Transiting Mars square natal Saturn

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Nov 6, 2014
Hello everyone,

on 11/28/17 t-Mars was making a square to my natal Saturn.
So what happened.
On the shorter time frame:
On 11/24, so 4 days earlier I went to our community pool with the 4 year old girl of a neighbor that I am looking after sometimes. Even though we live in south Florida, since the pool water was not heated it was too cold for her but she wanted me to go in and do some kind of ballet acc. to her wishes. I complied for a while because I didn't find the water too cold, it was a nice day and she enjoyed commanding me around. However, I didn't move much, so my body probably got cold.
Then at noon, I got on my bicycle and cycled to work. It was around an hour of cycling and before I got into the house where I work as a caregiver, I took a shower at the community pool. These showers only have cold water. It wasn't a long shower since the air was not too warm, but it is what I did.
Saturday and Sunday were all okay, but then on Monday I started coming down with a cold/flu!
I haven't had one in ages, so I was quite surprised. And today (one week later from "the ballet in the pool") I feel I am finally getting over it.

On the longer time frame:
On 11/10/17 I went to the senior I am taking care of. I told him that I got another job offer (which meant that I will leave him longer term) and he told me that his other caregiver is leaving and he wanted me to work her hours and keep working for him, rather than leaving. So we talked and made an agreement, incl. a handshake, that I will stay with him and that I will get 3 of her 4 days.
The following weekend he was in quite some despair (although now I think it was all show) because one of his 5 children said he should look for a female caregiver and gave me some other reasons why he now goes with that other person. Well, I was so surprised and shocked that I didn't reply much. Because I knew that the other job was probably already gone and it was.
The weekend starting Friday 11/21 I worked for him only on Friday (generally I work for him Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and still didn't say anything about it and it took until after that weekend that I actually realized what had happened. And I am not in agreement with that!!!
Because for me that is a lot of money lost!

So today (12/1/17) I spoke to him about it. It was 1:00pm EST. But it was less than 5 minutes of conversation because he used one of his delay tactics. He said that it is all still up in the air which is ******** because we had a gentleman's agreement, or so I thought. There was nothing that could still be up in the air. So I walked out of the door and left him for good.

Does any of that go with t-Mars squaring n-Saturn???

One of my challenges is that I still haven't resolved if my Ascendant is really in Sagittarius or Capricorn, because looking at my nature and life, it would point to Capricorn, so I go with that for now.

That would put Mars in my 10th house, which is Libra and where Mars is in detriment (not sure that matters).
So it is first and tenth house here.

The Tenth House: The House of Social Status

The Tenth House is commonly referred to as the House of Social Status. It is about the place we have attained in our social (or work/career) grouping and in society as a whole. Think status, the authority it conveys, and consequently, the role we take in our community. It also speaks to any promotions we receive, any fame we may have or will come to have and the types of business and social activities in which we partake. With respect to achievement, this house focuses on how we see ourselves and how the community as a whole sees us (and our efforts). Through this house, we work on manifesting ourselves.
The Tenth House is ruled by Capricorn and the planet Saturn.

The First House: The House of Self

The First House is commonly referred to as the House of Self. The cusp of the First House is the home of the Ascendant, the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the precise moment of one's birth. By thinking of this in terms of sunrise and new beginnings, one begins to grasp the concepts of the First House. The new beginnings here are centered on the individual: the self and the attendant voyage of discovery that define a person. Who are you? What will you become? How do you realize your best self? The First House speaks to the realization of one's ultimate potential. This process of becoming a unique individual is one of the greatest contributions we make to the world in which we live.

Now let's call the man I was looking after Joe. Age 83, astrological sign I don't know unfortunately. It might have been Cancer, but I am not sure.

Joe was generally an okay person I would say. Saturday's we would go to church and things like that. However, he was utterly frustrated because his body was failing him more and more and he was not used to not being in control of his life any longer. Especially since his wife is a extreme case of Alzheimer's and has 24/7 care. So he is critisizing them all the time, checking on them all the time and more. Once in a conversation he intimated that he felt guilty about something he did in their early marriage just for himself and that now, since she can't enjoy her retirement due to Alzheimer's, it just makes him feel very very guilty.

And his general mindset was always negative. E.g. I would drive him to the beach and he would say several times on the way that we won't get a handicapped parking space. Mostly we did, but his mindset was like that ALL THE TIME!!!

I tried to help him see this, but did not succeed. And it actually was something that bothered me because it was very unpleasant to constantly having to listen to that negativity.
Now upon reading from

It also speaks to any promotions we receive, ........ and the types of business and social activities in which we partake

Now getting twice as many hours would be like a promotion, but since I didn't like that type of business with him, it might mean here that the "Reaper" aka Saturn caused the opposite???

[ ... the types of business and social activities in which we partake]

well I have been around the area of medicine and healing and helping all my life, so that type of business is one that I do actually like, but maybe again, it was just too much negativity for me to stay happy???

Since my wife just called for dinner, I stop here and continue tomorrow with the cold/flu part, but if anybody wants to join in already, please do so.

Grateful for any constructive comments, gis

I decided to not continue with my thread here, or at least not with the original intention because it makes more sense to first study the thread “How to go about learning Transits” because these guys know what they are talking about and I don't, well not really :(

But I have lots of question from that thread!!!

Question 1:
It says, I use--- 1° approaching, 1° exact and 1° departing

Hm, what is the difference between 1[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]°[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] approaching and 1[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]° exact?[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]My natal Saturn is at 23°27' Capricorn.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]So would it be correct to say that if Mars is between 21°28' and 22°27' Capricorn that that would be 1° approaching and when Mars is between 22°28' and 23°27' than that would be exact???[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Question 2:[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]It says, [/FONT]For 'timings' I would look to the retrograde hit as the most important trigger,[FONT=Times New Roman, serif][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]What please is the 'retrograde hit'???[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Question 3:[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]It says, [/FONT]It all depends on how the natal planet is 'aspected' [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Hm, I don't subscribe to good or bad aspects. I look at them more like things to learn and things to enjoy, but who says learning new things has to be unpleasant. Well, I guess the more I spend time with my transits the more I will see which view has more validity.[/FONT]

Now tomorrow at 9:51pm EST I have t-Mars square n-Jupiter.
So what can I look forward to?
Somewhere I believe I read that the idea is that transits can only activate things that can be seen in my natal horoscope. But in my natal, Mars has no aspect to Jupiter! Does that mean this is a non-event? Or could it be that it will at least trigger all of Jupiter's natal aspects?

Now in my natal I have Jupiter at 27°57' Capricorn and Uranus [FONT=Times New Roman, serif]at 29°16' Leo, so a 150 degree aspect. Could it be that this gets triggered by Mars?[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Well, I will keep my senses at full alert tomorrow and will report afterwards.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]In the meantime I would appreciate any help or comments,[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]thanks, gis