upcoming eclipses

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Dec 17, 2008
I'm curious as to anyone's thoughts are about the upcoming eclipses on my chart. My ascendent is 12 degrees Cancer, moon in 1st house at 21 degrees Cancer. My sun is 22 degrees Capricorn in the 7th house. It feels like the focus will be on relationships. I'm hoping a friendship will explode into something more at this time (his ascendent is 21 Cancer, moon 23 Cancer).
Wondering the same thing for myself - the December 31st eclipse hits my 4th-10th house axis, with the Moon hitting my Sun at 29-something Gemini in 4th. Loving my home and don't want to see anything upset that!
Actually, I was just over on another astrology site, and they said that the December 31st eclipse hits at 10 Cancer which is just a few degrees over into my 5th house. No significant contacts there.
The dec 31st is a dragons tail lunar eclipse. only opposition or conjunction to natal planets would be marked and those within three degrees. This is a culmination and release; soul and emotion; filtering.
The Jan.15th eclipse is a total solar and is a dragons head eclipse at 25 degrees Capricorn. this is supposed to imply beginnings, courage to allow new energy in; spirit and ego
I have not read anything of eclipses to nodes but Nodes are fate points so mark events around this in a journal.
Gosh...07.re now the site you posted is interesting as this same theme is in another thread on sun conjunct pluto and breakups!. Would you mind if I posted your discovery at this thread? its so hits the nail on the head so to speak.
Oh I see the reference to solar eclipse and affecting nodes. I am not familiar with this concept. Nodes are a sensitive point in your chart connected to fate so beaware. Now I find it interesting that they mention it with solar eclipses but not lunars so I am befuddled.
Looking ahead I am terribly interested in the Dragons head lunar eclipse June 26th 2010 as it will be at 4'46 degrees Capricorn as it will conjunct transiting Pluto and aspect soooo many things in my chart (ASC...MC...saturn....mercury). WEll I can wait:)
Gosh...07.re now the site you posted is interesting as this same theme is in another thread on sun conjunct pluto and breakups!. Would you mind if I posted your discovery at this thread? its so hits the nail on the head so to speak.

Thats fine Cass... no worries...I'm glad the site is of help
Oh I see the reference to solar eclipse and affecting nodes. I am not familiar with this concept. Nodes are a sensitive point in your chart connected to fate so beaware. Now I find it interesting that they mention it with solar eclipses but not lunars so I am befuddled.

Hmm... perhaps I should check what other transits are happening on that day
The dec 31st is a dragons tail lunar eclipse. only opposition or conjunction to natal planets would be marked and those within three degrees. This is a culmination and release; soul and emotion; filtering.
The Jan.15th eclipse is a total solar and is a dragons head eclipse at 25 degrees Capricorn. this is supposed to imply beginnings, courage to allow new energy in; spirit and ego

thanks very much for this explanation.

I feel these will be significant in my case.

I have NN on 9 degree Cancer and my boyfriend has Venus there, 5th house cusp - so we were both touched by this one, we started our relationship very well, but past few days it seems to be deepening a lot.
And the following solar eclipse will exactly conjunct my DSC.
by your descriptions sounds it could be very promising, although eclipses always gave me certain feeling of uneasiness:unsure:
Last Lunar Eclipse on NY countdown night had Sun conj. my (progressed) MC in my 10th and Moon conj. my (progressed) IC.

Upcoming Solar Eclipse would still be in my 10th, though progressed from MC.

Quite the type of energy I could use, for I'm working on my personal judgement on career matters lately. :wink:
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The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on December 31st, 2009 occurs at 10°15' Cancer, in conjunction with the Fixed Star Alhena.... It would be wise to avoid travel at this time, if you can.

I drove to a party on new years eve, my car had some serious problems, nearly broke down! Left it 6 hours, drove back and it was fine.. My Mercury (cars) was inconjunct the full moon...
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i was interested to see the effects of this cancer full moon on the people around me, i'll share an observation i made which i think really summed up its effects quite succintly:

a friend of mine had been having a loosely defined relationship with a man in her building, on new years eve she went to his apartment to get something she had left there, knocked on the door, he opened it a crack, but enough for her to see a womans purse and shoes on the floor, and see in the reflection of a mirror the shape of a woman lying in his bed. i think she is crushed as since new years shes been going quite crazy with partying, but wont admit that it is because of this incident (even thought its obvious to me that it is).

after partying to the early hours of jan 1, she was returning home, and passed him and the woman in the hallway, yet another reminder to her, just in case she had forgotten.

she is a 22deg cancer sun, i looked to see what else this eclipse was hitting in her natal, its trining her vx/ax axis over 5th/11th houses. its also sitting right on top of her solar arc asc/dc axis, which is currently over her 1st/7th axis. she was hoping to have a relationship with this man, but i think this eclipse has shown her (in a rather harsh way) that that is not a possibility and for her to move on and stop pining for him.
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just looked at another friends chart, the ceiling of his apartment caved in early this morning and many of this belongings were ruined, he had to move into the apartment across the hall in the middle of the night.

hes a leo sun with venus conjunct saturn in cancer at 9deg/11deg respectively in the 2nd, his solar arc ascendant is conjunct his natal venus/saturn.

interesting to see that this eclipse brought destruction of a saturnian thing (the ceiling, the structure) into what he values(2nd) most (venus in cancer, valuation of his home).
a friend of mine had been having a loosely defined relationship with a man in her building, on new years eve she went to his apartment to get something she had left there, knocked on the door, he opened it a crack, but enough for her to see a womans purse and shoes on the floor, and see in the reflection of a mirror the shape of a woman lying in his bed. i think she is crushed as since new years shes been going quite crazy with partying, but wont admit that it is because of this incident (even thought its obvious to me that it is).

she is a 22deg cancer sun, i looked to see what else this eclipse was hitting in her natal, its trining her vx/ax axis over 5th/11th houses. its also sitting right on top of her solar arc asc/dc axis, which is currently over her 1st/7th axis. she was hoping to have a relationship with this man, but i think this eclipse has shown her (in a rather harsh way) that that is not a possibility and for her to move on and stop pining for him.

Wow unfortunate as it is, that is very descriptive of a full moon/lunar eclipse highlighting something previously obscured to your friend.

A similar thing happened at a party I went to. Another friend had been going out with someone and apparently split up with her a few weeks previous to nye. The girl he split with was at the party when I arrived. This fellow turned up an hour or so later with another girl on his arm. Needless to say, the first girl left shortly after very upset. The moon highlighted to her something, I dont know her chart though so can only speculate what it hit.