Thomas H Burgoyne

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I am interested in discussing Thomas H Burgoyne, his natal chart and his Light of Egypt Books.

I find his books enlightening, and would like to talk with anyone that has read his work. I have read most of Book One and have glanced at parts of Book Two.

I will be back, to elaborate......right now, I am just starting the thread......
Jupiter in the 12th, Aquarius....It aspects many of his planets tightly.......he had good fortune from the occult

He also has Uranus in his second house......he made his money in a differing way than that of what was considered the normal in his time.....

His 1st house in Placidus is 59 degrees in size, encompassing six planets.......very into himself, his ego......I am surprised by how heavy he is in mutable must have toned down his large ego, so that others could communicate with him.....:lol:

Interesting to see Saturn in the 3rd, in Gemini.....his writing is very readable......he communicates his thoughts very easily, I rarely have to look something up to understand or to make sure I don't misunderstand his meaning......
I am bringing this one back. I think he deserves his own thread.

As you said David, he has not received the notice that he should have.

I'll be back.....
Highest Rodden rating is AA

Burgoyne natal Data has a Rodden rating of A
Rodden Rating of A = as quoted by the person, kin, friend, or associate.
i.e. the data is from someone's memory :smile:
family legend
or hearsay people who were asked casually
therefore obviously it is questionable.,_Thomas_H.
Jupiter in the 12th, Aquarius....It aspects many of his planets tightly.......he had good fortune from the occult

He also has Uranus in his second house......he made his money in a differing way than that of what was considered the normal in his time.....

His 1st house in Placidus is 59 degrees in size, encompassing six planets.......very into himself, his ego......I am surprised by how heavy he is in mutable must have toned down his large ego, so that others could communicate with him.....:lol:

Interesting to see Saturn in the 3rd, in Gemini.....his writing is very readable......he communicates his thoughts very easily, I rarely have to look something up to understand or to make sure I don't misunderstand his meaning......
Highest Rodden rating is AA

Burgoyne natal Data has a Rodden rating of A
Rodden Rating of A = as quoted by the person, kin, friend, or associate.
i.e. the data is from someone's memory :smile:
family legend
or hearsay people who were asked casually
therefore obviously it is questionable.,_Thomas_H.

Thank you JupiterAsc! I appreciate your posting the chart and for the information of errant possible time.

I have to do paperwork tonight😩but I wanted to thank you
I was reading The Light of Egypt, again....:smile: the chapter called Naronia, and I noticed for the first time he mentions the perihelion. It is late. Goodnight.
Excerpt fro Chapter Naronia page124 of the book

Regarding start date, one of Burgoyne's points.

"A brief outline of this thread of mental evolution can be traced, by noting that Gutama Buddha appeared in 600 B.C. or thereabouts, and that 600 years later the Jewish Reformer, Appolonius of Tyanna, appeared upon the scene of the world's history, then in another 600 years Mahomet, with his warlike issues came upon the planes of human existence. Another Naros passes away when we have a complete host of inspired reformers, and the Reformation began, viz., 1200 AD - 1300 AD and lastly we bridge yet another cycle of the Sun and Lo; we have 1881 AD and naturally all eyes looking for another Savior."
Burgoyne did not call it The Age of Aquarius. He refers to it as The Aquarian Age.

He also refers to the Iron Age and The Age of Horrors. The time when The Tower of Babel was built. When polar suns caused major upheavals in the weather, scorching the earth.

In dread time Chimera had her birth;
In dread time the Cyclops cursed the earth.
And giants huge, of horrid, monstrous form,
Who ravaged Earth, and strove e’en Heaven to storm .
This was the Iron Age; ‘twas Python’s reign,
When Polar-suns burnt up the golden grain,
And sudden thaws inundate every plain.
Hence Towers and Walls and Pyramids arose,
Whose ponderous bulk might all their rage oppose.
“Assyrian chiefs bade Babel’s tower arise,
On Shinar’s plain, aspiring to the skies,
Whose eight-volved dragon, turning round the whole,
Shows that eight cycles round the northern pole
At four degrees asunder, closed their view,
Which proves the latitude was thirty two.
And still in thirty-two, beneath the starry host,
The eight-coiled Dragon moulders in the dust,
By Cyrus overthrown, who raised the pile
Round which the Stars and Dragons used to coil;
But still its form, its history declares,
An hoary age of twice two hundred thousand years.”

This was written by someone he doesn’t name in his Noble Order
"The Jews were looking for a Monarch, and a sign from heaven; the sign came, but the Monarch materialized under a very different form from what they expected. He came as the son of a carpenter. So the Christians of today are looking for the pomp and glory of a Celestial King. They, too, are looking for a sign from heaven; the sign came with the great perihelion of the planet in 1880 and 1881, and we may depend upon it that the teacher was there, ready and willing, but the world knows Him not, nor will it; the time has passed and He can only be known by the generations which are to follow. Hope, Faith and Charity were the symbols of Nazerene. They were needed in His day and time, but Life, light and Love are the great requirements of today; they are the pressing needs of the hour."

pg 125 The Light of Egypt
"As a sort of illustration let us take the motion of the tides, the ebb and the flow. When the sun and the Moon occupy the same plane I reference to the Earth, we have the high spring tides, etc. It is the same upon the mental plane, with the human brain. The brain of man, magnetically, expands and becomes illuminated by the Luni-Solar influx, from the new to the full Moon, at which time this magnetic force is at its maximum. It is high tide, so to say, and those who have the care and experience of lunatics will verify the fact, that, they become perfect astronomical calendars of the Moon's increase and decrease of light."
Burgoyne did not call it The Age of Aquarius. He refers to it as The Aquarian Age.

He also refers to the Iron Age and The Age of Horrors. The time when The Tower of Babel was built. When polar suns caused major upheavals in the weather, scorching the earth.

In dread time Chimera had her birth;
In dread time the Cyclops cursed the earth.
And giants huge, of horrid, monstrous form,
Who ravaged Earth, and strove e’en Heaven to storm .
This was the Iron Age; ‘twas Python’s reign,
When Polar-suns burnt up the golden grain,
And sudden thaws inundate every plain.
Hence Towers and Walls and Pyramids arose,
Whose ponderous bulk might all their rage oppose.
“Assyrian chiefs bade Babel’s tower arise,
On Shinar’s plain, aspiring to the skies,
Whose eight-volved dragon, turning round the whole,
Shows that eight cycles round the northern pole
At four degrees asunder, closed their view,
Which proves the latitude was thirty two.
And still in thirty-two, beneath the starry host,
The eight-coiled Dragon moulders in the dust,
By Cyrus overthrown, who raised the pile
Round which the Stars and Dragons used to coil;
But still its form, its history declares,
An hoary age of twice two hundred thousand years.”

This was written by someone he doesn’t name in his Noble Order

Is this of interest to you Monk?
Sorry Sweet Heart, i have only just seen your thread, i'll catch up tomorrow, Bossy girls are coming soon to put me to bed.

You ask for paran analysis of 22 December 1880, but i need a location?
Thomas H. Burgoyne's chart is interesting, the I.C. cuts through Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris Star.

I am not sure where to say, but my head says, through the eyes of The Sphinx.

I will look at his book and see if there is a spot, that I think he would favour.

Have a good night Monk.
i would look at Izapa, birth place of the Mayan Calendar at 15 degrees North Latitude, ancient Greek day marker being sunset on 21 December 1880, where as the Sun sets, Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris Star is rising.

He also talks about India and Theosophical Society, 13 degrees North latitude does go through India, Central America (Mayan) and Africa:-
In Channai, India, as the Sun rises on date, Sirius sets in the West...i'll have more info tomorrow!
When we read about Thomas H. Burgoyne, we find connections between Peter Davidson, Theodor Reuss, Aleister Crowley, and Karl Kellner, i am not sure if they all had contact but some did:-
You can see this by other links below:-

Central to these rituals is Hermes Trismegistus, there is no real evidence that he existed but obviously some believe he did.

I thought i would deal with Theodor Reuss first as he was very influencial during the period.
I thought i would start with the Illuminati.
P;ease scroll down link to 6 The Revival of the Order of the Illuminati in 1895, please note date of date of 12 March 1901 in Berlin and 19 November 1786 in Regensburg.
The original Illuminati aligned to 1st May 1776
They originally aligned to Walpurgis_Night.
Also known as Witches Night

Below is an astronomy graph of the Sun rising on 19 November 1786 in Regensburg, Germany, this is called the Sunrise day marker
The above picture was the Sun rising in the East, the picture below is the same time but along Western horizon, so as the Sun rises both Alnilam and Sirius are setting, this is a very rare alignment, the tilt, axis and location of the Earth needs to be exactly right to horizons, which is probably intentional.
In Mystical Orders Sirius and Belt of Orion have special meaning, but i need the help of masons to find out all the meaning

The other date of interest regarding the Illuminati was 12 March 1901 in Berlin, Germany, Modern midnight day marker was chosen, you will see Sirius setting in the West, astronomy graph below, 00:00 for time means midnight