timing in horary?

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
Latin America
If someone can calculate the time of a possible event with horary, the querent or he astrologer may see the number of degrees between the 1st house planet and/or moon to the ruler of the house which represent the question.
Example a person asks if he/she have met hes/her future husband.
the asc is libra, venus trine mars applying with 9 degrees.

The querent havent met such person because an applying aspect represents the future?

So the queren will meet such person in 9 what?: hours, days, weeks, months years????????
how can someone know if there will be weeks, days, or months?
There are a few different ways to determine timing.

The first is symbolic timing. This is like your example. The faster planet usually is the one to judge the timing from. So, if it is in a angle or cardinal sign it is fast. A succeedent house or mutable sign is a mean amount of time. Finally a cadent house or fixed sign is slow. How you break this up being minutes, hours, days or days, months, years or some other time reference is dependent on some common sense, the circumstances and Art.

The second method of timing is ephemeris timing. In other words, when the significators actually perfect the aspect in real time.

Lastly, the speed at which the planets move themselves based on average daily motion is to be considered as well. Mostly to modify the symbolic timing. Slow moving will delay or extend the time period. A fast moving planet will speed things up.

Timing is tricky and should be used with care only when neccessary. If the question itself includes this it, of course, can be used. However, in questions where timing is not requested/included, one should be careful of using it.

Bona Fortuna,

Oh I didnt knew that when someone doesnt ask for timing in their questions it was not safe to calculate it.

But most of the time they do a question and then they ask for timing after their first question is answered.
Thats when i get confused.

thank you I learned something new.
Timing is tricky and should be used with care only when neccessary. If the question itself includes this it, of course, can be used. However, in questions where timing is not requested/included, one should be careful of using it.

No, I didn't say it was not safe. I said it should be used with care.
But most of the time they do a question and then they ask for timing after their first question is answered.
Thats when i get confused.

Then the second horary is the one to use for timing as that is specifically the time they asked for the timing of the event. You can use the original horary too but, look at the second horary (when they asked for the timing) to confirm. Like I said, timing is tricky. ;)
As with everything in life, timing is everything. When we ask a specific question the planet rising must be in conjunction with the natural hour the planet rules. so for example: let's say someone asked the question during the 3 o'clock (fortunate) but Pluto was rising. After having located Pluto in the chart of the inquirer, then add the 8 o'clock reference point to the deliberation of consultation for further clarification. We would immediately see division, along with an unsteady outcome...MODE of Cosmic Therapy