The Three Virgoes

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Sep 21, 2011
For no good reason, this reminds me of the time that I was stuck in an elevator. I spent about five hours with an Amway salesman, a Jehova`s Witness and this guy running for Mayor. :sideways:

I forget what we talked about. :sleeping:
For no good reason, this reminds me of the time that I was stuck in an elevator. I spent about five hours with an Amway salesman, a Jehova`s Witness and this guy running for Mayor. :sideways:

I forget what we talked about. :sleeping:
[I can totally relate...]
They must of analyzed the living s*** out of you...I would've attempted shimmying up the lift cable before the 1st hour passed.
My grandmother is a Virgo, and very very Virgo at that. I'm not making any generalizations about people who happened to land 1 of 10 planets in a specific 1/12th of the zodiac, but let's just say I don't work well with people who have it heavily emphasized. Or I can go on to say she's a conservative clean freak with little willpower and is surprised to see my liberal, strong-willed, stubborn Aquarian traits show themselves. But we really do make fun of Virgo too much compared to the other signs...
You do know that statistically Virgo Ascendant is the most common one among the peoples of the Northern Hemisphere?
My mother was a brother is a Virgo Asc [Pisces Sun] ex is a Virgo Asc. [Taurus Sun, Cap Moon], I've had three other lovers in my life that were all Virgo women [Sun and or Asc...short affairs...2-3 months....long enough.]
Most conversations with them all usually began at their initiation and with these words [or in close approximation to...] ..."You know what you need", "You know what I think you ought to do", "Don't you think that...", "You know what you should have done", "If I were I you...", "When was the last time..."
You do know that statistically Virgo Ascendant is the most common one among the peoples of the Northern Hemisphere?
My mother was a brother is a Virgo Asc [Pisces Sun] ex is a Virgo Asc. [Taurus Sun, Cap Moon], I've had three other lovers in my life that were all Virgo women [Sun and or Asc...short affairs...2-3 months....long enough.]
Most conversations with them all usually began at their initiation and with these words [or in close approximation to...] ..."You know what you need", "You know what I think you ought to do", "Don't you think that...", "You know what you should have done", "If I were I you...", "When was the last time..."

You left out the whole "feel, felt, found." As in, "I understand how you feel, I felt the same way, but I found...." With a Virgo Sun, Merc, Jupiter and ASC...yeah, I get that. :whistling: Being stuck in an elevator with three? Have you read Sarte's Huis Clos (No Exit)? :innocent:
Being stuck in an elevator with an almost stereo-typical 3 of the same of any (other) sign would be insanity. Now who wants to be locked up in an elevator with 3 Aquarians? Or Librans? Or Scorpios? Or Sagittarians? Or Capricorns? Get the point? Oh, your Sun sign wasn't given any mercy, because I have lots of Air & Libra and not much water so I give justice, not mercy. Aries. Taurus. Gemini. Cancer. Leo. Pisces.
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Not all virgos are so passive agressively pushy. I do know however, of many many who are. And they don't know who I am (leo rising, virgo sun.. .) and that I don't take that passive aggressive, cynical, overly sensitive sh*t (ex: that's just not how its done.. .) Those who I know in my workplace (3 or 4 virgos) who are all older than me, they come at me occasionally like they are being maternal when in reality they are just hyperactive and unable to mind their business. Its rather sad, a sort of manifestation of their own inner angst (i.e. wanting to be recognized for the vast amount of practical knowledge they have, when they can't get this attention to relax their nerves, they go after the easiest target to nag/obsess at/freak out at)

However, I find sagitarrians in general to be waay more annoying and I would go insane if I were caught in an elevator with three. Typical sag behavior: I will interrupt your every thought with a witty remark and a superior point of view, I will deny your reality and gaslight you until you go insane. Just because I can't be comfortable with anyone else's observations being superior/quicker than mine anything you have to say I will invalidate, because it makes me restless and after all, I have all the answers in my pocket of Jack Handy quotes and zen cliches, so I don't like you for daring to challenge my spiritual authority...

Oh second least favorite would probably be Aquarians, because they are "sooo much better" than everyone. That's their internal defense, an air of superiority (not so quiet). Blargh. And you can talk to them for hours with the most obvious answer to their problem(s) and they will ignore you and not even thank you.

OH Yeah forgot to add, Aquarians always make it YOUR fault too. Beware an angry Aquarian. . .

Hard to say, anyway...

Happy happy joy joy! >_<

At least virgo's listen and are attentive to what you have to say. We don't pretend to listen (especially when we are not listening, I don't pretend to anyway always let people know I'm spacy) We are loyal, giving and genuinely interested in people. I have to say this is true of every virgo I have ever met. If you don't like that then what the hell-o?

Lastly, yes, I am a virgo, but I am a leo rising. I'm not a neat freak, not picky or a germaphobe.

Anyway, personal issues with signs are understandable.

I don't go through long periods of disliking though. I go through phases. As of now, I am very tired of the domineering, ungrateful and demanding personalities of the (unevolved) fire signs.
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You do know that statistically Virgo Ascendant is the most common one among the peoples of the Northern Hemisphere?
My mother was a brother is a Virgo Asc [Pisces Sun] ex is a Virgo Asc. [Taurus Sun, Cap Moon], I've had three other lovers in my life that were all Virgo women [Sun and or Asc...short affairs...2-3 months....long enough.]
Most conversations with them all usually began at their initiation and with these words [or in close approximation to...] ..."You know what you need", "You know what I think you ought to do", "Don't you think that...", "You know what you should have done", "If I were I you...", "When was the last time..."

There are so many of us because we are pretty hard working, humble and clever...traits that serve the wider world...add those traits in with some creative or deepening or warm or inovative influences and you've got a wonderful person. If slightly neurotic. :biggrin:
There are so many of us because we are pretty hard working, humble and clever...traits that serve the wider world...add those traits in with some creative or deepening or warm or inovative influences and you've got a wonderful person. If slightly neurotic. :biggrin:

Actually, there are more of us because more people in the northern hemisphere are born in september period. More people get the urge to be creative (wink) in the darkest months of the year is one theory (December-January). (Wonder why? LOL. . .) Yeah good thing we are modest (maybe not so much. . . )but anyhow, sun signs are just a tiny facet. Just one layer and a very surface one at that. The more shallow you are, the more you play out your sun sign vs. other traits.
Actually, there are more of us because more people in the northern hemisphere are born in september period. More people get the urge to be creative (wink) in the darkest months of the year is one theory (December-January). (Wonder why? LOL. . .) Yeah good thing we are modest (maybe not so much. . . )but anyhow, sun signs are just a tiny facet. Just one layer and a very surface one at that. The more shallow you are, the more you play out your sun sign vs. other traits.

Wait, I responding to PTV's post that virgo is the most common RISING sign in the western hem.
So, not about what time of year we are born, but day. And I do think we are populous b/c we are useful. Universe in it's infinite wisdom...i'm not a modest virgo, by the way...
...Now I have it confirmed that we Aquarians do come off as elitist despite strongly believing that everyone is equal. Is anyone annoyed that we are a mass of seeming contradictions? I know you're out there...

Most Virgoes are probably OK. There is one person I know who I know is a Virgo, and she's my grandma and is really nitpicky and tries to force conservative views on everyone and is like "You can't be a liberal!" and "I was working at *insert company* and I was a clerk. This man was an analyst because he was a man." which is really stereotype Virgo, but probably not how most of them act. I used to have a lot of problems with Cancer, but then I learned that most of them don't actually act like that and are generally nice and sweet and much better at being sensitive to others' emotions than me (most people are more sensitive than me, so that might not specifically be a Cancer trait.)

Right now I want to be a Virgo stuck on an elevator for a few hours with 3 Aquarians just to see how we come off...
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Oh no no! I would go insane! Couldn't handle more than one at a time...
My mother has a stellium in Virgo and I can't speak more than 10 minutes with her on the phone whithout having a break down...:(

I have a good friend with Virgo Sun, we shared the house for some years and we used to have a laugh and make fun of eachother's differences! She was a proper Virgo, sometimes could be too much, but a very unusual one (Uranus on the Ascendant-she use to freek out with all electrical stuff, switches,

Had A boyfriend with Virgo Moon and ASC...I can be picky sometimes with Venus in the 6H and Mars on the Cusp...But this guy was way too much.
That was the beginnig of the end.(my Moon in Cancer cries) ;(

Now, gimme 3 gemini guys and I'll have the time of my life. I guess when we would get to be rescued we would be sad...:D
I think I've heard another person talk about someone who was a Virgo with Uranus rising. It was exactly the same, about electricity safety.

I don't think I'd want to be stuck on an elevator with 3 of anything, to be honest.
I think I've heard another person talk about someone who was a Virgo with Uranus rising. It was exactly the same, about electricity safety.

I don't think I'd want to be stuck on an elevator with 3 of anything, to be honest.

Hahaha! You just made me laugh...
No one chooses to be in that situation (I think) but if it happens better to be with company...except if it's with too many Virgoes!:andy:

It happen to me to be stuck in an airport for over 3 days, even if it was stressful and desparing at the beginning, I got stuck with a group of awesome people from all over the world and had an awesome time! And one of the girls make very good friends with me. Can't wait to see her again!

Ok! There we have a choice to search someone else to talk but we got stuck anyway so we decided to make the best of it... We never know what destiny is playing at. You may meet the love of your life for example!

PS: None was a Virgo!:whistling:
"3 of anything" meant the same anything. Lots of different anythings would be great.

Yeah, you are right there in that point...

But Geminis are a lot of different things on their own, if you mix three you could count at least 6! :D

Aquarius,[ never met one same as the other] would be pretty cool too, specially if you like some controversial stuff-only at the begining though...
They have a great sense of humor[even if they don't know :)] and usually have always interesting weird stuff to talk about.
At least to me... I have a Libra Ascendant so I reckon I seem attract/attracted to air signs.
Libra can see their points, be controversial too just to give food for thought and debate.
In this situations you call for the most socializing people, coz communication is a must.
If you get shy people,anti-social, judgemental... you die bored!
I'd rather die interested than bored, or, like you, not die at all for a long while at least.

I think Gemini would be the problem after the beginning, not Aquarians, because the Gemini attention span is legendary for being short, while Aquarius is a fixed sign/long lasting. But getting stuck on an elevator with a bunch of air signs would be great, provided that they're different ones and not all the same. GAT in da house! Oh, and an elevator is a house by the way. House: 4.a building for any purpose. Building: 2. anything built or constructed.

I thought humor was ruled by Mercury. Some people think I'm funny and laugh, but I can't believe them.
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I'd rather die interested than bored, or, like you, not die at all for a long while at least.

I think Gemini would be the problem after the beginning, not Aquarians, because the Gemini attention span is legendary for being short, while Aquarius is a fixed sign/long lasting. But getting stuck on an elevator with a bunch of air signs would be great, provided that they're different ones and not all the same. GAT in da house! Oh, and an elevator is a house by the way. House: 4.a building for any purpose. Building: 2. anything built or constructed.

I thought humor was ruled by Mercury. Some people think I'm funny and laugh, but I can't believe them.

Yeah Gemini attention span may be short but they love attention too! So, because they can't really impress eachothers that much...they would try to impress ME...hehe :love:...:D

I can imagine myself, hooked in Astrology as I am now, after that situation going home and draw the Chart of the event and look of what happen on the House 4...
What kind of aspects do you reckon that type of event would have?
For me the major and easiest transit I guess it could be:

Tr Merc on the 4th/H conjunct Destiny (10 deg Aquarius) squaring Uranus in the 1st. Tr Merc would be opposit Saturn in Leo 10th/H (ruler of the 4th)

Actually I've been stuck in an elevator before but didn't know much of Astrology then to check it out.

I thought humor was ruled by Mercury. Some people think I'm funny and laugh, but I can't believe them.
lolllsss...That's good! Better than to try to make someone laugh and nobody does!...Like me!:crying: You made me laugh already, believe me!:wink:

My Mercury is afflicted... poor thing. Is retrograde, plus in slowwww Taurus, Combusted by the Sun, Grilled by Uranus opposition, Inconjuct Pluto and Square Saturn!!!!!! How would someone expect to be funny with this configuration? Tell me...
Aha! But the good thing is that I "gave" it away! It's in the 7H...
Though Saturn in Leo is said to be the clown...but that's no good either except for children!:innocent:
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My Mercury is afflicted and slow in motion in the 12th house in not considerably faster Capricorn, wide orb conjunct Venus, but some methods I've seen used really drag it out of the water and make incredibly accurate specific statements to confirm it. You're typing fine on here and doing astrology the "real" way, so yours probably has some hidden advantages as well.