I think we need to consider Uranus in Taurus. It's in its fallen sign (exalted in the opposite sign of Scorpio).
Uranus was last in Taurus from 1934 to 1942. Even those with a basic knowledge of world history knows what occurred then!
Uranus does the least well in Taurus, given the sign of security, stability, resources, finances, routine structures, the immovable, the unchanging landscape.
But Uranus is all about the opposite: change, upheaval, shake ups, radical new routines.
Taurus HATES change. Uranus LOVES change. It's a terrible marriage.
This is why we have had the phrase "
the New Normal" - a phrased coined during a global pandemic that upended life as we knew it, less than a year after Uranus finally stayed in Taurus in 2019. The old normal is no more, however, people are very resistant to anything new.
This is why far-Conservative leaning people want to stubbornly and rigidly hold on to a past paradigm, of an old routine that was nostalgically imagined as.
Where the men go out to work, and the little tradwife woman stays at home, raises the kids, and does what she is told and doesn't disagree or argue back. And everyone sits around the dinner table and prays to Jesus all evening, like good God-fearing Christians.
Do PEOPLE really want this? Is this progressive?
Not for me thanks, I have Pluto in the 9th. It's what I would describe as a living Hell.
But, Pluto is now settled in
Aquarius. The sign of the rebel, who breaks rules, who does things on their terms, they are Fixed signs too. Despite being an advocate of sudden change, once they have an idea they will rigidly hold onto that.
Aquarius is a
modern sign, that does away with old worn out traditions that Capricorn has implemented. The old Taurus routine and immovable structures don't have a place either, and that's why Uranus is all p1ssy, as it feels greatly hindered.
We want to move forward, but we are being held back by rigidity from all political sides (yes, including - sorry, especially - Trump followers).
Lastly, again, Pluto is in Aquarius. The way things currently stand, it will only be
those elites in power that will enjoy the liberation and freedoms. Not you. Not me. Not any of us normal people who will end up truly mugged off