Any insight people are willing to give on this is appreciated. I attached a bi-wheel chart from SolarFire. My natal chart is on the inner wheel, the transits at the time of the accident are on the outer wheel.
Two days ago I was rear ended in my Subaru Forester while driving home from work. I was stopped with traffic and it was the most surreal experience because I happened to glance in my rear view mirror and I saw that the car behind me wasn't stopping. (Speed limit was 45 MPH so it was probably somewhere around that speed that the car was going?) I got hit hard enough from behind that I ricocheted into/off of the car in front of me (a big Highlander SUV), traveled across the oncoming traffic (which LUCKILY didn't have any cars in it at the time!), up over the far sidewalk and finally stopped on the grassy hill along that sidewalk. The older Pontiac Bonneville that hit me then smashed into the Highlander.
The Highlander was the biggest and from visual inspection had the least damage (although it did have damage where my Forester hit it). My Forester has damage from where I got hit in the back and all along the passenger side from where I scraped along the Highlander and my right rear tire blew out. The Bonneville that hit us was TOTALLED, the front of the car was crumpled like an accordion. The Bonneville definitely had the worst of it.
I got a nasty case of whiplash (neck muscle injury + headaches) but my X-rays are clear so I didn't break anything. Whew!
When I look at the transit chart, I am surprised there aren't more squares/oppositions from Mars, Saturn or outer planets to Mercury (ruler of vehicles) or 3rd house ruler (Leo = Sun) to show an accident with my car.
Yes, there is the transit Mars/Sun conjunction in trine to my natal Sun (3rd house ruler), but I would expect that to manifest as me wanting to drive fast and get places quickly (which wasn't the case). There also is the square between transit Pluto to my natal Mercury but I thought that signature was in the fact that I recently replaced my 13 year old Nissan Sentra with a 2017 Subaru Forester (and lucky for me I did, I think I would have gotten injured more severely if I would have still be in the much smaller Sentra).
As I try to unravel the astrology of this event I am baffled because I got hit so hard my car shot across the road and ended up on the far sidewalk... however... my car is not totalled like the one that hit us and other than stiffness/soreness I will recover (and I have massage appointments to promote healing)... so perhaps all the trines and sextiles show the intense energy but also show how the accident wasn't as bad as it could have been for me?
(I can post my progressed chart if anyone is interested. I think the most relevant progressions are that my Progressed Sun is at 18.50 Taurus [conjunct natal Saturn] and Progressed Mars is at 3.11 Aquarius [sextile to natal Sun and opposite transit Mars/Sun].)
Thank you in advance!
Two days ago I was rear ended in my Subaru Forester while driving home from work. I was stopped with traffic and it was the most surreal experience because I happened to glance in my rear view mirror and I saw that the car behind me wasn't stopping. (Speed limit was 45 MPH so it was probably somewhere around that speed that the car was going?) I got hit hard enough from behind that I ricocheted into/off of the car in front of me (a big Highlander SUV), traveled across the oncoming traffic (which LUCKILY didn't have any cars in it at the time!), up over the far sidewalk and finally stopped on the grassy hill along that sidewalk. The older Pontiac Bonneville that hit me then smashed into the Highlander.
The Highlander was the biggest and from visual inspection had the least damage (although it did have damage where my Forester hit it). My Forester has damage from where I got hit in the back and all along the passenger side from where I scraped along the Highlander and my right rear tire blew out. The Bonneville that hit us was TOTALLED, the front of the car was crumpled like an accordion. The Bonneville definitely had the worst of it.
I got a nasty case of whiplash (neck muscle injury + headaches) but my X-rays are clear so I didn't break anything. Whew!
When I look at the transit chart, I am surprised there aren't more squares/oppositions from Mars, Saturn or outer planets to Mercury (ruler of vehicles) or 3rd house ruler (Leo = Sun) to show an accident with my car.
Yes, there is the transit Mars/Sun conjunction in trine to my natal Sun (3rd house ruler), but I would expect that to manifest as me wanting to drive fast and get places quickly (which wasn't the case). There also is the square between transit Pluto to my natal Mercury but I thought that signature was in the fact that I recently replaced my 13 year old Nissan Sentra with a 2017 Subaru Forester (and lucky for me I did, I think I would have gotten injured more severely if I would have still be in the much smaller Sentra).
As I try to unravel the astrology of this event I am baffled because I got hit so hard my car shot across the road and ended up on the far sidewalk... however... my car is not totalled like the one that hit us and other than stiffness/soreness I will recover (and I have massage appointments to promote healing)... so perhaps all the trines and sextiles show the intense energy but also show how the accident wasn't as bad as it could have been for me?
(I can post my progressed chart if anyone is interested. I think the most relevant progressions are that my Progressed Sun is at 18.50 Taurus [conjunct natal Saturn] and Progressed Mars is at 3.11 Aquarius [sextile to natal Sun and opposite transit Mars/Sun].)
Thank you in advance!