With the Sun returning to its birth position in its yearly cycle around the chart, it serves to reactivate any natal aspects involved; for you this points to a significant aspect called the Grand Cross, involving Uranus/ Mars and Saturn in contrast to the Sun/Moon from Leo: this ties together energies of the same modalities, of the fixed nature. ‘Fixed signs are thorough and like to see things through; they require stability and the ability to go deep through concentrated energy’. Despite your strong sense of loyalty and determination, flashes of insight or creativity can be more challenging unless you work to allow some flexibility in your personal journey of life.
So how many times have you been around this same cycle? It is through this repetitive cycle that you will eventually recognize what the impact on your life is and the best ways to express yourself in the outer world.
In regards to change in our lives we look to the energy of Uranus, as the primary significator. For you, Uranus in the natal chart sits in the 4th H where the influence of sudden changes or disorder may have emerged through the family and domestic issues. The attempt to integrate the variable influences of the Grand Cross can make it difficult to find balance within due to the resistance set up by Saturn .
Natal Saturn in the 7th can discourage or distract you from gaining ground in personal or business relationships, largely in part due to the ‘ fixed’ energy involved. It can also suggest a greater likelihood of stalling marriage until a later time in life. Your personal reservations from past conditioning may have kept you from truly addressing the matter of your own relationship 'needs'.
At the same time however there is also Jupiter currently transiting the same vicinity in Taurus, which can sometimes help to counteract the restlessness / sudden impulses incited by Uranus. What do you consider to be expressed through the natal influence of Uranus in your 4th H ?
This influence might suggest some improvement and growth through relationships, whether personal or business: what do you consider to be expressed through the natal influence of Uranus in your 4th H ?
The Jupiter square Uranus can be indicative of necessary changes of direction in life combined with some important opportunities presenting themselves. If you are impatient and rebellious though such opportunities may be missed.This can be a time of undertaking a ‘personal overhaul’ addressing specific internal problems that can interfere with your personal growth. Such growth involves working to free yourself from material restraints and developing innovative ways to make yourself more comfortable in your own skin. Jupiter here shows a potential pull towards forming new relationships, or it may allow for unexpected opportunities to broaden your professional or social life.
The most likely changes during this time are apt to be experiences such as assisting you to expand your personal experiences, through directed knowledge and a search for truth through an increased sense of optimism, growth and generosity as socome through the transit of Jupiter which can provide
At the time of the return, it might help to consider where you were feeling stuck last year in comparison to where you are now.