the truth about libra rising

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Feb 27, 2008
I have a theory or libra risiing....I have been reading in posts about libra rising and it looks like a lot of people here have it.....

I believe libra rising gives a balance first of may give beauty in cases...but it makes the body balanced your not short and squatty you will have a balanced figure....I saw some people posting that they have seen libra risings as pear shaped...libra has nothing to do with it...(though libra sun I have noticed can be pear friend britney is skiiny with weight in the ***...and kim kardashian as well(shes a pisces risng though...and she has a HUGE virgo influence which a lot of people take as havinga junk in the you know where) but libra risings are allways balanced and they gain weight all over instead of in one area...venus rising does this too....(my mom with jvenus rising does this she would tell me as a kid oh you gain wieght the way I do) I gain weight all over...never in one my lifetime the most I have gained is about 80-90 pounds(long story...taurus lazynessa nd eating and also a situatioin when I was going through puberty of a misdiagnosis and I was medicated and it slowed down my metabolism...)I have never looked like a porky person...I gain weight all over and never look as heavy as I am.....its also the taurus influence as well...libra rising is a weak give the balanced influence but and added beauty but not what we look like....the ruler of venus does....if its leo there is a look of leo...if there is virgo...its virgo......(of course other things come into play as well..moon, sun...aspects) I have venus in taurus conjunct moon and north node in taurus....I look like a taurean.....I like to say I am like a taurus rising but with more balance and old roomate is a taurus rising he is short muscley broadshouldered stocky guy...about 5'6 very muscley...I am broad shouldered very muscley but taller(5'11) broadshouldered muscular.....when i gain weight I look like a gorilla...and people ask me if I have been lifting wieghts lol
Yeah I have to agree with some of this. A libra rising with venus in scorpio, and I look very much like a scorpio/libra. My aesthetics are very scorpio, too. I like black and red and the light blue of denim jeans (the libran part). :p
"....I have been reading in posts about libra rising and it looks like a lot of people here have it....."

thats funny. i bet us (libra risers) need more feedback than others. And so we come onto a site where we can bounce ideas about direction and what to do off of others.

also i'm assuming most libra risers have sag. on the third house cusp? this might have to do with why we want to discuss astrology/ideas so much.

keeping on topic..

i have libra rising with moon conjunct asc. my face is very balanced/even. also, i'm large (6'4" 245 pounds). just big. not so much fat. but like redwolf said,
"..but libra risings are allways balanced and they gain weight all over instead of in one area"

this has more to do with the moons influence. i notice my weight fluctuates with the moon. just a few pounds of water weight.

i have venus in pisces. can't relly see any influence on my looks, except maybe my eyes.

also i have blue/green eyes and light brown hair. not sure if thats relevent.

also i care A LOT what others think of me. how others see me. etc..
I'm actually really skinny. Kinda pear-shaped and like Keira Knightley except I'm not as tall as her. I'm short. My feet and hands are smallish. My bone structure is very thin/delicate/small so clothes made for Japanese girls suit me, lol. I don't ever gain weight. I eat like a pig and I'm still skinny. *sigh* I'm a Libra ASC, Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon.
NicholasH said:
thats funny. i bet us (libra risers) need more feedback than others. And so we come onto a site where we can bounce ideas about direction and what to do off of others.

also i'm assuming most libra risers have sag. on the third house cusp? this might have to do with why we want to discuss astrology/ideas so much.

That might explain why I get along with libra ascendant people so well - Sag sun cj mercury and a libra moon

I would say that libra ascendant people alaways manage to be beautiful in their own way. Venus makes them pleasant even if they dont neccesarily 'float your boat'. They do sometimes reflect the common styles they see around them. (although they usually manage to master the style look better than everyone else, never plain, but not a trend setter) They can often be very choosy about wether their choice of colours match.

They definately have good physical proportions (bones are always in good proportion). If the natal chart elsewhere indicates then they can have and odd physical quirk, but its rarely serious and usally makes them seem cute. Occaisionally there equalibrium falls off balance and their weight might shoot up or down. Other aspects in the natal chart could cause them to look quite odd during these times.

One exaple, truly beautiful Libra asc with Aquarius sun Virgo moon put on (only a little) weight for about 2 months. During this time her back was as broad as a sail! (virgo and aquarius women can sometimes be broad backed but can often be one of the prettier signs)Libra ASC women in particular can often be short, rarely tall. I've yet to meet a libra ASC thats the size of a whale. They would probably develop an eating disorder before they let that happen!

Finally a tell tale sign for libra ascendant/sun male or female is a 's' shaped back and a tremendous backside (as in big and or prominent and or very nice to look at) Although they can often have hang ups about it
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Spungie said:
I would say that libra ascendant people alaways manage to be beautiful in their own way. Venus makes them pleasant even if they dont neccesarily 'float your boat'. They do sometimes reflect the common styles they see around them. (although they usually manage to master the style look better than everyone else, never plain, but not a trend setter) They can often be very choosy about wether their choice of colours match.

I'm a Libra ASC and I can be a total fashionista. Not a trend setter but not plain or boring either. I actually prefer saying I have my own style but of course part of it reflects the style that's "in" right now too.
I always try to make sure the colours of my clothes match.

I have a Libra Sun friend and she, too, is a "fashionista". Not to mention very pretty as well.
I'm an Aquarius ASC & I've always liked the Libra rising people I've met ..

.. the women are beautiful in their own way .. one of my Libra rising friends keeps saying she's not beautiful (Virgo Sun) .. I sat back .. looked at her .. & for a split second I could see what she saw .. but then I saw her beauty again .. My Mars is also conjunct her ASC ..

..... no matter what the look .. I find that Libra rising people look good in their clothes, live a kind of artistic life .. I love that .. I need more of you people in my life .. ;-)
kaminari said:
.. I love that .. I need more of you people in my life .. ;-)

I might be off topic here but I don't need that....
My ex was a libra rising and he wasn't too much of a charm... He had issues of course being a Scorpio with Virgo Moon but nevertheless.....
kaminari said:
I'm an Aquarius ASC & I've always liked the Libra rising people I've met ..

.. the women are beautiful in their own way .. one of my Libra rising friends keeps saying she's not beautiful (Virgo Sun) .. I sat back .. looked at her .. & for a split second I could see what she saw .. but then I saw her beauty again .. My Mars is also conjunct her ASC ..

..... no matter what the look .. I find that Libra rising people look good in their clothes, live a kind of artistic life .. I love that .. I need more of you people in my life .. ;-)

I'm Virgo Sun with Libra rising and I don't always find myself attractive either.
MidnightxPoison said:
I'm Virgo Sun with Libra rising and I don't always find myself attractive either.

.. Yeah .. But I'll probably think you're hot .. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder .. But ..

.. When I look inside I see an attractive & amazing guy .. I try to tell my beautiful women friends (.. in this case a Libra rising ..) that the truest beauty is within & it radiates outwards ..
As you say it is what Venus is doing and where that determines how we may look at first sight. If Venus has poor aspects then there can be kidney problems, sugar functions awry etc. Libra rising like to be seen as pleasant and sociable and dislike disagreement and discord. Many especially in the early days say yes just to please when they mean no. Venus very often gives dark hair and light eyes it has been my experience. Naturally ethnicity plays a part.

I have my ascendant ruler conjunct Venus in Libra and was shapely with dark hair and blue eyes. Pisces rising which tends to give shapelessness which happens in later life for me as I put on weight
. Regular even features come with Venus in Libra very often. Sometimes the hairstyle is a parted in the middle. Balance you see. :)
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I guess i'm joining this thread too late, but i will write few words anyway.
I'm Sag with Libra rising, and Venus in Capricorn in 4th. My Moon is also in Cap in 4th, conjuncting Venus.
I can't say i gain weight all over, hips are definitely my dominant and noticeable area, so i would call myself pear shaped, but not in negative way. I'm not fat and i don't have weigt problem. To be honest, i don't see it like bad thing. I find it very feminine and i am proud of my small waist. I am also big fan of pin up fashion and it suits me well.
I would say: don't jump into conclusion!
Saturn transit has many libras do lose weight :whistling:
I have my Moon in Libra, I've lost my appetite when Saturn transitted my Moon, for example..
I would say: don't jump into conclusion!
Saturn transit has many libras do lose weight :whistling:
I have my Moon in Libra, I've lost my appetite when Saturn transitted my Moon, for example..

I had similar experience. While i had Saturn in my first house (in Libra) i was underweigt in one moment... :andy Probabaly because it squared my natal Venus and Moon in Cap. But body shape is not connected with losing weight i think.
I had similar experience. While i had Saturn in my first house (in Libra) i was underweigt in one moment... :andy Probabaly because it squared my natal Venus and Moon in Cap. But body shape is not connected with losing weight i think.
If you do have Saturn transitting the 1st house you can lose weight and
if aspects your Moon, all the more likely.
I do agree with some of what OP posted. Libra rising makes for a wonky chart setup because everything is backwards.

I'm an early Libra rising with Saturn on my AC (exact) and it also conjuncts Jupiter. Add to the mix, I also Pluto in my 1st house so in some instances, I can look Scorpio-ish (but only if I tap into my Plutonian energy). I have 3 powerful major planets altering my appearance which can seem like it's psychotic. For the most part, I look Libran, even though my Venus is in Gemini. But in many ways, Gemini and Libra look similar... slender, into soft colorful dainty stuff, ruffles, bows, etc.

I'm not pear shaped, nor skinny but I'm slender-athletic in a solid looking way. I do have Taurus Mars (dense earth) which trines my AC so I have pretty sturdy proportions but I keep things under control. I will say, I can easily lose weight and I can deal with starvation with ease. That may not have anything to do with Libra but more so with Saturn conj AC.
I have a theory or libra risiing....I have been reading in posts about libra rising and it looks like a lot of people here have it.....

I believe libra rising gives a balance first of may give beauty in cases...but it makes the body balanced your not short and squatty you will have a balanced figure....I saw some people posting that they have seen libra risings as pear shaped...libra has nothing to do with it...(though libra sun I have noticed can be pear friend britney is skiiny with weight in the ***...and kim kardashian as well(shes a pisces risng though...and she has a HUGE virgo influence which a lot of people take as havinga junk in the you know where) but libra risings are allways balanced and they gain weight all over instead of in one area...venus rising does this too....(my mom with jvenus rising does this she would tell me as a kid oh you gain wieght the way I do) I gain weight all over...never in one my lifetime the most I have gained is about 80-90 pounds(long story...taurus lazynessa nd eating and also a situatioin when I was going through puberty of a misdiagnosis and I was medicated and it slowed down my metabolism...)I have never looked like a porky person...I gain weight all over and never look as heavy as I am.....its also the taurus influence as well...libra rising is a weak give the balanced influence but and added beauty but not what we look like....the ruler of venus does....if its leo there is a look of leo...if there is virgo...its virgo......(of course other things come into play as well..moon, sun...aspects) I have venus in taurus conjunct moon and north node in taurus....I look like a taurean.....I like to say I am like a taurus rising but with more balance and old roomate is a taurus rising he is short muscley broadshouldered stocky guy...about 5'6 very muscley...I am broad shouldered very muscley but taller(5'11) broadshouldered muscular.....when i gain weight I look like a gorilla...and people ask me if I have been lifting wieghts lol

Fun thread! I thought that Kim Kardashian had a Saggi rising and a Moon in Pisces? Either way she's beautiful and I'd love to have her looks! But I have never looked like my Sun, Moon or Asc either; never! I have a 0deg Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon and Scorpio Asc (with Neptune closely conjunct). A muscular/athletic build and never overweight until after my son's birth.

Kim Kardashian is a Sagittarius rising and she's suppose to be naturally lean. It's pretty common for Sag rising people to be lean/slender/skinny. She had gotten plastic surgeries to get extreme curves.... very typical of any Hollywood character.
In actual fact Venus influenced women can be pear shaped and in the old folklore where statues of women with small waists and bust and a bigger hip and derriere area was known as the Venus syndrome.
Libra rising can manifest in various ways depending on where the ruler, Venus is and what it aspects. They can manifest negatively or positively and it is cookbook astrology to lump all Libra rising descriptions together.
However those with Venus in the 1st house nearly always have pleasant even features and are attractive in their own way.
Kim Kardashian is a Sagittarius rising and she's suppose to be naturally lean. It's pretty common for Sag rising people to be lean/slender/skinny....
I have never seen the chart of Kim K. She has GOT to have something else to keep her thin. A Sag rising is ruled by Jup, which actually is quite the opposite.
May be Kim K's chart should be looked at. I wouldn't be surprised if Saturn/Mars/Merc, one of them were aspecting the Asc or its ruler.

A Sag Rising is not slender or dainty by itself. They might be longish though.
