transite north node oppose ALG

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Feb 19, 2012
hi all,well i think my chart is the worst chart u ever seen.transite north node will soon oppose varun and ALG wot a luck,lol..and transite varun on orcus really hurts me...wot is ur idea?


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The North Node transit to Algol will not only happen to you, but to everyone on this planet as well, Algol is a fixed star and moves very slowly, about 1°24 every 100 years, so everyone alive at present will have the same transit at the end of this year! So, don't worry!! :smile:
Hello Bina,
u r so smart yes u r very right i forgot to consider that ty for letting me know.u know i saw my saturn in 12 conjunct ALG varun and part of fortune i thought that's it i will meet head of medusa soon,lol ...i can't stop laughing at myself since i got ur reply my whole face turned red,lol.

so Bina wot is that transite effect plz .i googled a lot but i didt find nothing..many thanks for ur time and help.god bless u.i cant stop laughing at myself ty Bina.
Hi Shapari,
Your Saturn is not conjunct Algol, conjunctions to fixed stars are only considered within a tight orb of 1-2°, in your birthchart Algol is at 25°45, more than 4° away from your Saturn!
I don't know anything about Varun, or it's meaning in astrology. But your Saturn is neither conjunct Varun nor POF, both are more than 10° away from Saturn and in a different sign, definitely too big an orb to be considered conjunct.
You do have POF close to your Ascendant, this is very good and can bring you luck. :smile:
Try and look at your chart with just the basic planets first, to understand what's going on, if you crowd it with lots of asteroids, it can get very confusing! :wink:

You can find some ideas about the effects of the transiting nodes on the following website:

You had the SN transiting your Ascendant a couple of months ago, and it will pass over your Saturn only next year in February, so you could start to feel the effect of this transit by the middle of January, that's a little time away yet!
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Hi Bina,many thanks for guiding me how to study.
learning these transites while i don know the meanings is very scary,lol:lol: sometimes i rather hide under my pillow :lol: the pain i go trough learning transites from charts is worse than giving birth to a baby,lol.
yes u r so smart POF and varun have different signs than alg but as i googled they both give more power to the stars they conjunct mmmm.ty Bina i didt know POF in AC can bring luck but honestly i am not lucky.well at age 8 i almost died and i passed death many times while i was driving thats the only luck i had in life.
many thanks for telling me the time of transites in my chart i really needed that.and many thanks for the link u gave me the link is not filtered so i can study that tonight.ty for being so kind ty for ur time Bina.God bless u.i forgot to saay Bina means a wise person in farsi.since u said orb 1 to 2 for astroid i c in my sisters chart moon 27"o9' taurus guess wot moon on IC thats her birth chart for iran she is in toronto now so her IC will be exact on MC moon in 10th on MC way better than being in iran but still scaring me ah god astrology is scary thing ,lol
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Hi again,
i think you need to forget about Algol and stop worrying about it!! You don't have any conjunctions at all to Algol, all your planets and points are too far away, as it is a fixed star and conjunctions to fixed stars only count if they are less than 2° away.:smile::smile: Take care, all the best,

P.S.:Thank you for telling me the meaning of my name in Farsi!!
Your sister though does have Algol conjunct moon, it could mean she's feeling all the violence and trouble of her native place (Ic), probably better for her to be away in another country. Her birthchart will not change though, it stays the same no matter where you go, you can do a relocation chart when you move, which will be relevant in the new place, but the birthchart stays the same. If the Ic/Mc axis is reversed in the relocated chart it could mean that what was previously hidden will come out into the open in the new place (i.e. her feelings-moon).
wow Bina now i feel way better since u told me all about it many thanks i am not worried no more u might not believe i feel heart ache due to my lil knowledge.i loved the site u gave me i don know how to thank u.and wow u read my sister's chart better than anyone u r really right all u said was right about her.a relocation chart form tehran to toronto makes the chart turns 180 degree so i made it in my mind lol everything will be in exact opposite sign,lol...many thanks Bina Bless u.
Bina Hello, just wanted to let u know that i found out the orb of fixed stars r depends on their size.alghol is big so the ord is 6 but in my dog's chart she had sun over 6 orb to alghol and she was killed with violence before actual beheading. i also found a chart with saturn conjunct alghol she was burned.....doest matter how rough it can be i like it bcz it's the end of life
I have Algol conjunct my Vertex in my 5th house, so you can imagine all the "amazing" relationships I have attracted into my life thus not. Oh well, my North Node lies in my 12th house, so I think it was the universe's way of making sure I would have less distractions of getting on with my life's purpose here in the good old 12th house.
Bina Hello, just wanted to let u know that i found out the orb of fixed stars r depends on their size.alghol is big so the ord is 6 but in my dog's chart she had sun over 6 orb to alghol and she was killed with violence before actual beheading. i also found a chart with saturn conjunct alghol she was burned.....doest matter how rough it can be i like it bcz it's the end of life

With the bigger fixed stars, the widest the orb can be is still 2 degrees.
Actually, in astrology (historically) the magnitude of the star (the magnitude of its brightness) is used for estimating orbs (not the astronomically estimated physical size of the star) Following Robson ("Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology") here is a magnitude/orb list:

1st magnitude = 3 degree orb
2nd magnitude and 3rd magnitude = 2 degree orb
4th (and lesser)magnitude (also the nebulae) = 1 degree orb
These are orbs relative to ecliptic longitude

Orbs relative to Parallel of declination: 1st, 2nd magnitude = 1.5 degrees; 3rd and lesser magnitude = 1 degree (max)
sorry belle to hear so forget about romance doest worth meeting alg but i like ur north node in 12th..all the bestoh i forgot to say verte is where others control u.woof rough in ur 5th.wot r the aspects of ur verte/alg with moon and sun and lord of 8th if u don mind me asking.
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Dear Dr Farr,Hello and great to c ur reply many thanks.i love vivian robson i tried so hard to dl his books but no luck yet.this site baised on experience says ~~> the orb for alg is 6. i am no astrologer but i will explaine my chart and my dog's natal chart for u then we c the effects r way dog had her sun conjunct alg over 6 degree.i have alg conjunct saturn over 4 degree in 12th.and verte/cuaco in 6th cusp.i will attach my chart so u c it better.well my health and work is horribly under control and gives me horrible limitation mmmm even that verte causing lots of problems and it is not opposing saturn so in my own experience i will believe in traditional astrology wider orbs effects.u can not imagine how horrible i am under control and the rough time for so long i went trough.i am happy to share my experience might my experience help others to find the trought. honestly i must say seems like some ppl changed the astrology books bcz if we knew the real orbs we would panic and want to fight for our lives and they want to avoid that.all arabic parts r iranian arabs had no astrologers!!! they have 29 days in a month for whole 12 months!!!!alghol is a farsi name means the devil al birooni abu mashar razi ... were all iranians but iranian these days have no idea wot astrology is and their astrologers don know even wot pluto is. i think i say this bcz of my lilth in leo..ty for being here with us may god bless u.i couldt find the buttom to add my chart so here is the info if u like to look female 1970 iran city shiraz 2 aug 00:50 midnight
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Bina varun is keepin devil away from ppl.since it's conjuncting my AC and th eorb is 5 i should say all my life is baised on helping others and making them better lives.i care a lot about all doest matter humans animals plants i want the best for all and it's like killing myself to make them better lives. my memory is very bad i don remember the rest
Dr Far,since u like vivian robson i put my chart on the horary chart for kidnapping my dog to c the orbs..let me say wot i c here and plz correct me if u don mind.
The blue chart AC conjunct my north node pisces mmmm imagine that yes i know used orcus on me due to my north node yod....c the orbs of eris and chiron plz's wide but u can imagine how bad was that in real life
i was gonna make the dog chart with that horary event to show u the alg orb over 6 degree but in i couldt make a relocate Sir.
take care and god bless u.
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