Transit Chiron conjunct my Sun - pain

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i have libra in the 12th also and ive never understood that part of my house?
venus rules my 4th house also and conjuncts my mothers sun there.
I did exacly that and left them all too it i believe you can only change yourself and let others do the same... and im at rest with it, it just hurts when i came from a big family orientated family and wanted the same for mine... instead i got early deaths and abandonment. wht can i do luckily god gave me strength in that area of my life.. I just wish he gave it for my love life:annoyed:
"I have a grand trine in water signs dont see the grand cross"

Woops!! Sorry, Caro. My dumb blunder! Of course it's not a grand cross, thank goodness!! Your grand TRINE in water is a lovely thing - I know you can make something wonderful of it in your healing!

Thank you for all the further suggestions! You've picked up that I'm definitely at a point when I need to start looking at life from different perspectives (I loved geology class in school, now that you remind me!!).

Hope you find a beautiful place to call home!

libra in 12th house - I think it is being able to mediate or help those who are in institutions ie prisons/hospitals/childrens homes even if only in a volunteer capacity etc. Im hoping the saturn transit for me will enable me to get experience in these places in my therapy work. So a lot of hard work. Also saturn in 12th house will bring up things relating to dreams and unconsious. I have found my dreams have become more vivid of late and a little darker. However we also have neptune around our sun and that can bring on dreaming. It can also mean that you may tend to withdraw - I think you need to be careful of this(as do I) I have joined a flamenco dance group - which really gets the energy going.
you have saturn in 7th house - so maybe you will meet someone later in life and by then you will be more setlled and understand yourself more. really until the last few years I did not thinking of meeting anyone at all. but since a progressed venus has moved to taurus in my 7th house I have been thinking it would be nice As independent aqua's (not a bad thing to be) we often find relationships a little stifling. I have saturn in 5th(rubbish) apparently this influences relationships from this house and makes them difficult.
I have experienced a lot of issues re death in last few years. some close friends have died. That has been really difficult and painful too. The younger you experience such things I think the deeper the pain.
Byron - your writing is so descriptive - I have found keeping a journal helps - pouring out all my thoughts. Also though I feel after reading both your posts that I have to let go of some stuff that I have not dealt with myself. It does take time to get over it
thank you once again about support for my house move. hope to have some positive news really soon.
all the best.
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hi caro

Also saturn in 12th house will bring up things relating to dreams and unconsious. I have found my dreams have become more vivid of late and a little darker.

so true, I have allways rememberd and can annalyse my dreams, I understand the difference between my family commin to me to learn me of messages and jut giveing me love and what is going on with my mind... I have allways had preminition dreams to... but of late i do not have preminition dreams and i did have a visit from my dad the other night but my dreams have become vived deep dark, i can taste see colour and feel things and almost manipulate myself in what im doing in them lol

My 5th house is 28 aquarius and in that i have pisces intercepted in it this is wheremy saturn is at 6 deg pisces.. never stopped me haveing children either like some people have said it would. It is true however that (i love them dearly) but i raised them on my own and have allways had problems to do with them.. not been easy at all
so saturn is at work there.
If im haveing too much fun i do find i pull back a bit and think that i feel guilty for being happy sometimes... weird hey... i love being happy dont get it much.. maybe thats why i think something bad will happen to make me pay for being happy...

I wonder how t saturn in my 12 is going to play out, im sure i will not be looking after anyone in an institution or so on.. and saturn in libra being venus ruled .. i wonder if it effects my venus in aqu in the 4th house and taurus in the 7th?? mmnmn
Hey Didi
thanks for posting. apologies I got your saturn wrong. so what do you have in taurus? is it jupiter? I thought u mentioned some block there or other.
I did a few posts about saturn in the medical astrology section around aug/sep 09. I agree I dont think it has to be infertility. It can be very harmful to make sweeping statements like this particlularly if people do not fully understand astrology.
saturn in 5th could be the disciplinarian in parenting where you take on both roles I guess. the mother and father role. I dont have children and I do have issues in relation to this. I think I do have a block in creativity. I also have a real desire to be creative. Byron would be proud I did once get poetry and short stories published but this was when I was at school.
Your dreams sound fascinating. only the other day I was hanging upside down in a dream much like the hanged man in tarot - which is also neptune I believe. great that you can develop in them. see where it takes you.
I think one way of dealing with this transit is helping people in dark places ie institutions. or even doing some sort of public service. community service. many of world leaders have packed 12th houses. (Bush, Blair and Brown) I also think saturn is about karma and past lives too.
maybe jupiter into pisces will ease things for you too. this has got to be a good year for me really it has to be...........................
trying to follow the signs to a nice new home. :smile:
yeah i have jupiter in taurus right on the decendant.. I clash with them imensley, probably as i have scorp asc neptune placed there leo moon and aqu sun venus and mercury...
thats so true about not scaring peole with generalised astrology,,,

saturn in 5th could be the disciplinarian in parenting where you take on both roles I guess. the mother and father role
this is whats hapend with me.

although iam quite creative, i Use to write in all the birthday cards a poem instread of the usual happy
and i use to make wedding cakes and i even if i do say so make the best knitted clothing for my kids when they were babys... never wanted to turn it into a job though as it took the fun out of it.

Byron would be proud I did once get poetry and short stories published but this was when I was at school
hey a publish is a publish well done!

.I have a full life with the kids and work and id like to get a social life at some stage after hideing away for so long... Im afraid i dont have the strength to help anyone on a large scale, just the usual strangers i chat to almost on a daily basis.. so aquarian of me i know.. I think ill be dealing with my dark side for a while to come, and i cant wait to rid saturn in libra,, i lost someone very important to me saturn hit our uranus and i exploded... allways learning learning learning... doesnt seem to help though,,,

I wonder why i came into this life with so many astrological problems i over did it .. next life Id like love... Hope i get to remember lol

are looking to buy or rent a home?
sun in 4th house. and pisces moon in 4th house. venus in pisces just in 4th house(I often think this does fall into 5th cos I love theatre and costumes and am interested in clothes fashion) So yes I would love my own place. And would decorate with items from all over the world which I have collected.
the neptune transit has it seems left a chaotic home life. now it is over my sun with jupiter I would really love to have my dream home. ;- ) so as I posted before chiron has bought this to fore.
I think my chart indicates financial uncertainly and issues trying to address those.
however it will be renting for now. but maybe this move will be a stepping stone to my own place.
It must have been difficult on your own with a family but Im sure the rewards are great too. Im a child of a one parent family. I think my mum sacrificed a lot for us. However Ive met many women who cant have a family of their own over the last few years and this causes them great suffering. Women draw the short straw in relation to children - I think.
maybe you need to do your own research re saturn in libra in 12th and see what feels right for you. It can be a heavy transit. Ie you can become isolated. like you I think I have had too much of this already last two years in particular but we will see what transpires. So away of dealing with this is to help others I believe.
I dont think karma is how we think it is . it is not we did something wrong in a previous life(although must say I feel like that too and often say this to friends)
keep posting and we can share our experiences here with others.

good luck :smile:
yep i think it does no good to dwell.. and I hve started looking into saturn in the 12TH i think it should be in its own there.. isnt saturn placed well there? i dont have any plan nets in libra in fact i dont really understand the plannets i dont have, like i have gemini 8th house nothing in it but may june is allways a good month for me and good things happen to me when gemini is aspected.. i wonder if its only just because im aquarian and the air influance is lucky...
I hope you get a nice airy open place to display your collections...:smile:
hey that is what I lvoe about the debates on the forum. Ive never thought about gemini influence either. I have ceres in the 8th house. have you checked out the other asteroids - you can do this via astrodienst free charts. however you are right may/june is an ok time and usually when my exams have been. Ive been studying for about 8 years. fortunately passed them all! thats interesting though as some people may square with gemini and as this is tranditional exam time this is possible why they dont do well. ie virgo's/pisces etc.
must be cos sun in gemini is trining your sun and other planets in aqua. :smile:
saturn in libra is trining our sun so there are benefits to this for us aqua's. too and yes it is well placed in libra. to be honest the last two years of saturn in virgo were tough. im sure that this transit can not be as difficult. you may want to search other posts as there are a number of comments on this.
also someone wrote something really interesting about the 12th house - and how it is about a higher consciousness and awareness. you may wish to search for that post it was fairly recently. lots of great stuff on here.
all the best
new flat - airy and lots of sunlight! would be lovely. :smile:
just a quick update, think I may have found a flat. an attic one but lots of windows in the roof. not what I expected at all. but I think very saturn in libra ( which I have in 12th house)

will let you know how it goes.

best wishes

Hey Caro,

I'm so glad you have a place to be settled! Describe what you mean when you say it's "Saturn in Libra".

Hey Byron
how you doing? I hope things have relaxed a little for you..

saturn in libra it is an attic flat. not really what I thought I was looking for but somehow it feels right and secure. very bright and airy as Dido pointed out. I read that saturn in libra is somehow linked to attics/lofts etc
I move in last weekend 30/1/2010 11.45 signed contract etc and Ive been looking at that chart a aqua midheaven!! and gemini rising. (crazy astrologers that we are.......:tongue:)
I do feel I may start to write in the flat and do creative stuff.
I think it is a good move.

all the best


all the best

I can empathise.

I have Neptune and Chiron conj my prog. Sun at the moment at Aqu 26. I am experiencing a fog of pain, as a good friend put it.

I also have Pluto transiting my Asc, Juno and Ceres, and Saturn squaring my nodal axis, so there's a lot going on for me which could be bringing about this tricky time. I am not as good at astrology as R4ven or the others but I can sympathise about the hurt :S

Just wanted to share that :)


I wish I'd seen your post months ago. I hope you are managing.

I am just at the end of my Chiron transiting (by conjunction) natal Sun and I can tell you that it s*cks, but it does eventually end.

I have it in my first house. Transiting Pluto had just entered my twelveth house when my aged father suddenly passed away. A few months later, as Chiron fully transited my Sun, I went into complete menopause with all of the icky symptoms. Surprise! A few months later, both of my jobs ended, because of outside issues, not mine. I spent the next year struggling with depression and a sense of deep loss and despair. I questioned everything about my life. I felt like an utter failure. Then, when Chiron lifted off of my Sun and moved into Pisces momentarily, I was offered a job! Yay! Then, as it retrograded and once more passed over my Sun, I manifested sudden Rhuematoid Arthritis which is still bothering me.

I see that Chiron will go direct and finally move away from my Sun this coming November and I'll bet many of my nastiest symptoms go into remission or disappear altogether. And now I'm working for some great people who appear to appreciate me. All of that worry and struggle taught me so much about my work and creative issues, that I'm much better at my job now.

I hope things are working out in a similarly positive manner for you.