Transiting Saturn conjunct Natal Pluto and other interesting transits

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Apr 19, 2011
Hello. I've been lurking here and in some other forums for a while trying to get a feel for astrology. I'm doing fairly well with the charts of others, but often my own is perplexing. I'm moving on from natal charts to transits now, and it appears that I have a few light ones and yet a very heavy one in store for me this year. I'll enclose my natal chart in case you need to refer to it.

With all the planets transiting my ninth house lately (and more wisdom gained from my recent Saturn return), I've decided to go afield to finish my academic degrees (and also perhaps to marry, but that will take over a year). If I find that the money just isn't there, though, I'll be branching out on my own in business as a private tutor. Transiting Jupiter will be in conjunction to my natal midheaven (in Taurus) later this year, thus making several beneficial aspects to my natal planets--trining my Sun (5th house Capricorn), trining my Jupiter (2nd house Virgo), squaring my Venus (7th house Aquarius, conjunct my descendant).

While Jupiter's happy transit continues, however, something appears ominous on the other side of the heavens. Transiting Saturn will be conjunct to my natal Pluto (3rd house Libra) this fall. I understand that this is a very restricting, if not ruining, transit, particularly for the finances. As I'm sure you are all aware, coursework doesn't come cheap, and I'll be needing to relocate for this. So, largely what I'm wondering is, will the more pleasant Jovian aspects mitigate the effect of this Saturn-Pluto conjunction? Or will Saturn-Pluto blight Jupiter's work?

Anything anyone may provide from either learning or experience would be most helpful. Thank you in advance.


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I bookmarked this site a while ago.

I am currently having this transit and it is really a hard one (for me). I know there are many on the forum who are having it too, because there have been threads about it a while ago. Run a search to find them.

I'm hoping Saturn turning direct after 13 June will make life easier, really. Do try to avoid power struggles and focus on the lessons and the healing experience and let go, let go and let go. :smile: Don't get caught up in arguments with your siblings or neighbours. Stand back and let it go.

By looking at your chart it seems that you already started feeling this aspect when t Saturn was closer to your Pluto a few months ago.
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Yeah, part of it is exactly what's being addressed here: third-house issues. One says to watch relationships with siblings, neighbours, and roommates. Well, I have no roommates, no real neighbours to speak of, and my only brother lives on the other side of the country. Saturn conjoins Pluto in my third house, but I don't really have all that much of a third house! Unless, of course, I am overlooking something.

Part of what vexes me, though, is the beneficial Jupiter transits that will be happening simultaneously--and there are a few of them! No doubt all of these transit aspects will be felt somehow or another, but I think it's well worth asking, when two or more seemingly contrary transits are taking place, how can one go about acquiring a more global and coherent view of what could transpire?
I'm experiencing this now and have already had two passes of Saturn over my natal Pluto and a third to come during the late Summer. I have an early Leo rising (3 deg.) too, so I'm experiencing similar transit activity through the houses and like yourself, I have a bit of trouble relating to the classic associations with the third house as it currently pertains to my life (I'm an only child, no neighbor issues, etc.). I wish I had some profound and insightful morsel of wisdom to impart about what you might experience from the transit, but unfortunately I've been at a loss as to how to really cyrstallize it in a concise and succinct way (perhaps that's Saturn restructuring my thoughts and leaving me a bit mentally adrift at the moment?). I have a great deal of planets in aspect to my natal Pluto (16 Libra), so it's been tricky for me to identify exactly what energies are truly at play currently in my life. Your natal Pluto isn't overloaded with aspects and the aspects you do have aren't challenging, so I have a feeling that you may not feel the transit Saturn conjunction to your Pluto to be all that disquieting. I think in general, this period of being in our early thirties, fresh off a Saturn Return, we're left feeling back at square one in many ways and I suspect that Saturn conjunct Pluto is about questioning the decisions we've made up to now, feeling the pressure to really get clear about long term plans/goals, and disgarding old patterns and structures that are incongruent with where we see ourselves ultimately heading. For me personally, it's felt a bit like things are progressing very slowly and everything is happening in a very concentrated, slow motion fashion, like I can't quite get momentum, but that's probably the point! :happy:
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So, I guess it sounds more like a persistence of Saturn Return than anything really novel or challenging. Thus, it's likely best for me to focus more on Jupiter's transit through this period than Saturn's--all of which seem favourable for both business and personal life, while maintaining a profound place for introspective thought.
You've asked primarily about the saturn tr over pluto and jupiter in the 9th.
I see a few things, however that might have longer and more potent influence.
Primarily the pluto tr over your sun, and nn conj merc and then neptune. Not to mention uranus and chiron and neptune just recently (or about to) changing sign or house.
To answer your question first, however, I might suggest that intimate relations might be triggered during the saturn transit of your third house. And third house issues might be enacted when saturn reaches pluto. It might have to do with quality and/or depth of communications in the relationship. A relationship might begin or end. It might be a time of negotiation, setting groundrules, that sort of thing.
We're all experiencing the many planets visiting aries at this time. So your 9th house might have a lot of activity during this time, i.e. travel, foreign people/countries, higher learning, spiritual pursuits. Again, these transits are relatively short so I wouldn't be so concerned. It just looks like good life examination time...adjusting things that need it.
Pluto sitting on your sun, however, I would imagine has been bringing interesting things in your life. My mantra regarding pluto is that it does not tolerate anything inauthentic. Your sun is in Capricorn in the 5th. So I would imagine that pluto is doing a serious housecleaning with regard to your basic nature and how you live in the world. This is happening in the 5th house so it could be focused on children, creative endeavors etc... Caps are all about structure and the earth element. So these changes or transformations will most likely happen in your outer world, more than your inner world (though of course that's part of it).
Also nn is tr you merc. I would imagine there's lots of communication going on....from you regarding you (your natal nn is in 1st house). This is all happening in sagi so just keep an awareness about potential for arrogance. It's not all about you.....yet it probably feels that way these days. Since this is also in the 5th house it could also signify again, creative endeavors that might have a broad audience, and/or with civic or spiritual overtones.
Please let me know if any of this makes sense.
Kuntuzangmo, I think this makes sense. It's enough to make me know that the rest of this year (and continuing from there) is certainly going to be a very busy time for me! Pluto conjoining my Sun is certainly being felt in this time of transition (to be exact thrice in 2012), but as of yet, I'm handling it fairly well. An external housecleaning or restructuring, as you put it, is certainly underway as I'm becoming less of a hermit than I've been in the past. And the transits of Uranus and Neptune are not lost on me either (and I know Neptune is currently squaring my Mercury and about to oppose Jupiter and then Mars). Perhaps the reason that I focus more on Saturn and Jupiter is that I've felt their transiting effects much more clearly and immediately than I have the outer planets in the past.

However, in trying to get a handle on this, it seems sometimes that I'm looking at too much. I've told been told that I'm good at picking out all the parts of the picture and understanding why they're important, but not necessarily at seeing how all these parts (transits, in this case) interact so as to create a cohesive whole. I suppose that may eventually come with practice and experience.
My Saturn transit conjunct Pluto in my 9th house just ended last week (after 3 hits of it), but things are not done yet. I have my official Saturn return and Saturn conjunct MC happening in a few weeks (only for a span of about a week, thank god). Pluto conjunct my Ascendant is also in full swing at the same time all this is happening. I attached a chart for you all to see. Here's how things have and are transpired/transpiring, and it's really not too good, although I do believe there's a light at the end of the tunnel:

Without further adieu, I can safely say that I'm about to quit higher education entirely. Graduate school just isn't worth it to me. To make a long story short, I gave student feedback about my courses and professors last semester, and now I'm taking flack for what I said about the point where the Dean of my college is bringing me up on 3 conduct violations. It's absolutely ridiculous and excessive, to the point where my character and reputation is being tarnished by a parade of character assassins (both real and imagined). I am also being threatened that I won't have a job after my Master's degree and that people are talking about me all over the place (according to what my dean said, which seems like an intimidation tactic). I have to appear before a student conduct board hearing (exact date TBA, but I have a feeling it will happen when my Saturn return hits in a few weeks!).

I'm definitely not scared about going to this hearing because I will say exactly what I have to say. The college really made a huge mistake by including e-mails in my disciplinary file containing messages between my directors back and forth about me. They said very demeaning things about me, which had no right to be said. This all started with posts that I allegedly made on an online forum, and they thought it was me, took it as fact, and now have a twisted perception of me for no reason. That's how the negative attitude started up against me. Whenever this future hearing comes, I will be sure to decimate their characters in front of the faculty and student body before I make my grand exit from graduate school for good.

I should have listened to the events happening over the past 5 years. Four times I tried going for a Master's or Ph.D. degree, and each time failed. Why didn't I listen?! I should have just stuck with the job I had with my Bachelor's degree! That was more than enough, and it appears that my own ambition actually helped bring my "downfall" (if you can call it that).

So when all this blows over, I plan on withdrawing from the college by December the latest. I have a few options that I can pursue:

A. I can move back home and do nothing for the rest of life except play video games and watch TV. Thankfully, my family is very welcoming to me, and they would like nothing more than having me move back home. I would not prefer this option because I'm rather independent and I'd actually like to evolve in this existence somehow.

B. I can go back into my original career off my bachelor's degree and just stick with that for a while while studying to get into law school. This does seem like the best option for me. In the Master's program that I'm in now, it's the same exact field as my bachelor's, but I wanted to do it just to get nationally certified. It turns out that not all jobs in my field need that (thank god), so I'll just find a job that doesn't require certification. Luckily, I applied to two jobs very close to home where I grew up, and I hope one of them comes through! This would be a great Saturn return conjunct MC gift!

C. Similar to B above, but I can join a national recruitment agency and work in my original field in travel jobs throughout the country. These jobs last 3 months on average, and you travel to the next assignment when finished.

D. I decide to work in something entirely different from what I was used to.

I'm not sure which option I will take, but most likely it's going to be B or C. Option D seems like it COULD happen, but the only way for it to happen would be if I'm presented with a very different career opportunity out of the blue. I have no other career interests right now (except for potentially studying to get into law school down the road), so the only way I could totally change careers is by some outside universal source presenting it to me and me accepting it.

So there you have it....the trials and tribulations of a 9th House Saturn Return and Saturn-Pluto conjunction!


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mpalardy's Saturn conjunct Pluto transit is over, but Saturn has more in store for him during 2013-2015, as shown by the following two transit tables:

Transiting Saturn square natal Venus:


Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Uranus:


Asterisks on dates signify exact squares and exact conjunctions respectively.

And here's PD187540's Saturn return:


Note that after the exact conjunction on October 30, 2012, transiting Saturn recedes from natal Saturn but then returns toward a conjunction, reaching less than 2° from exact on July 8, 2013, and then recedes again, finally exiting the 10°-conjunction on October 26, 2013.
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And here's PD187540's Saturn return:


Note that after the exact conjunction on October 30, 2012, transiting Saturn recedes from natal Saturn but then returns toward a conjunction, reaching less than 2° from exact on July 8, 2013, and then recedes again, finally exiting the 10°-conjunction on October 26, 2013.

That's really interesting. So technically, my Saturn Return isn't officially over until a month after my 30th birthday. That's pretty good timing, I'd say.
I hope this bodes well for me in my career. My interview is in less than 48 hours, and if I get the job, I feel like I'd become more settled down and solidified. After almost 4 years of "wandering" in higher education (and a more toned down attitude towards authority), I sincerely hope that this job will lead me on the path to stability.
I'v recently had Saturn over my natal Pluto, when someone mentioned that's what led to changes. Then it squared my venus which was an irritating time. This has been in my 11th, where it will be till the end of the year.
PD187540, not wanting to rain on your parade of confidence, or anything, but I'd like to point out two things from your chart and transits.

  1. That Grand Fire Trine between your Moon, Venus-Mercury and Neptune feels great and seems to give you a lot of confidence, but it also contains the seeds of massive illusion. I hope you're aware of that. Neptune enjoys working from the shadows of its native 12th house and its effect on the weaker Venus and Moon is the stuff of legends.
  2. Transiting Pluto is conjunct your Ascendant. You may have a rough road ahead of you for the next 15 years or so. Pluto's transit through the first house is usually very difficult. He will uproot, overturn and insist on regenerating your self-concept completely. No one enjoys this and Saturn won't seem to be of much help to you.
Unsolicited advice is often worth as much as we pay for it, but, there it is.
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PD187540, not wanting to rain on your parade of confidence, or anything, but I'd like to point out two things from your chart and transits.

  1. That Grand Fire Trine between your Moon, Venus-Mercury and Neptune feels great and seems to give you a lot of confidence, but it also contains the seeds of massive illusion. I hope you're aware of that. Neptune enjoys working from the shadows of its native 12th house and its effect on the weaker Venus and Moon is the stuff of legends.
  2. Transiting Pluto is conjunct your Ascendant. You may have a rough road ahead of you for the next 15 years or so. Pluto's transit through the first house is usually very difficult. He will uproot, overturn and insist on regenerating your self-concept completely. No one enjoys this and Saturn won't seem to be of much help to you.
Unsolicited advice is often worth as much as we pay for it, but, there it is.

Yes, I've noticed all that, but to elaborate a little bit more on those two points:

1. The Grand Fire Trine doesn't involve Mercury. It's Mars, so technically, I think I have two Grand Trines there if you look at it as one with Venus-Moon-Neptune and another with Mars-Moon-Neptune. You're right how that could possibly be seen as "deception or illusion," but I'm concerned with career right now. As far as my grand trine is concerned, it's not located in any houses that belong to my career. I see it as great for the medical field, giving me a lot of hidden insight into things.

2. That Pluto transiting my 1st house will last longer than 15 years. I clocked it to be at around 23 years it's going to last me. Why wouldn't somebody enjoy this transit? I think an uprooting of the personality would be a great thing! Maybe my appearance will change, too. I've been thinking about going to the gym, so once I have a steady work schedule, I can perhaps squeeze some time in for that and build up some muscle. Also, since the 1st house is how people see you, with Pluto going through it, people may start to see me as a powerful authority. As long as I don't abuse that, I think it could be a wonderful transit.