I normally use 1 degree on transits for "cold" readings, but it depends on the sensitivity of the individual to the planetary influences......So I'd expect 3 degrees to be potentially valid for people who are studying astrology, like ourselves.
We can use the Tony Blair/Simon Cowell examples to get some pointers about that....
...TB has NN in aquarius/10th (government) and Mars in Gemini/12th (spiritual growth)......So the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (on his NN and trining Mars) saw him become the UK Prime Minister and rewarded him with "spiritual growth"...
...SC has NN in Libra/7th (intimate partnerships), money planets Venus/Pluto in Virgo/6th and and (unlimited) Neptune in Scorpio/8th (financial gain through others)......So, the "love affair" between him and the public has enabled him to become very wealthy through his everyday work.
Thus, in your case Vista, Aries Ascendant marks you as a "poster child" for the Uranus in Aries message...money planet Venus in money house 8th indicates financial rewards...and NN in 5th highlights the kind of activity that will be rewarded......[For example, these would be excellent indicators for someone providing (5th house) Adventure Holidays that revealed the individuality/particular talents of "problem children".]
I don't use Juno, Vista......but this link explains it for me :-