Timing chart for contact.

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May 11, 2017
Do not disturb
I thought id post this chart on here as ive never been that great with timing, so other views would help.

To cut a long story short, last week i broke up with bf to get back with ex, told ex but no reply, sent a couple more texts a couple of days later and still no reply. So i now want to know when he will be in contact.

If i use Regio, moon does a TOL between my 3rd ruler mars and then to his 3rd ruler venus in say 6 degrees. = 6 days?

If i used wholesigns his 3rd ruler mercury would be angular and would conjunct the Dsc in around 5 degrees.= 5 days?

With the TOL, as moon aspects mars first, this wouldn't mean that i msg'd him again first, as ive delete his number and all old messages and call lists etc from my phone (to stop temptation of reaching out again), so i now can't.

Can anyobody see anything different regards to timing than what i can see?

I would say 4 days. Moon to Mars,Mercury to Mars and Sun to Saturn=about 3,5-4 Degrees.
Otherwise on July 28.
Your question was very precise, but I can't help noticing some other aspects.
For example, that your ruler saturn is in the degree of the nodes.
Mars, 3rd ruler of communications, is with Chiron.
What is going on with all this?
Hello Chrysalis,
Mars is slow, Venus is slow
Moon is slow, South Latitude, decreasing in Light

Sun to SaturnR is 4 units - Maybe a failed attempt to contact you, a 'Do not disturb' flag.
I would use the 6 units Moon to Venus (days?)
Mercury, close enough to the cusp of the 7th in MR with Venus
- Mercury in Triplicity and Face of Venus
- Venus Ruled by Mercury

He will contact you - MoonL7
You are SaturnR and even if the Moon is your co-ruler, you can't use it in your Toolbox because the Moon is in Detriment of your ASC.
Expect him to come back with a bill (Prohibition from Moon to Mars in House2 to Venus). The Moon in the fifth house can be costly in some way. The fifth house has its “End-of-the-matter” (4th) in the taxing eighth house.
But you will go over it (Mutable Moon flexible and Last Quarter Moon (phlegmatic Cold and Wet). You will reach an agreement (Moon sitting in between Uranus (breakup) and Venus (agreement).

Please keep us updated,
I thought id post this chart on here as ive never been that great with timing, so other views would help.

To cut a long story short, last week i broke up with bf to get back with ex, told ex but no reply, sent a couple more texts a couple of days later and still no reply. So i now want to know when he will be in contact.

If i use Regio, moon does a TOL between my 3rd ruler mars and then to his 3rd ruler venus in say 6 degrees. = 6 days?

If i used wholesigns his 3rd ruler mercury would be angular and would conjunct the Dsc in around 5 degrees.= 5 days?

With the TOL, as moon aspects mars first, this wouldn't mean that i msg'd him again first, as ive delete his number and all old messages and call lists etc from my phone (to stop temptation of reaching out again), so i now can't.

Can anyobody see anything different regards to timing than what i can see?

View attachment 86175

To judge timing, there needs to be an aspect so you can count the degrees between the two planets involved.

The time units then have to be based on common sense and what is actually possible, given the circumstances of the question.

There are 3 possibilities of time units - always. Firstly, this is based on cadent, succeedant and angular house positions. Also, the quality of the signs - mutable, cardinal and fixed. After these are looked at, the judgment is made using the important component of 'what makes sense.'

With horaries, it's best to stick to basics, first.

There is no aspect between L1 and L7 (Saturn doesn't return to Aquarius until Dec 2020 to allow that trine between Gemini and Aquarius). Aspect too wide.
Saturn, a much slower moving planet than Jupiter is trailing behind him. Both are Rx and so Saturn will not be joining up with Jupiter.
There is no aspect between Mercury (as general significator for communications) to Saturn - you want the text to come to you).
There is no aspect between the two general significators which can be used in relationship questions, Venus and Sun.

As if to confirm the above, L4 (the final outcome) is a strong Mars, which would mean a strong or definite 'cutting off.'

To judge a general sort of mutual cooperation or one-way cooperation which might help in getting you back together with him, you need reception between your two planets. Does Moon in Gemini receive Saturn in Capricorn? Does Sun receive Venus?

To my mind, the chart shows little chance of your getting contact or back together. Sorry. ___

Moon translates from Mars to Ven. in 5 units (days or weeks). The translation is yet to happen, so in the future, not past texts.
Maybe to re-phrase the contact
Moon (co-ruler and L7) will contact Venus in Mixed reception with Mercury on the cusp of the 7th
- Mercury in Triplicity and Face of Venus
- Venus Ruled by Mercury
- Moon ruled by Mercury (He will instigate the contact)

Moon translates from Mars to Ven. in 5 units (days or weeks). The translation is yet to happen, so in the future, not past texts.

Why is Mars relevant in this chart? As what? Signifying what or whom?

Mars can't translate light if that's what you mean by 'translates'.
Venus is the faster moving planet and therefore Venus can aspect Mars but not the other way around. In horary, the orb of any aspect is important too.

Mars is ruler of 4th, the final outcome and is dignified & therefore strong, being in his own Sign of Aries. Mars' general signification in any chart, if strong, is to do Mars-type-of-things, including a 'cutting off' - which is what has already happened here (in the past) and also into the future.

Mars has no special signification in this chart. It's not L3 or 3rd from the 7th either so has no relevance to communication in this chart. _____
Maybe to re-phrase the contact
Moon (co-ruler and L7) will contact
Venus in Mixed reception with Mercury
on the cusp of the 7th

- Mercury in Triplicity and Face of Venus
- Venus Ruled by Mercury
- Moon ruled by Mercury (He will instigate the contact)

What do you mean when you say "Mercury in Triplicity and Face of Venus?"

Important : Moon cannot be co-ruler of the querent when Moon is actually L7 in a relationship question.
It is only co-significator of the querent when there is another Sign ruling the 7th House.

And "Venus ruled by Mercury" ? Yes, Venus is disposed by Mercury, and Mercury is a general significator of communications. Are you saying that (using the 2 general signifiers Venus and Sun in a relationship question like this), Venus will contact the Sun by virtue of the fact that Venus can't help herself because Mercury disposes her? Not likely, I'm afraid. The aspect is well out of orb and cannot be considered.
Venus as turned L3, i.e as quesited's texts/communications, is not aspecting Saturn either.

In order to say that Mercury (a text) is going to get to the querent, then Mercury needs to be aspecting Saturn.
In this chart, it's opposing Saturn = no message/no contact.

Generally speaking, when Saturn is Rx, there are challenges or difficulties or that things go badly with the outcome of any question. ____
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Check the chart again to see which house Mars rules
Why is Mars relevant in this chart? As what? Signifying what or whom?

Mars can't translate light if that's what you mean by 'translates'.
Venus is the faster moving planet and therefore Venus can aspect Mars but not the other way around. In horary, the orb of any aspect is important too.

Mars is ruler of 4th, the final outcome and is dignified & therefore strong, being in his own Sign of Aries. Mars' general signification in any chart, if strong, is to do Mars-type-of-things, including a 'cutting off' - which is what has already happened here (in the past) and also into the future.

Mars has no special signification in this chart. It's not L3 or 3rd from the 7th either so has no relevance to communication in this chart. _____
According to Sahl:
"If the same planet (Moon here) rules both the querent and the quesited, check whether that planet is “received,” that is, whether the planet is joined [by aspect or conjunction] to its dispositor (Mercury here by being in mixed reception with Venus) or to the exaltation lord of the cusp of the house it occupies (again Mercury). If so, and if the planet is free from affliction [vel situ erit liber a malis], then the matter will perfect; otherwise, not."

Plus Venus ruling 4th (end-of-the-matter)
Plus Planetary Scores
- Almutens of ASC = Saturn (9) and Mars (16)
- Almutens of VII = Moon (0) and Venus (9)
If I may interject, the question is based on the premise that this person "will call". That is not a given.

First you need to check if there will be contact to begin with.

Then you need to check if he'll be the one initiating contact, otherwise the timing would be up to the moment you decide to call.
- Almutens of ASC = Saturn (9) and Mars (16)
- Almutens of VII = Moon (0) and Venus (9)

Sequence goes from Moon Lord 7th sextile Mars Almuten ASC - He calls
To conjunct Venus (Lord 4th end-of-the-matter and Almuten of 7th))
And "Venus ruled by Mercury" ? Yes, Venus is disposed by Mercury, and Mercury is a general significator of communications. Are you saying that (using the 2 general signifiers Venus and Sun in a relationship question like this), Venus will contact the Sun by virtue of the fact that Venus can't help herself because Mercury disposes her? Not likely, I'm afraid. The aspect is well out of orb and cannot be considered.
Never said that! It is more the principle of 'pushing nature' as explained by Ryhan Butler on http://www.medievalastrologyguide.com/pushing.html

Venus as turned L3, i.e as quesited's texts/communications, is not aspecting Saturn either.
In order to say that Mercury (a text) is going to get to the querent, then Mercury needs to be aspecting Saturn.
In this chart, it's opposing Saturn = no message/no contact.
Contact is more than just texting.

Generally speaking, when Saturn is Rx, there are challenges or difficulties or that things go badly with the outcome of any question.
Agree with you on this! She already deleted his number and all old messages and call lists etc from her phone

Thank you Aquarius358 for your input!
I love to be challenged as I don't pretend to hold the truth.
That is how we all grow to become better practitioners.
I would say 4 days. Moon to Mars,Mercury to Mars and Sun to Saturn=about 3,5-4 Degrees.
Otherwise on July 28.

Yes that makes sense now youve pointed them out, also mecury to dsc is approx 4-5 too, and the sun to Saturn would also be the Newmoon.

If not this time period how have you got July 28th?
Your question was very precise, but I can't help noticing some other aspects.
For example, that your ruler saturn is in the degree of the nodes.
Mars, 3rd ruler of communications, is with Chiron.
What is going on with all this?

This is the guy i mentioned in my node thread. I don't even know whats happened, he's just suddenly ended up ignoring me as soon as i told him ive ended it with the guy for him. I told him last Thursday via txt id ended it. Then as he'd still not responded, during the moon/mars/chiron transit in Aries a few days later i ended up sending him a couple of frustrated, annoyed txts asking him why he's ignoring me etc. He wanted me to hurry up and make a decision of if i want him back, when i finally do i get this.
If I may interject, the question is based on the premise that this person "will call". That is not a given.

First you need to check if there will be contact to begin with.

Then you need to check if he'll be the one initiating contact, otherwise the timing would be up to the moment you decide to call.

If there is contact between us in the future it has to come from him as I've deleted any kind of contact i had of his, to avoid temptation and avoid embarrassment. This is why i asked when he will be getting in contact.

I did a chart prior to this one asking if he wanted me back still. The answer was a yes. This is why i then asked when he would be getting in contact?
This wasn't two charts done one straight after the other btw.
Kalinka further to my reply to you, i think you could be on the mark with this 4 days. As in 4 days (from the date of the chart), there will be a NM sun/moon opposing saturn and Tr Mars will be at 12'49 Aries which sextiles the horary venus at 12'49.

Transits to the horary is a new timing technique im testing out. I checked back on Dirius timing chart and it worked.