TR Neptune Through Natal 10th House: Personal Experiences

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2016
Near Portland, OR
I read a weird prediction for transiting Neptune moving through the natal 10th house, "a time of profound dissatisfaction with your career which ultimately leads to you working with ideas and visions that are far more meaningful to you."

What have been other people's experiences with transit Neptune moving through their natal 10th? Was it a time of profound dissatisfaction with your career?

(I don't feel unhappy with my career yet, although I have 16 more years of TR Neptune in my natal 10th so who knows what will happen... but that prediction seems a bit extreme...)

I would really love to hear people's 10th house transits of Neptune.

(For those that are curious, my chart is here:
Is it conjunct your 10th? Do you have any planets in the 10th? I found that the transit through a house is not that powerful unless there's a planet there and it's aspected. ASC, DC, IC, MC are fictional points and to me they're not that influential unless there's a planet there. says that when Neptune trines your MC you would tend to get more involved in charity work, volunteering, and I found it to be true for myself. But then again Neptune conjuncts my Sun so that could be due to that one too :) Hope this helps a bit
Is it conjunct your 10th? Do you have any planets in the 10th? I found that the transit through a house is not that powerful unless there's a planet there and it's aspected. ASC, DC, IC, MC are fictional points and to me they're not that influential unless there's a planet there. says that when Neptune trines your MC you would tend to get more involved in charity work, volunteering, and I found it to be true for myself. But then again Neptune conjuncts my Sun so that could be due to that one too :) Hope this helps a bit

Transiting Neptune is currently 2 degrees approaching MC angle. Once it re-crosses into my 10th house (retrograde took it back into 9th for a while) it will stay in my 10th for ~17 years or so. A lot can be dissolved in that time, that is for sure. ;)

I have my Aries Sun conjunct Chiron in the 10th house. Natal Sun is heavily aspected, including a tight trine with natal Neptune (natal Neptune in Sag, 6th house), so I do think this transit may carry a wallop to it.

I would guess given the 6th - 10th house emphasis I will be called to be even more service-oriented than I am now (I work in Education, which is both fitting for "service" field... and the historic label as "house of servants" ;) )

Thank you for your insight!
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