Uranus + Jupiter Conjunction at 0 Deg Aries in June 2010!

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Jan 25, 2010
Holy ****!

When I looked at this conjunction, I felt highly liberated and happy. My Venus is at 0 deg Aries, and not only that, my Ascendant is 2 deg earlier in Pisces.

How will you be affected?
Undecided what this energy is all about.

Uranus = unexpected, enlightnment
Jupiter = expansion, spirituality

Transiting Mars is also forming a quincunx with them on 7th June.
Transiting Chiron is also at 0 degree of Pisces, forming opposition to the tr Mars. That in itself looks interesting, Mars = action, aggression opposing Chiron - wound, healer, teacher.

My Juno is at 29 degree of Pisces, my first instinct would be a seperation in a relationship, or, a sudden marriage! Mars inconjuncting it could show a need for me to make some sort of adjustment in my relationship, maybe examining any possible wounding (Chiron, also semi-sextile Juno) in that area too. I'm concerned a bit as the relationship I am in has Chiron opposite Mars/Uranus in the composite. It may well bring up issues for us to deal with :unsure:

Looking closer I see my Juno is the apex of a yod now formed with my natal Uranus in sextile with the transiting Mars on 7th June. Something sudden seems afoot!

Transiting Ceres will also be at 0 degree of Capricorn, so square to the Uranus/Jupiter. Perhaps issues with nurturing will come into play.

Thanks for raising this, very interesting to examine. :)
Holy ****!

When I looked at this conjunction, I felt highly liberated and happy. My Venus is at 0 deg Aries, and not only that, my Ascendant is 2 deg earlier in Pisces.

How will you be affected?

ALL transits, progressions and solar arcs act as background influences until they make a mathamatical aspect to something inside your chart or an Angle. So what is the conjunction touching or setting off in your chart??

It could signify start of projects that offer some excitement (uranus) be careful of any 'get rich quick schemes' and if something looks too good to be true -- then it usually is :whistling:

This conjunction for me forms a sextile to Asc a trine to Uranus in 7th, so maybe opportunity (sextile) to travel (jupiter) expand on opportunities and communications (conj 3rd house cusp 0'Aries) and hopefully bit of romantic excitement :) :)
ALL transits, progressions and solar arcs act as background influences until they make a mathamatical aspect to something inside your chart or an Angle. So what is the conjunction touching or setting off in your chart??

It could signify start of projects that offer some excitement (uranus) be careful of any 'get rich quick schemes' and if something looks too good to be true -- then it usually is :whistling:

This conjunction for me forms a sextile to Asc a trine to Uranus in 7th, so maybe opportunity (sextile) to travel (jupiter) expand on opportunities and communications (conj 3rd house cusp 0'Aries) and hopefully bit of romantic excitement :) :)

Oh, hehe, I definitely read romantic excitement. You have to keep us informed on what it is ;)

I do have to say though about the 'if something looks too good to be true then it usually is'... sometimes it's too good that it can be true haha.. well I'm just a jupiter in the 1st house person.

Anyway, this is my homework for this year, check it.

April 23
- 23rd birthday

April 26 - Exact transit Uranus/Saturn opposition at 28 deg pisces, conjunct Ascendant at 28 deg pisces & DSC at 28 deg Virgo

May 27 - Transiting Uranus entered Aries, conjunct natal 0 deg Aries Venus

June - Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 0 deg Aries, conjunct natal 0 deg Aries Venus

July 7 - Progressed moon enter Capricorn

July 21 - Saturn opposes natal 0 deg Aries Venus

the conjunction opposes my 1 deg libra sun/moon midpoint, and sextiles my NN by 4deg orb and venus 2 deg orb......and conjuncts my dad's sun.

Will be watching to see what happens, as sat conjuncts my sun/moon MP

I was just looking at this conjunction this morning ... it'll make a trine to my natal Neptune which sits at 0Sag19 ... so with the conjunction at 0Ari17 almost exact.

It'll occur very late in my 11th house so that would suggest friends or wider social groups; but who knows how that will play out. My social groups have become rather restricted over the years that Uranus has transited my 11th.
When I looked at this conjunction, I felt highly liberated and happy. My Venus is at 0 deg Aries, and not only that, my Ascendant is 2 deg earlier in Pisces.

Could be interesting ... with Uranus transiting your Ascendent in May that is typically about wanting to reorganise or break free from the ties of (existing) relationships.

Both Uranus and Jupiter like their freedom and not being constrained, Venus is about closeness. Happening in Aries could result in a bit of a push-pull relationship ...
By progression of the Sun, the natal Uranus/Jupiter/Chiron/Sun Learning Triangle becomes a Temporary Boomerang......activated by squares to Nuranus+Njupiter from T Jupiter/Uranus/Saturn and to Nsun+Nchiron by TMars...(although Nsun+Nchiron are favourably aspected by TJupiter/Uranus/Saturn and Njupiter+Nuranus are favourably aspected by TMars).

Looks like a significant conflict with Authority that will aid me in overcoming my Chiron wound...So, somebody with a great deal of clout will be giving me an astrological "thick ear" for not having learned something which I should have done by now:crying:


Just learned about Learning Triangles, thank you!

On 7th June, my progressed Sun/Lillith at 1 degree Pisces will be opposed by transiting Mars/conjuncted by tr Chiron, while being semi-sextiled by Uranus/Jupiter. Is that a Learning Triangle?

:surprised: bites nails about my progressed Sun/Lilith!
Undecided what this energy is all about.

Uranus = unexpected, enlightnment
Jupiter = expansion, spirituality

Transiting Mars is also forming a quincunx with them on 7th June.
Transiting Chiron is also at 0 degree of Pisces, forming opposition to the tr Mars. That in itself looks interesting, Mars = action, aggression opposing Chiron - wound, healer, teacher.

My Juno is at 29 degree of Pisces, my first instinct would be a seperation in a relationship, or, a sudden marriage! Mars inconjuncting it could show a need for me to make some sort of adjustment in my relationship, maybe examining any possible wounding (Chiron, also semi-sextile Juno) in that area too. I'm concerned a bit as the relationship I am in has Chiron opposite Mars/Uranus in the composite. It may well bring up issues for us to deal with :unsure:

Looking closer I see my Juno is the apex of a yod now formed with my natal Uranus in sextile with the transiting Mars on 7th June. Something sudden seems afoot!

Transiting Ceres will also be at 0 degree of Capricorn, so square to the Uranus/Jupiter. Perhaps issues with nurturing will come into play.

Thanks for raising this, very interesting to examine. :)

Ah, this is so interesting. I wasn't aware of cere (rx now??) and chiron. Basically I will have a ceres return (hm) and I natally have Mars conjunct chiron, so this could be interesting. In terms of Juno.. I am just not so good in the love department right now, haha. Anyway, good luck with the transit, let me know what happens when Uranus meets Juno.
Could be interesting ... with Uranus transiting your Ascendent in May that is typically about wanting to reorganise or break free from the ties of (existing) relationships.

Both Uranus and Jupiter like their freedom and not being constrained, Venus is about closeness. Happening in Aries could result in a bit of a push-pull relationship ...

yes, one thing clear is that I want to non commital jobs right now, and I can't explain why! :)
...On 7th June, my progressed Sun/Lillith at 1 degree Pisces will be opposed by transiting Mars/conjuncted by tr Chiron, while being semi-sextiled by Uranus/Jupiter. Is that a Learning Triangle?
Yes, NR......although the amount of time you have to learn will be limited by the length of the Mars transit.....(whereas a natal configuration lasts a lifetime).

The Psun/lilith+Tchiron opposition to Tmars creates a (Pisces/Virgo) "contradiction"...and the semi-sextile/qcx to Turanus/jupiter will "nag" you to resolve/understand it through objective thinking...But, since you'll only have a few days of this experience, I'd focus on learning how to reconcile the Pisces/9th Sun and Virgo/3rd Mars qualities.

[My guess is that this will be about translating idealistic beliefs into practical action......For example, doing something to help a neighbour in need rather than "feeling bad about their misfortune".]

On a generational level, perhaps we should bear in mind that this conjunction marks the end of the Aquarius Jupiter/Uranus cycle that began in February 1997...[resulting in the "preacher/teacher" Jupiter bestowing good fortune on those with the Uranus in Aquarius "common touch"/understanding of the public......Hence the success of Tony Blair, Simon Cowell and "reality tv" over the last 14 years]...

...and the start of Jupiter's journey to reward the "go-getters/doers/self-made individuals" that Uranus in Aries epitomises.

Hi EJ ... that's an interesting point you make. Life was very, very different in 1997.

Can this have an effect for individuals? It was about that time in my life that I started wanting to move away from my established career and do something different. That conjunction did take place in my Equal house 10th.

I'm still waiting to get to that new career. Can this cycle affect me individually (whether it's by giving up, changing direction or finally succeeding) or is that purely down to my own transits/chart?
Yes, NR......although the amount of time you have to learn will be limited by the length of the Mars transit.....(whereas a natal configuration lasts a lifetime).

The Psun/lilith+Tchiron opposition to Tmars creates a (Pisces/Virgo) "contradiction"...and the semi-sextile/qcx to Turanus/jupiter will "nag" you to resolve/understand it through objective thinking...But, since you'll only have a few days of this experience, I'd focus on learning how to reconcile the Pisces/9th Sun and Virgo/3rd Mars qualities.

[My guess is that this will be about translating idealistic beliefs into practical action......For example, doing something to help a neighbour in need rather than "feeling bad about their misfortune".]


Ah I see, thanks EJ for explaining and helping me to understand that!

I see, so transiting Mars quincx transiting Jup/Ura will be creating an uneasy, nagging energy for us all anyways, to do with Aries go-getting energy, and also Arian Virgo qualities of health, service, work...

Maybe I'll see a sudden, clear way how to be of service to others (tr Mars in pr 7th house), like you said actuallly doing something. :smile:
WTY, that looks like an interesting time for you also, affecting your ascendant/descendant/Venus... it does sound like a liberating time, like a breath of fresh air!

I feel quite optimistic about this summer, something special about those two planets meeting at the 0 degrees Aries point.

I'll keep you posted about the Juno, really no idea what to expect, but thats the best way to be with Uranus I've found.
...Can this have an effect for individuals? It was about that time in my life that I started wanting to move away from my established career and do something different. That conjunction did take place in my Equal house 10th.
The conjunction was at Aquarius 5.55 degrees, IOO......trining your Saturn in Gemini/2nd?

It was conjunct Tony Blair's NN and trine his Mars (on Ascendant) in Gemini/12th......For Simon Cowell, it trined Libra NN; sextiled Neptune in Scorpio and was qcx his Venus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo......So, I'd expect it to personally affect anyone whose natal planets/points are in close aspect to the conjunction degree.

I'm still waiting to get to that new career. Can this cycle affect me individually...
This one takes place in your 12th house; is qcx your Sun; opposes Pluto but trines your Neptune/Jupiter conjunction, in 7th house (ruled by Pluto in Virgo/6th, and kept there by dispositor Mercury).....So it's definitely related to work, but might involve an "inspirational partnership".

[The hard part is figuring out what this "Uranus in Aries" is wanting to awaken us to......My guess is that it's about not overlooking the talent/unique contribution of society's non-conformists/pioneers because they have personalities that are difficult to get on with......Those who courageously "plow their own furrow" despite social rejection may be rewarded by this Jupiter cycle......(Susan Boyle, for example)]

[Edit/correction : Jupiter/Uranus turn retrograde after the Aries conjunction, making their final conjunction at 27+ degrees Pisces on 4 the January 2010......So, the hard part will actually be figuring out what Uranus in Pisces means.]

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The conjunction was at Aquarius 5.55 degrees, IOO......trining your Saturn in Gemini/2nd?

This one takes place in your 12th house; opposes Pluto but trines your Neptune/Jupiter conjunction, in 7th house (ruled by Pluto in Virgo/6th, and kept there by dispositor Mercury).....So it's definitely related to work, but might involve an "inspirational partnership".

Thanks EJ ... appreciate your thoughts.

I really don't have a clue these days what life holds for me any more at work or play. I've given up trying to plan anything, and just take it day-by-day. A large part of that probably being due to Neptune's current influence and its travels through my 10th house.

Very different from where I was in the past when I always knew what my hopes and dreams were; when I always had a plan. Perhaps that is why I feel so unsettled with life and even when things are good have a scratch to itch because I feel something is missing. Perhaps that's the Uranus-MH square.
The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will be squaring my natal 4th-house Sun(29-54 Gemini, so that's within just a few seconds really)from the 1st house since I have a very large 1st house that has both Pisces, and the first 15 degrees of Aries in there. I've read elsewhere that when tr. Uranus makes challenging aspects to the Sun to be very careful of accidents - ugh! Actually way back in early '87, when tr. Uranus was in my 10th house and opposing my Sun, my husband and I were in a car wreck just 40 miles away from our home on our way home from our honeymoon. We were extremely fortunate that neither of us was hurt - just shaken up, and we used our last $100 to be towed home. At present we are very happily living in San Francisco once again(for the last 3.5 years. On the other hand, I know that something very exciting could also happen with Jupiter-Uranus combo, but I'm a bit worried about that square to the Sun, even though I know that transits just suggest possible energies at work. During the collective Jupiter-Uranus trine that happened in later '06, that's when we got the amazing, out of the blue opportunity to return to the city we loved and lived before. Before we got that really lucky break(too long of a story)we were kind of stuck.
I've attached my chart for June 8, 2010 if anyone wants to take a peek - thanks!


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Jupiter-uranus quintile tightly my moon in the 7th (juno is also transiting the 7th at this time). It quintiles my venus tightly in 2nd, trines my AC, but inconjuncts my natal Uranus in the 11th. It's traveling through my 4th house.
Cara4art, I have Gemini Sun at 22'28 and Uranus went through a square of this but from the 12th house. I had several upsets I must admit. I am sure I have mentioned them. But knowing Uranus was close in Square when I noticed mars or the moon aspecting with Uranus I was more cautious on the road.

Your sun is familiar with this energy as sun is conjunct Uranus but I see it is in your first increasing the possibility of health issues.

In a way you have experienced this in another sense so to speak as Uranus has squared your natal Uranus conjunct Sun. I should say whatever you observed will be expanded with Jupiter and Uranus bearing down exact on the sun instead of buffering through Uranus.