and what if transiting saturn is on ascedant and squere natal sun? natal sun is in 4th house.
I have this placement! I honestly think that when you get hit with a Saturn square sun transit, and you have this placement natally, you get through it so much better than other people. Why? Life long practice. lol.
For me, I am currently going through this process. I have Saturn conjunct my Asc in Libra squaring my Sun in Capricorn. What's interesting about this placement is that when you have your Saturn Return, (a time which can be trying on it's own) you get it with a square.
In a nutshell, here's what's happened:
I decided to pre-empt my Saturn Return by reorienting my life before hand with disasterous (to the ego anyway) results.
I made the decision to travel to Nepal (a one time spiritual mecca for myself) and work in a children's home for 2 1/2 months. I went about raising money and paid for my trip when it all fell apart.
I had my trip itself covered (a cool $3,000 paid out of pocket, non-tax deductible because the organization I was traveling with didn't have a tex exempt status in the US) and figured that I could use my last two checks from work, plut the money from a last fundraiser to cover my plane tickets. Instead, I got laid off because the economy went in the toilet and my bosses (who I wasn't getting along with at the time anyway) decided it had to be me since I was leaving anyway. Then the volcano in Sweden(?) blew up and grounded flights for days on end, raising the cost of tickets, and the final kicker was it was Memorial Day over here in the states, and that is an expensive time to travel anyway. The flight jumped from $2000 up to $4500.
I was out of a job, out of money and out of a home. I have been in transit ever since. I only just two months ago found a job (10 months unemployed). I also contracted a horrible infection that has more than likely left me barren (docs words, not mine) and was agonizingly painful and cost an arm and a leg. I've lost all but about three of my friends and become a total recluse and my entire faith belief system has come crashing to the ground.
My severly mentally ill/psychotic sibling has turned up again after 7 years of being missing and I am now responsible for helping him out since my father refuses to have anything to do with him and my Mom lives so far away. I have moved into a state of blank. There's so much more, but I think you get the jist.
Anyway, the bottom line is that for us with 1st to 4th house squares, it's very personal. These houses and everything between are all about US specifically. The plus side is that where others are absolutely laid out by these transits, those of us that have this mix natally are well prepared the lumps as they come with our every day territory.
On a side note, I can't say that this is all a manifestation of Saturn squaring my Sun or just my Saturn Return. It could also be T. Saturn on my Asc, squaring T. Pluto on my IC and applying towards my Sun.