a friend of mine had been having a loosely defined relationship with a man in her building, on new years eve she went to his apartment to get something she had left there, knocked on the door, he opened it a crack, but enough for her to see a womans purse and shoes on the floor, and see in the reflection of a mirror the shape of a woman lying in his bed. i think she is crushed as since new years shes been going quite crazy with partying, but wont admit that it is because of this incident (even thought its obvious to me that it is).
she is a 22deg cancer sun, i looked to see what else this eclipse was hitting in her natal, its trining her vx/ax axis over 5th/11th houses. its also sitting right on top of her solar arc asc/dc axis, which is currently over her 1st/7th axis. she was hoping to have a relationship with this man, but i think this eclipse has shown her (in a rather harsh way) that that is not a possibility and for her to move on and stop pining for him.