The Real Horoscope of Donald J. Trump PART 5 (PROGRESSIONS: 2016/2020 ELECTIONS; 2023 INDICTMENT)

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Oct 8, 2009
North Carolina


6. November 8, 2016: 2016 Election

The key factor to look for when a person wins an election, especially for POTUS, is the MC. The individual with the strongest aspects to the MC will be the winner!

Hillary Clinton:
  • Progressed ASC contraparallel natal MC: 1 minute.
This was the biggest indicator of her losing! A contraparallel of the ASC to the MC is a parallel of the DSC to the MC—DSC is the other person (or opponent), not oneself, and this case, it represented Trump.
  • Progressed Sun contraparallel natal Pluto: 14 minutes
  • Progressed Mars trine natal MC: 1 minute
  • Progressed MC quincunx natal Pluto: 1 minute
  • Progressed ASC parallel progressed Uranus (her shock): 13 minutes


Donald Trump:
  • Progressed MC parallel natal Sun: 5 minutes
  • Progressed MC parallel natal Uranus: 13 minutes
  • Progressed MC contraparallel natal Moon: 11 minutes
  • Progressed Mercury trine natal MC: 0 minutes
  • Progressed Pluto trine natal MC: 8 minutes
  • Progressed MC conjunct progressed Uranus: 1 minute
  • Progressed MC parallel progressed Uranus: 3 minutes
  • Progressed MC parallel progressed Pluto: 10 minutes
  • Progressed MC semisextile progressed Moon: 0 minutes
  • Progressed MC/IC 108°/72° progressed Mars: 11 minutes


All astrological aspects in longitude and their complementary counterparts occur either when an integer is divided by a 360° circle or when multiplied by 15° of a (24-hour cycle) circle. The sole exception is the 72° angle. Its complementary aspect is the highly unique 108°, which does NOT have an integer (360/108 = 3.33333333333 and 15×7.2 = 108). This makes both the quintile and sesququintile very unique and special in that the 108° aspect only appears when the 72° quintile aspects a major angle (ASC/DSC or MC/IC) and not as an aspect in itself (to another planet). The 108° has been observed during moments of major significance (spiritual or otherwise), contributing towards a shift of consciousness.



7. November 3, 2020: 2020 Election

Now THIS is very interesting!!! BOTH candidates had exceptionally powerful aspects involving their MCs!

Joe Biden:
  • Progressed MC conjunct natal Sun: 4 minutes*
  • Progressed MC parallel natal Sun: 1 minute*
  • Progressed MC parallel natal Venus: 11 minutes*
  • Progressed MC 15° natal Mars: 1 minute
  • Progressed MC contraparallel progressed Saturn: 5 minutes


Donald Trump:
  • Progressed MC parallel natal Sun: 5 minutes*
  • Progressed MC semisquare natal Pluto: 7 minutes
  • Progressed Pluto trine natal MC: 1 minute
  • Progressed MC parallel progressed Pluto: 1 minute*
  • Progressed MC parallel progressed Uranus: 7 minutes*


What might have pushed Joe Biden over the finished line for the win was that all of his progressed MC aspects occurred in the first (cardinal) house whereas all of Trump’s progressed MC aspects occurred in the eleventh (fixed) house.

8. March 30, 2023: Indicted

Any type of actions taken upon an individual by those in authority or power invariably involves the MC, and legal matters involve the 9th house.
  • Progressed Mars contraparallel natal MC: 9 minutes
  • Progressed ASC contraparallel progressed Neptune (rules 9th house Pisces): 3 minutes
  • Progressed MC 75° natal MC: 2 minutes
  • Progressed Sun 75° progressed Uranus: 8 minutes
  • Progressed Moon 75° progressed Saturn: 9 minutes


What’s amazing about Trump’s chart is how his fasting-moving element in his chart—the MC—has continued to maintain its parallel to his natal Sun, parallel to his progressed Uranus, and parallel to his progressed Pluto. That configuration has enabled him to have staying power and triumph no matter what’s been thrown at him.
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