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A Uranus return is when Uranus returns to the position it holds in your natal chart. Most people don't live to see their Uranus return, but a lot do. For example, Sir Isaac Newton.
Newton was born on 4 Jan 1643 (Gregorian Calendar), at which time Uranus was at 15 Scorpio 40. It returned to this position (in the tropical zodiac) about 84 years later. Actually it came to occupy that exact position three times, due to regression. The first time was 9 Dec 1726, and the second time was 7 May 1727. Newton died 31 Mar 1727, after the first but before the second. Since he was alive at the time of the first, Newton lived to see his Uranus return.
This is shown graphically thus:
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Isaac Newton's Uranus Transits
In heliocentric astrology a planet is never retrograde, and so Uranus returns to the natal position only once. In Newton's heliocentric natal chart the position of Uranus is 18 Scorpio 5. Uranus returns to this position on 6 Jan 1727, as shown below:
Thus Newton lived to see his Uranus return according to heliocentric astrology as well as geocentric.
(There's a problem with the IMG tag after an edit/save.)
Newton was born on 4 Jan 1643 (Gregorian Calendar), at which time Uranus was at 15 Scorpio 40. It returned to this position (in the tropical zodiac) about 84 years later. Actually it came to occupy that exact position three times, due to regression. The first time was 9 Dec 1726, and the second time was 7 May 1727. Newton died 31 Mar 1727, after the first but before the second. Since he was alive at the time of the first, Newton lived to see his Uranus return.
This is shown graphically thus:

This image is at:
Isaac Newton's Uranus Transits
In heliocentric astrology a planet is never retrograde, and so Uranus returns to the natal position only once. In Newton's heliocentric natal chart the position of Uranus is 18 Scorpio 5. Uranus returns to this position on 6 Jan 1727, as shown below:

Thus Newton lived to see his Uranus return according to heliocentric astrology as well as geocentric.
(There's a problem with the IMG tag after an edit/save.)
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