Two charts - Will we be together in the future?

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The first chart, has ruler of the 4th of endings is exactly conjunct the 7th cusp. Uranus is the planet of freedom, and sudden events. In fact, you say you weren't expecting it.
The Venus/mars square has no mutual reception.
Romantic but deceptive and illusive Neptune is on the cusp of the 5th of love affairs.
Also in the 5th is Chiron, wounded healer of lessons to be learned, and moon approaches in opposition.
The second chart has moon void of course, taking no action.
Mercury on the 7th rules his 2nd of money, and by sign virgo is intercepted in the house, so it is under wraps and not coming out to the light, and mercury rules his 12th.
He may be having financial problems.
You as Saturn are in a strong position, but looking backwards, contemplating the past.
Chart 1 I've looked at an Arabic lot for reconciliation, which falls @ 24° Virgo. None of the significators apply to this lot. The lot is also in a pitted degree, blocked. So as for getting back together properly and having any potential future together, its a No.

Chart 2As for if he's thinking about you. He moon is in your first applying to you Saturn, and his 3rd ruler Mercury is angular in cancer dispositor moon applying to you Saturn. So as for if he is thinking about you, he is thinking about you.
Regarding his actual thoughts about you, which is represented by the moon in Capricorn, Moon in detriment in your house means disappointment and regrets about you in his thoughts.
Careful, the moon in the (first) chart is just trine Saturn, also ruler of the 4th.
That happens before the sun trine.
So, where is the moon/sun trine taking place? Friendship, hopes and wishes towards his money house. Female emotions approaching male ego.
The sun will square you, mars.
Eyes open, mars, be realistic, try not to be influenced by Neptune.