Unrequited love

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If you're hiding in the other persons closet and watching them sleep....pretty good sign.
You probably know it when you feel it. A deep painful anguish that makes it hard to sleep at night, and hard to wake up in the morning...:pouty:

signs in a chart that someone might have a pattern of unrequited love---falling for people who do not return the love----

Afflicted Neptune---involving Moon or Venus....

Afflicted Neptune, in or ruling the 5th or 7th or 12th, aspecting an afflicted Moon/Venus

Saturn, in or ruling the 5th or 7th-- afflicting Moon or Venus , Neptune

Also potential involvement of Uranus/Mars to indicate sudden losses/break ups

My friend has Saturn conjunct Neptune in the 12th in Libra opposed Venus in Aries, square Uranus in Cancer

All of her life she has had a difficult pattern of falling for people who don't love her, and rejecting people who want to love her...:sad:
You probably know it when you feel it. A deep painful anguish that makes it hard to sleep at night, and hard to wake up in the morning...:pouty:

Never had that. Always sleep like a baby (a unicorn baby that actually sleeps).

For me, it was not being able to even think of eating, let alone get food in my mouth. My first fast...
Never had that. Always sleep like a baby (a unicorn baby that actually sleeps).

For me, it was not being able to even think of eating, let alone get food in my mouth. My first fast...

Food > Womenz.