Typical Chat Thread

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2014
Here is how a usual post in the chat section goes:

Random poster:"Hi guys what type of pizza do you like?"

UKPBR replies:"As long as is a vegan option I am ok with any!"

blackbery replies:"Pizza is a conspiracy from the evil cabal to control us all through altered cheese that poisons our mind"

waybread replies:"no @blackbery, that is russian disinformation, because CNN actually made an article about .... (one thousand words later) .... and since the time of the civil war we know that cheese has appropiate qualities ... (10 internet links later) ..... and so that is why abortion must be legal."

JUPASC replies: /size 1000 [ÌMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][/COLOR]

[COLOR=Blue][COLOR=DarkRed]Oddity replies: "Well, I like pepperoni ... but here in Canada..."[/COLOR][/COLOR]

[COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Orange][COLOR=Sienna]david starling replies: --(insert one liner dad joke)-- !!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]blackbery replies:"HA! @waybread you are so wrong! here is the reason --- (insert long text)! --- Trump will return in 2024"[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Purple]Dirius replies: [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Purple][ÌMG] + silly one liner[/COLOR][/COLOR]

[COLOR=Green]waybread replies:"@Dirius that meme is racist. Are you aware of the struggles of (insert random minority)face in the current state of society? I am reporting that image as a personal attack. Also are you aware that? ... (3000 words later) .... also @blackbery you need to know that (5000 words later) ... because the struggle of women (post 20 links to random articles)."[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Green][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Blaze replies: -- (insert joke mocking society) + unrelated random video link -- [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]chiamaria replies: "I disagree with everything waybread said and will say in future posts"[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Purple]Dirius replies: (long and boring rant against taxes on pizza) -- (9000 words later) -- economic charts [ÌMG] + [ÌMG][/COLOR]

[COLOR=Magenta]UKPBR replies:"can we stop with the politics! the animals are getting upset!"[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkOrchid][COLOR=Olive]Bunraku replies:" --(random statement about life)-- " + smiley face[/COLOR][/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkOrchid]leomoon replies:"here is the astrological chart for pizza and it shows .. [/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOrchid][ÌMG](1000 words later) ... (insert long story of family members who liked pizza & who didn't) + (CNN link showing why Trump eats pizza the wrong way)"[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOrchid]
[COLOR=Magenta][COLOR=DimGray]Osamenor replies:"I have edited some posts attacking other members. Please continue trashing each other with respect!"[/COLOR][/COLOR]
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Osamenor replies, "Post moved to Chat. Off topic for a Help With Forums and Suggestions thread."

VERY funny Dirius BUT I never said Trump would return in 2024; it will be sooner than that...maybe after the mid-terms with his majority Patriot House & Senate.

The country cannot last until 2024 with the Xiden Marxist Regime.

Literally, the country will not survive that long unless Trump steps in.

VERY funny Dirius BUT I never said Trump would return in 2024; it will be sooner than that...maybe after the mid-terms with his majority Patriot House & Senate.

The country cannot last until 2024 with the Xiden Marxist Regime.

Literally, the country will not survive that long unless Trump steps in.

Dirius got everyone's posting style down so perfectly! :lol::lol::lol:
Yep, he did. Can I add one more?


Pizza is actually derived from the Babylonian period where they used it in their secret meetings to discuss theology and philosophy.
(3000 words later)

HUGE PURPLE FONT posting a random astrology degree Sabian Symbol.

Then another 2000 words.

Then a prayer about Yeshua.
What about Wilsontc - ‘pizza is a type of food from Italy with a round base of dough topped WITH tomatoes AND cheese, explaining, Tim’ :lol:
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Here is how a usual post in the chat section goes:

Random poster:"Hi guys what type of pizza do you like?"

JUPASC replies: /size 1000 [ÌMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][/COLOR]

[B][COLOR=Magenta][COLOR=DimGray]Osamenor replies:"I have edited some posts attacking other members.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=Magenta][COLOR=DimGray] Please continue trashing each other with respect!"[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B]


[COLOR=Navy][B]Siriusly keep in mind cheese pizza [/B][/COLOR] :smile:


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My legs are literally so sore from dancing in the woods for the majority of daylight, but every day I fall deeper in love with nature :love: If y'all have been wondering where I've beeen