Turned Chart and Part of Vocation

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Nov 11, 2014
I have been a student of Astrology for around 40 years but just since I retired I have taken a keen interest in horary. I am currently plodding my way through John Frawley's basic text, The Horary Textbook. A friend has just changed vocational paths. I asked for an horary about his prospects on his new path. He did not ask me to ask the question. I did so partly out of my own interest and partly to have an example chart to work with as I studied Frawley's material. So far so good, then. I realized that to get an accurate reading I had to turn the chart because I couldn't use the ruler of the ascendent to signify him when I was the querent. Because he is a friend I used the 11th house ruler for his significator and turned the chart so the 11th house is his first house. Done! Now I wish to look at the Part of Vocation which is calculated from MC. Problem is how do I find the MC of the turned chart so I can get an accurate answer? Or do I use the MC of the radix chart?

Thanks for any and all replies.

Their are a couple of problems here - you should never do a vocational chart without having some idea of what the querent wants to do - does he want to do accounting - look at Mercury. Does he want to do acting - turned fifth. We don't turn the chart for the 10th because technically there isn't a job - just the concept of one. Once you have the significators - you can compare then 11th house ruler -keeping in mind their dignity. If you must do this without the querent having any options then you can consider Merc, Venus and Mars respectively - for example Mars is currently in Taurus doing anything Martian may not be the best (even if he is the moon - he may enjoy it immensely) If you have neither then you can just look at the Part and see what comes up and bounce things around - considering his age, condition and so on. There's a small section at the end of the horary textbook that should help you.
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Thank you, Aqualovebot. His new path is in acting and entertainment. Sorry I neglected to mention that. He has already embarked on the path with a few gigs as an "extra" and courses in film. He recently went through his 1st Saturn return and left a job in marketing to pursue his interest in entertainment. He seems very happy in his progress. I personally have no misgivings. I thought it would be a safe area to ask about and apply what I am learning. Unless something stands out as a warning I don't intend sharing what I learn with him. He knows I am studying astrology but beyond that doesn't take any interest in the subject himself. First I used the 11th to find his significator. I turned it to the 11th. I assume I would use the fifth house from the 11th to signify his new vocational path. You seem to be saying I should turn the chart to the radical 5th which I would do if he himself had asked the question. I had just finished Frawley's chapter on parts and thought that trying to find the vocational part for this chart would be a useful exercise. That is why I was wondering about the turned MC, which is used in the equation. Sorry I wasn't clearer about my motives and again, thank you for your reply.
Thank you, Aqualovebot. His new path is in acting and entertainment. Sorry I neglected to mention that. He has already embarked on the path with a few gigs as an "extra" and courses in film. He recently went through his 1st Saturn return and left a job in marketing to pursue his interest in entertainment. He seems very happy in his progress. I personally have no misgivings. I thought it would be a safe area to ask about and apply what I am learning. Unless something stands out as a warning I don't intend sharing what I learn with him. He knows I am studying astrology but beyond that doesn't take any interest in the subject himself.
I don't even think you need to attack this as a Vocational question as it really is - will my friend be able to make it as an actor? So look at the reception between lord 10, lord 11 (the money from the career) and him. Their are other things to take in consideration - is it in a fertile sign, does it have dignity, etc
First I used the 11th to find his significator. I turned it to the 11th. I assume I would use the fifth house from the 11th to signify his new vocational path. You seem to be saying I should turn the chart to the radical 5th which I would do if he himself had asked the question.
No I'm saying the turned 5th from the 11th - if you continue to use this as a Vocational Question
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