Well-known member
Transits of Mars in 2009-2010
Crimes Of Passion & Dysfunction In Society
By Theodore White, judicial Astrolog.S
September 2009
In these rapidly changing times, I've been hearing more accounts from
people about the increasing rise in the appearances of dysfunctional
behavior. Often called incidents of mental health, it is not a wonder
that in these times of economic uncertainty and stress that many people
have been more or less prone to maladaptive behavior.
According to the American Psychological Association, there is somewhere
around 300 named medical terms that are listed as mental disorders.
These can range along a broad spectrum from schizophrenia, to phobias of
many kinds, to depression, anxiety disorders to mood disorders, and
those called personality disorders.
The World Health organization estimated that in 2008 that about 400
million people suffered from some kind of mental illness and forecasted
that by 2020 mental illness would be the second leading case of
disability and death.
Sociologists Robert Brym & John Lie state that -
"Americans are now experiencing more stress and depression than ever
before, due mainly to the increased demands of work and the growing time
crunch. Mental health problems are thus more widespread than they used
to be. At the same time, traditional institutions for dealing with
mental health problems are less able to cope with them. The weakening
authority of the church and the weakening grip of the family over the
individual leave the treatment of mental health problems more open to
the medical and psychiatric establishments."
Mars on The Rise
As a former police reporter, I often noted the influence of Mars during
spikes in dysfunctional behavior that led to seemingly strange acts and
towards violent crime.
Mars, in classical astrology, is known as the "lesser malefic" - and for
good reason. Master astrologers have noted the influences of Mars as
requiring careful handling because of its impulsive, and sometimes
violent nature.
Many of the events involving the transits of Mars in mundane affairs of
the world reflect the Zodiacal Sign the red planet transits. At the end
of the summer season in the northern hemisphere, that would the sign of
Cancer, where Mars is traditionally in its "fall."
This position of Mars in tropical Cancer during September and the first
half of October 2009 is not a positive transit. Mars does not operate
well in Cancer. The effects will mainly be on males, but females are
also affected by the transits of Mars, either indirectly as victims, or
as perpetrators of emotionally-cased criminal acts.
As a journalist and astrologer, I was often appalled at the things I saw
people do; especially to children. I observed that often the transits of
Mars were in play during such outbreaks, and especially during times
when there were unfavorable transits among the outer slower moving
planets, which then allow bodies like the Moon or Mars to act as a
We have such conditions now with another exact Saturn/Uranus opposition
due in mid-September as well as a developing Saturn/Pluto square ahead
at the end of October.
Recently, we have seen just this type of news at the end of August and
into early September 2009. We also can expect more emotional outbursts
that led to accidents and the loss of life under the transit of Mars.
Here are a few examples:
Warning: these events are very disturbing -
Fifteen-Year Old Kills His Grandmother With Steak Knife
Investigators search for cause of California Wildfires
Georgia Police Probe Trailer Killings of Eight
Football player saves 22 lives from female armed student
Mother & Boyfriend Murder Three-Year Old Girl
Man Charged In Stabbing Deaths of Miami Beach Mother & Daughter -\
The recent Mars/Pluto opposition that took place at the end of August
2009 as Mars entered tropical Cancer, and is still within orb of Pluto
in Capricorn in early September can easily be seen at play in the horrid
stories above as transiting Mercury squares Mars the first nine (9) days
of September.
Mars in Cancer will often signify weapons found in the home - usually
the kitchen, such as steak knives that are easily displayed. In two of
the stories cited, steak knives were used during the start of the
Mars/Pluto opposition.
The best ways to neutral the influences of Mars is by mixing its
transits with other planets if possible, but this requires foreknowledge
of transits, and we know that the general population does not have this
knowledge, nor make use of it.
During the transit of Mars in Cancer, many of the stories of violence
and murder to come will involve family members - signifying the Sign of
Cancer - "the home, family, items found in domestic spheres."
These cases are often crimes of passion, where the explosive and
impulsive reactions of Mars is violent - leading to death at times
because of the pent-up frustration of those committing such acts.
It is important during the month of September and October 2009 to be
more sensitive to the feelings of others - especially males and young
teens. Look for signs of distress which are not easily obvious at first
glance, and make sure that emotional states are such that one does not
allow situations to develop internally because still waters also can run
very deep.
Danger can also come from neighbors or total strangers.
Generally, it is wise during strong transits of Mars to first understand
where the planet is transiting. In Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon,
and also the sign of the home, it is advised to take security
precautions such as locking doors and windows. During the summer months,
most people are careless about checking windows and doors, and are also
more susceptible to crimes.
In crime reporting I've learned that younger and older women are
more susceptible to crime, and should take care not to become victims
easily. However, no matter how old or young you are it is advised to
always keep your doors and windows locked, and to make sure that there
is little foliage like shrubs so your neighbors can see if there are
strangers around.
If you are ever confronted, here's a few tips I learned as young boy in
protecting my sisters and family:
Never - ever - allow yourself to be tied up. Always fight back, and make
as much noise as possible. Criminals often target older women first
because they believe that they do not have the energy to fight back. It
is advised to fight with everything you have and to be as brutal as you
can be going for eyes, ears, groin and head of a male.
Cases of dealing with family members, or friends are much more
complicated, as the stories above highlights. Therefore, it is important
to observe and note any emotional changes - even if they are minute and
do not "appear" to be anything out of the ordinary.
For six months - September 2009 to April 2010 - the planet Mars will
transit close enough to the South Lunar Node in Cancer, due to
retrograde motion that begins in December 2009 through March 2010, which
allows Mars to remain within orb of the Dragon's Tail into early
2010. Most of these effects will begin in autumn 2009, and continue into
months of 2010.
The effects of the economic crisis of 2008 and 2009 will have taken its
toll on many people by autumn 2009 and early winter 2010. During the
summer, and early autumn months of 2009, transiting Mars will be seen
high in the skies as the Sun rises in most geographic locations around
the world.
However, by mid-December, Mars will retrograde in tropical Leo, and set
in late January 2010, the effect of which will be to tire many males who
will sleep during the days, and remain awake in the night hours. This
effect is also one of insomnia for some, and nefarious actions with
Mars been rising in the early morning skies since early December 2008
after the planet emerged from the Sun's far side. During the months
of January, February, March, April, May, and June 2009.
Mars has been steadily climbing towards the Mid-heaven of the Earth, and
will reach its peak by October 2009, when Mars will conjoin the South
Lunar node in Cancer exact on October 8. From that point on, Mars will
continue to remain within orb of the Dragon's Tail until April 2010.
The transit of Mars in summer and autumn 2009 is active, with males up
often before the crack of dawn, and others, up all night. The economic
crisis will have caused many males to worry excessively about money, and
some will attempt to meet these challenges illegally through malefic
The transit of Mars through tropical Gemini in July & August 2009
signifies an active role for the planet worldwide. Weather is very
active, and the climate results in building heat, and winds leading to
wildfires, arson, and all manner of nefarious behavior globally.
The climate is at times sultry, hot, and humid through summer, and deep
into the autumn of 2009 in the northern hemisphere, with August and
through September featuring tropical storm and hurricane activity.
Transiting Mars enters tropical Cancer in late August 2009 and will
remain in Cancer until October 16, 2009. Mars is in its'
"fall" in the constellation of Cancer, and does not operate
well. Here, we see male emotions spilling over, particularly in the
domestic household through the months of September and October.
In addition, Mars' close proximity to the Dragon's Tail in
Cancer signifies problems in the areas of the home, personal
relationships with family members, and unemployed males throughout the
six-month period stretching from September 2009 to April 2010.
The continuing fall-out of the real estate and housing industry
worldwide. It also signifies the pressures within several generations of
families sharing one living space during 2009 and mid-2010.
Mars' transit through April 2010 will place additional pressures on
the unemployed and result in a rise in crime through this period as Mars
turns from a diurnal (daytime) planet in 2009, to a nocturnal planet in
2010, spending much of 2010 above the horizon at night while the Sun
transits below the horizon.
Mars is particularly active via its transits in Cancer in late September
and through October 2009 as it transits through tropical Cancer and
conjoins the South Lunar Node in Cancer. The cycle of Oct. 4-13 is
particularly violent as Mars contacts the Dragon's Tail, and Venus
conjoins transiting Saturn in Virgo.
Mars will slow down in late November 2009, and will station retrograde
at 19-LEO on December 20, 2009 (until turning direct March 10, 2010) but
will set, opposed to the Sun, and cross the descendant of most places in
North America on January 29, 2010, in a conjunction with the Earth on
that day.
The autumn months continues to see Mars rise at night, and by Saturday,
January 30, 2010, with the Moon conjoined to Mars at midnight, the
malefic nocturnal activities of Mars will peak worldwide, and will begin
to wane thereafter.
This means that Mars will begin to rise in the northern hemispheric
winter at sunset, before 5:00 p.m., culminate around midnight in late
January, and begin to wane through February and March.
The influences are –
* Males sleeping during the short winter days, but active during
long winter nights
* Sluggish during daylight hours, slow to awake and get day
* Days starting around 4 p.m.
* Peak awareness during night-time hours
* Sluggishness returns around sunrise
* Criminal activity rises because of night crimes
The rise in international and national unemployment makes this
particular Mars transit from October 2009 through to winter 2010 very
strong. With double-digit unemployment, and with Mars gradually rising
earlier than the Sun, and then later with each passing month, this cycle
of Mars from late 2009 into early 2010 will feature some very disturbing
events, according to my analysis of world transits.
Most of the criminal activity ranges from assaults, rapes, murders,
club/bar fights, grand theft, burglaries and increasingly, crimes of
passion, during the months from October 2009 through March 2010 when
Mars stations direct.
Police activity to contain crimes will depend on the individual
departments and their ability to man certain days, weeks and hours
during the time that Mars spends time above the horizon during the
night-time and early morning hours from October 2009 to March 2010.
By June 22, 2010, Mars, now at 8-Virgo, has crossed the nadir and rises
about 11 a.m., and is now moving behind the Sun, until Mars and the Sun
meet in conjunction on February 2, 2011 in Aquarius.
The activity of Mars from summer 2009 to late January 2010 is strong at
night, and indicates a need for males to restrict their activity at
night to remaining indoors and to avoid contact with criminal elements.
The effects of Mars' transit from autumn 2009 to winter 2010 can be
debilitating for males and their families.
Women may observe that their male partners may be overly-emotional,
excitable, and prone to anger at the most petty of circumstances, often
leading to arguments, and potentially physical violence and abuse.
Sluggishness during the daytime hours as a result of the loss of
employment can lead to lethargy, frustration and a lack of general
direction for many.
The best ways to counter the effects of Mars', particular in Cancer,
is to focus the mind on relaxing, on planning for the future, and to
cultivate feelings of being helpful, while also avoiding over-reacting
to events emotionally.
A hot, dry, impulsive planet, Mars in astrological lore, does not
function well in the Sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, and as such Mars
often over-reacts emotionally when transiting in this Sign when faced
with common daily events.
Those natives with house and planetary placements in the Signs of Aries,
Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn will be strongly influenced by the transit
of Mars in Cancer during the months of September and October 2009.
During the transit of Mars in tropical Leo, those with placements in
Aquarius, Scorpio, and Taurus will feel the transit of Mars from
mid-October, November, December 2009, and into January, February, and
March 2010. This will repeat itself from the months of March through
early June 2010, as Mars moves direct in Leo and enters tropical Virgo
by June 7, 2010.
As with most transits of Mars, especially during transits times of its
detriment and falls, it is wise to take the time to be extra careful and
not engage in careless actions when knowing there is a higher percentage
of encountering dysfunctional behaviors in people.
Therefore, take care during the months of September 2009 into 2010 by
being more aware of your surroundings and the emotional behavior of
Stay safe out there.
© 2009 Theodore White
Parts and excerpts of this of article may be posted with the permission
of the author.
Crimes Of Passion & Dysfunction In Society
By Theodore White, judicial Astrolog.S
September 2009
In these rapidly changing times, I've been hearing more accounts from
people about the increasing rise in the appearances of dysfunctional
behavior. Often called incidents of mental health, it is not a wonder
that in these times of economic uncertainty and stress that many people
have been more or less prone to maladaptive behavior.
According to the American Psychological Association, there is somewhere
around 300 named medical terms that are listed as mental disorders.
These can range along a broad spectrum from schizophrenia, to phobias of
many kinds, to depression, anxiety disorders to mood disorders, and
those called personality disorders.
The World Health organization estimated that in 2008 that about 400
million people suffered from some kind of mental illness and forecasted
that by 2020 mental illness would be the second leading case of
disability and death.
Sociologists Robert Brym & John Lie state that -
"Americans are now experiencing more stress and depression than ever
before, due mainly to the increased demands of work and the growing time
crunch. Mental health problems are thus more widespread than they used
to be. At the same time, traditional institutions for dealing with
mental health problems are less able to cope with them. The weakening
authority of the church and the weakening grip of the family over the
individual leave the treatment of mental health problems more open to
the medical and psychiatric establishments."
Mars on The Rise
As a former police reporter, I often noted the influence of Mars during
spikes in dysfunctional behavior that led to seemingly strange acts and
towards violent crime.
Mars, in classical astrology, is known as the "lesser malefic" - and for
good reason. Master astrologers have noted the influences of Mars as
requiring careful handling because of its impulsive, and sometimes
violent nature.
Many of the events involving the transits of Mars in mundane affairs of
the world reflect the Zodiacal Sign the red planet transits. At the end
of the summer season in the northern hemisphere, that would the sign of
Cancer, where Mars is traditionally in its "fall."
This position of Mars in tropical Cancer during September and the first
half of October 2009 is not a positive transit. Mars does not operate
well in Cancer. The effects will mainly be on males, but females are
also affected by the transits of Mars, either indirectly as victims, or
as perpetrators of emotionally-cased criminal acts.
As a journalist and astrologer, I was often appalled at the things I saw
people do; especially to children. I observed that often the transits of
Mars were in play during such outbreaks, and especially during times
when there were unfavorable transits among the outer slower moving
planets, which then allow bodies like the Moon or Mars to act as a
We have such conditions now with another exact Saturn/Uranus opposition
due in mid-September as well as a developing Saturn/Pluto square ahead
at the end of October.
Recently, we have seen just this type of news at the end of August and
into early September 2009. We also can expect more emotional outbursts
that led to accidents and the loss of life under the transit of Mars.
Here are a few examples:
Warning: these events are very disturbing -
Fifteen-Year Old Kills His Grandmother With Steak Knife
Investigators search for cause of California Wildfires
Georgia Police Probe Trailer Killings of Eight
Football player saves 22 lives from female armed student
Mother & Boyfriend Murder Three-Year Old Girl
Man Charged In Stabbing Deaths of Miami Beach Mother & Daughter -\
The recent Mars/Pluto opposition that took place at the end of August
2009 as Mars entered tropical Cancer, and is still within orb of Pluto
in Capricorn in early September can easily be seen at play in the horrid
stories above as transiting Mercury squares Mars the first nine (9) days
of September.
Mars in Cancer will often signify weapons found in the home - usually
the kitchen, such as steak knives that are easily displayed. In two of
the stories cited, steak knives were used during the start of the
Mars/Pluto opposition.
The best ways to neutral the influences of Mars is by mixing its
transits with other planets if possible, but this requires foreknowledge
of transits, and we know that the general population does not have this
knowledge, nor make use of it.
During the transit of Mars in Cancer, many of the stories of violence
and murder to come will involve family members - signifying the Sign of
Cancer - "the home, family, items found in domestic spheres."
These cases are often crimes of passion, where the explosive and
impulsive reactions of Mars is violent - leading to death at times
because of the pent-up frustration of those committing such acts.
It is important during the month of September and October 2009 to be
more sensitive to the feelings of others - especially males and young
teens. Look for signs of distress which are not easily obvious at first
glance, and make sure that emotional states are such that one does not
allow situations to develop internally because still waters also can run
very deep.
Danger can also come from neighbors or total strangers.
Generally, it is wise during strong transits of Mars to first understand
where the planet is transiting. In Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon,
and also the sign of the home, it is advised to take security
precautions such as locking doors and windows. During the summer months,
most people are careless about checking windows and doors, and are also
more susceptible to crimes.
In crime reporting I've learned that younger and older women are
more susceptible to crime, and should take care not to become victims
easily. However, no matter how old or young you are it is advised to
always keep your doors and windows locked, and to make sure that there
is little foliage like shrubs so your neighbors can see if there are
strangers around.
If you are ever confronted, here's a few tips I learned as young boy in
protecting my sisters and family:
Never - ever - allow yourself to be tied up. Always fight back, and make
as much noise as possible. Criminals often target older women first
because they believe that they do not have the energy to fight back. It
is advised to fight with everything you have and to be as brutal as you
can be going for eyes, ears, groin and head of a male.
Cases of dealing with family members, or friends are much more
complicated, as the stories above highlights. Therefore, it is important
to observe and note any emotional changes - even if they are minute and
do not "appear" to be anything out of the ordinary.
For six months - September 2009 to April 2010 - the planet Mars will
transit close enough to the South Lunar Node in Cancer, due to
retrograde motion that begins in December 2009 through March 2010, which
allows Mars to remain within orb of the Dragon's Tail into early
2010. Most of these effects will begin in autumn 2009, and continue into
months of 2010.
The effects of the economic crisis of 2008 and 2009 will have taken its
toll on many people by autumn 2009 and early winter 2010. During the
summer, and early autumn months of 2009, transiting Mars will be seen
high in the skies as the Sun rises in most geographic locations around
the world.
However, by mid-December, Mars will retrograde in tropical Leo, and set
in late January 2010, the effect of which will be to tire many males who
will sleep during the days, and remain awake in the night hours. This
effect is also one of insomnia for some, and nefarious actions with
Mars been rising in the early morning skies since early December 2008
after the planet emerged from the Sun's far side. During the months
of January, February, March, April, May, and June 2009.
Mars has been steadily climbing towards the Mid-heaven of the Earth, and
will reach its peak by October 2009, when Mars will conjoin the South
Lunar node in Cancer exact on October 8. From that point on, Mars will
continue to remain within orb of the Dragon's Tail until April 2010.
The transit of Mars in summer and autumn 2009 is active, with males up
often before the crack of dawn, and others, up all night. The economic
crisis will have caused many males to worry excessively about money, and
some will attempt to meet these challenges illegally through malefic
The transit of Mars through tropical Gemini in July & August 2009
signifies an active role for the planet worldwide. Weather is very
active, and the climate results in building heat, and winds leading to
wildfires, arson, and all manner of nefarious behavior globally.
The climate is at times sultry, hot, and humid through summer, and deep
into the autumn of 2009 in the northern hemisphere, with August and
through September featuring tropical storm and hurricane activity.
Transiting Mars enters tropical Cancer in late August 2009 and will
remain in Cancer until October 16, 2009. Mars is in its'
"fall" in the constellation of Cancer, and does not operate
well. Here, we see male emotions spilling over, particularly in the
domestic household through the months of September and October.
In addition, Mars' close proximity to the Dragon's Tail in
Cancer signifies problems in the areas of the home, personal
relationships with family members, and unemployed males throughout the
six-month period stretching from September 2009 to April 2010.
The continuing fall-out of the real estate and housing industry
worldwide. It also signifies the pressures within several generations of
families sharing one living space during 2009 and mid-2010.
Mars' transit through April 2010 will place additional pressures on
the unemployed and result in a rise in crime through this period as Mars
turns from a diurnal (daytime) planet in 2009, to a nocturnal planet in
2010, spending much of 2010 above the horizon at night while the Sun
transits below the horizon.
Mars is particularly active via its transits in Cancer in late September
and through October 2009 as it transits through tropical Cancer and
conjoins the South Lunar Node in Cancer. The cycle of Oct. 4-13 is
particularly violent as Mars contacts the Dragon's Tail, and Venus
conjoins transiting Saturn in Virgo.
Mars will slow down in late November 2009, and will station retrograde
at 19-LEO on December 20, 2009 (until turning direct March 10, 2010) but
will set, opposed to the Sun, and cross the descendant of most places in
North America on January 29, 2010, in a conjunction with the Earth on
that day.
The autumn months continues to see Mars rise at night, and by Saturday,
January 30, 2010, with the Moon conjoined to Mars at midnight, the
malefic nocturnal activities of Mars will peak worldwide, and will begin
to wane thereafter.
This means that Mars will begin to rise in the northern hemispheric
winter at sunset, before 5:00 p.m., culminate around midnight in late
January, and begin to wane through February and March.
The influences are –
* Males sleeping during the short winter days, but active during
long winter nights
* Sluggish during daylight hours, slow to awake and get day
* Days starting around 4 p.m.
* Peak awareness during night-time hours
* Sluggishness returns around sunrise
* Criminal activity rises because of night crimes
The rise in international and national unemployment makes this
particular Mars transit from October 2009 through to winter 2010 very
strong. With double-digit unemployment, and with Mars gradually rising
earlier than the Sun, and then later with each passing month, this cycle
of Mars from late 2009 into early 2010 will feature some very disturbing
events, according to my analysis of world transits.
Most of the criminal activity ranges from assaults, rapes, murders,
club/bar fights, grand theft, burglaries and increasingly, crimes of
passion, during the months from October 2009 through March 2010 when
Mars stations direct.
Police activity to contain crimes will depend on the individual
departments and their ability to man certain days, weeks and hours
during the time that Mars spends time above the horizon during the
night-time and early morning hours from October 2009 to March 2010.
By June 22, 2010, Mars, now at 8-Virgo, has crossed the nadir and rises
about 11 a.m., and is now moving behind the Sun, until Mars and the Sun
meet in conjunction on February 2, 2011 in Aquarius.
The activity of Mars from summer 2009 to late January 2010 is strong at
night, and indicates a need for males to restrict their activity at
night to remaining indoors and to avoid contact with criminal elements.
The effects of Mars' transit from autumn 2009 to winter 2010 can be
debilitating for males and their families.
Women may observe that their male partners may be overly-emotional,
excitable, and prone to anger at the most petty of circumstances, often
leading to arguments, and potentially physical violence and abuse.
Sluggishness during the daytime hours as a result of the loss of
employment can lead to lethargy, frustration and a lack of general
direction for many.
The best ways to counter the effects of Mars', particular in Cancer,
is to focus the mind on relaxing, on planning for the future, and to
cultivate feelings of being helpful, while also avoiding over-reacting
to events emotionally.
A hot, dry, impulsive planet, Mars in astrological lore, does not
function well in the Sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, and as such Mars
often over-reacts emotionally when transiting in this Sign when faced
with common daily events.
Those natives with house and planetary placements in the Signs of Aries,
Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn will be strongly influenced by the transit
of Mars in Cancer during the months of September and October 2009.
During the transit of Mars in tropical Leo, those with placements in
Aquarius, Scorpio, and Taurus will feel the transit of Mars from
mid-October, November, December 2009, and into January, February, and
March 2010. This will repeat itself from the months of March through
early June 2010, as Mars moves direct in Leo and enters tropical Virgo
by June 7, 2010.
As with most transits of Mars, especially during transits times of its
detriment and falls, it is wise to take the time to be extra careful and
not engage in careless actions when knowing there is a higher percentage
of encountering dysfunctional behaviors in people.
Therefore, take care during the months of September 2009 into 2010 by
being more aware of your surroundings and the emotional behavior of
Stay safe out there.
© 2009 Theodore White
Parts and excerpts of this of article may be posted with the permission
of the author.