, Virgo Moon, and Cancer ASC. Ivanka Trump has a Scorpio Sun and Sagittarius Moon. Eric Trump has a Capricorn Sun and Aquarius Moon. Tiffany Trump has a Libra Sun and Virgo Moon. And Barron Trump has a Pisces Sun and Sagittarius Moon.

In regards to mates: one must look at the sign on the DSC, any planets in the seventh house, any planets conjunct or parallel the DSC, the location of the DSC ruler(s) in another sign(s), and close aspects that ruler of the DSC (or planets in the 7th house) makes to other planets. A mate will always have his or her Sun, Moon, ASC or MC in a sign corresponding to the DSC or seventh house planets. Or, a planet ruling the DSC (or 7th house planet/s) will be prominent in the partner’s chart. Trump has Capricorn on the cusp. Saturn, its primary ruler, closely aspects Venus, the Sun, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, and the Moon in longitude. Uranus, its secondary ruler, closely aspects the same planets, via the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn in longitude (and Venus, Saturn, Pluto, and the Sun in declination). Ivana, his first wife, had a Pisces Sun and Sagittarius Moon. Marla, his second wife, has a Scorpio Sun and Aquarius Moon. And Melania, his wife, has a Taurus Sun and Capricorn Moon.
Nice dissertation on this chart, but you have the wrong Birth-time. The Trump Family have been using Astrologers for years. Bill Meridian got the correct time from Trump's Mother. I did the Tertiary Chart for the corrected time and it showed how Trump Won The Election. The Tertiary for Kamala Harris also showed how she lost the election. There is a lot of good information about Real Astrology and what caused all the miss information on Trumps Birth-time on the Kepler College Website. Astrology is simple, people make it too complicated. The Lunar Man
Nice dissertation on this chart, but you have the wrong Birth-time. The Trump Family have been using Astrologers for years. Bill Meridian got the correct time from Trump's Mother. I did the Tertiary Chart for the corrected time and it showed how Trump Won The Election. The Tertiary for Kamala Harris also showed how she lost the election. There is a lot of good information about Real Astrology and what caused all the miss information on Trumps Birth-time on the Kepler College Website. Astrology is simple, people make it too complicated. The Lunar Man
Hi The Lunar Man,

Thank you. Yes, I am very well aware of Trump’s reported physical birth. In fact, that very time was used to calculate and arrive at his Incarnation Time. For every chart I calculate, I do in-depth background research from multiple sources, then fact-check and double-check (and sometimes triple-check), so I am fully cognizant of everything you said.

If you read the first part of my series, I thoroughly explained the basis for the time that I used, why I used it, how I arrived at it, its ties to quantum mechanics, and how the Edgar Cayce Readings from over 80+ years ago corroborated the existence of Incarnation Times. (The term the Cayce readings used was: “spiritual birth times”, the equivalent of one’s cosmic blueprint or Akashic record…not synonymous with physical birth entry.)

This is not new for me or something I pulled out of a rabbit hat. I’ve verified thousands of charts from highly satisfied clients over 21 years, all based on 50+ years of empirical research that can demonstrated and proven (including, but not limited to, the science of face shapes and Ascendant signs) combined with various interdisciplinary fields of knowledge (plus additional findings I found on my own). Credit must be given to scientist/electrical engineer/Level 4 astrologer, John Willner, for his tireless research, contributions to the field of astrology, and creation of the original INCARN technology as well as Fred Bickum’s efforts at improving the technology.

As to your last comment: To the contrary, I will say that astrology is anything but simple! Many people don’t understand the language beyond Sun sign traits and predictions that tend to be generalized. But to the serious astrologer/practitioner, and more so for those who see it as a precise discipline, science, art, as well as spiritual tool (all-in-one), it is an intricate and comprehensive field with many interdisciplinary applications and specializations.
Nice dissertation on this chart, but you have the wrong Birth-time. The Trump Family have been using Astrologers for years. Bill Meridian got the correct time from Trump's Mother. I did the Tertiary Chart for the corrected time and it showed how Trump Won The Election. The Tertiary for Kamala Harris also showed how she lost the election. There is a lot of good information about Real Astrology and what caused all the miss information on Trumps Birth-time on the Kepler College Website. Astrology is simple, people make it too complicated. The Lunar Man
Besides the work and insistence of the late John Wilner, there is also the work of Ry Redd (Ryland Redd)also deceased now. Ry Redd wrote "Toward a New Astrology - the Approach of Edgar Cayce" in which he introduces Cayce's importance on using the Sidereal zodiac as well as the tropical one.
These are for physical mannerisms, & births but also for the soul's growth he said. One will show us the physical traits (the tropical charts) the other will give us more the in - between or soul's growth (Sidereal) I try and remember both.,_Ry
I have Wilner's book,but could not really get into it that deeply. IF I can find the review of an Astrologer many of us know from forum I will put it here,(he too has passed on now),but it was very well done. For me, the problems were not the same as for him however. For me, having studied Cayce for well over 60 years (i.e.the readings) my understanding is that it is not "cut and dried" as to when the soul will enter the body. He said it may be days before,hours before birth or even right at the physical birth time. I would have to research those readings again, but it may even be AFTER the physical birth of the child that the soul enters.
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With some effort I found the late Ed Falis the Astrologer who did the Book Review on Amazon for the late John Wilner.
I did an obit mention of him here (#9) for those of you acquainted with him and not knowing he passed on)
As for his rather lengthy review, I had talked to him about it but can't recall now what he said. It's been many years. Seems like he gave it a decent approval see what you think:

Edward Falis

3.0 out of 5 stars Great intentions, but a mixed bag

Reviewed in the United States on December 30, 2005
Verified Purchase
The goals of this book are laudable, particularly the emphasis on rigor in applying astrological fundamentals to the problem of determining the time of a "functional" horoscope. I also agree with the author's conclusions that there are many situations where only one valid technique can logically exist, and that astrologers are fooling themselves entertaining variants. For the sake of advancing astrological knowledge, I'm not much of a fan of "it works for me".

But there we part ways. Although I agree with many of his conclusions, his proofs are not as strong as he contends, mainly because of contextual oversights and some outright errors in his technical foundations. The use of geocentric latitude is widely considered incorrect for the construction of an accurate horoscope; his True Local Time correction shows a misunderstanding of horoscope calculation (as what he is correcting for is already taken care of when determining local sidereal time from UT); his description of the Regiomontanus house system is incorrect (the equator is evenly divided, not the horizon). His emphasis on the preponderance of progressed aspects in declination overlooks the fact that using the same orb as for aspects in longitude gives as much as 7x greater likelihood of the former aspects occurring than longitudinal conjunctions or oppositions. There is also a question as to the method used to progress the angles: as described in the book, the correct quotidian method appears to be used (angles move 360 degrees per year, based on determining elapsed time, applying the Naibod multiplier to determine the progressed time, and erecting a horoscope for it). Yet one of his disciple's web pages shows the conventional Naibod in right ascension method where the Naibod multiplier is applied to elapsed years to determine the RAMC. That leaves aside the question as to which of the mean (Naibod) or true tropical solar motions should be correlated to the sidereal day. Given the emphasis on the use of progressions to validate horoscopes, these issues related to the calculation and use of progressions are serious.

Finally, none of the examples in the appendix come with events against which one could duplicate his claims of proof.

That said, the book is still a fascinating read with many good ideas, especially that of a spiritual (or astrologically effective) birth time as distinct from the physical time (which is exactly as vague as he claims).

Definitely not a book for beginners; intermediate to advanced students can gain a lot from it, bearing in mind the need to question some of the technical aspects of the presentation.
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I did rather enjoy this page however, and see that the Cayce readings explained on this page would be a good background for explanation for one who is totally lost reading this thread - It provides a nice backlight with drawings: caveat: I don't know that I fully agree however with the idea of cut & dried mechanics as being a Uranian myself, I tend to keep an opened mind. So maybe that is why I could not finish Wilner's book - far too "electrical engineerish" for me.
Besides the work and insistence of the late John Wilner, there is also the work of Ry Redd (Ryland Redd)also deceased now. Ry Redd wrote "Toward a New Astrology - the Approach of Edgar Cayce" in which he introduces Cayce's importance on using the Sidereal zodiac as well as the tropical one.
These are for physical mannerisms, & births but also for the soul's growth he said. One will show us the physical traits (the tropical charts) the other will give us more the in - between or soul's growth (Sidereal) I try and remember both.,_Ry
I have Wilner's book,but could not really get into it that deeply. IF I can find the review of an Astrologer many of us know from forum I will put it here,(he too has passed on now),but it was very well done. For me, the problems were not the same as for him however. For me, having studied Cayce for well over 60 years (i.e.the readings) my understanding is that it is not "cut and dried" as to when the soul will enter the body. He said it may be days before,hours before birth or even right at the physical birth time. I would have to research those readings again, but it may even be AFTER the physical birth of the child that the soul enters.
Hi LeoMoon,

Thank you for sharing that information. Very interesting. I never heard of that astrologer, but I will definitely read up on him and his works.

You are right. Edgar Cayce said the soul can enter either at first breath up to a day after physical birth entry. What I am referring to is the spiritual birth.

The birth process into materiality consists of 3 parts: spiritual birth, physical birth, and soul birth.

The spiritual birth relates to cosmic code/spiritual influences from the Akashic record (being of spiritual import) that enters into the body before physical birth entry.

The physical birth takes into consideration the body that has been built from the period of gestation and its unique vibrational makeup, which attracts a specific soul (and its spirit/astrological forces) to enter into, inhabit, and express itself as a "channel within" that particular body in this material world.

The soul is the ever-lasting being that makes these choices. It can enter either at "first breath", after the spiritual influences have entered the body, up to 24 hours later (perhaps while it gets some last-minute instructions from the Universal Mind) while the biological and spiritual influences maintain the conditions for soul entry and expression.

Once a soul has selected its Incarnation Time and entered into the material world (through a physical, newborn body), its mental awareness of the infinite is erased from conscious memory and stored within the subconscious body (and cell memory). That awareness and remembrance of one’s spiritual origins unfolds and grows, conditionally—depending on the choices or what one does in the development of self as to that which is set as an ideal (spiritual mental, physical, and material) and how (or if) that ideal is lived authentically to oneself, to others, to one’s spiritual connection and practice, and to the Universe/Creator/God.

The Cayce readings can be complex, especially with the archaic language that was used. You have to read them with a magnifying glass and fine-tooth comb while cross-referencing them to other readings, then come back to them to see if you understood them correctly and contextually.

Those that mentioned astrology often cited astrologers being 'at variance' and 30 degrees off. That would coincide with the sidereal zodiac and lead one to the conclusion that what he was referring to was the sidereal zodiac. But when he mentions there being two signs off, that adds nothing but more confusion. The reason is that throughout all of them, he was talking about the spiritual birth time via the Tropical Zodiac.

Individuals who asked him questions about astrology did not distinguish between the soul and spiritual birth. They used them interchangeably (through no fault of their own; how were they to know the difference?), but Edgar Cayce (or his Source) did and often matter-of-factly stated things, sometimes without any elaborations (unless requested).

In regards to the criticism from Edward Falis about Willner’s use of geocentric latitude, Willner states: "...[C]orrect house cusps are dependent entirely upon the Placidian method and using a latitude of outer space—or spherical geocentric latitude, not geographic latitude." He cites Joseph G. Dalton’s "Spherical Basis of Astrology" as one good source.

He also states: "Without them, the framework of the horoscope will appear to oscillate back and forth every half-day. For those who are mathematically inclined the equation is:

Geocentric Latitude = tan-1 [(1 -E)2 tan (Geographic Latitude)]

where E is the angle of ellipticity

'All correct house cusp locations require this correction to be applied. Errors of several degrees can result if geographic latitudes are used instead. Some astrological computer programs actually have geographic and geocentric options. This correction should never be an option, because horoscopes are not directly related to geographic latitude, nor to an assumed perfectly spherical ball shape of the earth."

The book review's criticism about Willner not being clear on what progression method he used is a mystery, because Willner was conspicuously clear about using Naibod, Right Ascension. He stated it many times in his book and gave a whole chapter as to why.

In regard to declinations, Willner also gave a whole chapter about this and why they occur more frequently than aspects in longitude. He wasn’t overlooking the fact but was very much aware of (and stated as much) how aspects in declination are not only stronger but occur 60% more often than those in longitude.

Thanks again for sharing this information as well as the info regarding Ryland Redd's work. I'll be reading up on his life and work, as I am always open to expanding my perspectives by learning from others and gaining new knowledge, insights, and ideas.
Besides the work and insistence of the late John Wilner, there is also the work of Ry Redd (Ryland Redd)also deceased now. Ry Redd wrote "Toward a New Astrology - the Approach of Edgar Cayce" in which he introduces Cayce's importance on using the Sidereal zodiac as well as the tropical one.
These are for physical mannerisms, & births but also for the soul's growth he said. One will show us the physical traits (the tropical charts) the other will give us more the in - between or soul's growth (Sidereal) I try and remember both.,_Ry
I have Wilner's book,but could not really get into it that deeply. IF I can find the review of an Astrologer many of us know from forum I will put it here,(he too has passed on now),but it was very well done. For me, the problems were not the same as for him however. For me, having studied Cayce for well over 60 years (i.e.the readings) my understanding is that it is not "cut and dried" as to when the soul will enter the body. He said it may be days before,hours before birth or even right at the physical birth time. I would have to research those readings again, but it may even be AFTER the physical birth of the child that the soul enters.
Edgar Cayce was not an Astrologer, he was a psychic. By the way, the soul is thousands of years old and is not connected to the chart. The chart shows the physical body only.
Edgar Cayce was not an Astrologer, he was a psychic. By the way, the soul is thousands of years old and is not connected to the chart. The chart shows the physical body only.
Actually, the soul of Cayce was many things at different times. So would presume he was a Master Astrologer in one or more of his many lifetimes, and its from the subconscious mind that his trance information was obtained. As for the "age" of the soul. Well, there is no-time according to both Albert Einstein and Edgar Caye so he's in good company.
Once a soul has selected its Incarnation Time and entered into the material world (through a physical, newborn body), its mental awareness of the infinite is erased from conscious memory and stored within the subconscious body (and cell memory). That awareness and remembrance of one’s spiritual origins unfolds and grows, conditionally—depending on the choices or what one does in the development of self as to that which is set as an ideal (spiritual mental, physical, and material) and how (or if) that ideal is lived authentically to oneself, to others, to one’s spiritual connection and practice, and to the Universe/Creator/God.

Cayce reminds us that "many souls" vie for the one fetus that is available,but only one is chosen as the correct fit? I don't recall the exact words although I still have access to the readings.

The Cayce readings can be complex, especially with the archaic language that was used. You have to read them with a magnifying glass and fine-tooth comb while cross-referencing them to other readings, then come back to them to see if you understood them correctly and contextually.
The level of my involvement with the A.R.E.any longer is quite limited at my age now.We moved from the East Coast to the West (Az) about 25 yrs ago and I used to visit relatives when I still had a few there and stop at the A.R.E. at the same time in Va.Beach. That was great, but no more.

Instead I just attend the online Study Group here in Az we have. The girl who moderates this one missed a week a few weeks ago and so in place of that night I noticed that the District A.R.E. person sent out an email to some people which included me telling us about a group of online speakers - hence I tried it.

One was Sidney Kirkpatrick the writer. He has been very ill however in and out of the hospital for 3 yrs which surprised me.
He did tell us however that A1 will be the way of the future for the Readings and they are attempting to stay current and progressive - I would imagine a great improvement for the upcoming people who will be joining in the future.

Personally speaking I never had a problem with Cayce's verbiage, but I know many people did and didn't understand him because of it. So A1 will likely be a great improvement.

Nice talking with you.

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Cayce reminds us that "many souls" vie for the one fetus that is available,but only one is chosen as the correct fit? I don't recall the exact words although I still have access to the readings.

The level of my involvement with the A.R.E.any longer is quite limited at my age now.We moved from the East Coast to the West (Az) about 25 yrs ago and I used to visit relatives when I still had a few there and stop at the A.R.E. at the same time in Va.Beach. That was great, but no more.

Instead I just attend the online Study Group here in Az we have. The girl who moderates this one missed a week a few weeks ago and so in place of that night I noticed that the District A.R.E. person sent out an email to some people which included me telling us about a group of online speakers - hence I tried it.

One was Sidney Kirkpatrick the writer. He has been very ill however in and out of the hospital for 3 yrs which surprised me.
He did tell us however that A1 will be the way of the future for the Readings and they are attempting to stay current and progressive - I would imagine a great improvement for the upcoming people who will be joining in the future.

Personally speaking I never had a problem with Cayce's verbiage, but I know many people did and didn't understand him because of it. So A1 will likely be a great improvement.

Nice talking with you.

Hi LeoMoon, I'm just seeing your reply (I didn't get a notification).

I have the CD of the Readings (that I purchased in 2006), but it no longer works since updating my computer from Windows 7 and purchasing a new laptop. Sorry to hear about Sidney Kirkpatrick. I hope that he is in the process of recovering and getting back to normal (if not optimal) health. The biography he wrote on Edgar Cayce is excellent, perhaps the most accurate to date.

Your living in Arizona sounds ideal. I've never been there but plan on visiting in the future. From what I've heard (and seen distantly), the natural scenery, beauty, weather, and energy of nature are quite amazing (similar to Colorado)! It seems like a great place for those who love nature and do energy work & healing. A medical intuitive I've consulted for several years (Cay Randall-May) lives in Phoenix.

Great talking to you, as well.

Take care and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.
Astro Intuitive: Same here with the readings no longer being applicable to my computer on the old style disks. If you visit AZ, be sure to go to Sedona (called the Red Rock country) just south of Flagstaff (which houses the largest telescopes you might visit at night or during the day staying at a hotel, then going there at night to see the planets:

There is so much to see between just these two places. Sedona has a lot of mysticism built into it. So the one main street with the businesses you'll see lots of Astrology, tarot and psychic signs.
They also have Tours on 4 wheel drives for the adventuresome. I'd say the drive between Sedona (south of Flagstaff) is only about 15-20 minutes at the most. It is so gorgeous here, that a few movie stars have homes here they keep. When entering Sedona from the North (Flagstaff) on highway 17, you enter through Oak Creek Canyon which is a place people like to stay as well. It's just that beautiful., as you climb up to Sedona (named after a Doctor's wife who founded the place many decades ago)
And here is a Substack you can join for FREE - for the Kirkpatricks and Cayce where I ended up on an email list for the Zoom meetings I mentioned above:
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Astro Intuitive: Same here with the readings no longer being applicable to my computer on the old style disks. If you visit AZ, be sure to go to Sedona (called the Red Rock country) just south of Flagstaff (which houses the largest telescopes you might visit at night or during the day staying at a hotel, then going there at night to see the planets:

There is so much to see between just these two places. Sedona has a lot of mysticism built into it. So the one main street with the businesses you'll see lots of Astrology, tarot and psychic signs.
They also have Tours on 4 wheel drives for the adventuresome. I'd say the drive between Sedona (south of Flagstaff) is only about 15-20 minutes at the most. It is so gorgeous here, that a few movie stars have homes here they keep. When entering Sedona from the North (Flagstaff) on highway 17, you enter through Oak Creek Canyon which is a place people like to stay as well. It's just that beautiful., as you climb up to Sedona (named after a Doctor's wife who founded the place many decades ago) when it was only Indian country that occupied it.
And here is a Substack you can join for FREE - for the Kirkpatricks and Cayce where I ended up on an email list for the Zoom meetings I mentioned above:
Astro Intuitive: Same here with the readings no longer being applicable to my computer on the old style disks. If you visit AZ, be sure to go to Sedona (called the Red Rock country) just south of Flagstaff (which houses the largest telescopes you might visit at night or during the day staying at a hotel, then going there at night to see the planets:

There is so much to see between just these two places. Sedona has a lot of mysticism built into it. So the one main street with the businesses you'll see lots of Astrology, tarot and psychic signs.
They also have Tours on 4 wheel drives for the adventuresome. I'd say the drive between Sedona (south of Flagstaff) is only about 15-20 minutes at the most. It is so gorgeous here, that a few movie stars have homes here they keep. When entering Sedona from the North (Flagstaff) on highway 17, you enter through Oak Creek Canyon which is a place people like to stay as well. It's just that beautiful., as you climb up to Sedona (named after a Doctor's wife who founded the place many decades ago)
And here is a Substack you can join for FREE - for the Kirkpatricks and Cayce where I ended up on an email list for the Zoom meetings I mentioned above:
Thank you so much for sharing this information, leomoon!

This is wonderful! From everything you described, including the links you provided, i’m already in love with this place. Even though I was born and raised in a big city, I’ve always had a sacred connection to nature and especially the stars when I would go further away from the city. But even while in the city, I still felt a strong connection to nature by the beauty of the trees, flowers, sound of birds chirping and their synchronicity and patterns formed when flying together, the sparkle reflection of light off a stone from the sun’s rays, the healing, uplifting and beauty of the sun’s rays , etc.— as well as a connection to the universe through the night sky (and trees against the background of the night sky), moon, stars, planets.

Arizona, all-in-all, sounds like my type of place. Even from the towns you described, and I love the aura & feel of small quaint towns.

Thanks again for sharing. And Merry Christmas to you and your family 🎄🎄💫✨🎅🏻❄️☃️✨


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