Transiting Uranus conj. Ascendant

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Well textbooks will say you will start to feel stirrings within a 7 degree orb. For me personally the closer it gets.... like three or four degrees the "language" of the planet begins to "whisper in my ear" so to speak making it difficult to ignore.
Pay attention to your feelings as you follow its trip in the ephemeris. Then you will know exactly how you respond orb wise.
You will not feel the Uranian sense of urgency when it is moving off of your ascendant and journeys on and settles into the first. (Again the textbooks give an orb of 7 degrees separating) By then you have received the message, made the changes and go on with your life as usual. Uranus transits just give us the courage to make changes we ordinarily would not make. Uranus is the Great Awakener.
Thanks to all for your replies and teaching me so much about Uranus!!!...I've been off the forum for a while due to "unexpected" events that were not pleasant. The rest of my transits are giving me some grief but I do have to say that Uranus is inspiring a light in the storm...although I feel I can't change...Uranus is giving me hope. It is truley the "great awakener"....and being in my 5th natally it keeps the songs coming. I like to write heals alot. Let's off a lot of steam.
Best to all,


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Uranus just crossed over my ascendant and i am grateful to have heard what you are all saying! I have been very nervous, claustrophobic, and the other day I literally did three hours of yoga and dancing straight with so much energy. I feel pretty caged in and irritated by anyone telling me what to do and I find myself waking up at odd hours staring at the ceiling and walking around the house. Meanwhile, Saturn on my descendant in Virgo seems to be eliminating all the relationships I have built over the years and I am also having to patiently respond to lot more requests by people I am meeting asking me to have better discernment with people and understand what is a burden and what is truly my responsibility. Because I want independence so badly, Uranus is located in Scorpio 8th house for me, and now it is transiting in to aries, I am all over the map about what I want in a partner and what sexuality means to me. One minute I am in to traditional values and marriage and the next I want to meet a partner who is different and has no limits on me.
Oh boy - tr. Uranus was conjunct my Ascendant in mid-2003(natally it is in my 4th house, conjunct the Sun, and ruling my 12th). Anyhow, I could feel this coming even BEFOREHAND, as in knowing in my very bones that something REALLY REALLY had to change, most notably where we were living, and that it wasn't going to just involve moving up the street either. When it went retrograde that year, and met Mars, we were on our first trip to Hawaii, where I suffered a freak back injury that took a long time to heal, and the key to healing was spiritually-based and shamanic in nature(12th-house). But as far as our living situation, between 2003-late 2006, we were in an endless loop of moving from one place to another in our small village where we were living at the time. It wasn't until the collective Jupiter-Uranus trine(where Uranus was definitely into my 1st)that we had an amazing stroke of good luck that allowed us to move back to San Francisco and not have to pay insane rent, and into a fabulous neighborhood besides. Needless to say, we have been very happy. The whole move went incredibly smoothly, and since I have been back here(we lived here for many years before going out to New Mexico which was pretty much an amazing experience in itself), I've let my hair grow some and more unusual styling, as well as letting my inventive side come out more with clothing. I also got back into my painting, as well as continuing with my digital arts. I'm more involved with the Internet than ever, since we have high-speed here(out in NM it was the slow-boat-to-China dial-up).
So, yes, big changes happen! I did have to wait a long time though!
I have a Pisces ascendant and Uranus recently crossed over. I feel a strong urge to start all over with everything in my life.....and so I'm so ready for a change. I also joined a gym and trying to get in better shape. I read it's a good time to "reinvent yourself". I would like to hear how others with this transit are dealing w/ it.
Uranus will soon go to Aries and I cant wait. I had it through my first house and affecting my 4th of home and domestic conditions and I had a breakdown with my Uranus in Gemini. I lost my home, my mother and my sister and had to start again and all alone......But as my Uranus is basically well aspected I managed to come through it all. It can mean a lot of upheaval and disruption and we must learn to expect the unexpected. If yours is well aspected it can bring changes for the good. IN the first house it can mean a big change to your image and the way you appear to the world. So good luck.
Uranus just crossed over my ascendant and i am grateful to have heard what you are all saying! I have been very nervous, claustrophobic, and the other day I literally did three hours of yoga and dancing straight with so much energy. I feel pretty caged in and irritated by anyone telling me what to do and I find myself waking up at odd hours staring at the ceiling and walking around the house. Meanwhile, Saturn on my descendant in Virgo seems to be eliminating all the relationships I have built over the years and I am also having to patiently respond to lot more requests by people I am meeting asking me to have better discernment with people and understand what is a burden and what is truly my responsibility. Because I want independence so badly, Uranus is located in Scorpio 8th house for me, and now it is transiting in to aries, I am all over the map about what I want in a partner and what sexuality means to me. One minute I am in to traditional values and marriage and the next I want to meet a partner who is different and has no limits on me.
Yes Uranus will do that!!! It brings change whether we welcome it or not and it is best to go with it. It can affect our nerves and everything feels uncertain and unpredictable. You seem to have a handle on it as much as is possible and it can be that you prefer to be alone i.e. without a committed relationship right now. Sometimes Saturn on the descendant can bring a later life relationship that is based on reality and with someone quite a bit older or younger.....There may be a business partnership formed too. In Virgo it is suggestive of work relationship and for practical reasons.

All the best
Does anyone have experience with Uranus Transiting the ASC AND squaring the MC/IC at the same? I have early cardinal on all 4 houses and really kind of worried about these transits. So far, I lost my job 14 months and havn't gotten another, had an on and off relationship that just broke up again, hate the area I live in, and money is running out and feeling like i am going to loose my mind if somethng good doesn't happen for me soon. I am also seriously thinking of letting my mortgage go and living in my home for as long as possible without paying. Uranus is in my 6th house natally and conjunct Pluto and square Venus, and oppose Jupiter. I don't mind change, but it's the terrible change that is happening that is getting unbearable.
Uranus will soon go to Aries and I cant wait. I had it through my first house and affecting my 4th of home and domestic conditions and I had a breakdown with my Uranus in Gemini. I lost my home, my mother and my sister and had to start again and all alone......But as my Uranus is basically well aspected I managed to come through it all. It can mean a lot of upheaval and disruption and we must learn to expect the unexpected. If yours is well aspected it can bring changes for the good. IN the first house it can mean a big change to your image and the way you appear to the world. So good luck.
Claire was the T Uranus squaring your 4th cusp or planets in the 4th when this happened?
hmm TUranus is transiting through my first house also and squared my natal moon on Gemini at 28 degrees in my fourth..all the while TSaturn also opposing uranus from my 7th, bith squaring my moon..hmm lets see i ve reached a boilng point to say the least and things got soo messy that i finally "LET GO and Let Love" was when i surrendered that i finally started breathing normal again..only with a whole new perspective..out with old and in with the new..
I did find however that three women (like minded individuals) came into my life and are now working with me holistically kind of Uranian style maybe thats the Uranus in Pisces sqauring my Gemini moon...

it was not easy at all..but i have learned and processed a whole lot and all with a new and better perspective than before. I do feel as iff a huge veil has been lifted and i can see much more clearly. I am greatful for this, it was no walk in park but i kept my faith that the Divine has our best intersts at heart and somtimes we need to go though such things Hard transits to come out better for the long run.
I wish you all love light and truth
Does anyone have experience with Uranus Transiting the ASC AND squaring the MC/IC at the same? I have early cardinal on all 4 houses and really kind of worried about these transits. So far, I lost my job 14 months and havn't gotten another, had an on and off relationship that just broke up again, hate the area I live in, and money is running out and feeling like i am going to loose my mind if somethng good doesn't happen for me soon. I am also seriously thinking of letting my mortgage go and living in my home for as long as possible without paying. Uranus is in my 6th house natally and conjunct Pluto and square Venus, and oppose Jupiter. I don't mind change, but it's the terrible change that is happening that is getting unbearable.

Be careful it doesn't affect your health, try or attempt meditation if you can, deep breathing exercises may help.

Transits to Angles are usually 'external' and painful --- for example
When T Uranus hit my MC my first marriage started breaking down, same time T Pluto opp Moon. On the Retrograde hit of Uranus I filed for divorce, first hit spoke to solicitor, but reconciled til next hit...

T Saturn hit my MC when my first husband after divorce decided to disappear and avoid paying maintenance. This put me on the benefit system for 12months until I tracked him down. I ended in Court 4x to get an attachment on his earnings..... not a nice time

When T Pluto hit my MC my father died, same time T Pluto conj my mothers sun..

When T Uranus went over my Asc it then squared my sun, venus and then mercury stellium in 4th. Uranus is my chart ruler in 7th square to sun/moon also. But in reality they didn't do as much damage as Uranus hard aspect to Angles. The 'internal' effects of transits are felt moreso between the ears and in the heart than externally... :sad:
Be careful it doesn't affect your health, try or attempt meditation if you can, deep breathing exercises may help.

Transits to Angles are usually 'external' and painful --- for example
When T Uranus hit my MC my first marriage started breaking down, same time T Pluto opp Moon. On the Retrograde hit of Uranus I filed for divorce, first hit spoke to solicitor, but reconciled til next hit...

T Saturn hit my MC when my first husband after divorce decided to disappear and avoid paying maintenance. This put me on the benefit system for 12months until I tracked him down. I ended in Court 4x to get an attachment on his earnings..... not a nice time

When T Pluto hit my MC my father died, same time T Pluto conj my mothers sun..

When T Uranus went over my Asc it then squared my sun, venus and then mercury stellium in 4th. Uranus is my chart ruler in 7th square to sun/moon also. But in reality they didn't do as much damage as Uranus hard aspect to Angles. The 'internal' effects of transits are felt moreso between the ears and in the heart than externally... :sad:

Thank you for the reply. Yes, I can understand the "external event" situation. I can see my mental health suffering in that I feel like a tight rubber band about ready to snap. I lost half my hair earlier this year because of stress. What is the most distressing is that i know this is just the beginning of what's to come with Uranus just beginning it's transit to my angles. I also have Saturn and Uranus coming up later to T square both my Sun and Moon opposition from the 10th/4th. The first go around with Saturn will square my Moon for 3 months! I do worry that my mother will pass away...father is already gone.
I also have Saturn and Uranus coming up later to T square both my Sun and Moon opposition from the 10th/4th. The first go around with Saturn will square my Moon for 3 months! I do worry that my mother will pass away...father is already gone.

Oh Vista..i feel for you with the mother situation also..T uranus is squaring my moon now along with T Saturn both at the same time..My natal moon os ruler of my 5 but placed in my fourth..My own mother just decided to take a vacation to the weirdest and most dangerous place...UNEXECPECTEDLY! She is determined and it is really out of her character..we are all worried, and oh boy am i feeling the T Saturn square to my moon also..feeling very depressed and have a short fuse..on another note which i am a bit paranoid about is that my moon which is being squared from both Uranus and Saturn rules my 5 so you can imagine my overproctevtness over my children..i am all to nervous and keep reaffirming that all is well and in Divine Order..
another note about Uranus crossing over my asc...many people around me started telling me that i was "crazy" for my very open and different way of thinking and acting...but i firmly believe that we all grow from this..with more wisdom and peace in the end..hopefully.
I wish you well, and pray for our mothers...:) but something we should be grateful for is Jupiter coming up right behind uranus..hopefully making the "blow" less intense or more creative..:)
Oh Vista..i feel for you with the mother situation also..T uranus is squaring my moon now along with T Saturn both at the same time..My natal moon os ruler of my 5 but placed in my fourth..My own mother just decided to take a vacation to the weirdest and most dangerous place...UNEXECPECTEDLY! She is determined and it is really out of her character..we are all worried, and oh boy am i feeling the T Saturn square to my moon also..feeling very depressed and have a short fuse..on another note which i am a bit paranoid about is that my moon which is being squared from both Uranus and Saturn rules my 5 so you can imagine my overproctevtness over my children..i am all to nervous and keep reaffirming that all is well and in Divine Order..
another note about Uranus crossing over my asc...many people around me started telling me that i was "crazy" for my very open and different way of thinking and acting...but i firmly believe that we all grow from this..with more wisdom and peace in the end..hopefully.

I wish you well, and pray for our mothers...:) but something we should be grateful for is Jupiter coming up right behind uranus..hopefully making the "blow" less intense or more creative..:)

Thank you kindly for your warm response! Honestly, the only thing I see Jupiter accomplishing with it's transit of my ASC and squaring the DES is weight gain.:pinched:

I think Uranus is already affecting my outlook as I seem to be becoming more radical in my views, especially whe it comes to politics.

Yes, lets pray for our mothers, she is the only person I have left in my immediate family with no children or spouse of my own. It's very scary to feel alone.
Hi Vista,

about TUranus and T Saturn coming up to square your moon, well they did and are currently squaring my moon and T Saturn this is the second go around with it retro..speaking from my experience when i resisted these powerful enegies it made things a whole harder to then i calmed myself down and tried to stay centered as much as possible and i actually spent a lot more time alone filtering through it all, when i did that it made the transits much easier to deal with and i kept repeating "this too shall pass" and i always looked for the better of it all. I can honestly say that i did grow and am growing so much more than where i was before. I cant stress that enough now looking back in retrospect i am greatful for those "Lessons" as they made and are currently making life much more pleasant and beautiful. You kind of start to understand things on a universal level and stop sweating the small stuff with the energy and it will help you rid yourself of what no longer serves a purpose for your higher really did this all for myself. I love Uranus except for the fact that 90% of my electrical appliances (washer, electrical wiring, hair dryers, mobile phones all went berzerk, but that also happened as there was faultiness in it all.).Just have faith and truly believe that our glorious planets have a bigger plan in mind for our growth.
Life gets much much better after this transit and once your done you will look back on your old life and ask your self how you could tolerate such a lifestyle b4..:biggrin: i still ask myslef that question..just remember to breathe and nurture yourself first and always. REMOVE ALL FEAR.
I wish you well Vista.
Vista & Millionora,

sorry to hear you are expecting the worst. I don't beleive there is a 'death signature' or formula, cos quite a few things could 'suggest' possibilities and there's no point in living in 'fear' or what might happen or letting astrology rule your life.

Again I would look more towards the Angles, when T Pluto conj my MC my father died, same time T Pluto conj my mother's sun sign. Also transits to 8th house and 4th can show endings of some sort. I have heard (but not proven) that Saturn/Mars midpoint can be death midpoint, so if pluto were on this -- possibly. No one has an 'oracle' or hotline upstairs, sometimes I think it's important we live in ignorance and we would be paralyzed by it all.
Hi Vista,

about TUranus and T Saturn coming up to square your moon, well they did and are currently squaring my moon and T Saturn this is the second go around with it retro..speaking from my experience when i resisted these powerful enegies it made things a whole harder to then i calmed myself down and tried to stay centered as much as possible and i actually spent a lot more time alone filtering through it all, when i did that it made the transits much easier to deal with and i kept repeating "this too shall pass" and i always looked for the better of it all. I can honestly say that i did grow and am growing so much more than where i was before. I cant stress that enough now looking back in retrospect i am greatful for those "Lessons" as they made and are currently making life much more pleasant and beautiful. You kind of start to understand things on a universal level and stop sweating the small stuff with the energy and it will help you rid yourself of what no longer serves a purpose for your higher really did this all for myself. I love Uranus except for the fact that 90% of my electrical appliances (washer, electrical wiring, hair dryers, mobile phones all went berzerk, but that also happened as there was faultiness in it all.).Just have faith and truly believe that our glorious planets have a bigger plan in mind for our growth.
Life gets much much better after this transit and once your done you will look back on your old life and ask your self how you could tolerate such a lifestyle b4..:biggrin: i still ask myslef that question..just remember to breathe and nurture yourself first and always. REMOVE ALL FEAR.
I wish you well Vista.

Again, thank you for the encouraging words. I suppose living in fear of what's to come is silly, but I am just so burdened with what's going on in my life right now I just can't handle anything more...and I know there is more to come. :pinched: I do believe that when it's all said and done, my life will be completely different than is was which I hope will be liberating. The universe is pushing me to change major things in my life right now, so I guess fighting it will just make this change harder.

Thank you again,
Vista & Millionora,

sorry to hear you are expecting the worst. I don't beleive there is a 'death signature' or formula, cos quite a few things could 'suggest' possibilities and there's no point in living in 'fear' or what might happen or letting astrology rule your life.

Again I would look more towards the Angles, when T Pluto conj my MC my father died, same time T Pluto conj my mother's sun sign. Also transits to 8th house and 4th can show endings of some sort. I have heard (but not proven) that Saturn/Mars midpoint can be death midpoint, so if pluto were on this -- possibly. No one has an 'oracle' or hotline upstairs, sometimes I think it's important we live in ignorance and we would be paralyzed by it all.

I know you are right, sometimes I get a little obsessed with astrology and will go years into my future to see "what's happening." I suppose it's really no way to live.
The Saturn/Mars midpoint doesn't point to anything at this time. It is in my 8th house in Scorpio conjunct Neptune and Part of Mother. My mother is Scorpio and in a couple of years Saturn will transit the 8th.:sad:

I think the hardest part is that ALL my angles are affected, thus affecting every major area of my life. I know that i am not the only one out there, but it's bad enough with it just touching either the ASC/DES or the MC/IS, but to have both....Ugh!!!:sick:

Thanks again Astrologer50!
I am Pisces rising 18 degrees. I was very aware that Saturn was in the mix too. I would say I've had that same urge to ditch it all and start all over again. But the 3 planets I have in Virgo kept me grounded....barely! lol~ I have also been working on physical self improvement...yet not as hard as I SHOULD be working....but that's the goal.

Now with Uranus at Pisces 29 it is in opposition to my natal Mercury in Virgo 29.

I will also add that this particular Mercury retrograde has kicked my butt more than ANY I've ever experienced. My phones at home and cell have not rang when they should've....I've had missed calls. It's about a 3 step process to turn off the ringer and not something that would happen by bumping around in a purse. I even have a flip phone to prevent that happening.

I am also curious about my daughters Aries moon 3 degrees to see what happens to ME when everything hits on her moon. I'm at work so can't show her chart. Do any of y'all look at your kids charts to see what is on tap for yourselves?

She has:

Sun Taurus 27°47'07 in house 6 direct
Moon Aries 2°19'09 in house 4 direct
Mercury Gemini 15°01'05 in house 7direct
Venus Aries 16°26'52 in house 4 direct
Mars Libra 0°42'30 in house 10 direct
Jupiter Scorpio 2°40'57 in house 11 retrograde
Saturn Libra 16°14'30 in house 10 retrograde
Uranus Sagittarius 2°49'51 in house 12 retrograde
Neptune Sagittarius 26°24'45 in house 1 retrograde
Pluto Libra 24°40'37 in house 11 retrograde
True Node Cancer 14°24'57 in house 8 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Sagittarius 10°46'26
2nd House Capricorn 11°54'26
3rd House Aquarius 16°10'15
Imum Coeli Pisces 20°46'34
5th House Aries 21°40'11
6th House Taurus 17°45'20
Descendant Gemini 10°46'26
8th House Cancer 11°54'26
9th House Leo 16°10'15
Medium Coeli Virgo 20°46'34
11th House Libra 21°40'11
12th House Scorpio 17°45'20
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Amy, Most of us here are visual and any transit will 'set off' the natal planet, so how is here moon aspected and from which houses are affected?

If her Moon is 5th house it could be sudden romance (depending on age of course) if she's 5 or 10years old maybe a fall out with a BF, or difference of opinion with mum. More than usual impatience and impulsiveness. There's not like an Aries for me, me me first.....
Amy, Most of us here are visual and any transit will 'set off' the natal planet, so how is here moon aspected and from which houses are affected?

If her Moon is 5th house it could be sudden romance (depending on age of course) if she's 5 or 10 years old maybe a fall out with a BF, or difference of opinion with mum. More than usual impatience and impulsiveness. There's not like an Aries for me, me me first.....

Yes and if I'd remembered this last night I would've posted the chart. Now I'm at work again and can't. lol.

I also use whole houses Astrologer50 and see her moon (and Venus) in her 5th whole house. She is dating a fella 14 years older than her who has transferred with his military to Kuwait for two years. She is supposed to go see him this summer and is working out passport details on her 7 year old son, my grandson. His Dad is not wanting to sign the paperwork. Now she's hired an attorney as this Dad is in jail on drug charges. (My daughter does NO drugs and barely drinks btw....they haven't been together for years now) I am thinking she'll win the case as they've printed out his rap sheet and it's not looking good for the Dad tho great for her case. I am betting my daughter marries this man who is currently in Kuwait. He's been after her for over a year now...bought her an engagement ring, etc.

I don't see us having a falling out. We talk daily (with her in Texas and me in Florida) and even when we disagree we agree to disagree without major flack....but I can see her moving to Kuwait for a year til this fella can come back to the states.