Uranus in love! Share your Venus-Uranus experiences!

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I bet most of you know how Uranus act, we know its unpredictability, we know its desire to have what it can't or what it's difficult, and it's never satisfied when it gets something easy. I can say that this list of aspects love in a Venus-Uranus way:

- Venus in Aquarius
- Venus (conjunct/square/oppose) Uranus
- 7th house in Aquarius
- Uranus in the 7th house
- Ruler of the 7th in Aquarius
- Ruler of the 7th (conjunct/square/oppose) Uranus
- Perhaps (sun-uranus and mars-uranus) in some women.
- Uranus in the 2nd perhaps
- Uranus in Libra

I have Aquarius 7th House cusp trine Uranus in 11th House at head of Kite formation, elevated Venus in same Sign 13 degrees before Uranus.

If you have one or more of these aspects, you are not cut out for love.

Au contraire. I'm a romantic with a big warm loyal loving heart (Leo rising stellium, 5H Jupiter).

You will always want someone who is unavailable, unpredictable, someone that doesn't put us attention, someone simply weird, a freak. That's what we like and that is what we want, and we are looking for unconsciously.

Seeking alien babe for happily ever after. :alien: *wink*

Our relationships begin with obstacles, when we don't want to fall in love we do, when we want to fall in love we can't,

I always want to fall in love, and can fall in love easily. (Leo stellium rising)

our relationships are unpredictable, out of norm, with people that live too far or with marked age differences.

Age gap exotic foreign girls are attractive to me. Youth and striking beauty call to me.

So Venus-Uranus people I have some questions for you:
- Are you able to have a conventional relationship?

I'm both willing and able.

- Is it in your plans to share your entire life with only one person?


- Do you like people who are unavailable at some way...

No, I like people who are ready, willing, and available.

and finally when they are available you gradually lose interest?

Not at all--instead I rejoice.

- Do you attract people hard to pin down?

Yes, most girls seem like total flakes.

- Is it in your plans to get married? or you prefer to live with someone without a legal union?

Marriage is possible with the right person. Open to domestic partnership without legal marriage.

- Do you hate sticky and clingy partners?


Share your Venus-Uranus experiences.

Open relationship with first wife, a gorgeous exotic beauty.
Polyamorous with two female partners (separate homes) for a year.
Co-founded a polyamory group in San Diego with one of them.
Journey halfway around the world to meet my former fiance (exotic beauty).
Tantric remote sexual relationship with her after Tantric personal training.
Seven year long current intimate dreamworld lover.
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Uranus is the quick and sudden lightning
Venus is the love in the looking of eyes

In a synastry a Venus Uranus is:
- a sudden lightning in the love of eyes

There is nothing more quickly between 2 persons than a
Venus Uranus.
But it also a flash in the pan.

Best regards
My Venus was conjunct his Uranus (both planets in Scorpio in the 3rd). Miscommunication was a major issue and we fell in and out all the time. He was totally everything Uranus stands for and my Venus sort of liked that. But ultimately it’s unstable for most of us and I had to cut him loose. I needed stability and couldn’t count on him.
Square- Venus Square Uranus (2°22’, Separating)
This aspect complicates any relationship because these people see relationships literally as a loss of personal freedom and integrity. They are mentally unstable and their feelings constantly change. They often get involved in great number of relationships throughout their life. They are unconventional, difficult to get along with, eccentric and original when they create art. They are just as unstable in their ways of dealing with money. They are adventurous and they lead unstable love life.

Mentally unstable? Lol
I actually find that when this aspect shows in synastry (even more potent in the case of a DW), if both people have Venus-Uranus in the natal, the relationship has a degree of normalcy to it.
I have venus and mars squaring my uranus.

- Are you able to have a conventional relationship?
yes. i prefer conventional relationships.

- Is it in your plans to share your entire life with only one person?
yes. i want to get married to my soulmate.

- Do you like people who are unavailable at some way... and finally when they are available you gradually loose interest?
honestly, i just like who i like, despite circumstances. typically the person tends to be unavailable in some form, but usually it's emotionally. i only lose interest when the person starts to become too predicable for me.

- Do you attract people hard to pin down?
always. some worse than others. sometimes it is me who is hard to pin down.

- Is it in your plans to get married? or you prefer to live with someone without a legal union?
married, for sure.

- Do you hate sticky and clingly partners?
absolutely, drives me crazy.

my current boyfriend and i both have venus square uranus natally. in synastry we have sun/uranus and moon/uranus, DW venus in 11th, his sun in my 11th. in composite we have moon/uranus, venus opp uranus, uranus in 5th, venus in 11th. we both have committed to eachother, although it did take about a year for that to happen.

another thing with venus/uranus, is we tend to see the future of our potentional romantic interests. that's uranus energy for ya. we can tell right away when first meeting someone if it's going to work out or not. but we always tend to give people the benefit of the doubt regardless, thats why we are seen as being "flighty" to other people. both my boyfriend and i have expressed wanting something extremely special, and we both felt as if we could not settle for anything less, until we met eachother. pretty cool stuff.
I have natal sun square Uranus, and am definitely most attracted to men I can't "pin down." They won't fully commit or settle into a normal routine with me... I don't experience it as enjoyable but subconsciously it gets me hooked.

In terms of synastry, I know Stephen King and his wife have Venus square Uranus and have been married for decades... not sure what their day to day life as a couple is like, though.

I had Venus trine Uranus with a past flame... when we met it was like this pleasant electric energy between us, things developed so quickly! He asked for my number and within the first day we were saying "I love you" and calling each other baby. I am usually very cautious and reserved in love so that was very unlike me (I was Venus in the equation.)
Oh wow, this is me. I have Sun and Uranus in Capricorn in 7th house. Venus/NN/Saturn in Cap 8th house. Descendant in Sag.

Are you able to have a conventional relationship?

I don't even know what that means! Most of my relationships have been more like affairs. This is the first time in my life I'm cohabitating, sharing resources, feeling grounded.

- Is it in your plans to share your entire life with only one person?

I identify as polyamorous the more I get older. But that being said I am in the most healthy, open partnership at the moment I have ever had. He is 21 years older than I am.

- Do you like people who are unavailable at some way... and finally when they are available you gradually loose interest?

Totally, but I am trying to be more present and just be thankful because I have someone great in my life right now. I did however have a really emotionally unavailable father figure as a kid so that also makes sense.

- Do you attract people hard to pin down?

I would say so, I have always hated being the pursuer, I don't know how to act when things are too easy, like where is the drop? Do i deserve it?

- Is it in your plans to get married? or you prefer to live with someone without a legal union?

Although my parents married for love and are still together after 30+ years, I see marriage as a business contract more than anything.

- Do you hate sticky and clingly partners?

Yes I always hated the idea of being with someone super clingy. I DEF need my space.
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have Venus in sag with merc and Neptune intercepted and Uranus in Scorpio all of this is 3rd house. My love life is practically non-existence. I don’t even try anymore. Every time you meet someone they turn into arseholes so I just think what’s the point!
My Uranus sextiles both my cap sun and my Libra rising