Understanding Saturn

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My Saturn in conj DSC, but its in the 6th house. In my view, when we do what he wants from us, he can be very helpfull. The way he helps us...nobody cant do it better than him. If we dont follow his rules and wantings - karma strikes. I believe that when we are on his side, he cleans little by little our karma and we feel more light and happy, like if life is soo awesome. But if are opposing him...well you will feel the weight of every inch of your karma at once. For example, when you are good - Saturn lifts a kilogram from your back every day. If you dont do what he wants - he will put all those 100 tons of karma on your back, untill you get back on track.
Again on my chart placement:
Saturn in the work-house. He wants me to work, but on what ? He is trine-ing my North Node in 10th, which answers the quiestion - Yes, work on my mission. I am an portrait artist and soon-to-be a teacher. For years now i feel the happiness of Saturn. Why ? Because he is pleased that i paint and soon will teach <--- This is my mission. When i paint portraits i always feel like all the weight of my problems is lifted and i feel light as a feather.
Saturn on DSC ( going for 7th ) - He here teaches me on diplomacy and tack. If im impulsive with my relationships, he just ends them and i feel the pain as if there will be no tomorrow for me. But now as i learn to be more diplomatic with my surrounding, Saturn makes them last long...well, untill i spoil it againt and start from "Level 1". Im still on test here :biggrin:
Saturn from all other planets, he is the most responsible. You can seduce the other planets, but if you try it with Saturn... He will put those tons of karma on your back. Saturn is my guardian angle. :biggrin:
This is such an interesting thread. I used to dread Saturn transits, but I have become very thankful for my moon in Capricorn in the 5th as it gives me strength that I have needed at times in my life. Saturn rules the sixth and is in Pisces. I have found it important to both respect and work with Saturn within the self.
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This is such an interesting thread. I used to dread Saturn transits, but I have become very thankful for my moon in Capricorn in the 5th as it gives me strength that I have needed at times in my life. Saturn rules the sixth and is in Pisces. I have found it important to both respect and work with Saturn within the self.

The thing about Saturn if you're influenced by him in your chart, is that the older you get the more at ease you become with the hard work and the life lessons that he essentially forces you to do and learn from. Totally fits Saturn to be more at ease with age :)

The thing about Saturn if you're influenced by him in your chart, is that the older you get the more at ease you become with the hard work and the life lessons that he essentially forces you to do and learn from. Totally fits Saturn to be more at ease with age :)


Thankyou for your post.
I think the Saturn return at around age 29/30 is the time when Saturn teaches us the greatest and sometimes toughest lessons from this planet. Most people tend to grow up a little more after that. I once read that Capricorns are old when they are young but get younger as they age. I have seen this in many Capricorn suns that I have known. Of its nature, Capricorn moon is quite practical so is apt at taking the rough with the smooth.:) I also wanted to add that Saturn has seven yearly cycles so we never stop learning from Saturn from being very young.
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I'm a Cap sun with a 10th house stellium and Saturn in my 7th house, squaring those 10th house planets, including my Venus. My Saturn is in Scorpio and the only water planet in my chart.

I have a LOT of experience with Saturn and although the energy can be heavy I also have learned the best lessons with Saturn. I feel like Saturn and Pluto are given a bad rap but are actually our key to growth and moving beyond. Their lessons are just so difficult and frightening at times!

With Saturn in my 7th house (Conjunct Pluto), I definitely don't like surface-level connections. I am very cautious about who I share intimacy with even though the entire rest of my chart would suggest otherwise. That is how powerful saturn is especially when at one of the angles.
Saturn fascinates me. I have mine in Cancer in House 1 conjunct my Sun. Saturn has taught me a LOOOOOTTTT of hard lessons. I'm 45 and am in my Saturn opposition (at 14 my Saturn opp was me moving out of my country) and currently my Saturn opp is my mom dying and me not knowing she had passed until my father sent me a really mean/nasty 7 page letter telling me I wasn't liked and I didn't deserve to say my goodbyes.
Saturn really forces you to work, if you don't do the work, he'll do it for you. And when he does the work for you, it's not pretty. But if you work hard, Saturn rewards you tremendously.
Saturn is Cancer is a hard placement. I know several people who have it and it's hard as heck. Life for us isn't easy especially when it involves all things Cancerian.

Interesting thread :)


What an awful thing to happen to you.
Saturn fascinates me. I have mine in Cancer in House 1 conjunct my Sun. Saturn has taught me a LOOOOOTTTT of hard lessons. I'm 45 and am in my Saturn opposition (at 14 my Saturn opp was me moving out of my country) and currently my Saturn opp is my mom dying and me not knowing she had passed until my father sent me a really mean/nasty 7 page letter telling me I wasn't liked and I didn't deserve to say my goodbyes.
Saturn really forces you to work, if you don't do the work, he'll do it for you. And when he does the work for you, it's not pretty. But if you work hard, Saturn rewards you tremendously.
Saturn is Cancer is a hard placement. I know several people who have it and it's hard as heck. Life for us isn't easy especially when it involves all things Cancerian.

Interesting thread :)


That is really an awful thing but it seems to be kind of common having nasty experiences with Saturn in first house. Not trying to put you down but I'm really tired of seeing things like Saturn rewards you later in life a lot, for all the work you did in first 30-35 years of life. I really want to put a poll on this forum and ask people with specific Saturn placements to share their experiences especially what kind of rewards they got. Marsilio Ficino must be the first person who started painting a rosy picture of Saturn (rosy enough for that period) but he said people with strong Saturn (if I remember correctly he had Saturn in first house) get blessed by Saturn meaning their out look on life changes and they get philosophical. He nowhere mentioned at least not that I know that he gives great gifts. I think people are setting up themselves for perpetual disappointment with these made up things about Saturn which are nowhere true in my experience not anyone I have seen.

New age people have made it worse for the entire astrological audiences.
Traits associated with Saturn in astrology:
1. Wisdom like sciences, mathematics and planning the future.
2. Work and Labor.
3. Elderly or aging, getting older.
4. Relationships with parents, esp. fathers.
5. Fatalism and the end of things.
6. Tradition and conservative side of opinion and politics.
7. Preservation and conservation.
8. Authoritarianism or totalitarianism.
9. The cold and snow of winter (Dec 21-Jan 19 for the northern hemisphere).
and 10. Ruler of the sign Capricorn with its qualities given to the 10th sun sign.
That is really an awful thing but it seems to be kind of common having nasty experiences with Saturn in first house. Not trying to put you down but I'm really tired of seeing things like Saturn rewards you later in life a lot, for all the work you did in first 30-35 years of life. I really want to put a poll on this forum and ask people with specific Saturn placements to share their experiences especially what kind of rewards they got. Marsilio Ficino must be the first person who started painting a rosy picture of Saturn (rosy enough for that period) but he said people with strong Saturn (if I remember correctly he had Saturn in first house) get blessed by Saturn meaning their out look on life changes and they get philosophical. He nowhere mentioned at least not that I know that he gives great gifts. I think people are setting up themselves for perpetual disappointment with these made up things about Saturn which are nowhere true in my experience not anyone I have seen.

New age people have made it worse for the entire astrological audiences.

Theories of Saturn is the origin of the enemy of Judeo-Christian religion, Satan. And Saturn was the traditional astrological planet of death before the discovery of Pluto which acquires the designation. Anyone who knows, studies and cares about astrology will disagree with new agers on what does Saturn represent.
That is really an awful thing but it seems to be kind of common having nasty experiences with Saturn in first house. Not trying to put you down but I'm really tired of seeing things like Saturn rewards you later in life a lot, for all the work you did in first 30-35 years of life. I really want to put a poll on this forum and ask people with specific Saturn placements to share their experiences especially what kind of rewards they got. Marsilio Ficino must be the first person who started painting a rosy picture of Saturn (rosy enough for that period) but he said people with strong Saturn (if I remember correctly he had Saturn in first house) get blessed by Saturn meaning their out look on life changes and they get philosophical. He nowhere mentioned at least not that I know that he gives great gifts. I think people are setting up themselves for perpetual disappointment with these made up things about Saturn which are nowhere true in my experience not anyone I have seen.

New age people have made it worse for the entire astrological audiences.

Facino had 1st House Saturn in Aquarius.

I strongly contend (as a Modernistic astrologer), that Saturn is extremely different in Aqua than in Cap, and that it is NOT Domicled in Aquarius.

So, his more benign view of Saturn was due to its placement in his own Chart. [IMO]
Theories of Saturn is the origin of the enemy of Judeo-Christian religion, Satan. And Saturn was the traditional astrological planet of death before the discovery of Pluto which acquires the designation. Anyone who knows, studies and cares about astrology will disagree with new agers on what does Saturn represent.

All the more reason to recognize Uran as the one true Domicile-ruler of Aquarius, without forcing Saturn into the role of "co-Ruler".

The upcoming Age of Aquarius will NOT be ruled by Saturn.[IMO]
Saturn fascinates me. I have mine in Cancer in House 1 conjunct my Sun. Saturn has taught me a LOOOOOTTTT of hard lessons. I'm 45 and am in my Saturn opposition (at 14 my Saturn opp was me moving out of my country) and currently my Saturn opp is my mom dying and me not knowing she had passed until my father sent me a really mean/nasty 7 page letter telling me I wasn't liked and I didn't deserve to say my goodbyes.
Saturn really forces you to work, if you don't do the work, he'll do it for you. And when he does the work for you, it's not pretty. But if you work hard, Saturn rewards you tremendously.
Saturn is Cancer is a hard placement. I know several people who have it and it's hard as heck. Life for us isn't easy especially when it involves all things Cancerian.

Interesting thread :)


We're the same age. One of my really good friends--also our age--has that Cancer first house placement of Saturn, and she never got along with her father. My father, on the other hand, has always been a very gentle, loving sort, and a very involved parent. Quite a different relationship. But, he made a conscious choice to be a very involved parent after having a not so involved father himself, and his father died right when Dad was becoming an adult and they were starting to form more of a relationship. My dad wanted his children to have better memories of him than that. Which we will.

My parents are both from the previous Saturn in Cancer generation, so I think there's a story to tell on family history in all of our charts. The underlying theme that I see, based on the stories I know, is difficulty. It hasn't shown up as parental abuse, but each generation has had some significant emotional struggles.
And, fittingly enough, I note that this thread got revived during my Saturn opposition!

No such thing as coincidence in astrology.
What do you get when Saturn conjuncts Jupiter and or Mars like in my case? They are the naked eye planets not always close to the sun. Mars is an inner planet with similarities with Venus and Mercury, but similar to outers Saturn and Jupiter.
There is a Saturn square Uranus in 2021 adding to the tumultuous year 2020 and now through this decade. The first exact square between Saturn and Uranus took place on Feb. 15-16, and the last exact one will be on Dec. 24-25. On my birthday (Feb 15th) and Christmas day (25th), what a year this will be.
The period of Saturn (retrograde in Aquarius) trine Venus (direct in Libra) in Aug and Sep 2021: this weeekend, the US government via president Biden signed executive orders to require mask wearing in workplaces, a vaccine mandate for companies with over 100 employees and federal contractors alike, and anyone unvaccinated have to be weekly tested for COVID in order to have employment. Already there's a mask mandate for public transportation and government offices, plus they want to require vaccines for essential workers like transportation drivers and medical staffers, and federal or all government employees. And finally, Saturn in retrograde is unusual yet restrictive and same with Venus in direct but trine Saturn, Aquarius is Saturn's traditional ruler and Libra is Venus' second ruler (along with Taurus), the times when people are inclined to abide or adhere to a stricter code of conduct, esp in a pandemic (18 months later, now an endemic) when people's health and lives are at stake.
There is a Saturn square Uranus in 2021 adding to the tumultuous year 2020 and now through this decade. The first exact square between Saturn and Uranus took place on Feb. 15-16, and the last exact one will be on Dec. 24-25. On my birthday (Feb 15th) and Christmas day (25th), what a year this will be.
I went through about three cell phones during this period. No kidding... I'll just wait until the end of this Saturn Square Uranus to buy a new phone.

But, back to the topic. I don't think anyone can understand SATURN. That's the point right. Saturn is mysterious, it rules magic and hidden things.
I don't have Saturn in cancer, but I do have it in the fourth house. And I can tell you that it's not easy.
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In my subjective opinion, Saturn is our burden we carry for this particular lifetime! For example, I have Saturn in Capricorn, my parents are really toxic and nasty people!

It's my 'limitation' I chose for this lifetime! It's kind of the burden you carry, the price you pay for existing in this current lifetime!
In mundane or geographical astrology , areas west of the 90 to 180 West Longitudes but north of the 45 to 90 north Latitudes are under Aquarius (<W) adding Virgo (^N). Saturn in the traditional ruling sign over a non traditional in a Saturn of Capricorn sense over my state CA is a sure sign of our own old liberalism of new social, culture and historic trends tend to come out of CA a lot. The state CA is in the northwest or Libra west of the 0' meridian in the cardinal 4 quarters of the earth to merge with the hemisphere north of the equator ruled by Cancer. And finally east of the 90th dividing the US is Gemini and Mexico below of the 26th tropic is Scorpio as that nation borders CA within the Geminian US. When Saturn is in the Aquarian realm, is it relatively good, really bad or neutral for CA residents like myself. And the current allotment of Taurus energy in Uranus, the last time Saturn in Uranus' modern co ruler sign Capricorn in close aspect with a Saturnian Aquaria period was in 1992. Note the 23-26 degrees north is the tropic of cancer to place all of North America under that sign. And I suppose the 26-45 North median latitude is Draco-Ophiuchus-Aquila vs. the 26-45 South is Cetus-orion-Hydra in parazodiacs or more precisely, Vir/Lib (120E to 120W)-Sco/sag (120W to 0) - Cap/Aqu (0 to 120E), and pis/Ari (120E to 120w) - Tau/Gem (120w to 0) - Can/Leo (0 to 120E).
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This is what I see/what comes to my mind:

With Saturn in Cancer in the 7th house and the ruler of Cancer in the 12th house, you could feel restricted in relationships that require more emotional involvement for long-term success (the reason I say emotional is because of Saturn’s placement in Cancer).
Since the 4th house is the Moon’s home, this restriction could be the result of an unconscious (Moon in house involving unconscious) emotional block that developed in your early years of life, through your experience of your home environment.
When I see the 4th house cusp landing in Aries, I wonder if certain events and/or experiences between the ages of 0-3 years old created this ~block. With Chiron in the 4th house close to the IC, sesquiquadrate the Moon in the 12th house and square Saturn, I see the 4th house being the key to unlocking Saturn’s gates (by exploring the unconscious of your early life and how this affects 7th house matters).
Also, whoa, I see Neptune in a wide conjunction with your Moon. I can see other people’s emotions affecting you on an unconscious level and this making it more difficult to be involved in more emotional relationships. I imagine unconscious influence from other people’s emotions could be overwhelming, distracting, and disorienting at times.

In sum, I feel like to get beyond the grips of Saturn (to not be/feel bound by the planet), there’s something that needs to be resolved and/or mastered in the unconscious involving emotions and the early years of life.

I wouldn’t say Saturn rules your life, but that there’s more of an emphasis on getting past its limitations.

I hope this helps! :smile: