Undecided what this energy is all about.
Uranus = unexpected, enlightnment
Jupiter = expansion, spirituality
Transiting Mars is also forming a quincunx with them on 7th June.
Transiting Chiron is also at 0 degree of Pisces, forming opposition to the tr Mars. That in itself looks interesting, Mars = action, aggression opposing Chiron - wound, healer, teacher.
My Juno is at 29 degree of Pisces, my first instinct would be a seperation in a relationship, or, a sudden marriage! Mars inconjuncting it could show a need for me to make some sort of adjustment in my relationship, maybe examining any possible wounding (Chiron, also semi-sextile Juno) in that area too. I'm concerned a bit as the relationship I am in has Chiron opposite Mars/Uranus in the composite. It may well bring up issues for us to deal with
Looking closer I see my Juno is the apex of a yod now formed with my natal Uranus in sextile with the transiting Mars on 7th June. Something sudden seems afoot!
Transiting Ceres will also be at 0 degree of Capricorn, so square to the Uranus/Jupiter. Perhaps issues with nurturing will come into play.
Thanks for raising this, very interesting to examine.