Timing when a planet is in an anaretic degree

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Sep 11, 2024
hello, i would like some assistance here. i was analysing my upcoming solar return and couldn't help but notice a mars-pluto opposition at 29.
i was conducting some research on the timing and i wanted to ask do we use the astronomical timing with reference to planetary speed because i understand mars will be moving from fall to neutral status and pluto to fall status although for pluto i have not found concrete information supporting its fall in aquarius.

how then can i time the significance of whatever will happen?Or is it just when the houses will be activated ofcourse counting months from solar return ascendant. Any further expertise will be appreciated.


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For timing I look at where the return planets are in the return houses.

For example: If a planet is tightly conjunct the cusp of a house (Jupiter in the 2nd and within 3 degrees of the 2nd house cusp) I have seen that manifest as very near my SR day. It depends a bit on how many degrees the house is (aka is it a big house or a narrow one).

Conversely, a planet closely conjunct (like within three degrees) of the next house cusp (Jupiter in the 2nd but conjunct the 3rd cusp) I have seen manifest as very late in my SR year, closer to my next return.

In your example aneretic Mars and Pluto are in the middle of the houses they are in so I would read that as manifesting toward the middle of your SR year (around six months?).

I read aneretic planets not as timed (I use the house position to tell me that), but they are heavily FATED. The 29th degree is the last degree they have, so whatever situation, fate, learning opportunities, or etc that they HAVE to express to you, they will express those!

As always, your natal chart determines how weak or dynamically these show up for you. If you have Mars and Pluto in harsh aspect in your natal, there may be a lesson you need to be shown. If you have Mars and Pluto in harmonious aspect in your natal, this may be more of an opportunity to move you forward.

Also use the law of three before assigning anything strong influence. Before an energy will show up in your life, it will need three or more similar themes. Just having Mars opposite Pluto, even with both at 29 degrees, doesn’t spell doom and gloom for you, that same pattern would need to be showing up in progressed charts as well.

I hope that helped.
For timing I look at where the return planets are in the return houses.

For example: If a planet is tightly conjunct the cusp of a house (Jupiter in the 2nd and within 3 degrees of the 2nd house cusp) I have seen that manifest as very near my SR day. It depends a bit on how many degrees the house is (aka is it a big house or a narrow one).

Conversely, a planet closely conjunct (like within three degrees) of the next house cusp (Jupiter in the 2nd but conjunct the 3rd cusp) I have seen manifest as very late in my SR year, closer to my next return.

In your example aneretic Mars and Pluto are in the middle of the houses they are in so I would read that as manifesting toward the middle of your SR year (around six months?).

I read aneretic planets not as timed (I use the house position to tell me that), but they are heavily FATED. The 29th degree is the last degree they have, so whatever situation, fate, learning opportunities, or etc that they HAVE to express to you, they will express those!

As always, your natal chart determines how weak or dynamically these show up for you. If you have Mars and Pluto in harsh aspect in your natal, there may be a lesson you need to be shown. If you have Mars and Pluto in harmonious aspect in your natal, this may be more of an opportunity to move you forward.

Also use the law of three before assigning anything strong influence. Before an energy will show up in your life, it will need three or more similar themes. Just having Mars opposite Pluto, even with both at 29 degrees, doesn’t spell doom and gloom for you, that same pattern would need to be showing up in progressed charts as well.

I hope that helped.
Thank you so much for your explanation. Makes sense