Transiting Pluto Trine Mars (Extremely Positive)

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Apr 17, 2018
I'm compelled to write a post and talk about this transit. My life has been radically changed - positively - by this transit.

Earlier this year, feeling my temper flare, a thought occurred to me - why haven't I taken up any martial arts? My first thought was boxing and I tried it - and loved it. I have dabbled in sports here and there, but in truth, I've lived a more intellectual life, not really an athletic one. Also, I'm a gay male, this is a very rare situation.

What's going on now? I'm nearly 40 years old, I've never been so physically fit or capable in my entire life. I have an abundance of energy. I want to exercise all of the time. I am losing weight as I intended, toning up. I can take care of myself physically if trouble happens, which now I consider a life skill. Since Covid, I've been exercising regularly anyway, but since I took up boxing earlier this year, I've increased my fitness immeasurably. I get great feedback from other fighters I spar with (practice fights), I get great compliments from coaches and just yesterday, my boxing personal trainer asked if I would like to train with other coaches on weekend retreats. What has happened and how did I get here?

So much of this is blatantly Martian. So I focussed on transits, progressions and solar arcs. I didn't spot it at first. I can see that there are lots of very strong other transits going on. But then I found it - transiting Pluto has temporarily retrograded back into Capricorn, but it has been trining my natal Mars in Gemini in the 11th house as it moves back and forth over the early degrees of Aquarius. There it is! I would expect the other Pluto transiting aspects are helping out too.

Other transits:
Transiting Pluto opposite ascendant
Transiting Pluto sextile Mercury/MC conjunction
Transiting Saturn conjunct Venus
Transiting Saturn opposition Moon (chart ruler)
Transiting Neptune conjunct Mercury/MC
Transiting Neptune trine ascendant
Transiting Uranus sextile Mercury/MC (career peak earlier this year, now made redundant...)
Transiting Uranus sextile ASC

Transiting Pluto - power, energy, obsession trine (positive integration) Mars in Gemini (fire in the fists), 11th house, social, boxing club, new friends.

Edit - added TR Uranus which I missed.


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Pluto moves quite slowly. Your AC is at 27 degrees, while Mars is at 3 or almost 4 degrees. The best way is to pull up transit calendar at to get more exact time windows.

I'm surprised that you don't or didn't feel bad or depressed when Saturn Transit opposite your Moon. It must have been a single transit instead of a triple transit.

When I had Pluto trine Mars transit, I finished a side project, on a part time basis, going against all odds, and created something that extremely few people in my industry have ever done.

It's similar to your experience.
So much of this is blatantly Martian. So I focussed on transits, progressions and solar arcs. I didn't spot it at first. I can see that there are lots of very strong other transits going on. But then I found it - transiting Pluto has temporarily retrograded back into Capricorn, but it has been trining my natal Mars in Gemini in the 11th house as it moves back and forth over the early degrees of Aquarius. There it is! I would expect the other Pluto transiting aspects are helping out too.

Hasn't transit Pluto not yet reached the position to be withing orb (max. 1.30*?) of the trine to natal Mars to be effective?
I'm wondering how much influence the sec. progressions and solar arc positions are now carrying out, so that when tr. Pluto IS trine natal Mars, it won't only be a sport (Pluto ruler 5th house) that produces the life-changing effect. ;):)
Orbs seem like a funny business. Most astrologers - and software - interpret my natal Mars as having some aspects, but to others, they say it's unaspsected. It depends on the school thought and personal experience I guess!

The transits in the chart above are for August. When I began all of this earlier this year, Pluto was at about 1 degree+ of Aqua. Most practice I've learned from suggest that the outer planets would be felt a few degrees off. I've read that for a 'triple hit outer transit', with the first pass, things begin to change, the planet then retrogrades back, and when it returns for the final transit, what was changed, gets fixed into place. That seems to reflect what's happening.

Why some transits are felt more than others...a continuing mystery. The descriptions of TR Pluto trine Mars resonate strongly with my life events at the moment. The TR Saturn conjunction Venus and opposite Moon (chart ruler), I'm not seeing anything. When TR Saturn conjunct my Moon many years ago, that was the worst transit that I ever had. I recognised that one. I was failing a course in college, I was paralysed with fear, kept it a secret, it got worse. I also lost my job and couldn't pay my college loan. That was unlike my character. The second that the transit moved on, I was astounded at my behaviour! It got resolved...
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Thank you for sharing this. I have Libra Sun-Mars at early degrees. I am looking forward to a transit for once!!
Orbs seem like a funny business. Most astrologers - and software - interpret my natal Mars as having some aspects, but to others, they say it's unaspsected. It depends on the school thought and personal experience I guess!

The transits in the chart above are for August. When I began all of this earlier this year, Pluto was at about 1 degree+ of Aqua. Most practice I've learned from suggest that the outer planets would be felt a few degrees off. I've read that for a 'triple hit outer transit', with the first pass, things begin to change, the planet then retrogrades back, and when it returns for the final transit, what was changed, gets fixed into place. That seems to reflect what's happening.

Why some transits are felt more than others...a continuing mystery. The descriptions of TR Pluto trine Mars resonate strongly with my life events at the moment. The TR Saturn conjunction Venus and opposite Moon (chart ruler), I'm not seeing anything. When TR Saturn conjunct my Moon many years ago, that was the worst transit that I ever had. I recognised that one. I was failing a course in college, I was paralysed with fear, kept it a secret, it got worse. I also lost my job and couldn't pay my college loan. That was unlike my character. The second that the transit moved on, I was astounded at my behaviour! It got resolved...
Just out of curiosity, assuming that your birth time is accurate enough, could you pull up your transit calendar at, choosing Extended Chart selection, and then click at "Special" tab right besides the default "Round" tab?

I have been always using 1 deg orb, which appears to be very accurate. I think 1.5 deg orb is extended possibly because for many people they simply don't have accurate birth time. 1.5 deg could potentially cover up the inaccuracy. And this 1 deg orb at least from my personal experiences is valid for all transits by all planets.

Also, based on my personal observations, triple adverse transits from Saturn to Moon will always register in native's memory, but not for single pass transit. At the moment of single pass Saturn transit, you will be able to identify it, but probably not a year or so later.

The other factor to consider is the natal chart. I have read that people born with certain aspects may not feel the same or similar transits in life as strong as others because they were born with it. You have a natal Saturn square Moon. Maybe that contributes to you not feeling Saturn transit opposes Moon. In my own case, I also have natal Saturn square Moon, but I can identify all Saturn transits to Moon in my life. But Saturn transits square to my Moon have a lit less effects to me, compared to 0/180 deg Saturn transits.

If I were to guess, maybe your Saturn opposing Moon transit was fast and single pass, or it should have been single pass if you adjusted your Moon deg by a few degrees (meaning that your birth time is off a little).

Anyway, thanks for sharing, but again, I won't use 1.5 deg orb, especially for Pluto transit. Even with 1 deg orb, your entire Pluto quintuple transits will last at least 2+ years usually. I think 1.5 deg on Pluto may extend the entire period to 3 to 4 years. Just my two cents.
Just giving you an example, I observed in my close relative that a single pass Saturn 0/180 degree transit to Moon was simply a teen getting lost in a mall temporarily almost bringing him to tears. I was worried that it could be a lot worse, but that's all. The event obviously was only a few hours, and it happened during the 1 deg orb window, which was 2 weeks plus time window. If you ask him about the event a year later, he probably wouldn't remember.
I didn't want to say this in the beginning, but assuming that you don't have a partner in life, I "think" the closest thing that partner means to you would be your coach or the whoever is sparring with you. Usually Pluto conjunct DC would bring a potential "divorce" or some revolution to your one-on-one relationship. I don't know your personal situation, but the above is my guess. Basically, there is a big change of relationship with your one-on-one coach.

The reason that I didn't want to say this in the beginning is that your AC/DC moves super fast. If your birth time is off by 4 minutes, your AC/DC is off by 1 degree. And one deg for Pluto transit is like more than 1 year of time difference. Assuming that your AC/DC is correct and my interpretation of coach as a 7th house matter is correct, AND that using 1 deg orb is correct, then this change of relationship should have happened in about 2022-2023. I checked 2024 ephemeris and Pluto is out of 1 deg orb already for this entire year.

Since you supposedly still have Pluto trine Mars transit coming up using 1 deg orb, I venture to guess that greater things will happen for you in respect to this area. Maybe you win some awards from competition or trained for it, or maybe you opened your own coaching/martial arts business.

Look forward to your updates. But always remember that astrology gives you the opportunity, but how FAR you go is up to you.
I have been always using 1 deg orb, which appears to be very accurate. I think 1.5 deg orb is extended possibly because for many people they simply don't have accurate birth time. 1.5 deg could potentially cover up the inaccuracy. And this 1 deg orb at least from my personal experiences is valid for all transits by all planets.
Do you take a 1 degree orb as preceeding and following 'the moment of impact?'

The 1.5 degree orb could be compared to the train approaching a station. From different perspectives, whether on or wating for the train, station and train are both in view , yet the train hasn't actually arrived. Only when it stops can one take action by getting on or off. It then starts up again to move, gradually picking up speed until train or station can't be seen anymore. [ Rather like the relativity theory?]

The similarity can be said just as equally for planetary influences. When they are applying, the person may not at first be consciously aware of what is preparing to occur. Maybe it is conscious by 1 degree orb. Any surprise or whatever can no longer be applied. The individual is aware of the impending situation. Situation occurs. Its impact isn't immediately over. It also takes time for the individual to see the 'after effect' the situation has created. Consciously the influence lessens. The matter has been dealt with (or not!) and the influence can be boxed 'for eventual future reference', or discarded as no longer being relevant to it.
The other factor to consider is the natal chart. I have read that people born with certain aspects may not feel the same or similar transits in life as strong as others because they were born with it.

I would agree with this. Inherent traits are so different from those learnt from experience upon one during life.
There are those whose lives are guided by the effect of astrological symbolism upon them. They can comprehend the relevance of planetary influence, whilst others perceive them as only temporary effects that do not lead to major adjustments.
Yet who is the luckier? The astrology enthusiast who learns what the sybolism means and can act accordingly, or the layman who just learns (or not) and gains personal wisdom from experiences encountered? :)
Anyway, thanks for sharing, but again, I won't use 1.5 deg orb, especially for Pluto transit. Even with 1 deg orb, your entire Pluto quintuple transits will last at least 2+ years usually. I think 1.5 deg on Pluto may extend the entire period to 3 to 4 years. Just my two cents.

So???? Applicable or not? :unsure::)
It's a total of two degrees, 1 deg approaching and 1 deg departing. That's what I or people called it 1 degree of orb, I think.

I understand that most people explain the difference of the effects of approaching vs departing as you have described quite well. But my personal experience is that the entire window of 1 degree is essentially valid for corresponding event(s). How you become aware at approaching or departing degrees isn't strict. And for multiple transits, even though standard book describes how an event may progress through each transit hit, my personal experience is that you may simply continue to experience events of similar nature, but not necessarily the same event.
The only thing about orb that I haven't been able to figure out is that if you use the transit calendar from, it will show all periods that are within the ORB. But there are scenarios for multiple transits that are more complicated than 1, 3, or 5 passes. Sometimes, at approaching, it's possible for a planet to come within orb, but without an actual exact HIT to your natal planet. Then throughout the entire transit period, there can be time windows without any direct hits as well. And also for the very last departing pass, which it could come within orb, but NO hit.

I haven't had enough data and time to make any personal conclusions on this, but it SEEMS that for the actual transit to happen, it needs to start with a time window that INCLUDES the direct hit. If the Venus is at 2.0 deg, and Neptune approaches from 1.0 deg, and goes to 1.7 deg, but then backup beyond the orb, or goes back to less than 1.0 degree, even though from 1 to 1.7 deg, it was in orb, but because it backed out, it may not count. BUT for the last departing, let's say Neptune goes to 3.2 degree, moves back to 2.7 degree, and then goes to 3.0 and beyond, the departing window without any direct hit to 2.0 deg seems to count because the transit has been activated in the past hits.

That's what I think based on my current data. I would love to hear what others have to say about this.

And by the way, for multiple transits, when planets go out of orb, but are activated already with direct hits, my experiences are that they actually kind of go to background. The matter or event may be still there, but you do get some temporary relief and effects are less, or not there.