the truth about libra rising

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Libra does not necessarily "give balance"....It gives a need to establish balance, which is not at all the same.

As an example, consider the whirlwind. This is a very violent vortex, a destructive force caused by an imbalance of heat and pressure in the atmosphere surrounding the place of the vortex. The violent wind shows that things were/are out of balance, and the whirlwind through its dynamic restores the balance. It redistributes, thus restoring balance and harmony for a time. The whirlwind is of the nature of Libra: it is both the manifestation of an imbalance, and the means through which balance is restored.

Recall that Libra is the sign of War. Hitler had Libra rising, and his whole life dealt with extremes of imbalance and war.

Also, we might say that the rising sign is a pointer, which in and of itself does not tell us which of its two faces (opposite polarities are present in all signs -- the signs can manifest in either their negative or positive expression, or at any point between the extremes of the axis) will be dominant. To understand how the rising sign will manifest, we must consult the lord of the sign, planets in the sign, and aspects to the rising degree or to the bodies in the sign. It is helpful to examine the almuten of the rising degree. Furthermore, the tone and statements of the chart as a whole must be taken into account.

The rising sign might be compared to the cover of a book (after all, it is "the face we present to the world"), and -- so the saying goes -- "you can't tell a book by its cover."
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Me and my dad are both libra rising and we look very skinny, gain weight hard and very shortly. I'm proud of my rising Libra, i'm not beautiful but still everybody loves me. Me and my dad both have this harisma or some kind of glow and we both have many friends, acquaintances. My 1st house Pluto also gives many people the impression that im controlling, very bossy and hard to deal with. colleagues are always scared of me because i look like a double agent and no one ever "chitchat at the water cooler" with me. I'm very observant and i like to examine people around me, but not in a bad way. I just want to know where everybody's coming from.
The truth about libra rising is:

Libra has thirty degrees - each one has a different meaning

Libra is the natural home aka domicile of Venus BUT although many have Libra rising, for each person that has Libra rising, Venus appears in one of twelve different signs AS WELL AS one of twelve different houses.

Then to explain the many differences from one Libra rising to another, next consider that the planet in whose sign Venus is found is also an important consideration
The truth about libra rising is:

Libra has thirty degrees - each one has a different meaning

Libra is the natural home aka domicile of Venus BUT although many have Libra rising, for each person that has Libra rising, Venus appears in one of twelve different signs AS WELL AS one of twelve different houses.

Then to explain the many differences from one Libra rising to another, next consider that the planet in whose sign Venus is found is also an important consideration

I concur. Libra rising doesn't mean much on its own. It just means that the native identifies with and desires Venusian things: love, comfort and harmony. But this is only generally. One has to look at what sign/house/and aspects Venus has to wholly determine what Libra rising means for the native.
I concur. Libra rising doesn't mean much on its own. It just means that the native identifies with and desires Venusian things: love, comfort and harmony. But this is only generally. One has to look at what sign/house/and aspects Venus has to wholly determine what Libra rising means for the native.
Exactly. Libra rising with Venus in Aries conjunct Saturn both opposing the ascendant is a very different scenario to that of Libra rising with Venus in Libra or Libra rising with Saturn in Libra and Venus in Taurus - the permutations are endless :smile:
Libra does not necessarily "give balance"....It gives a need to establish balance, which is not at all the same.

As an example, consider the whirlwind. This is a very violent vortex, a destructive force caused by an imbalance of heat and pressure in the atmosphere surrounding the place of the vortex. The violent wind shows that things were/are out of balance, and the whirlwind through its dynamic restores the balance. It redistributes, thus restoring balance and harmony for a time. The whirlwind is of the nature of Libra: it is both the manifestation of an imbalance, and the means through which balance is restored.

Recall that Libra is the sign of War. Hitler had Libra rising, and his whole life dealt with extremes of imbalance and war.

Also, we might say that the rising sign is a pointer, which in and of itself does not tell us which of its two faces (opposite polarities are present in all signs -- the signs can manifest in either their negative or positive expression, or at any point between the extremes of the axis) will be dominant. To understand how the rising sign will manifest, we must consult the lord of the sign, planets in the sign, and aspects to the rising degree or to the bodies in the sign. It is helpful to examine the almuten of the rising degree. Furthermore, the tone and statements of the chart as a whole must be taken into account.

The rising sign might be compared to the cover of a book (after all, it is "the face we present to the world"), and -- so the saying goes -- "you can't tell a book by its cover."

hahahahahahaha I don't agree that Libra rising "doesn't give balance" and that the Libra risings have to go balance between war and peace. Gimme a break! That's totally off the wall nutty. Let's get the Libra risings in here and see what they say about oscillating between those 2 extremities. Let's see how many Libra risings in here have caused war :lol:

At best, it's debatable whether or not Hitler had Libra rising. There isn't an accurate time for his birth and since he's dead, we can't ask him. Astrotheme list the rising as late so he could actually have Scorpio rising. They have been wrong before. I vote for early Scorpio rising. Scorpio risings tend to look angry and have that "Scorpio stare." He looked too angry to be a Libra rising no matter what planets were in Libra at the time of his actual birth. I have Libra Pluto in my 1st house HAHAHAHA even having Pluto in my 1st doesn't make me look scary or threatening.

Using a dubious historical figure to draw an example doesn't help. Try finding another dictator with Libra rising, if you can. To me, the power mongers are fixed risings with cardinal moons.
I have never seen the chart of Kim K. She has GOT to have something else to keep her thin. A Sag rising is ruled by Jup, which actually is quite the opposite.
May be Kim K's chart should be looked at. I wouldn't be surprised if Saturn/Mars/Merc, one of them were aspecting the Asc or its ruler.

A Sag Rising is not slender or dainty by itself. They might be longish though.


HAHAHAHA I never said Sagittarius rising is dainty. What does being dainty have to do with being lean? I've seen dainty fat people (which I should erase that imagery from my brain).

I should have clarified but I didn't know this topic would get detailed from Libra rising to Sag rising. Sagittarius rising people are rarely fat in their youth. When they're old, they're subject to getting fat/being fat like everyone else. They're lean/thin/skinny/slender, athletic, and usually tall (longish).

Of all the widely attractive people I encounter, I've met more Sagittarius rising people than any other sign. I've dated 4 Sagittarius rising men and they're all tall (over 6 ft), lean, athletic, fiery. I've met 11 Sagittarius rising people (possibly more and I didn't know it) last year and none of them are even remotely fat- they're all tall and lean. A few of them I've met at the gym (fitting). There's a few Sagittarius rising people in the forum and they're lean and tall.

As for Kim Kardashian, she's not the typical Sagittarius rising as she's not tall. She's like 5'0 ft (I don't care what it say in her public profile, I've seen her in real life before) and she's shorter than me and I'm 5'3 without any shoes. All Sagittarius rising people born from January 1970 until January 1984 will have at least Neptune in their 1st house. Neptune in the 1st makes the native photogenic and look quite dreamy on camera.

Kim Kard is not not thin/skinny now because she's pregnant and she wasn't necessarily what would be accurately labeled as being lean before her pregnancy, but before her explosive rise to fame and all the plastic surgery, she was naturally lean.

Yeah, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and the old cookbook is "Jupiter expands" and if a person has a Jupiter ruled rising or have Jupiter in the 1st house, the person would be overweight/fat, but I don't agree with that, as I've not seen that to be the case. The 1st house could represent the body but moreso, it's the initial persona. Having Jupiter rising (of some sort) tend show the native to be happy-go-lucky which is an "expansion" of the self (generosity, fun, energetic) and not really an expansion of the body.
There is an accurate known time for Hitler.

It is posted on astro-databank and is given a Rodden AA rating. I have had and studied his chart for going on 40 years and the chart is dependable.

All signs have "two faces". They can express in the negative or positive extreme of their nature, or somewhere in between, which is what is seen most often.

Throw a mote of dust into a finely sensitive balance and it will go out of equilibrium. Libra is up and down, constantly. That is why it is very commonly said of the sign that it is indecisive, vascillating, wavering. It must continually readjust and redistribute in its attempt to maintain balance. It is the sign of relationships, of the Self meeting the Not-Self, and many types of relationship are adversarial -- such as when the plaintiff meets the defendant in court, or one army meets another in the field. Compromise and conciliation, which are strong features of the nature of Libra, are only necessary means of establishing and maintaining balance and harmony in relationships which would otherwise become confrontational and conflictive; and in fact, that might well be the starting point and compelling reason for seeking compromise and conciliation in the first place.
I'm a Virgo Rising, but I have Jupiter in Libra in the 1st house. Does that give me Libra traits to a certain degree? It also sextiles my Leo Sun.

A lot of people often describe me as the hyper, head-strong, smily, happy-go-lucky, charming sorta guy, which seems Libran to me...minus the head-strong part, which is obviously from my Mars conjunct Ascendant. :lol:
Mars will be the stronger influece, but there will also be a Jupiiter in Libra component. Strength depends to some measure on its angular distance from the rising degree.
There is an accurate known time for Hitler.

It is posted on astro-databank and is given a Rodden AA rating. I have had and studied his chart for going on 40 years and the chart is dependable.

All signs have "two faces". They can express in the negative or positive extreme of their nature, or somewhere in between, which is what is seen most often.

Throw a mote of dust into a finely sensitive balance and it will go out of equilibrium. Libra is up and down, constantly. That is why it is very commonly said of the sign that it is indecisive, vascillating, wavering. It must continually readjust and redistribute in its attempt to maintain balance. It is the sign of relationships, of the Self meeting the Not-Self, and many types of relationship are adversarial -- such as when the plaintiff meets the defendant in court, or one army meets another in the field. Compromise and conciliation, which are strong features of the nature of Libra, are only necessary means of establishing and maintaining balance and harmony in relationships which would otherwise become confrontational and conflictive; and in fact, that might well be the starting point and compelling reason for seeking compromise and conciliation in the first place.

Yes, I hate the whole wavering, indecisive description of Libra rising and Libra in general. As someone with Libra rising along with a host of other planets in that sign, I have to agree with you greybeard when you said

Libra does not necessarily "give balance"....It gives a need to establish balance, which is not at all the same.

As an example, consider the whirlwind. This is a very violent vortex, a destructive force caused by an imbalance of heat and pressure in the atmosphere surrounding the place of the vortex. The violent wind shows that things were/are out of balance, and the whirlwind through its dynamic restores the balance. It redistributes, thus restoring balance and harmony for a time. The whirlwind is of the nature of Libra: it is both the manifestation of an imbalance, and the means through which balance is restored.

The constant quest for Libra is to achieve balance and they are driven in that quest. Balance does not happen automatically. Your description of Libra as a tornadic force is apt, as Libra is cardinal air. And from my own experience I can say that a Libra on a mission is a force to be reckoned with.
hahahahahahaha I don't agree that Libra rising "doesn't give balance" and that the Libra risings have to go balance between war and peace. Gimme a break! That's totally off the wall nutty. Let's get the Libra risings in here and see what they say about oscillating between those 2 extremities. Let's see how many Libra risings in here have caused war :lol:

At best, it's debatable whether or not Hitler had Libra rising. There isn't an accurate time for his birth and since he's dead, we can't ask him. Astrotheme list the rising as late so he could actually have Scorpio rising. They have been wrong before. I vote for early Scorpio rising. Scorpio risings tend to look angry and have that "Scorpio stare." He looked too angry to be a Libra rising no matter what planets were in Libra at the time of his actual birth. I have Libra Pluto in my 1st house HAHAHAHA even having Pluto in my 1st doesn't make me look scary or threatening.

Using a dubious historical figure to draw an example doesn't help. Try finding another dictator with Libra rising, if you can. To me, the power mongers are fixed risings with cardinal moons.

LOL!!!!! Bravo! You go girl!
Libra does not necessarily "give balance"....It gives a need to establish balance, which is not at all the same.

As an example, consider the whirlwind. This is a very violent vortex, a destructive force caused by an imbalance of heat and pressure in the atmosphere surrounding the place of the vortex. The violent wind shows that things were/are out of balance, and the whirlwind through its dynamic restores the balance. It redistributes, thus restoring balance and harmony for a time. The whirlwind is of the nature of Libra: it is both the manifestation of an imbalance, and the means through which balance is restored.

Recall that Libra is the sign of War. Hitler had Libra rising, and his whole life dealt with extremes of imbalance and war.

Also, we might say that the rising sign is a pointer, which in and of itself does not tell us which of its two faces (opposite polarities are present in all signs -- the signs can manifest in either their negative or positive expression, or at any point between the extremes of the axis) will be dominant. To understand how the rising sign will manifest, we must consult the lord of the sign, planets in the sign, and aspects to the rising degree or to the bodies in the sign. It is helpful to examine the almuten of the rising degree. Furthermore, the tone and statements of the chart as a whole must be taken into account.

The rising sign might be compared to the cover of a book (after all, it is "the face we present to the world"), and -- so the saying goes -- "you can't tell a book by its cover."

This is one of the best description of the Libran essence I have read. Thank you greybeard.
I am not a Libra raising, but I am a Libra, and like to believe am an evolved one to a degree. The restorative nature of Librans are activated by others, or the "condition" of the environment, one cannot balance nor restore without a given "weight" or disturbance. This is essentially why Librans must interact with others to self actualizing. Maturity/evolution happens on that relating with others. It's different from "dependence",the Libran energy left alone can be an eternal balance, never feels the movement or change-the Libran Laziness. The movie I am legend, if one human being can live through that loneliness, more than likely it will be a Libra. I believe Will Smith is a Libra. It can be done, but very unsatisfying. This extreme of polarity in being a Libra in relationship and solitute is hard to explain to someone who does not live that reality. People who were married to Libras observe that Libras need drama. I wouldn't word it as drama, I would say Libras need input to grow, and like all living thing, growing is nature, including souls. Growth is at maxima when Libra enters that whirlwind state, it expends consciousness to a large degree, both internally and externally. To that state action and reaction happens on the energy level, not verbal, not physical. It had to be experienced. That energy can be used to heal, or to harm. Lukyly most Libras are children at heart, we are more often than not been called naive. I really feel it as a compliment. Because I know the flip end of naivty can be something very damaging, I believe most Libra know the shadow of that darkness, how dark it actually can be, that side only comes out in the safety of pursuing a higher good. To have a calmness and higher selfcontrol is the merciful gift of being Libras. Peace, love, joy, what would a person be without it if you know how efficient you can be at destroying? So Libras do not like situations that calls forth that darkness, namely confrontations. Most libra intuitively avoid these situations on the subconscious level, a libra cornered often will shock people in various ways. Don't do that, don't corner a Libra out if spite or meaninglessness. We do not like ourselves when we are cold and efficient, it can be done, but it is not bringing that best and fullest of loving human experience.
...Throw a mote of dust into a finely sensitive balance and it will go out of equilibrium. Libra is up and down, constantly. That is why it is very commonly said of the sign that it is indecisive, vascillating, wavering. It must continually readjust and redistribute in its attempt to maintain balance. It is the sign of relationships, of the Self meeting the Not-Self, and many types of relationship are adversarial -- such as when the plaintiff meets the defendant in court, or one army meets another in the field. Compromise and conciliation, which are strong features of the nature of Libra, are only necessary means of establishing and maintaining balance and harmony in relationships which would otherwise become confrontational and conflictive; and in fact, that might well be the starting point and compelling reason for seeking compromise and conciliation in the first place.
Very well and aptly put. Libra being the other end of the pole to Aries, which reflects quite the opposite qualities, has its task in maintaining that balance. Those with a Libra rising come to this world with that task. Depending on the placement of the ruling planet, Ven, in the chart, as well as the aspects it makes to the other planets, they may find it easier or challenging to achieve this task on a day-to-day level. The struggle for achieving and maintaining balance continues throughout their lives. Libra energy's need for harmony through achieving balance is what makes them so focused on moderation, which, in turn, gives those around them the impression that this is what they are, per se, as this quality, ie working towards achieving balance, is the most conspicuous feature of such people. I guess this is the confusion.

When studying natal charts, the key thing to understand here is that the Rising sign, per se, does not mean that we possess or are born with those qualities automatically, but that the qualities inherent of that sign are the ones we struggle to rise to throughout our lives, and are drawn to. They become our focus. They define us and our connection to the world around us.

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When studying natal charts, the key thing to understand here is that the Rising sign, per se, does not mean that we possess or are born with those qualities automatically, When studying natal charts, the key thing to understand here is that the Rising sign, per se, does not mean that we possess or are born with those qualities automatically, but that the qualities inherent of that sign are the ones we struggle to rise to throughout our life. They become our focus. They define us and our connection to the world around us. They become our focus. They define us and our connection to the world around us.

My understanding of the Rising Sign (Degree) differs somewhat from yours, and I would like to offer my own perspective for your consideration.

1. We are born with the qualities of the Ascendant. The Ascendant very literally describes the moment of birth, the conditions surrounding it, and I think we can safely infer that this includes the personal qualities it determines. It is very true, of course, that these qualities emerge and are developed during the first few years of life, but the newborn is already oriented toward the direction this development will take. So although the actual development of the persona takes place over a relatively short period (call it the infant and toddler stages of growth, or the space of several years), I think it is fair to say that de facto, we are born with the qualities of the Ascendant. The types of experiences required to produce the qualities of the Ascendant in the developing child are already shown in the horoscope and will unfold according to plan.

2. "but that the qualities inherent of that sign are the ones we struggle to rise to throughout our life. They become our focus. They define us and our connection to the world around us."

I agree with the last sentence entirely. The Ascendant is our window on the world, our point of contact with it. It is the point where we receive from and project into the outer world. It is also true that what is symbolized at the Ascendant becomes a focus -- something I will expand on further along. But I do differ with you in regard to the italicized sentence.

I don't think the Ascendant shows what we "struggle to rise to." I would suggest that, in a very real sense, it shows what we struggle to overcome, to rise above rather than to. It seems to me that the Sun is what we are on the most fundamental and essental level, and shows what we strive to rise to. It is our point of honor, and where we shine. It is the central organizing point in the horoscope, the point around which all else revolves and to which all else is subservient (deriving the symbolism from the actual operation of the solar system.)

The reason that I say the Ascendant is what we struggle to overcome is that it represents the persona (Jung), which is a construct of far less depth than other components of the personality. People tend to identify with this persona, and come to believe that it is "I". In this sense, it can be equated with the ego, or the sense of "I". And that is precisely what we must overcome in life in order to fully realize the Self (which is the Sun.) Here is something Jung said in describing this component of personality: "Through his more or less complete identification with the attitude of the moment [the persona], he at least deceives others, and also often himself, as to his real character."

I have found that the Rising Sign describes prominent issues that will come forward in the life. For example, if Scorpio is rising, it is highly likely that the person will find that issues concerning sex, emotional turmoil, feelings of abandonment, guilt, and conditions involving control and manipulation play an important part in his/her life. These are things which must be faced and overcome, rather than risen to. Of course, dealing with these issues creates the pathway to our realization of the Sun's potential.

The Ascendant is the point where the eastern horizon intersects the ecliptic. It is therefore the indicator of our "horizons in life." In this light, it is the symbolization of our perspective on life and the gauge of our opportunities. Eastern is oriental, and the Ascendant is one of the primary indicators of our orientation to life. The eastern horizon is also the point where the heavens emerge from the dark and unconcious realms under the earth into the light and consciousness. It is where things "come up," and is the Point of Destiny. Many classical and renaissance astrologers were quite emphatic; our destiny is shown at the Ascendant. If this is so, and if our destiny is foreordained in outline if not in detail, then we are born with it. The Ascendant portrays what we will meet along our life-path.

The Ascendant is our role on the stage of life, and is the script for our part in the drama.

All this aside, Aquarius, I have never commented on your stance on children. Several times in my life I have worked in institutional homes for unwanted kids. And I have always wondered why so many people insist on having their own biological children...there are so many little ones out there waiting for you to parent them...give them love and a sense of being wanted. Bravo, Aquarius.
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I've got venu-pluto-IC in libra opposite jupiter(rx)-MC in aries.

I spend a lot of time researching certain issues and conducting "thought experiments" to build a mental model of how certain scenarios are likely to play out under certain conditions. Frequently I will come to the conclusion that the negatives and positives will come to a balance were there is no correct course of action that will not create equally disadvantageous consequences. This leads to highly stressful paralysis in decision making.

When someone comes along that audaciously presents a solution to the issue as if it is obvious, I immediately take the other side of the argument in disgust that anyone can ignore all the other factors and be so confident. If people start to support my arguments as the a indicator of a solution, then I will start to down play my argument because I never really believed I had the correct answer. I only took opposition to fit against something I strongly felt wasn't the answer either. :pinched:

So there is an example of the 2 sides of libra, getting stuck at equilibrium (inaction) and driving imbalance back to equilibrium (action).

So, I totally agree that libra needs external stimulus, or else it would always get stuck. Libra is there to keep the sudden impetus actions of aries in check.
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Yes, I hate the whole wavering, indecisive description of Libra rising and Libra in general. As someone with Libra rising along with a host of other planets in that sign, I have to agree with you greybeard when you said

The constant quest for Libra is to achieve balance and they are driven in that quest. Balance does not happen automatically. Your description of Libra as a tornadic force is apt, as Libra is cardinal air. And from my own experience I can say that a Libra on a mission is a force to be reckoned with.

My oldest daughter has tons of Libra in her chart as well. She is Libra rising, Libra Sun in the 1st house. Mercury conjuncts the ascendant and mars in Libra as well but in the 12th house. From my experience with her, I agree with your, GB and AQ7's pov. If I'm not mistaken you have a pisces moon tsmall? my daughter is a pisces moon as well.
Yes, I hate the whole wavering, indecisive description of Libra rising and Libra in general. As someone with Libra rising along with a host of other planets in that sign, I have to agree with you greybeard when you said

The constant quest for Libra is to achieve balance and they are driven in that quest. Balance does not happen automatically.
The slightest addition and/or subtraction instantly de-stabilises any scale – ever notice when weighing anything how scales tend to 'wobble'? :smile:
Your description of Libra as a tornadic force is apt, as Libra is cardinal air. And from my own experience I can say that a Libra on a mission is a force to be reckoned with.
A graphic illustration of the destructive nature of air as a 'tornadic force' occurred when a thirty square mile area was turned to trash in moments at Moore, Oklahoma just two days ago