Uranus + Jupiter Conjunction at 0 Deg Aries in June 2010!

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I looked at my natal chart and the only thing I could see was Uranus/Jupiter squares my sun/merc midpoint...hmmm:)
And Uranus/Jupiter will square progressed Saturn....in the 9th as it retrograded to that house...hmmmm:(
But I have loads of fun anyway as my solar return is on the 13th of June and my Venus return on the 20th. The pair are in both so ....lovely:) :( I hope.
"Your sun is familiar with this energy as sun is conjunct Uranus but I see it is in your first increasing the possibility of health issues.

In a way you have experienced this in another sense so to speak as Uranus has squared your natal Uranus conjunct Sun. I should say whatever you observed will be expanded with Jupiter and Uranus bearing down exact on the sun instead of buffering through Uranus."

Oh I hope not, with health issues! I'm very healthy now and work very hard to keep it that way, with a solid very clean diet(mostly raw vegetarian) and fitness program, low-stress lifestyle, and preventative maintenance with acupuncture and herbs. I've been on this track for a very long time too, over the course of decades in fact. But maybe things will suddenly get even better instead of a sudden turn for the worse - at least I'd like to hope so. Or since my Sun rules my 6th, a sudden development regarding work instead of health. My husband and I are very happily as apartment managers here in San Francisco - otherwise we would not be able to live here in this very expensive housing market. Since we live simply and frugally, we live very well here on not a whole lot of money.
Oddly enough, I didn't really notice that much of a difference with Uranus squaring Uranus, other than that I'm increasingly "different" and don't want to compromise as far as having to hang around people I really have nothing in common with. I've seen other interpretations of tr. Uranus squaring Uranus having to do with retirement, but since I work privately at home as an artist I don't consider myself retired as such as artists never really retire - we just switch media, or maybe not engage in marketing of work(where I am now, for a number of years). I'm free to do what I want without pressure(my watercolors and digital painting), thank goodness!
Maybe the above fills in what's going on, and might influence your take on this - thanks!
This is gonna be very interesting stuff...I will be facing my 21st year Uranus square Uranus and Jupiter will be squaring my natal Uranus. Since Jupiter and Uranus will be sitting on my 2nd, does that mean new ways of making or a change in my values? Uranus will move into my 3rd around 2013 or so and at the time it will already be trining my Venus and Mars, along with squaring my Mercury. Anyway, Mars in Virgo will still be sitting on my 7th, but what worries is the Solar Eclipse on my sign...hmm, the Cardinals do have a lot of business lately, don't they?
...Perhaps that's the Uranus-MH square.
The Uranus transit of Pmercury/Nvenus/Nmoon/nsun/Njupiter/Npluto, IOO?

The last Jupiter/Uranus conjunction used Saturn to trigger your Natal Tsquares...and the June 2010 conjunction uses Neptune to do so again......Maybe Uranus is unsettling you now to make you more inclined to take a risk that (astrologically) you should have taken in 1997...

....(That Neptune/Chiron transit has been consistently presenting me with lessons from the past that I didn't fully understand at the time...so it may be doing the same for you.)

The conjunction was at Aquarius 5.55 degrees, IOO......trining your Saturn in Gemini/2nd?

It was conjunct Tony Blair's NN and trine his Mars (on Ascendant) in Gemini/12th......For Simon Cowell, it trined Libra NN; sextiled Neptune in Scorpio and was qcx his Venus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo......So, I'd expect it to personally affect anyone whose natal planets/points are in close aspect to the conjunction degree.

This one takes place in your 12th house; opposes Pluto but trines your Neptune/Jupiter conjunction, in 7th house (ruled by Pluto in Virgo/6th, and kept there by dispositor Mercury).....So it's definitely related to work, but might involve an "inspirational partnership".

[The hard part is figuring out what this "Uranus in Aries" is wanting to awaken us to......My guess is that it's about not overlooking the talent/unique contribution of society's non-conformists/pioneers because they have personalities that are difficult to get on with......Those who courageously "plow their own furrow" despite social rejection may be rewarded by this Jupiter cycle......(Susan Boyle, for example)]


Any thoughts on what the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction activating my natal grand trine of Aries ASC, Venus 8th H, and North Node in the 5th? I haven't paid much attention to T aspects to North node before. How large of an orb would you use, the same as any other transit, about 2 degrees?

Also, does Juno represent relationships? I have seen it mentioned in this context before and was wondering. Haven't done a lot of work with the astroids other than POF, so I am curious. I always assumed it had to do with whatever house it was in natally.

The Uranus transit of Pmercury/Nvenus/Nmoon/nsun/Njupiter/Npluto, IOO?

I was thinking of the natal Uranus-MH square in terms of feeling itchy with nothing much happening in life. But I can't really see myself having the get up and go to do anything this time around.

The last Jupiter/Uranus conjunction used Saturn to trigger your Natal Tsquares...and the June 2010 conjunction uses Neptune to do so again......Maybe Uranus is unsettling you now to make you more inclined to take a risk that (astrologically) you should have taken in 1997...

Could it be the other way round? Back in 1997 I had a good low risk plan. It really was as good as I could have wanted and went well.

If I make a change now it will feel much more risky; partly I suppose because of the general financial climate but also because I'm older and have more responsibilities these days.

....(That Neptune/Chiron transit has been consistently presenting me with lessons from the past that I didn't fully understand at the time...so it may be doing the same for you.)

I wouldn't specifically call them lessons from the past, but I've certainly been learning things recently that I've avoided this far in my life. Mostly confrontations, facing up to life and people which are definitely a good Neptunian representation.
...I haven't paid much attention to T aspects to North node before. How large of an orb would you use, the same as any other transit, about 2 degrees?
I normally use 1 degree on transits for "cold" readings, but it depends on the sensitivity of the individual to the planetary influences......So I'd expect 3 degrees to be potentially valid for people who are studying astrology, like ourselves.

...Any thoughts on what the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction activating my natal grand trine of Aries ASC, Venus 8th H, and North Node in the 5th?
We can use the Tony Blair/Simon Cowell examples to get some pointers about that....
...TB has NN in aquarius/10th (government) and Mars in Gemini/12th (spiritual growth)......So the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (on his NN and trining Mars) saw him become the UK Prime Minister and rewarded him with "spiritual growth"...
...SC has NN in Libra/7th (intimate partnerships), money planets Venus/Pluto in Virgo/6th and and (unlimited) Neptune in Scorpio/8th (financial gain through others)......So, the "love affair" between him and the public has enabled him to become very wealthy through his everyday work.

Thus, in your case Vista, Aries Ascendant marks you as a "poster child" for the Uranus in Aries* message...money planet Venus in money house 8th indicates financial rewards...and NN in 5th highlights the kind of activity that will be rewarded......[For example, these would be excellent indicators for someone providing (5th house) Adventure Holidays that revealed the individuality/particular talents of "problem children".]

(*Edit/correction :- Jupiter/Uranus turn retrograde after the Aries conjunction, making their final forward conjunction at 27+degrees Pisces on 4th January 2011...So Uranus in Pisces will be the "message", rather than Uranus in Aries.]

...Also, does Juno represent relationships? I have seen it mentioned in this context before and was wondering. Haven't done a lot of work with the astroids other than POF, so I am curious. I always assumed it had to do with whatever house it was in natally.
I don't use Juno, Vista......but this link explains it for me :-

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...I can't really see myself having the get up and go to do anything this time around....Back in 1997 I had a good low risk plan...If I make a change now it will feel much more risky; partly I suppose because of the general financial climate but also because I'm older and have more responsibilities these days.
Life begins at 40, IOO...though you might not realise that until after Christmas 2014, when Turanus finally moves on from it's opposition with your Nuranus.

The last Saturn/Uranus conjunction before your birth was at 29 degrees Taurus in May 1942, and the next/last one was at 28 Sagittarius in October 1988......So, you have been strongly "impressed" (by the hard Saturn taskmaster) with the Uranus in Taurus message of "financial security provides freedom"......and Saturn is not yet half-way towards modifying it with the Uranus in Sagittarius concept of "universal freedom" (epitomised in the 1995 film Braveheart)......So, the latter is poised to "unexpectedly inspire" your natal sun/moon/venus/jupiter/pluto/neptune.

...I've certainly been learning things recently that I've avoided this far in my life. Mostly confrontations, facing up to life and people which are definitely a good Neptunian representation.
The message of Uranus in Aries may be to confront/face up to life and oppose Neptune/Pisces negativity...and that of Uranus in Pisces will certainly involve the positive characteristics of this sign.

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I normally use 1 degree on transits for "cold" readings, but it depends on the sensitivity of the individual to the planetary influences......So I'd expect 3 degrees to be potentially valid for people who are studying astrology, like ourselves.

We can use the Tony Blair/Simon Cowell examples to get some pointers about that....
...TB has NN in aquarius/10th (government) and Mars in Gemini/12th (spiritual growth)......So the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (on his NN and trining Mars) saw him become the UK Prime Minister and rewarded him with "spiritual growth"...
...SC has NN in Libra/7th (intimate partnerships), money planets Venus/Pluto in Virgo/6th and and (unlimited) Neptune in Scorpio/8th (financial gain through others)......So, the "love affair" between him and the public has enabled him to become very wealthy through his everyday work.

Thus, in your case Vista, Aries Ascendant marks you as a "poster child" for the Uranus in Aries message...money planet Venus in money house 8th indicates financial rewards...and NN in 5th highlights the kind of activity that will be rewarded......[For example, these would be excellent indicators for someone providing (5th house) Adventure Holidays that revealed the individuality/particular talents of "problem children".]

I don't use Juno, Vista......but this link explains it for me :-


Hi EJ,
Thank you for taking so much time to explain things. I will have to check out TB and SC charts. I just noticed that at the same time as the T Uranus/Jupiter conjunction with be activating my natal Venus, NN, ASC grand trine, it will oppose my Part of Fortune as POF is opposing my ASC natally. Interesting...
I think what is interesting about this upcoming Uranus-Jupiter conjunction is that it happens right after Uranus-Saturn opposition.

In my chart, Saturn is over Sun/Mars/Pluto stellium, opposed by Uranus-Jupiter. At the same time Pluto square Pluto. I am going through a major life change. It was sudden, harsh, loaded me with responsibilities and in some sense liberated me. Will see what Jupiter brings to the mix. Hopefully something good.