Transiting saturn square natal sun

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Ok, discover, For me this happened in june-september of 2003-Tran. saturn was cj my descendent, square sun on MC and sesisquadrate venus in H11.It was a few months after I had life saving (and life-changing) surgery. The following events occurred in this period:I reveived a notice to quit as my rented house was to be sold- we had lived there for seven years and I ran a business from there.As I had been in hospital and unable to work I was broke, so i had to pack and clean everything myself and move it with the help of friends. The house we moved to was a bad choice- terrible neighbourhood, unsafe to live in. I ended up in court with the Landlord and won a compensation case against him for failing to remove the carcasses of 8 (yes, 8) dead possums for a period of 8 weeks in summer when it was raining incessantly.My lover of 4 years (soul mate I had believed), took this opportunity to betray me in a few major ways, forcing me to end the relationship, which led to a 3 year period of grief and counselling and healing.I was disabled at the time, unable to work, unable to pay bills.The utilities got cut off. My kids' dad refused to pay maintenance even though the kids were still (miraculously) under my care.Also a deasr friend died, then my much beloved daughter's grandpa, then my gran, then my stepfather...You can imagine how relieved I was when saturn got out of my H7 and into Leo where it sextiled my sun and I found a great house to live in, regained most of my previous abilities, found new friends and got my life back on track. I don't attribute everything that happened then to the work of Saturn-but most of it was about restructuring my life in the light of new circumstances that have to be faced..I am in a much better position than I was back then-working as an astrologer and happy in my freedom and saturn may bring the walls down, but only so you can build anew on more solid foundations.I also found out, under extreme duress, that I had the strength to pull myself through this dark part of the journey-it was a time that challenged me to the core of my being.As the sun is also about our health we can expect health issues to arise under this transit- and fated or kharmic events.lillyjgc
That was an intense episode! Thank you for sharing. I am glad to hear that it all worked out for the best in the end;)
My transiting saturn will be going through my fifth house of virgo and my natal sun is at 1 degree sag. Any ideas on how this may impact me?
Transiting Saturn square your natal Sun brings a lack of vitality, self confidence or self esteem. Your determination to succeed may be tested since this is not the best time to fulfill your ambitions. You may have problems in your relationships, especially with people who don't accept you for who you are. You are likely to experience some restrictions/impositions from superiors or your father. There is a tendency to overwork with this transit, so your health could be compromised if you are not careful. Your heart, cardiovascular system, and lower back may suffer, as a result.

If your natal Sun rules your 4th house, you must pay especial attention to family matters. Difficulties in your relationship with older men or your father are possible now, or you may feel that you have to take care of things that don't let you be yourself.

Hi Carole my natal sun is in the 8th house(cusping the seventh), but it rules my 4th house.(4th house is in leo)
Thank you!
Well I have a young client who has saturn transiting H1 square natal sun in H10 and this is what happened to her: her 11 year (first love) relationship ended: she lost her job because she wasn't able to travel overseas regularly; she has had to have major and costly dental work. Her health is poor- she is sad and depressed. her father has just had a big operation, her grandmother has had a stroke. Her mother has had relationship problems. She has been unemployed for most of this aspect so her money has run out. She has had to move interstate. That's a square to H10. To H4 I think home issues- endings, father issues, and all things generally connected to the H4-H10 axis.This saturn/sun square seems to rob the native of hope which can be very severe. The ability to withstand becomes a crucial survival skill..."This too shall pass" is a good "mantra" to help one through this rough transit. Lillyjgc
ok :D now i'm officially scared.

saturn is transiting over my south node, lilith and juno [which are less then a degree away from each other] in my 6th house, squaring my 8th house sun , which is the ruler of 5th house.

this is just devastating. and here i thought i'm finally done with bad saturnian influences [it squared my scorpio venus and pluto] while transiting through my 5th house.....

at least i can hope something good will come from jupiter transiting the MC.... :(

Just recently I had saturn not squaring my 7th house cancer sun, but making a semi-square. It was also exactly conjunct my venus in virgo in the 8th house, squaring my natal saturn in sagittarius in the 11th house. Saturn is also the ruler of my chart, with both mars and my moon in the first house in Capricorn. At this time saturn was also trining my 12th house neptune, my ascendant, and mars/

On the day that it was exactly conjunct my venus and making a semi-square to my sun, as well as the other aspects, I passed out after taking a shower and hit my head on my the bathroom floor. I then had to go to emergency room where I was told I could be pregnant!

Fortunately, I wasn't pregnant, but I did have a UTI and a yeast infection, as well as a concussion! Definitely sounds like a saturnian limit to my 8th house ventures and my first house Mars, coupled with the sun as my ruler of the 8th house. I guess the conjunction was a little too much to handle, and I had to miss work.

I am a little confused. Does the transit focus typically on the house that the sun is in or what it rules. The Saturn will square when it hits 22 degrees virgo (sun 22 degrees leo). The sun is housed in the 3rd and rules the sixth. Should I expect issues related to my environment? siblings? communication? I have heard that for big events to happen transits should be not only connected to natal issues (ie natal sun square natal saturn) but also indications in progressions. Otherwise it may not be a major event. I can say that I have been working on that project (looking back to events and correlating them with progressions) for awhile and there does seem to be something to that. Saturn natally does not aspect my sun so I wonder if there will be a whole lot (cross my fingers) accept depressed energy. I checked my transits for the conjunction in 2002 and did not see much. Though the following year I moved bought a house as the apartment complex where I lived was getting really scary and interest rates were down.
After reviewing my history, I saw that when Saturn was opposing my moon and squaring my sun in the 3rd house in 1995, that year my daughter was born and and I separated from my husband. As I looked back on it I thought I had postpartum but actually I could only see my future with him as bleak. I shortly thereafter started seeing someone who after six months decided he could not handle it. When I looked at the progressions for that year, the progressed MC was opposing my natal venus/mars conj. (or natal venus was conjunct the p-IC) and my AAC was conjunct Algoth. The year before bought a house and Saturn was conjunct my sun in the third and square moon in the sixth the progressions were in place for several years and were P-Sun square N-neptune, P-Mars sextile N-neptune, P-Mars sqaure P-AC P-sun sextile P-AC, P-mars trine N-saturn. Tranisiting neptune was also opposed my natal Uranus and transiting Pluto was opposite my natal sun. So there was a lot going on. It seeems like those times in my life a feeling of reality settled in that I could not shake. I made all the choices (to leave my husband, to move) but I was at the point where I could not see any other choice. So theres my 2 cents and I apreciated this thread as it gave me a chance to see other factors in my transits and progression. Maybe I will be more prepared for the one coming up in a few months.
very unfortunate.

i'm concerned that this is just the beginning of my reuobles since i have 5 planets lined up after that 8th house sun

Saturn is squaring my natal Sun now (0-1 orb). It did it also in November last year, but back then I didn't notice anything special.But now Saturn is retrograde and it is killing me.One month ago, when the square was 2-3 orb, I also didn't feel anything negative.I was making plans for the future, change jobs and plan to change career in 2-3 years. But now that the orb is almost zero, I feel depressed, I no longer have any hope and I have a feeling I really hate the city I live in (I never actually liked it but now I really feel I cannot live here anymore).
My natal Sun is in H11 and rules H12.
I will be experiencing the square to my Sun from Saturn later this year and for the better part of next year. After reading some of the posts in this thread, it seems like there are mostly bleak manifestations of this transit. Yikes! :(

I'm especially worried about my father, who I'm very close to, because just as Saturn will be Squaring my Sun, it will be conjunct his Asc. My Sun is 24 Cancer and my IC is 24 Libra (my rising sign is 3 Leo, so the Sun is the ruler of my chart) and my father's Ascendant is 24 Libra(!) and his Mars and Saturn are 23 & 24 Cancer respectively. He isn't in ill health, but he's not in the best shape physically, emotionally, or financially at this time (he's 65). I'm not in ill health either (*knock wood*), but since the Sun rules my 1st house, does that also indicate that health could be an issue or concern for me? Sometimes the first house is really tricky for me to understand and define because it seems to encompass so much, yet is also somewhat nebulous.

I suppose time will tell...
If I might offer my pro-Saturnian stance, the squares are checkpoints. You got the law out there, if you pay attention, you know where and when he's posted and you know he's going to call you out. If you've got unfinished business with the law, expect this time as comeuppance, time to deal with it.

The Saturn square to Sun is the time to readjust the adjustments made on the "vehicle," (Sun) - how well are you being you? Saturn really doesn't want people to be moving in the wrong direction, so he likes to assert his authoritative redirection by sending you to the back of the line. Reminding one to stay in check and don't get caught holding.

Pretty simple really.

Okay, that was street terms. Astrological terms? Our character is being tested. Who we really are, and who we are claiming to be, come up for perusal. Are we walking the talk?

Saturn squares bring us an awareness to the planet's core nature and asks us how we are carrying it out. If we are lazy or give a **** during this time, we get pinched. If we've done what's right by and for our higher selves, then it is a time of further refining and accomplishment. But always in the square, there is the message, "I have to get this right...what am I doing wrong?" Objectivity is key during the square periods. Think Saturn's exhaltation in Libra, it's natural square by cardinal Venus, easy to make the wrong decision.

Sun wants to shine, bask in sunlight, glow all over others and make them glow. Saturn says, "Does it grow corn?"

Plant growth and bounty are very much an earthy Saturn chemistry. Not unlike celluar growth in humans. That's why they say every 7 years (a Saturn square) the human body has regenerated all of its cells and is actually different. The squares are really GREAT (yes!) opportunities to get your house in order to prepare for the opposition which will tell you, in no uncertain terms, "you f****d up - time to start over." I'm currently dealing with approaching Saturn square to natal Saturn. Less wiggle room in this one, but in your case, think of how you pleased your parents (unless they were really f****d up), which might be another thread. You read, in no uncertain terms, what their expectations of you were, and you obliged, only to argue or take a stand if you were secure and sure in your knowledge of what works best for you, so long as it doesn't hurt others/things. A great dialogue to have with 13 year old kids, by the way. (Maybe 13 year old boys, 12 year old girls). Saturn is really the ultimate school marm or constible who is upholding the way things are supposed to be.)

If Uranus is involved with this duo, you might have some serious problems with your way of doing things. Remember, Sun is 5th house, wants to shine. They'll do what they need to, to shine. Shining is more important to Sun than philosophy or ideology or principle, other than it is their principle. Uranus doesn't give a **** about doing things right or out of tradition or shining or nothing like that. He want's to shake the apple cart.

Not to confuse things, but hope someone gets what I'm saying.

Sun can be easily swayed unless earthened. Saturn likes that best. But not a square to Saturn is earthened. It is agitated and teacher has had enough. Sun is cocky enought to disregard Saturn, and the square periods of these two planets sets Sun straight right away.

If you've been on the right track, he's there with a commemorative pin and new guidelines for further advancement.
helpful to guiding you to how you make things happen you're way.

If you've been taking short cuts, then Saturn is there with a bucket of water and a wet blanket.

Usually, tho, the square doesn't even place you in 3rd. Saturn's points are on execution, not creativity.

Sun likes to create, be acknowledged for simply that. Unless well aspected by Saturn, longevity, Saturn is every other planets B***h, always running interference in one's game. Saturn gives a hootless hoot about NOW, wants consistency over all else.

Bottom line, my astro friend, when Saturn squares Sun, all of our short cuts (gawd help those ones if Neptune is involved!) meet up with Johnny Law.

Just ask yourself, "Am I doing and being the responsible thing right now?"

If you know, by experience, that you are, then you have nothing to fear. If you've been cutting in line, well....
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and what if transiting saturn is on ascedant and squere natal sun? natal sun is in 4th house.

I have this placement! I honestly think that when you get hit with a Saturn square sun transit, and you have this placement natally, you get through it so much better than other people. Why? Life long practice. lol.

For me, I am currently going through this process. I have Saturn conjunct my Asc in Libra squaring my Sun in Capricorn. What's interesting about this placement is that when you have your Saturn Return, (a time which can be trying on it's own) you get it with a square.

In a nutshell, here's what's happened:

I decided to pre-empt my Saturn Return by reorienting my life before hand with disasterous (to the ego anyway) results.

I made the decision to travel to Nepal (a one time spiritual mecca for myself) and work in a children's home for 2 1/2 months. I went about raising money and paid for my trip when it all fell apart.

I had my trip itself covered (a cool $3,000 paid out of pocket, non-tax deductible because the organization I was traveling with didn't have a tex exempt status in the US) and figured that I could use my last two checks from work, plut the money from a last fundraiser to cover my plane tickets. Instead, I got laid off because the economy went in the toilet and my bosses (who I wasn't getting along with at the time anyway) decided it had to be me since I was leaving anyway. Then the volcano in Sweden(?) blew up and grounded flights for days on end, raising the cost of tickets, and the final kicker was it was Memorial Day over here in the states, and that is an expensive time to travel anyway. The flight jumped from $2000 up to $4500.

I was out of a job, out of money and out of a home. I have been in transit ever since. I only just two months ago found a job (10 months unemployed). I also contracted a horrible infection that has more than likely left me barren (docs words, not mine) and was agonizingly painful and cost an arm and a leg. I've lost all but about three of my friends and become a total recluse and my entire faith belief system has come crashing to the ground.

My severly mentally ill/psychotic sibling has turned up again after 7 years of being missing and I am now responsible for helping him out since my father refuses to have anything to do with him and my Mom lives so far away. I have moved into a state of blank. There's so much more, but I think you get the jist.

Anyway, the bottom line is that for us with 1st to 4th house squares, it's very personal. These houses and everything between are all about US specifically. The plus side is that where others are absolutely laid out by these transits, those of us that have this mix natally are well prepared the lumps as they come with our every day territory.

On a side note, I can't say that this is all a manifestation of Saturn squaring my Sun or just my Saturn Return. It could also be T. Saturn on my Asc, squaring T. Pluto on my IC and applying towards my Sun.
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Please do tell what to expect, or what happened to you.

Are you serious? What for? Does this have anything to do with Astrology?

Which time? July 4th weekend 2008, someone stole my bike. I'd already sold my car, so I had to hoof it or ride the bus. Of course Mars was conjunct Saturn while in exact square to natal Sun. Like it really mattered since I was leaving the country anyway.

Before that, May 2001, Saturn conjunct Sun, I was home in Romania, nothing happened. Before that March 1994 Saturn in 4th square Sun, I think I was on television for torching a chiropractor for worker's compensation insurance fraud. Before that, Saturn opposition sun, would have been around January 1986. I was Turkey playing with nukes. Before that, would have been September 1978, Saturn in 10th square Sun. I was a junior in high school playing football. I played four years of football, swam one year, played tennis one year, ran track one year and never got injured.

So, what, like I'm supposed to be dead or in jail or something? Saturn square Sun is bad? Really? Could have fooled me.