The science behind planets and astrology

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Imagine an older tv with rabbit-ears antennae. When a person walks in the room to a specific spot near the door the tv flickers a little. when the person walks over to the chair it goes a little fuzzy. When he walks to the lamp the vertical hold goes wild. Then change the directions of the tv's antennae and walk to the same places- there'll be different responses in each place.

It seems like that's how aspects work. When a planet is at a certain angle from another planet, each planet's electric field react together. When you move away from that angle a bit, that reaction goes away until you reach another angular distance from another planet which creates its own response based upon its magnetic or radiation fields.

Welcome to the forum Neptune613...

...I'd like to add what I've recently encountered regarding info on purpose of DNA. While researching material for my book I spent some time with the writings of Trevor Ravenscroft...most specifically his book "The Cup of Destiny."
It is primarily a book on the legend/myth/history of Parsival...the Knight of the Round Table whom, along with Sir Galahad and Sir Bors went in quest of the Holy Grail. Parsival was some sort of savant of Astrology or a trained Parsival was reffered to as "He whom reads the Starry Script"...he was apparently quite talented and or extremely gifted in the craft/science.
Ravenscroft says that Parsival was a blood descendent of either Joesph of Arimathea [Jesus' uncle by Mary] or James, Jesus' brother.
[Read the legend of the first church at Glastonbury controversy/history for more on that.]
This is the bloodline of the House of David. [and after 2000 years, this bloodline has permeated Great Britain and God only knows where else...considering how the 'Brits' got around in all that time.]
Ravenscroft mentions that "...this bloodline is particularly affected by the Stars [Astrology]".
It was one of the questions I posed to my most reputable and respected clairvoyant friend, Clarisse Conner...whom has proven her talent as to 'seeing' the past or present to complete belief on my part. [For example...I can input any date into a computer ephemeris and ask Clarisse over the phone as to where any Planet or the Moon [whathaveyou] was in the sky at that time... and she will always get it right...and will certainly know if the computer is in error...thus why I use astrodienst...she has never contridicted or disputed their data.
She concured with all that Ravenscroft had to say [that I asked her about regarding his book "The Cup of Destiny"] and then added [as to why this particular bloodline is so affected] that it is caused by something that can be found in the DNA...
Ravenscroft, I believe, was privy to a bit [maybe, a sum] of very esoteric/occult knowledge...I'm still trying to find out more about him.

...remember that the Appendix was considered a "Junk" organ or gland until only recently...In my opinion, God doesn't 'Shoot C*R*A*P" with creation....if "It's There" it's "There for a Reason."
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Thanks for sharing this ptv! The information is truly fascinating. Please could you continue to share more, as you learn of Ravenscroft.

And as to your friend Clarisse's knowledge, well.... I'm just stunned! What a brilliant mind she has!
Thanks for sharing this ptv! The information is truly fascinating. Please could you continue to share more, as you learn of Ravenscroft.

And as to your friend Clarisse's knowledge, well.... I'm just stunned! What a brilliant mind she has!

...Clarisse does have a 'Gift' that's for sure. But it isn't "Her"'s just that she has the ability to access it.
You have to be cautious when asking clairvoyants/seers to "take a look at something"...When regardingg questions of an abstract nature I have found it to be advantageous to ask them as to what they 'See' to the specific imagery, what they're 'picturing', ...just because one can 'see' something doesn't necessarily mean theyre qualified to interpret it or speculate on it.
As to finding out more about Ravenscroft...there isn't a lot of info fact it's miniscule...I certainly would like to find out more about Him...been after it for sometime [I first heard of Ravenscroft, in earnest, in 2003...I was discussing a theory rof mine, as regarding the spear that pierced Jesus' side while He was on the Cross, and was told by my friend, Suryakant, that it was similiar to what Ravenscroft attested to in his book "The Spear of Destiny."] ...but, I have yet to give it a full effort...there's so much more on my plate at present.
with reference to the quantum aspects of reality, a excellent book is the Holographic Universe by micheal talbot. the first third covers the theory of a holographic unioverse as theorized by the physicist david bohm and neurophysiologist karl pribram.both independently arrrived at the holographic theory.the last 2/3 of the book details a scientific foundation for varous paranormal experiences such as esp,the mystical experience,the collective unconscious and synchronicity.

another interesting book is A Different Universe by robert laughlin , a nobel prize winning this he explains how the scientific method/reductionism can never find the solution to the laws of physics.
this book give up some ogf the dark secrets of quantum physics.

one that is that silicon is used in electrical devices because it eassily gives up a electron and when the electron moves it leaves a "void" which is positively charged and behaves just as an electron.this is why silicon is such a good conductor.but lauughlin points out that this is a impossiblity with the dogma of relativity because a charge is a function of bond length and empty space can not hold a charge because there is not bond lenght.he proceeds to tell how physicists use a mathematical trick to cause this aberrance to our computor society is based on actions that relativity and quantum physics can not explain.

the book The Holy Blood Holy Grail and the sequel which i have forgotten the name of may be of interest to you.the authors are micheal baigent , richard leigh and henry lincoln.
in the latter book the parsifal allegory is developed in continuity to christ's life.
i came across ravenscroft's spear of destiny many years ago and it made quite an impression on me.

the book The Holy Blood Holy Grail and the sequel which i have forgotten the name of may be of interest to you.the authors are micheal baigent , richard leigh and henry lincoln.

Just an aside ... this is the book where the authors unsuccessfully sued Dan Brown for use of their material in his "The Da Vinci Code ...

If you've read or seen it you may remember that one of the key characters is Sir Leigh Teabing ... notice the surname of the 2nd author and that Teabing is an anagram of the 1st's!
I understand that the moon affects the changing tides and I am also in agreement that astrology is very real... it is not just pseudo babble.

What I want to understand is the science behind how the planets are able to affect and influence our psyche. Is it a matter of sharing DNA with the planets and stars?

Would anyone like to comment?


07 I admire your curiosity but I tell you (& I'm only speaking my mind, which isn't reliable at all), that as humans, we've set out to explain the world in many ways, religion, for example, & now science. But these 'fields' can become filled with false truths - like they say, those "opiates of the masses." Then we put these 'findings' in print & the words (as Twain said) become "chloroform in print." I ask you this: how does astrology work for you? Why ask 'why' cause the question is ultimately unanswerable. But I'm sure that towards the end of the Age of Aquarius, some future 'experts' will tell you why it works, & they'll be closer to the truth (if such a thing is finite) but the final answer resides in your boundless self, where the Universe rests in its entirety.

But as a man who spent years studying science & is now scratching his head cause of astrology, I agree with member 'inside out orange' in that physicists are getting closer to the truth, but if they can't explain why gravity is so weak when it should be so overwhelmingly strong (it escapes into other dimensions, they postulate), then how could they ever explain astrology ??
Kam, you have made fair points in your post, most of which I agree with.

Yes, I agree that there are false truths, but we cannot deviate from the fact that not every scientific theory is bogus, so you cannot throw the baby out with the bath-water and until proven false, scientific truths are still truths.

It is a huge question to answer and to be honest, I had no idea it could not be answered conclusively.

In my opinion, we have to start understanding something somewhere, anywhere is a good start, because it is just that... a start. We have to question, because its a start.

I am sure there are scientists working on explaining this, and if we don't have an answer in our life time or in generations to come, the work would have been started already, findings published and research shared.

Having 6 planets in my 9th house will have this affect on me....and with Aquarius on the Asc, I just can't help but try and understand the very thing that has captivated my heart, interest and time. I love it!

Yeah I have four in the 9th & also Aquarius Rising. I've tried to understand like you but I saw some amazing coincidences & patterns that made me a 'believer' which is why I asked "how does it work for you?" Sometimes I described these things (& numbers don't lie), many were skeptical, fair enough, so I gave up on explaining why it works cause I realized it's a personal thing.
Yeah I have four in the 9th & also Aquarius Rising. I've tried to understand like you but I saw some amazing coincidences & patterns that made me a 'believer' which is why I asked "how does it work for you?" Sometimes I described these things (& numbers don't lie), many were skeptical, fair enough, so I gave up on explaining why it works cause I realized it's a personal thing.

Agreed... the more I research astrology, the more I have answers as to why certain events happened at 'that' time or why things turned out the way they did... and I understand now that these are more than coincidence.

Perhaps those skeptics, need a sit down consultation with an astrologer and I firmly believe the blinkers will be removed from their eyes... they have to be...because now more than ever, people are questioning, they want answers. :)
scientific truths are still truths.

Science sets out to disprove not prove things with hypotheses. Once enough hypotheses are 'proven' true (not disproved), then you get a scientific theory. Like Evolution. And Evolution (Evolution by the Theory of Natural Selection) is the foundation of Biology & it can't be disproved. But some would say it isn't 'true' & they're right in a literal sense of the word maybe, but it is so overwhelmingly obvious to scientists that Evolution works because we see it in drug-resistant bacteria & in many many cases. These same people who argue against it are happy to go to the hospital & get treated with science which is built on the foundation of Evolutionary theory.

But I think we can't rely on science to 'prove' astrology & we shouldn't worry. Cause I think science is fundamentally flawed when approaching such esoteric subjects as astrology, UFOs, ESP, psychic ability. Science is based on fact & concrete things in the natural realm but there is another existence that is not part of our "scientific" reality. I think if we can detect another plane of existence, that's good enough. We probably won't be able to send any tools for measurement (like we send into space) into this realm, but if we can detect it's presence that's a start. I think once this happens there will be a revolution in science & the way we see things will be altered forever.

I am sure there are scientists working on explaining this,
I want to believe this. Unfortunately all of the "experiments" I've seen are not thorough & easily dismiss astrology as "bogus". If anybody knows of any real scientific research going on to 'prove' astrology, I'd be surprised. Scientists rely on grants in order to survive. To get grants they need peer-reviewed papers. To make papers they need research. That costs money.

Agreed... the more I research astrology, the more I have answers as to why certain events happened at 'that' time or why things turned out the way they did... and I understand now that these are more than coincidence.

Me too !! That's why we know something's there.

Perhaps those skeptics, need a sit down consultation with an astrologer and I firmly believe the blinkers will be removed from their eyes.
It's funny but I think a lot of those skeptical of astrology seem really curious to learn about themselves, even know a lot of Sun-sign information. They're just too busy doing other stuff to worry about it. For some reason (I see it in my chart, maybe) there is a reason you & me want to know why.

I theorized that by the mingling of Jesus' blood with the Earth that the entire vibration of future mankind was we are all made of the substance of the Earth...[...aren't we something like 78% water? ...I could look it up but am a bit lazy this morning...but I think you see where I'm going with this...]...

That's really interesting. I like to think of myself as an extension of earth, kind of like a tentacle lol out there in the world, 'feeling out' different things. I also like to think of consciousness as a 'shared' thing, something springing from our planet, that when we die a physical death, our consciousness survives in those who knew us. We kind of become them. Our body then goes back to earth. But I'm digressing.'s a good one...
Did you know that at any given moment you more than likely have about 7 of the same molecules of air in your lungs that Jesus did?

That's crazy !! What's crazier is that someone sat down & did that calculation to figure it out.
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science still does not know what only knows how to manipulate it.
you need to reread the definition of theory.a theory by can never be proved true,one can only evidence added to its probability.if it was proved true ,it would be classified as a natural Law.but evolution has too many loose ends and anomalies to be considered a law of nature.i am not a creationist but have a rational mind and do not accept the words of scientist as infallible.scientific theory reflect the time they are formulated.

science still does not know what only knows how to manipulate it.
you need to reread the definition of theory.a theory by can never be proved true,one can only evidence added to its probability.if it was proved true ,it would be classified as a natural Law.but evolution has too many loose ends and anomalies to be considered a law of nature.i am not a creationist but have a rational mind and do not accept the words of scientist as infallible.scientific theory reflect the time they are formulated.


Rahu, be careful who you're talking to. Do you know Mark Ridley? If not, buy the text. He was my mentor. Are you a scientist ?? A theory can never be proved.. Yeah !! Only an hypothesis can be disproved. A theory is based on many hypotheses that can't be disproved. So, don't attack me friend. Speak with truth & clarity & let ego slip by, cause ain't nothing more beautiful (or tragic) than truth.
then why are the theories of relativity and not laws of relativity,why is there theories of evolution and not laws of evolution,why is there quantum theories and not laws of theory.
science has it's dogma and subjective viewpoint.they are theories because there data is open to different interpretations.
i'm sure your mr ridley has his own interpretation also but that does not make them the truth.subjectivity in religious matters is to be expected but not acknowledging subjectivity in scientific matter of ........

then why are the theories of relativity and not laws of relativity,why is there theories of evolution and not laws of evolution,why is there quantum theories and not laws of theory.
science has it's dogma and subjective viewpoint.they are theories because there data is open to different interpretations.
i'm sure your mr ridley has his own interpretation also but that does not make them the truth.subjectivity in religious matters is to be expected but not acknowledging subjectivity in scientific matter of ........


I think I agree with everything you have said. Perhaps I misinterpreted, projected something on what you said that wasn't there. Logic is my weakpoint. But I was good at science, really understood its 'concrete' nature, but it bored me. I remember talking to one of my evolution professors about why so many people have said they've seen Bigfoot. He immediately threw his arms in the air & wouldn't let me finish my sentence. Scientists are elitist, unwilling to touch subjects such as astrology, or the unexplained. It takes one or two mavericks to change things. Maybe they're out there. I wanna believe. That's all I wanted to say. Sorry, but after a bunch of glasses of wine last nite, this Scorpio thought he knew all the answers. But today I know I don't.
Well, most of the arguments/reasons I had chosen have already been covered, so there's really not much to add.

The fact is, despite many little advancements technologically over the last couple of hundred years, we don't know squat about anything!!!!!!!! We don't know what electricity is, or gravity, or how they work. We have figured out how to manipulate them in certain circumstances for great effects.

We don't know if the planets affect us by magnetic pull and series of differing frequencies, or whether their position signifies and is indicative of a particular "moment" in time.

Add to that the current state of science, which lies in great disrepute, with each pet theory being defended with PhD dissertations, relying on grant money or money from private sources.

Add to that the fact that scientists have been studying everything for a hundred years or so, maximum. What are you going to learn in that time?

Then take into consideration the natural inclination of scientists to have their own prejudices due to their own beliefs.

What do you get?

We don't know anything......:whistling: