Trans Asperger child. Need guidance.

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Jul 3, 2024
Hello, beautiful people.

I dont know, if its the right place to ask my questions, as i can not give any imput in reading them. But, by Gods help, i believe i can get here some guidance.

I have a child ( who is born as a girl, and about age 11 started to say, that he dont want to be a girl, and now my child is a boy ). Also, about 1,5 year ago he got diagnose Asperger's. He lately have deep social issues, does not go to school. Now we got a place for him at another school, where is not many kids, but he still strugles. I mean not going. He is very smart, very creative person, very gentle and loving soul, very mature, i want to give him my heart and soul how much i love him and how much im thankful for God for allowing me to have this child.

I fully support him and also, i believe we have good connection. Please, can someone guide me, what is the mission that God is giving me? How can i can be a best mother to him? iIn material life we are going to specialists, therapy, i am going to have some parents courses. I feel quite confident about physical aspects of my self as a mother. But what about it spiritually?

He is thinking about taking hormons, but its not a fast process and now by guidance of doctor, we wait atleast until he is 18. Asperger complicates it ( for him. I dont see it as complication, it feels for me very natural flow), and it can more all treatments few years forward, because those kids, as by my knowledge can get very stucked on ideas, or things.

I will post my childs Natal chart and mine also. Not sure, if that is needed.

The main questions that i have in my heart is, what is my mission towards him, what is my lesson? Is hes gender dysphoria is indicated in hes Natal? What kind of life guidance can i give him? Thank you very much in advance to everyone who will look at this post.

The secont chart is mine.

Hello, beautiful people.

I dont know, if its the right place to ask my questions, as i can not give any imput in reading them. But, by Gods help, i believe i can get here some guidance.

I have a child ( who is born as a girl, and about age 11 started to say, that he dont want to be a girl, and now my child is a boy ). Also, about 1,5 year ago he got diagnose Asperger's. He lately have deep social issues, does not go to school. Now we got a place for him at another school, where is not many kids, but he still strugles. I mean not going. He is very smart, very creative person, very gentle and loving soul, very mature, i want to give him my heart and soul how much i love him and how much im thankful for God for allowing me to have this child.

I fully support him and also, i believe we have good connection. Please, can someone guide me, what is the mission that God is giving me? How can i can be a best mother to him? iIn material life we are going to specialists, therapy, i am going to have some parents courses. I feel quite confident about physical aspects of my self as a mother. But what about it spiritually?

He is thinking about taking hormons, but its not a fast process and now by guidance of doctor, we wait atleast until he is 18. Asperger complicates it ( for him. I dont see it as complication, it feels for me very natural flow), and it can more all treatments few years forward, because those kids, as by my knowledge can get very stucked on ideas, or things.

I will post my childs Natal chart and mine also. Not sure, if that is needed.

The main questions that i have in my heart is, what is my mission towards him, what is my lesson? Is hes gender dysphoria is indicated in hes Natal? What kind of life guidance can i give him? Thank you very much in advance to everyone who will look at this post.

The secont chart is mine.

View attachment 115875
First of all, I wish to congratulate you for your full support, the love that you exhibit towards him, because it is not easy to have both a trans child and with Asperger. He is young, about 16, at the time that most gay people "come out".
what is my mission towards him, what is my lesson
I do not think that our mission as parents changes. Our main mission is to love, take care, protect and do our best to support our child no matter what their sexual orientation is, what challenges we/the child may face and help him/her grow into a balanced and happy individual. That is to learn to love unconditionally. This is your lesson!
What kind of life guidance can i give him?
That you love and care about him, no matter what and that you will always be there for him. Try to convey the idea that you are not disappointed by him and you love him as he is, that you wouldn't wish to change him. Plain and simple! Since you already see specialists, admittedly I am not one, just follow their guidelines. I am answering to your post, as one of my children is bi-sexual and from some perspective, I have been in your shoes. More the less, I can tell how you feel. Maybe, you are currently shocked, I was shocked at first too I have to admit and what I am doing now is to do my best to be the best mother possible for both my children and not criticize their choices; just be there to offer my support. It is not easy for me, because I live in a country that most people at my age, let alone older, criticize negatively, mock gay people, so it is not easy for me to talk about it with my friends and relatives. I feel that it is easier for you from this perspective because people in Norway are OK with gay and LGBTQ people, so I feel.
It is very good that he will only receive hormones after 18. Meanwhile he has the time to think it over, because he might just be confused with his sexual identity, whereas, after the treatment starts, it is hard to go back to prior condition.
However, I am against him not going to school for several reasons. You ought to explain that we all work, he has to go to school and this is his job and the best for him. The best thing you can do is talk to the specialists and they may advise you about how to approach this.

Is hes gender dysphoria is indicated in hes Natal?
I would say yes. As I have read, people with Asperger are often people with gender dysphoria, although this is not a rule, of course. His chart ruler is Mars and it is EXACTLY opposite Uranus. What is more, his Mercury, being the ruler of his 8th is opposite Neptune, which could contribute to sexual identity confusion. I think that the same may also be responsible for his Asperger. Also Chiron is in 3rd (related to education) opposite Mercury. Chiron may make him feel insecure/inadequate towards learning, it is a point of "weakness" for him.
Chiron is exactly conjuct NN, so this is where it is good for him to head for in this life, although given his age, it is easier for him to choose the "easy" SN.
However, I am not saying that all people with similar placements are destined to face the face issues as your child; it's just an option.

Just some thoughts.
Hello, beautiful people.

I dont know, if its the right place to ask my questions, as i can not give any imput in reading them. But, by Gods help, i believe i can get here some guidance.

I have a child ( who is born as a girl, and about age 11 started to say, that he dont want to be a girl, and now my child is a boy ). Also, about 1,5 year ago he got diagnose Asperger's. He lately have deep social issues, does not go to school. Now we got a place for him at another school, where is not many kids, but he still strugles. I mean not going. He is very smart, very creative person, very gentle and loving soul, very mature, i want to give him my heart and soul how much i love him and how much im thankful for God for allowing me to have this child.

I fully support him and also, i believe we have good connection. Please, can someone guide me, what is the mission that God is giving me? How can i can be a best mother to him? iIn material life we are going to specialists, therapy, i am going to have some parents courses. I feel quite confident about physical aspects of my self as a mother. But what about it spiritually?

He is thinking about taking hormons, but its not a fast process and now by guidance of doctor, we wait atleast until he is 18. Asperger complicates it ( for him. I dont see it as complication, it feels for me very natural flow), and it can more all treatments few years forward, because those kids, as by my knowledge can get very stucked on ideas, or things.

I will post my childs Natal chart and mine also. Not sure, if that is needed.

The main questions that i have in my heart is, what is my mission towards him, what is my lesson? Is hes gender dysphoria is indicated in hes Natal? What kind of life guidance can i give him? Thank you very much in advance to everyone who will look at this post.

The secont chart is mine.

View attachment 115875
I have a few ideas to share. I noticed you mentioned a second chart that is yours. But I don't see it. I'd like to look at both, if possible.
Hello, beautiful people.

I dont know, if its the right place to ask my questions, as i can not give any imput in reading them. But, by Gods help, i believe i can get here some guidance.

I have a child ( who is born as a girl, and about age 11 started to say, that he dont want to be a girl, and now my child is a boy ). Also, about 1,5 year ago he got diagnose Asperger's. He lately have deep social issues, does not go to school. Now we got a place for him at another school, where is not many kids, but he still strugles. I mean not going. He is very smart, very creative person, very gentle and loving soul, very mature, i want to give him my heart and soul how much i love him and how much im thankful for God for allowing me to have this child.

I fully support him and also, i believe we have good connection. Please, can someone guide me, what is the mission that God is giving me? How can i can be a best mother to him? iIn material life we are going to specialists, therapy, i am going to have some parents courses. I feel quite confident about physical aspects of my self as a mother. But what about it spiritually?

He is thinking about taking hormons, but its not a fast process and now by guidance of doctor, we wait atleast until he is 18. Asperger complicates it ( for him. I dont see it as complication, it feels for me very natural flow), and it can more all treatments few years forward, because those kids, as by my knowledge can get very stucked on ideas, or things.

I will post my childs Natal chart and mine also. Not sure, if that is needed.

The main questions that i have in my heart is, what is my mission towards him, what is my lesson? Is hes gender dysphoria is indicated in hes Natal? What kind of life guidance can i give him? Thank you very much in advance to everyone who will look at this post.

The secont chart is mine.

View attachment 115875

I'll offer a few thoughts on the natal chart based on degree symbols--the Sabian Symbols. You let me know what you think.

Sun = 15LE21 = Leo 16 (Sunshine after a storm)
Moon = 00SC19 = Scorpio 1 (A sight-seeing bus)
Venus = 01VI37 = Virgo 2 (A large white cross upraised)
Mars = 22VI29 = Virgo 23 (An animal trainer)
Jupiter = 14CP04 = Capricorn 15 (Many toys in the children's ward of a hospital)
Saturn = 08VI30 = Virgo 9 (A man making a futurist drawing)
Uranus = 22PI00 = Pisces 23 (Spiritist/spiritual phenomena)
Neptune = 23AQ03 = Aquarius 24 (A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from his experience)
MC = 11VI31 = Virgo 12 (A bride with her veil snatched away) but if the birth time is about 2 minutes earlier then it's Virgo 11 (A boy molded in his mother's aspirations for him)

Do these symbols mean anything to you? Do they evoke any recognition? Let me know what, if anything you see and then I'll share with you what I see.
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I have a child ( who is born as a girl, and about age 11 started to say, that he dont want to be a girl, and now my child is a boy ). Also, about 1,5 year ago he got diagnose Asperger's. He lately have deep social issues, does not go to school. Now we got a place for him at another school, where is not many kids, but he still strugles. I mean not going. He is very smart, very creative person, very gentle and loving soul, very mature, i want to give him my heart and soul how much i love him and how much im thankful for God for allowing me to have this child.
I'm glad that you support him in this. I... kinda have the opposite problem myself, and never was taken seriously by my parents. It pays to be cautious because sometimes this goes away, especially for females that identify as male, but a lot of times it doesn't.
He is thinking about taking hormons, but its not a fast process and now by guidance of doctor, we wait atleast until he is 18. Asperger complicates it ( for him. I dont see it as complication, it feels for me very natural flow), and it can more all treatments few years forward, because those kids, as by my knowledge can get very stucked on ideas, or things.
Yeah, actually Asperger's is very common in people with this issue. It's worth noting, though, that in some cases the appearance of Asperger's is exacerbated by attempts to mask as the "wrong" gender. Asperger's already requires some masking as neurotypical, but the gender issues require an additional layer of masking beyond that, and could make the child's social skills seem worse than they really are.
The main questions that i have in my heart is, what is my mission towards him, what is my lesson? Is hes gender dysphoria is indicated in hes Natal? What kind of life guidance can i give him? Thank you very much in advance to everyone who will look at this post.
The one thing that stands out to me is the Scorpio ascendant and moon. A person I know who was born female and identified as a man had a Scorpio ascendant. I don't know if that means anything, but it does seem females with Mars-ruled ascendants like Aries or Scorpio are often at least tomboys or have a couple of stereotypically masculine interests in my experience. Not always, mind you, but it can be one way that manifests.

Leo sun definitely also seems like a potentially masculine placement, especially in the 9th house like that, where it will likely drive a sense of confidence and thirst for adventure. The thing is, there's nothing that can be universally marked out as meaning gender dysphoria, because all these symbols have a ton of meanings.
Hi SpringinNorway
I have a child ( who is born as a girl, and about age 11 started to say, that he dont want to be a girl, and now my child is a boy ).
May I ask whether he gave a reason for his desire to change gender? Did it have anything to do with his difficulties in relating to others his age, or did he 'feel' to be born into the wrong body?

The chart configuration Sun-Mercury ( thought patterns of will) to Neptune (irreality) can suggest some 'confusion in personal identity', for reasons (9th house) only he can explain. Could it refer to not feeling accepted for whom She was when younger, not 'fitting in' and , for example, undergoing bullying or rejection from children who knew no better in NOT understanding her mentality issues?

Transgender charts have often shown the significance of the sign Gemini .... a sign of duality as in 'the twins', and outer expression through its ruler Mercury (relating through communication). It enables a person to become flexible in mind change, and an aspect with Neptune can form THE chameleon: One who can change to fit in within the situation it finds itself in, yet is not the real self (Sun).

athenian200 made the comment, 'It pays to be cautious because sometimes this goes away, especially for females that identify as male'.
I have heard this occur. A Gemini influence in the 'public face' sector, to which I made the comment of its presence in cases of changes of public identity for one reason or another. The person said in private communication that this had never been said before and She had become a He a number of years before, and was now in the state of regret for the decision made.
With planets in the sky NOW, and advanced planetary symbolism affecting the chart, it is possible that your son is/will go through a period of reflection regarding his change of identity.

As has been mentioned, your support of his early made decision is commendable. Yet however he/she chooses to live further is a personal decision that cannot be compared to your 'mission 'in life. Being there for him/her when needed is (more than) enough.
I dont see your chart Spring Norway.

looking at your child….

and avoiding lables which just pigeon hole for no benefit…..because the person of the future is fast becoming a whole different level kind.

As a parent your duty is to protect, mentor and support a developing human person in preparation for their independent life. The independent person’s life has priority and capacity to determine their own developmental ‘lessons’. your job is to slowly permit the soul to transition to full independence with your support and offer mental, physical, emotional and spiritual support as needed. nobody, not even God, knows what the soul has chosen as its tasks and why. we each are given free will. Nobody can determine in any way because nobody knows the full history and full ability of the soul or their intent. without that…nobody can understand or know how the soul wants to develop and why.

Yes I can see the sun opposition neptune which offer your child full spectrum of definition. its an opposition so balance must be strived for to avoid the negative effects of boundlessness, which is disorienting and causes confusion, delusions, inability to distinguish from reality, depression from overwhelming inputs. your child may want to be a full member beyond gender to asexuality to bypass conventional brainwashing and associated role playing of normal life which i suspect are not wanted. you shouldnt let this bother you. for now go right past ignoring the issue and encouraging full choice with alternatives. i mean if you have to consider option, why apply limits? your child isnt aware of options open. right now the teacher and so call experts are having a field day. so right now with influences the possibility exists that there is confusion to going from one gender to another, but also that eventually it may evolve to beyond that because I suspect your child will in fact go full throttle on intellectual and short on human interaction anyway.

let me tell you quite clearly with pluto square mars there isnt a human who will be able to dominate, influence or even command with threat of death dominate your child. its their way or nothing. but this may come into play in 20s.

your child is a fine tuned highly analytical perfectionist who will become more and more driven by their need to detail. and limited by it to achieve an end they seek.

work is the god. perfection is the god.

there is a high level of resilience and inner strength a very strong and deep mind. very result orientated. and very orientated to being of service…. help,

resist being limited by current gemder issues. they really are not important. your child isnt interested in this limited normal concept. what is confusing your child at present is the absence of full maturation and ability to discern options and chose appropriate…so in a way this side show which is a null ..will eventually be abandoned as it will detract for real interest in intellectual persuits.

they didnt come down here to marry and settle etc.

so my best advice is…park the whole show. just pay lip service. chose clothes that are functional asexual and just turn away from the entire enchilada.

i have a strong suspicion with the limited knowledge your child has, they watch and note that the males seem to have what your child misses and needs. the females are in her view not what is wanted. so the decision is easy…be a male.

her virgo side and pluto square mars is quite definite. cast off what limits and go with what achieves desired result.

so you do your job and support by focusing on the mind, the intellect…the food to be correct and balanced to allow her brain to grow fully. good abundant fat, good vitamins, good protein. the brain to grow needs good nutrition. then encourage the brain to build memory…memorise everything…build more. the more one pushes the memory, the more will be build….subject to nutrition being available. so the more , the better to hold more data to allow for full spectrum analysis like a genius computer. the more info stored, the better the analysis. nutrition is needed to allow for build. so prebiotics, probiotics, fat…the brain is 100% fat….. vitamins, protein.

and exercise.
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I can tell you’re a wonderful mother because you genuinely care about your child both physically and spiritually. But keep in mind Asperger’s does make the person feel more gender neutral. When I was a teenager, I had a hard time feeling feminine. I refused to wear girl clothes or wear makeup and felt severely uncomfortable in my own body. I didn’t understand a lot about gender roles and did not feel the need conform either. I felt quite masculine in my expression. When a lot of girls my age acted a certain way, my brain didn’t understand where they were coming from. I felt competitive with my male friends and more comfortable around them. I really liked beating them at games or at getting higher grades, but I never felt comfortable making small talk or even flirting or dating. This feeling is not an easy one because we’re simply trapped in a shell we did not design for ourselves. And our brains sometimes tell us we’re not wired for certain gender roles and that’s perfectly fine. Believe it or not I actually felt differently about my own gender at the age of 25. People say that the prefrontal cortex reaches full development and maturity at the age of 25. I realized that hey, I think I may want to date the opposite gender and wear dresses and heels and maybe potentially be own gender for once. I didn’t feel so neutral anymore. So please keep in mind that feelings and decisions for neurodivergent individuals is not something that is cut and dry. Feelings and circumstances can change. And while waiting until the age of 18 is great, we don’t even know what we want before the age 25. So, it can be daunting to perhaps reach a point of no return for your child, where they can no longer take back some of the decisions he makes down the line. So waiting and really knowing oneself is a process that for a lot of people is not set in stone. Please give yourself and your child a lot of time to really think and assess the situation at hand. Make sure the risks are faced head on, because some procedures cannot be undone. And maybe look for productive ways your child can express himself that don’t have to do with permanently altering anything until they are fully ready and certain. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I agree it is a good idea to just wait it out and let the child decide for her or himself at whichever age it is where they wish to take a path in life. The daughter of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (the actors) by the name of Shiloh was born a girl, but early on told her parents she was more comfortable as a boy. She named herself John or Peter (said Pitt, i.e. "Peter Pan"...) and the parents were okay with this. They gave her the room to be who she wanted to be.
She wore boys clothes all the time. At age 18 she decided she wanted to try girl's clothes. Now she seems more comfortable in girl's wear. So perhaps there is something to the science of not giving hormones to children until they are old enough (20-25?) to finally feel comfortable in their own skin.
You can see their charts here:

(the parents did divorce and the children stuck by and with the mother) In this case, perhaps the parents not getting along had something to do with her emotions.

Change in family responsibilities 28 May 2006 at 01:40 AM in Walvis Bay, Namibia (Daughter Shiloh born (see bio for more info))
I'll offer a few thoughts on the natal chart based on degree symbols--the Sabian Symbols. You let me know what you think.

Sun = 15LE21 = Leo 16 (Sunshine after a storm)
Moon = 00SC19 = Scorpio 1 (A sight-seeing bus)
Venus = 01VI37 = Virgo 2 (A large white cross upraised)
Mars = 22VI29 = Virgo 23 (An animal trainer)
Jupiter = 14CP04 = Capricorn 15 (Many toys in the children's ward of a hospital)
Saturn = 08VI30 = Virgo 9 (A man making a futurist drawing)
Uranus = 22PI00 = Pisces 23 (Spiritist/spiritual phenomena)
Neptune = 23AQ03 = Aquarius 24 (A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from his experience)
MC = 11VI31 = Virgo 12 (A bride with her veil snatched away) but if the birth time is about 2 minutes earlier then it's Virgo 11 (A boy molded in his mother's aspirations for him)

Do these symbols mean anything to you? Do they evoke any recognition? Let me know what, if anything you see and then I'll share with you what I see.
Thank You. Very very interesting. I will take time during this weekend. Here is my Natal chart.

I havent read other messages yet, but very very thankful for everyone who responded. Its very important to me, so i want to take time alone to read them.

Thank You. Very very interesting. I will take time during this weekend. Here is my Natal chart.

I havent read other messages yet, but very very thankful for everyone who responded. Its very important to me, so i want to take time alone to read them.

Yes, take all the time you need. This is obviously a very important matter and one worthy of careful and extended consideration. There's no rush. I leave the following here as markers for further conversation should it be warranted. These are the Sabian Symbols for your chart, ordered by house

Ascendant = 21 SC 42 = Scorpio 22 (Hunters starting out for ducks)

First House
Neptune @ 17SG31 = Sagittarius 18 (Tiny children in sunbonnets)
IC @ 15PI46 = Pisces 16 (A flow of inspiration)

5th House
Mercury @ 00TA30 = Taurus 1 (a clear mountain stream)

7th House
Sun @ 25TA29 = Taurus 26 (A Spaniard serenading his beloved)

8th House
Venus @ 23GE33 = Gemini 24 (Children skating on ice)
Jupiter @ 05CN59 = Cancer 6 (Game birds feathering their nest)

9th House
Mars @ 15LE16 = Leo 16 (Sunshine after a storm)
Saturn @ 24LE03 = Leo 25 (A camel crossing the desert)
Moon @ 11VI37 = Virgo 12 (A bride with her veil snatched away)

MC @ 15VI46 = Virgo 16 (An orang-utan or A wild man)

10th House
Pluto @ 14LI17 = Libra 15 (circular paths)

11th House
Uranus @ 13SC54 = Scorpio 14 (telephone linemen at work)

Two very notable similarities with your own and your child's natal charts:
* Your Mars and his Sun on the same degree: Leo 16 (Sunshine after a storm)
* Your Moon and his MC on the same degree: Virgo 12 (A bride with her veil snatched away). Also your natal Moon is the most elevated planet and closest to your own MC.

Also, your natal chart has quite a bit of love, marriage, family, and parenting in it:

* 1st house Neptune @ 17SG31 = Sagittarius 18 (Tiny children in sunbonnets)
* 7th house Sun @ 25TA29 = Taurus 26 (A Spaniard serenading his beloved)
* 8th house Venus @ 23GE33 = Gemini 24 (Children skating on ice)
* 8th house Jupiter @ 05CN59 = Cancer 6 (Game birds feathering their nest)
* 9th house Moon @ 11VI37 = Virgo 12 (A bride with her veil snatched away)
Raising a child with Asperger’s can feel challenging but also deeply rewarding. Seek guidance from professionals like developmental pediatricians, occupational therapists, or autism specialists to tailor strategies that meet your child’s unique needs. Join support groups for shared experiences and emotional support. Celebrate their strengths, provide structured routines, and encourage open communication. Most importantly, patience, understanding, and unconditional love can help your child thrive in their own remarkable way.