Uranus conjunct composite MC square ASC

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2018

What do you think of this relationship potential?
It has very strong and intense focused energy but .... a few things worry me.

We've been seeing each other for a few weeks now. It started out intensly, and on our first date we already fell into a strong disagreement and a proper argument, which we laughed about later on, and still do.
We seemed to be pulled together intensly. But I'm afraid of those Uranus and Mars ego conflicts (arguments) in our composite chart in square aspect to the composite ascendant, and right on the IC/MC axis.
We are in the same profesion. We think the same. But we have fundamentally different interests.

I wonder if the Pluto/Saturn positive aspects can overcome and stabilize the difficult ones in this case?

Thanks so much!


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The relationship dynamic is shown in the synastry chart. The composite chart doesn't show how either of you experiences the relationship, it shows the essence of the relationship itself. How does this relationship function as an entity? What does it create in the world? Transits and progressions of the composite chart reflect how the relationship is affected by external things (transits) and how it evolves over its lifetime, however long or short it may be (progressions).

The midheaven is where we are highly visible. Uranus at the midheaven suggests being unusual, in a highly visible way. Maybe there's something highly unusual about your relationship--unusual in the context of your community, if not to the two of you personally. Maybe you are (or will be) the couple known in your social circle for a very, well, dynamic dynamic. To name a couple of possibilities.

Your synastry chart reflects the argumentativeness and conflict, and the attraction, in your relationship. Moons in opposition: that can create chemistry--opposites attract, literally, just like the poles on magnets!--but since whichever one of you on the inside has a Moon/Mars conjunction, there's Mars stuff involved in the dynamic. Your Marses are in a tight quincunx to each other, and one of you has a Mars/Saturn conjunction (quincunx the other's Mars/Moon conjunction), which gives a certain rigidity to Mars: a sort of "it's my way or nothing" attitude, that's likely to emerge in arguments if nothing else.

Not a recipe for a smooth relationship. The question is, is that what you want? Some people like a lot of spice in their relationships. The dynamic isn't necessarily good or bad, but it may or may not be right for you.
Thanks for your reply.

We are already very much aware of our differences, but seem to be more fascinated by them then repelled so far.
I love his communication, his mind, and directness, he's quite a giver and does everything to be with me, it's very nice. But yes we polarize each other ... He was being funny but also serious, when he said we will have to find ways to enjoy our regular fights but that he's sure we will enjoy them too.
I'm the one with moon/mars conjunction.

So you could potentially interpret the Uranus as positive on the MC (seeing that we're both eccentric people) or is it a total home wrecking energy opposing the IC and Mars there?

It is a strange conbination of all those planets in the 4th, and such a strong opposition from Uranus to IC, is a bit unfathomable in which direction it will all lean into.
So you could potentially interpret the Uranus as positive on the MC (seeing that we're both eccentric people) or is it a total home wrecking energy opposing the IC and Mars there?
Could be either. It depends on what you make of it.

It is a strange conbination of all those planets in the 4th, and such a strong opposition from Uranus to IC, is a bit unfathomable in which direction it will all lean into.

The only way to find out is to live it and see.

This early in a relationship, astrology is more likely to be a hindrance than a help. You should be putting your energy into getting to know the other person, feeling out the dynamic you have with them, and using your observations there, in the real world, to determine how far you want to go with it. If you put that energy into reading the map instead, it detracts from actually relating.