My Saturn in conj DSC, but its in the 6th house. In my view, when we do what he wants from us, he can be very helpfull. The way he helps us...nobody cant do it better than him. If we dont follow his rules and wantings - karma strikes. I believe that when we are on his side, he cleans little by little our karma and we feel more light and happy, like if life is soo awesome. But if are opposing him...well you will feel the weight of every inch of your karma at once. For example, when you are good - Saturn lifts a kilogram from your back every day. If you dont do what he wants - he will put all those 100 tons of karma on your back, untill you get back on track.
Again on my chart placement:
Saturn in the work-house. He wants me to work, but on what ? He is trine-ing my North Node in 10th, which answers the quiestion - Yes, work on my mission. I am an portrait artist and soon-to-be a teacher. For years now i feel the happiness of Saturn. Why ? Because he is pleased that i paint and soon will teach <--- This is my mission. When i paint portraits i always feel like all the weight of my problems is lifted and i feel light as a feather.
Saturn on DSC ( going for 7th ) - He here teaches me on diplomacy and tack. If im impulsive with my relationships, he just ends them and i feel the pain as if there will be no tomorrow for me. But now as i learn to be more diplomatic with my surrounding, Saturn makes them last long...well, untill i spoil it againt and start from "Level 1". Im still on test here
Saturn from all other planets, he is the most responsible. You can seduce the other planets, but if you try it with Saturn... He will put those tons of karma on your back. Saturn is my guardian angle.
Again on my chart placement:
Saturn in the work-house. He wants me to work, but on what ? He is trine-ing my North Node in 10th, which answers the quiestion - Yes, work on my mission. I am an portrait artist and soon-to-be a teacher. For years now i feel the happiness of Saturn. Why ? Because he is pleased that i paint and soon will teach <--- This is my mission. When i paint portraits i always feel like all the weight of my problems is lifted and i feel light as a feather.
Saturn on DSC ( going for 7th ) - He here teaches me on diplomacy and tack. If im impulsive with my relationships, he just ends them and i feel the pain as if there will be no tomorrow for me. But now as i learn to be more diplomatic with my surrounding, Saturn makes them last long...well, untill i spoil it againt and start from "Level 1". Im still on test here

Saturn from all other planets, he is the most responsible. You can seduce the other planets, but if you try it with Saturn... He will put those tons of karma on your back. Saturn is my guardian angle.