The Use of "Stellarium" Software To Do Your Own Astrology?

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Your Construct

New member
Jun 19, 2024
Here is how I use "Stellarium" to do my own astrology, and also how I interpret things. If anyone can point out what I'm doing wrong, I'd be grateful.

The first thing to do is determine your actual true sign. Let's say you were born on January 6, 1999, at 3:00 pm (15:00 military time). Enter this date and time in Stellarium.


So someone born on January 6, 1999, at 3:00 pm is a sagittarius because that's the constellation the sun was in on that day.

Here is what Stellarium says for the rest of the year 2024, for the sagittarius example.

June 21, June 22 - moon passes through sagittarius

July 19, July 20 - moon passes through sagittarius

August 15, August 16 - moon passes through sagittarius

September 11, September 12 - moon passes through sagittarius

October 8, October 9 - moon passes through sagittarius

November 5, November 6 - moon passes through sagittarius

December 2, December 3 - moon passes through sagittarius

Here are the non-Moon occurences.

November 11 to December 1 - VENUS passes through sagittarius

December 22 to December 31 - SUN passes through sagittarius

So basically the three main influences on the sagittarius will be Moon, Venus, and Sun. I'm aware the planet associated with money is Jupiter. The moon is associated with femininity. The sun is associated with masculinity. Venus is associated with relationships. So does this mean when the moon is passing through sagittarius, that person should trust his intuition? When the sun is passing through sagittarius, should the person rely more on logic to make decisions? Any other potential interpretations would also be appreciated.
Here is how I use "Stellarium" to do my own astrology, and also how I interpret things. If anyone can point out what I'm doing wrong, I'd be grateful.

The first thing to do is determine your actual true sign. Let's say you were born on January 6, 1999, at 3:00 pm (15:00 military time). Enter this date and time in Stellarium.

View attachment 112220

So someone born on January 6, 1999, at 3:00 pm is a sagittarius because that's the constellation the sun was in on that day.

Here is what Stellarium says for the rest of the year 2024, for the sagittarius example.

June 21, June 22 - moon passes through sagittarius

July 19, July 20 - moon passes through sagittarius

August 15, August 16 - moon passes through sagittarius

September 11, September 12 - moon passes through sagittarius

October 8, October 9 - moon passes through sagittarius

November 5, November 6 - moon passes through sagittarius

December 2, December 3 - moon passes through sagittarius

Here are the non-Moon occurences.

November 11 to December 1 - VENUS passes through sagittarius

December 22 to December 31 - SUN passes through sagittarius

So basically the three main influences on the sagittarius will be Moon, Venus, and Sun. I'm aware the planet associated with money is Jupiter. The moon is associated with femininity. The sun is associated with masculinity. Venus is associated with relationships. So does this mean when the moon is passing through sagittarius, that person should trust his intuition? When the sun is passing through sagittarius, should the person rely more on logic to make decisions? Any other potential interpretations would also be appreciated.
Hi Your Construct.
Welcome to the forum and please introduce yourself.
All this transit information offered by the software appears to let you know when there will be transits through your Sun sign. That is all. There is tons more information/transits/progressions, etc that will tell about what will happen in the next year.
Others may want to chime in on what Moon, Venus and Sun moving through Sag might mean for you. I think that looking at a basic introduction into the meaning of the planets, signs and houses might be a good place to start to help you understand what this software is presenting to you.
Stellarium is a software that shows all constellations on the sky, and while tropical uses 0°Aries as the vernal equinox point, sidereal uses the point wherever the sun passes on the vernal equinox day, March 20th. It's basically sidereal astrology, interpreted in a Western way.
Welcome to the Forum.

I don't have your software, but have just a few comments on your post.

A few astrologers do look at planet-in-constellations, but most look at planets in signs, which are 30-degree sectors of the heavens. This plan was established about 2500 years ago by the Babylonians, as 30-degree signs made predicting eclipses a lot easier. than using actual constellations.

Zodiacs are comprised of 360 degrees. Then there are two major zodiac types. Sidereal (star-based) astrology is used primarily in Vedic (jyotish, Hindu) horoscopes, where the signs sort-of overlap with the constellations. They don't do this exactly, however, because the signs are of varying widths along the ecliptic. Most western astrologers use the tropical zodiac, in which the solstice and equinox points of 0 degrees Cancer (just passed,) Capricorn, Aries, and Libra are the framework for the signs. Due to precession of the equinoxes, however, the tropical zodiac no longer overlaps well with the constellations or sidereal signs. The two systems were the same in ancient times, but are now roughly 24 degrees apart.

The orbital period of each planet is known. (Sun and moon being astrological planets, but not astronomical planets.) The moon orbits the earth roughly every 27-28 days, and 29.5 days to run through its phases. So the moon will pass through the sign of Sagittarius once per month, spending about 2.5 days in each sign. Your software probably has a time-table for planets-in-signs called an ephemeris. If not, there is a good free one at Astrodienst at .

Each planet, sign, and house (don't forget them!) has multiple interpretations that are consistent with their core meanings. Then astrologers also look at aspects, or angles between planets. Gender is a start, but there is a much bigger list of meanings attributed to each planet.

Basically you won't be so concerned about the entire sign or constellation of Sagittarius, but when transiting planets aspect your natal planets: if not exactly, within a few degrees.

If you are new to astrology, two books I recommend for beginners are Steven Forrest, The Inner Sky and The Changing Sky; and Robert Hand, Planets in Youth and Planets in Transit. I think they're all available on amazon in print or e-reader. Once you cast your horoscope (they both use tropical) you can then use your ephemeris to track upcoming planetary positions in relation to your chart, with a better understanding of what they mean.

It may take you a while to learn astrology basics. If you can make a start at it, then the plusses and minuses of your particular software would make more sense for a discussion.

Best wishes for your journey!