Transit Chart of Car Accident is all Trines and Sextiles!!!

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Mar 19, 2016
Near Portland, OR
Any insight people are willing to give on this is appreciated. I attached a bi-wheel chart from SolarFire. My natal chart is on the inner wheel, the transits at the time of the accident are on the outer wheel.

Two days ago I was rear ended in my Subaru Forester while driving home from work. I was stopped with traffic and it was the most surreal experience because I happened to glance in my rear view mirror and I saw that the car behind me wasn't stopping. (Speed limit was 45 MPH so it was probably somewhere around that speed that the car was going?) I got hit hard enough from behind that I ricocheted into/off of the car in front of me (a big Highlander SUV), traveled across the oncoming traffic (which LUCKILY didn't have any cars in it at the time!), up over the far sidewalk and finally stopped on the grassy hill along that sidewalk. The older Pontiac Bonneville that hit me then smashed into the Highlander.

The Highlander was the biggest and from visual inspection had the least damage (although it did have damage where my Forester hit it). My Forester has damage from where I got hit in the back and all along the passenger side from where I scraped along the Highlander and my right rear tire blew out. The Bonneville that hit us was TOTALLED, the front of the car was crumpled like an accordion. The Bonneville definitely had the worst of it.

I got a nasty case of whiplash (neck muscle injury + headaches) but my X-rays are clear so I didn't break anything. Whew!

When I look at the transit chart, I am surprised there aren't more squares/oppositions from Mars, Saturn or outer planets to Mercury (ruler of vehicles) or 3rd house ruler (Leo = Sun) to show an accident with my car.

Yes, there is the transit Mars/Sun conjunction in trine to my natal Sun (3rd house ruler), but I would expect that to manifest as me wanting to drive fast and get places quickly (which wasn't the case). There also is the square between transit Pluto to my natal Mercury but I thought that signature was in the fact that I recently replaced my 13 year old Nissan Sentra with a 2017 Subaru Forester (and lucky for me I did, I think I would have gotten injured more severely if I would have still be in the much smaller Sentra).

As I try to unravel the astrology of this event I am baffled because I got hit so hard my car shot across the road and ended up on the far sidewalk... however... my car is not totalled like the one that hit us and other than stiffness/soreness I will recover (and I have massage appointments to promote healing)... so perhaps all the trines and sextiles show the intense energy but also show how the accident wasn't as bad as it could have been for me?


(I can post my progressed chart if anyone is interested. I think the most relevant progressions are that my Progressed Sun is at 18.50 Taurus [conjunct natal Saturn] and Progressed Mars is at 3.11 Aquarius [sextile to natal Sun and opposite transit Mars/Sun].)

Thank you in advance!


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You don’t have any squares that I see. But you do have a Finger Of Fate to your natal Moon from the tr Sun/Mars sextiling the tr Moon.

The Moon is the ruler of your Cancer rising chart, so having a Finger Of Fate pointed towards your Moon, from the lights and Mars, from your 2nd and 4th, aims to rock your very foundation.

I am sure it shook things up, displaced some buried emotions, made you count your blessings, and provided some humility.

I think it is great that there were no malefic squares in that you are left with less debilitating after affects. You landed in a soft patch of grass, luckily. :wink:

The Moon in Pisces in the 8th house is the focus of the Yod. The universe is telling you something about that component of your chart.

Roslyn Bruyere, an amazing world class healer, used to talk to people and ‘read’ their accidents. She used to say that if you are hit from behind at full speed, the Universe is telling you that you are moving too slowly, not moving fast enough in that direction. :pouty:

So is there something about your 8th house Moon that you are not moving ahead on? Maybe your spiritual pursuits or your emotional/intimate bonds? Are you blocking the progress by holding back? :ninja:
Any insight people are willing to give on this is appreciated. I attached a bi-wheel chart from SolarFire. My natal chart is on the inner wheel, the transits at the time of the accident are on the outer wheel.

Two days ago I was rear ended in my Subaru Forester while driving home from work. I was stopped with traffic and it was the most surreal experience because I happened to glance in my rear view mirror and I saw that the car behind me wasn't stopping. (Speed limit was 45 MPH so it was probably somewhere around that speed that the car was going?) I got hit hard enough from behind that I ricocheted into/off of the car in front of me (a big Highlander SUV), traveled across the oncoming traffic (which LUCKILY didn't have any cars in it at the time!), up over the far sidewalk and finally stopped on the grassy hill along that sidewalk. The older Pontiac Bonneville that hit me then smashed into the Highlander.

The Highlander was the biggest and from visual inspection had the least damage (although it did have damage where my Forester hit it). My Forester has damage from where I got hit in the back and all along the passenger side from where I scraped along the Highlander and my right rear tire blew out. The Bonneville that hit us was TOTALLED, the front of the car was crumpled like an accordion. The Bonneville definitely had the worst of it.

I got a nasty case of whiplash (neck muscle injury + headaches) but my X-rays are clear so I didn't break anything. Whew!

When I look at the transit chart, I am surprised there aren't more squares/oppositions from Mars, Saturn or outer planets to Mercury (ruler of vehicles) or 3rd house ruler (Leo = Sun) to show an accident with my car.

Yes, there is the transit Mars/Sun conjunction in trine to my natal Sun (3rd house ruler), but I would expect that to manifest as me wanting to drive fast and get places quickly (which wasn't the case). There also is the square between transit Pluto to my natal Mercury but I thought that signature was in the fact that I recently replaced my 13 year old Nissan Sentra with a 2017 Subaru Forester (and lucky for me I did, I think I would have gotten injured more severely if I would have still be in the much smaller Sentra).

As I try to unravel the astrology of this event I am baffled because I got hit so hard my car shot across the road and ended up on the far sidewalk... however... my car is not totalled like the one that hit us and other than stiffness/soreness I will recover (and I have massage appointments to promote healing)... so perhaps all the trines and sextiles show the intense energy but also show how the accident wasn't as bad as it could have been for me?


(I can post my progressed chart if anyone is interested. I think the most relevant progressions are that my Progressed Sun is at 18.50 Taurus [conjunct natal Saturn] and Progressed Mars is at 3.11 Aquarius [sextile to natal Sun and opposite transit Mars/Sun].)

Thank you in advance!
Those transiting trines and sextiles :smile:
are squaring and opposing some of your natal planets

The aspects to focus on

are those involving MOON and also VENUS
both natal and transiting
because traditionally you are in an 11th house profection year

Your 11th whole sign house is Taurus

whose ruler Venus is then Lord of the Year aka LOY
and is therefore intensified
Taurus exalted ruler is the Moon
so the Moon is intensified for the year as well
Also your natal Taurus Saturn
is located in 11th whole sign house

Your natal Aquarius Venus at time of event is being conjuncted by transiting South Node
Your natal Pisces Moon at time of event is being opposed by transiting Virgo Mercury
Transiting Libra Moon at time of event is opposing your natal Sun
A road accident would bring the 3rd house (travel) to mind, with possible influence from Mercury (vehicles), as well as joint culprits Mars (motor) and Uranus (unexpected) that are often involved.

The natal chart for the moment shows Mercury transiting the 3rd house, where it makes an exact square to Neptune in the 6th house and ruler of 10th house, both associated with work. It is applying opposition to natal Moon, ruler Asc. Transiting Mercury is also within orb and on the midpoint of the transiting Moon-Mars YOD to natal Moon. I think in such cases the Mercury influence is known as 'the boomerang effect'.

Mars and Uranus do not appear to be doing anything else. There, is however, a natal Mars square Uranus, which has been said to have a reputation for being 'accident prone'. Old member 'Greybeard'(not active on the site for quite a while) wrote an article on this site (somewhere....can't find) about the phenomenon.

The chart of the moment does not give the house positions. This might offer more information, as well as any progressions and /or solar arc directions active at the time.

One might say that you had an angel (Neptune) on your shoulder (Mercury-ruled) at the time. Did you feel the steering wheel was taken from your hands (Mercury-ruled) and guided to safety beyond your personal control? I ask because I 'almost' had a road accident many years ago in which I would have hit a barrier. I literally 'felt' the steering wheel being tugged back onto the road. I have always sworn that it wasn't me who did it!
I've also been a passenger in serious road, train, and holiday coach accidents.
All happened long before I studied astrology. I don't know date of coach accident but the train and car accidents all showed exact transits from Mercury, Mars and Uranus to natal chart.
I live with a Mars semi-square Uranus.:whistling:

Katydid wrote:
Roslyn Bruyere, an amazing world class healer, used to talk to people and ‘read’ their accidents. She used to say that if you are hit from behind at full speed, the Universe is telling you that you are moving too slowly, not moving fast enough in that direction

There's also the theory that if one doesn't use planetary energy one's self, astrological patterns bring about an event correlating to the aspect occuring.
With transiting Mercury through natal 3rd house to natal Neptune in 6th, I am wondering if there is something going on behind the scenes of which poster is not yet consciously aware or knowledgeable, OR which she doesn't wish to acknowledge IS there.

Make a note of, and keep a check on any forthcoming effects from nerves (physical and mental) that might occur from what is not classed as whiplash.
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A road accident would bring the 3rd house (travel) to mind, with possible influence from Mercury (vehicles), as well as joint culprits Mars (motor) and Uranus (unexpected) that are often involved.

That was my understanding and what I was looking for as well in transiting planets to my natal. <3

The natal chart for the moment shows Mercury transiting the 3rd house, where it makes an exact square to Neptune in the 6th house and ruler of 10th house, both associated with work. It is applying opposition to natal Moon, ruler Asc. Transiting Mercury is also within orb and on the midpoint of the transiting Moon-Mars YOD to natal Moon. I think in such cases the Mercury influence is known as 'the boomerang effect'.

Most of my predictive astrology learning has come from Celeste Teal's books, so I was dismissing transiting Mercury as a culprit of triggering the accident. I admit I could be wrong here, but I would read TR Mercury square natal Neptune (and opposite my natal Moon) as communicating/thinking about spiritual topics (Neptune) and about family/women (Moon)?

(I don't remember what was on my mind while I was stopped with traffic, although I do admit that when I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the car behind me RAPIDLY approaching--without slowing down--it was a strange experience, like watching a movie where I knew the next part of the movie was going to be a bad accident.)

I also respectfully question there being a transiting planet Yod because there is no focal planet conjunct on my natal moon? I do see two quincunxes to my natal Moon (TR Mars/Sun in Leo and TR Moon in Libra) but without a TR focal planet conjunct my natal Moon, I don't see how it could be a Yod?

Mars and Uranus do not appear to be doing anything else.

Yes. That was my read of the transit chart as well! Hence my complete confusion why this accident involved three cars and why the car that hit me had an accordion for a hood after (completely crumpled).

There, is however, a natal Mars square Uranus, which has been said to have a reputation for being 'accident prone'.

Yes, I am no stranger to BAD accidents in my life, however the worst of them came when my wide natal t-square between Sun opposite Uranus square Mars progressed into exact. When my progressed Sun and Mars moved closer to 11.52 degrees to oppose or square natal/progressed Uranus I had brushes with death and lots of episodes of broken bones.

After progressed Sun and Mars moved on things calmed down. My progressed chart today lacks any harsh aspects to/from Mars. Progressed Mars is sextile my natal Sun and Uranus isn't within orb of anything in progressed or natal.

One might say that you had an angel (Neptune) on your shoulder (Mercury-ruled) at the time. Did you feel the steering wheel was taken from your hands (Mercury-ruled) and guided to safety beyond your personal control?

That is very insightful! Thank you, I didn't see that. I would assume yes based on how the car that hit me made contact with my left rear bumper and there was a billiards-ball type effect in that my car got pivoted into an angle (front of my car to the left, rear of my car to the right) and then propelled out of the way to travel across traffic (which was thankful empty of oncoming traffic) and up onto the sidewalk (also empty).

If I would have been hit more squarely across the back I would have been sandwiched by the car that hit me and the very big SUV in front of me.

There's also the theory that if one doesn't use planetary energy one's self, astrological patterns bring about an event correlating to the aspect occurring.

With transiting Mercury through natal 3rd house to natal Neptune in 6th, I am wondering if there is something going on behind the scenes of which poster is not yet consciously aware or knowledgeable, OR which she doesn't wish to acknowledge IS there.

Make a note of, and keep a check on any forthcoming effects from nerves (physical and mental) that might occur from what is not classed as whiplash.

Yes, I have read that as well. I can't remember the astrologer (maybe Steve Forest?) that wrote, "What you can't intellectually think out will have to be acted out" (or something to that effect). I am mindful to not bottle up Mars anger in knowing that if I don't appropriately release it, it will get released in unwanted ways.

I will have to think on the transiting 3rd house Mercury to my natal 6th Neptune. I am not sure what that could be telling me yet. Transiting Neptune will be in my natal 10th house for the next ~10 years so I am mindful that I may need to change careers (or infuse my current career) to a more spiritual/Neptunian theme. <3

Thank you to all for your replies! I appreciate all your insights.
"I also respectfully question there being a transiting planet Yod because there is no focal planet conjunct on my natal moon? I do see two quincunxes to my natal Moon (TR Mars/Sun in Leo and TR Moon in Libra) but without a TR focal planet conjunct my natal Moon, I don't see how it could be a Yod?"

In my opinion and experience, there is a Yod being FORMED to your natal Moon, by the transiting sextile in the sky. You don't need to have a focal planet conjunct on the natal Moon to form the yod.

So your Moon in the 8th received the two quincunxes. That in itself is a finger of fate. I think it is quite lucky there was no focal planet on the moon at the same time or it might have been a more fated aspect perhaps.

As an outside observer, I can see how this would be an experience that would set off your 8th house Moon==the questioning of your own immortality and life purpose....:bandit:

But if it doesn't ring true to your experience, than it is not a worthy interpretation on my part, I guess...:whistling:
As an outside observer, I can see how this would be an experience that would set off your 8th house Moon==the questioning of your own immortality and life purpose....:bandit:

But if it doesn't ring true to your experience, than it is not a worthy interpretation on my part, I guess...:whistling:

Using Placidus, my natal Moon is in the 9th house?

I appreciate your insight. I am very grateful for your time. This accident was mostly about my car for me. Yes, I am happy and lucky and grateful I didn't get hurt worse. I realize that my solidly built car protected me... but this was a loss of something I loved. (A ha, and now I see why... this wasn't about a car, this was about something I loved, this was about Venus!)

I needed you to nudge that out because I didn't realize it, but this was the loss of something I love (transiting South Node over Venus).

Thank you!!!! That makes a lot more sense now.