Understanding Past-Lives through our natal charts

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May 19, 2011
United States
Ive been researching this quite a lot lately, and unfortunately, Im not finding too much information on it...

What influences in our natal charts can indicate past lives?

Besides our South Node / 4th house + aspects and rulers, what else can show or indicate past lives, re-incarnation, soul age, soul experience, etc?

(i.e. certain Node axles, degrees, Moon aspects..?)

Do you know of anything else to look for besides one's South Node?
I've basically given up on using charts to study any life other than the one you're currently living. The one thing I keep reminding myself is that out of all these proposed/traditional methods of deriving such information from a chart, there is no way to test any of them! If you're wrong, how would you know? If you're right, how would you know? If somebody just wrote a book because they wanted to sell a book, how could you tell the difference between near-random bull and helpful data? Besides, even if you could somehow derive/find the natal chart of your last incarnation, you still wouldn't know all the details and manifestations in that life. How could that information help you now? I would love to be able to read these things from someone's chart, but I just don't think that it would ever be helpful. It's a curiosity.
I always find the South Node and aspects to it to be the strongest indicator of any past life influences.
Recently I've started looking at Transpluto/Isis which seems to have a connection to past lives also -more research needed..
The indicators of past lifes are the 10th/11th houses (between south node and ascendant-the most recent one is the 12th sign or house), then to find your story or lessons you experienced in your past life: go to the 2nd or 3rd houses close to the North Node and/or Imum coeli), and future destinies in next lifes are the 6th and 7th houses (descendant).

Pay special attention for those with planetary transits or the presence of a natal sun or moon in the 5th and 8th houses (the 5th about procreation and birth, then the 8th on death or ascension to heaven), then find the true node like the south node is what's your missions are (or you have a second change) in your present life, and/or their 1st (rising) and 9th (facing Mid-heaven) houses foretells your goal in completing your karmic profile in the end times whenever it will be.
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In the vedic systems, one of the divisional charts is supposed to tell you about past life. I think it might be the D12.
Ive been researching this quite a lot lately, and unfortunately, Im not finding too much information on it...

What influences in our natal charts can indicate past lives?

Besides our South Node / 4th house + aspects and rulers, what else can show or indicate past lives, re-incarnation, soul age, soul experience, etc?

(i.e. certain Node axles, degrees, Moon aspects..?)

Do you know of anything else to look for besides one's South Node?
Aspects can indicate past life karma. I read "astrology and your past lives - Jeanne Avery". It says that saturn in 12th or 1st can indicate a heavy karma. Hard aspects from saturn also indicate heavy karma. One of her clients, a doctor, with saturn in 12th underwent past life regression and saw himself as an irresponsible ruler of a small principality in medieval germany. The subjects suffered due to the ruler's carelessness - and thus he had heavy karma.
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"If you want to know your past life,
Look into your present condition;
If you want to know your future life,
Look at your present actions."


Twelfth Harmonic.
"This is the chart of fate or destiny,of past karma.It is said traditionally to indicate the parents;but it stands for past karma and conditioning generally (including hereditary factors) and shows past life influences.It is often used as an index of the last the last life and can be as something like the birth chart of the last incarnation.It indicates what the soul brings with it into this life and what can be discovered by a deeper probing into our psyche.It often shows us the karmic reason for our particular character and destiny in life."

Source: The Astrology of the Seers.A comprehensive guide to Vedic Astrology,by David Frawley.
THANK YOU everyone for responding! :biggrin:
You've all raised some very important points... (and many things that Ive not considered yet, like the harmonic and divisional charts, 12th house, Transpluto and Isis)

Aspects can indicate past life karma. I read "astrology and your past lives - Jeanne Avery". It says that saturn in 12th or 1st can indicate a heavy karma. Hard aspects from saturn also indicate heavy karma. One of her clients, a doctor, with saturn in 12th underwent past life regression and saw himself as an irresponsible ruler of a small principality in medieval germany. The subjects suffered due to the ruler's carelessness - and thus he had heavy karma.

Its interesting that you mentioned Saturn, Carris!

I also keep seeing a strong correlation between Saturn and soul experience / past lives.

Especially Saturn trining, conjuncting or sextiling your Moon, Sun, IC/South Node or Ascendant. And even Capricorn influence with other planets; Moon, Jupiter and 4th house in Capricorn especially has been said to be quite "experienced" with many lifetimes..

Which really makes sense being that Saturn not only represents heavy karma, but is typically seen as the experienced, wise (if somber) aged, old man too..
Its interesting that you mentioned Saturn, Carris!

I also keep seeing a strong correlation between Saturn and soul experience/past lives.

(CAP=I felt the same way, the Mars/Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Virgo lies opposite my Sun-Moon and Mercury in Pisces close to Venus in Aries-the 10th house opposite Pluto in Libra-the 4th house, indicates problems in romances and marriages in my past lives: To repeatedly experience a bad streak of luck when it comes to romantic relationships is bad karma.)

Especially Saturn trining, conjuncting or sextiling your Moon, Sun, IC/South Node or Ascendant. And even Capricorn influence with other planets; Moon, Jupiter and 4th house in Capricorn especially has been said to be quite "experienced" with many lifetimes..
(CAP=I have Saturn in Virgo coupled with Lilith at about 25-26 deg. about to make a transit to the 4th house/Libra, where it starts at 3 deg. Libra. The Moon represents my natal Cancer ascending on the opposite with the detriment in Capricorn, my natal descending, under the 8th house where the Moon 5 degrees of the Sun: Aquarius, like Capricorn ruled by Saturn and the Saturnian barrier of time is also a barrier of Mars strength and Jovial luck: starting in my true node to Pluto: not the best of karma.)

Which really makes sense being that Saturn not only represents heavy karma, but is typically seen as the experienced, wise (if somber) aged, old man too..[/QUOTE]
(CAP= The Moon like Lilith, Venus, Ceres and I came to think Chiron or my True Node have feminine aspects, or a small minority of my estimated 12 past lives were as women. Lilith has a somewhat unfavorable effect and the True Node is my experience in life as someone able to keep "her" vows as a housewife, and the Moon close to my Sun is negativity on my double gender existence: the age of Pisces of subservience of women gaves way to a more pleasant era of gender relations: the age of Aquarius where I'm alive now-a young straight male- has a fairly strong but "equal" sun of an egalitarian man shall protect not dominate his female domestic partner.)
Test Case.

Osel Hita y Torres,declared to be the reincarnation of Tibetan Buddhist master,Lama Thubten Yeshe.
Torres,born 12, February,1985,7.40 pm MET,Bubio,Granada Spain.3W21,36N57.
Lama Yeshe,15 May,1935,5.00 am LMT,Lhasa,Tibet,91E09,29N40.

Lama Yeshe died of heart failure in Los Angeles 4 March,1984,5.07 pm.

Source.Charles Harvey,D.F.Astrol.S.

THANK YOU everyone for responding! :biggrin:
You've all raised some very important points... (and many things that Ive not considered yet, like the harmonic and divisional charts, 12th house, Transpluto and Isis)

Its interesting that you mentioned Saturn, Carris!

I also keep seeing a strong correlation between Saturn and soul experience / past lives.

Especially Saturn trining, conjuncting or sextiling your Moon, Sun, IC/South Node or Ascendant. And even Capricorn influence with other planets; Moon, Jupiter and 4th house in Capricorn especially has been said to be quite "experienced" with many lifetimes..

Which really makes sense being that Saturn not only represents heavy karma, but is typically seen as the experienced, wise (if somber) aged, old man too..

A Piscies Saturn trines both my sun and moon(both in cancer) which conjuct eachother. Saturn for me rules the 12th house as well. Makes sense since Saturn (Chronos, Nimrod, Set, Satan) is known as the greater malefic and Lord of Time and Karma. I also have Capricorn Uranus conj. Neptune in the 10th. MC is also in Cap. I know my soul has been here quite a while although I am only 17. My Numerology shows this. The Lord of Time makes it easier as you progress karmicly maybe?

Okay the rest is mainly what I intuitively feel based on my own life journey.
I recommend an open minded approach to what I am saying.

At this point in my life I try to deviate from Saturnic energies as they seem to perpeuate the current meme (system) and disconnect humanity from its natural state of conciousness, infinite love, peace of mind, and timelessness. Saturns energies impose a more left-brained male dominant society that strives to retain traditional values while locking souls into a 5 sense reality based on traditional values. This not natural evolution. Saturnic symbolism is everywhere and female vibratory (right brain energies) tend to be suppressed throughout society. Also the black cube represents Saturn and is a male symbol. During graduation you wear a black gown with a square hat. Judges and lawyers both wear black. Police sport saturnic garb and masonic tiles (squares) are in courtrooms. Soviet flag had saturnic symbolism just as star of david is literally Saturn. It is all a play on energy and it works pretty **** well as the sole purpose of Saturns energetic propulsion by the powers that be seems to be perpetuating the current meme(system) no matter how out of balance. It seems clear to me that opening your mind to conciousness seems to be the best route for breaking Saturns energetic disconnect. Until the balance of female and male energies (yin and yang) is achieved then we will continue to more susceptible to this Karmic matrix. Saturn is worshiped energetically everyday without people even realizing it and this is reflected by our everyday reality. Until we see beyond our linear left brained reality we will continue to be disconected from Now(all that can was and ever will be) as only the right brain can draw the connections nessecery to decode reality in a big picture fasion. This explains humanities low vibrational state as well as the low levels of awareness most of mankind is operating within. :alien:
A Piscies Saturn trines both my sun and moon(both in cancer) which conjuct eachother. Saturn for me rules the 12th house as well. Makes sense since Saturn (Chronos, Nimrod, Set, Satan) is known as the greater malefic and Lord of Time and Karma. I also have Capricorn Uranus conj. Neptune in the 10th. MC is also in Cap. I know my soul has been here quite a while although I am only 17. My Numerology shows this. The Lord of Time makes it easier as you progress karmicly maybe?

Okay the rest is mainly what I intuitively feel based on my own life journey.
I recommend an open minded approach to what I am saying.

At this point in my life I try to deviate from Saturnic energies as they seem to perpeuate the current meme (system) and disconnect humanity from its natural state of conciousness, infinite love, peace of mind, and timelessness. Saturns energies impose a more left-brained male dominant society that strives to retain traditional values while locking souls into a 5 sense reality based on traditional values. This not natural evolution. Saturnic symbolism is everywhere and female vibratory (right brain energies) tend to be suppressed throughout society. Also the black cube represents Saturn and is a male symbol. During graduation you wear a black gown with a square hat. Judges and lawyers both wear black. Police sport saturnic garb and masonic tiles (squares) are in courtrooms. Soviet flag had saturnic symbolism just as star of david is literally Saturn. It is all a play on energy and it works pretty **** well as the sole purpose of Saturns energetic propulsion by the powers that be seems to be perpetuating the current meme(system) no matter how out of balance. It seems clear to me that opening your mind to conciousness seems to be the best route for breaking Saturns energetic disconnect. Until the balance of female and male energies (yin and yang) is achieved then we will continue to more susceptible to this Karmic matrix. Saturn is worshiped energetically everyday without people even realizing it and this is reflected by our everyday reality. Until we see beyond our linear left brained reality we will continue to be disconected from Now(all that can was and ever will be) as only the right brain can draw the connections nessecery to decode reality in a big picture fasion. This explains humanities low vibrational state as well as the low levels of awareness most of mankind is operating within. :alien:

I completely agree with the "patriarchal" society we live in, which you have brought up here, but for me, I identify it with the Sun not Saturn. It was actually the "Sun", worshipers, the "Patriarchs", that killed, raped and pillaged the Matriarchs the "lunar" worshipers around 3,000BC.
Saturn himself is just the Lord of Karma. That is why right now, we as a society have to balance our masculine and feminine energy. Our Solar and Lunar energy.
Ive been researching this quite a lot lately, and unfortunately, Im not finding too much information on it...

What influences in our natal charts can indicate past lives?

Besides our South Node / 4th house + aspects and rulers, what else can show or indicate past lives, re-incarnation, soul age, soul experience, etc?

(i.e. certain Node axles, degrees, Moon aspects..?)

Do you know of anything else to look for besides one's South Node?

You need to look at both the North Node and the South Node the aspects they make, together with the rulers of the Nodes and the aspects they make.
Then you need to meditate on them, and find the connections between them and the life you are living. Remember our soul does not skip from one life straight into a completely different life; it comes back with similar karma and similar life lessons. In fact when you look at these aspects, you will notice a very similar pattern to the life you are currently leading.
Greetings :wink:

My sense of it is that regardless of what method or technique is used to understand past lives there will never be a logical way to validate anything unless one has perhaps undergone a past life regression session, but even then one has to keep in mind that people under hypnosis are highly suggestible which is why the information obtained through such a session could somehow be misconstrued. But, having said that, there have been numerous well established cases suggestive of reincarnation: e.g. the James Leininger- James Huston case and that of Anne Frank-Barbro Karlen. In both cases there were strong nodal contacts displayed in the comparison charts. But based on my personal astrological research into both cases I would have to say that the Leininger case was more indicative of a real past life. Ive also experimented with Draconic Re-gressed charts which also showed some interesting results.
In conclusion: All of my astrological findings were never duplicated from one case to the next and therefor I can't say there is a specific formula that can be applied to verify a claim. Every soul lives a unique tailored live and every person will die at a different evolutionary stage.

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Personally I think that delineation of the 12th harmonic chart and the 60th harmonic chart will yield the best indications regarding past lives: in Vedic astrology the D12 (12th varga chart) is connected with past lives and the D60 (60th varga chart) is connected with the fundamental karmic "plan" for the current life.
The real question in my mind is why anyone would what to waste their precious life this time around(when so many billions of souls have never had the opportunity yet to have even one life yet) by thinking about what is past.

The effort should be to working on the mission of this life, and using the minimal past life data to not be stuck in what you already have skills at doing.
Is like learning about history of previous error and also like doing a relfective journal to reflect what had not been done right and improved base on assessing on how we failed.