I agree with what the others have said regarding the first statement - it is describing the inability of an astrologer hired by someone else to interpret a horary chart with 7th house ruler retrograde (also saturn in the 7th), or if saturn is in the 1st the querent could be thwarted or overly cautious, if saturn is retrograde that means it will go back to conjunct the ascendant and is causing problems and road blocks for the querent.
Regarding the 2nd statement I'm not sure if it can apply to a natal chart. Again the reference that you found is talking about how Lilly interpreted planets in horary charts.
Firstly you might have to consider what is a "short lifespan" - some babies only survive hours or days. In those cases where I have seen the chart it has usually involved pluto - either a very close aspect becoming exact either by transit, solar arc, progression or primary direction.
Another thing we might look at to indicate death would be the ruler of the 8th making an aspect (progression, solar arc or primary direction) to the ruler of the 1st or the ascendant (both of these represent the body). The 4th house (the end of things) may also be involved, I'm not sure.
In my opinion the ruler of the ascendant being retrograde would indicate a person who is more of an introvert than an extrovert, and somewhat self-sufficient.
I'm guessing this because I have the ruler of the 7th retrograde and those are the kind of things that are described for a retrograde partner, e.g. "Ruler of the 7th house is retrograde: When the ruler of the 7th house retrograde, you May get partner/spouse who is not open in their feelings. They have difficulty in discussing and sharing their problems. Somehow these people have their past bad life experience which is stopping them to discuss with spouse/partner or with the others. They simply do not reveal their own true nature. Sometimes a retrograde ruler of the 7th house shows returns after some interruption, tries to correct errors and or tries to retreat, reconcile or reunite. Sometimes the partner can feel rejected by you. Also the retrograde ruler of the 7th house May also shows the partner could have ill health."
and "When the ruler of the 7th house is retrograde at birth, "the other", the partner and everyone you meet or encounter never tells it all...
There is some secrecy involved.
Also, the (significant) "other" or the partner may have (or even be) a problem, a burden, some frustration that is not easily talked about.
The other does not reveal him or her nature entirely and he or she may keep things to him- or herself.
A retrograde ruler of the 7th house denotes someone who rather RE-treats, is shy, modest, self-conscious and sometimes even feels inferior.
Expect a solitary person to be your partner, someone who at times strikes against life.
Sometimes you will have to face rejection ("the other" is turning his or her back to you), and might have to live with denial and/or maladjustment regarding the people you meet or encounter.
The ruler (also called "Lord") of the 7th house retrograde may denote someone who returns after some interruption, tries to correct errors and/or tries to RE-concile or RE-unite.
Sometimes "the other", the partner too can be rejected, sent away.
He or she may not be willing to take part in some activities (often because he or she feels deeply hurt).
Also consider that a retrograde ruler of the 7th house may denote a person in ill health, but holding on!"
So it could indicate those things - not opening up or going back and doing things again.
There is a thread on here - somewhere - about retrograde planets and how they actually work better than direct ones - more focussed. & I have a friend who is a very successful writer who is a gemini with virgo rising and mercury retrograde. She studied at Oxford university so her intelligence is in no way faulty, it is more like her particular talent, but she does almost always doubt herself.
Also, interestingly, and perhaps aptly, saturn in the first and capricorn ascendant can indicate someone who is pessimistic

. My dad has exactly these things in his chart. By progression saturn is now retrograde although it was direct in his natal chart, and he has been ill but hanging on for about a decade, also he is most definitely a hermit.
I hope that puts your mind at ease a bit.